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Test Coverage
## [0.4.5]( (2018-08-31)

## [0.4.4]( (2018-08-14)

### Bug Fixes

* **SequentialEvent.Emit:** Copy handlers array on event emission ([fe7e727](

## [0.4.3]( (2018-05-20)

## [0.4.2]( (2018-05-20)

<a name="0.4.1"></a>
## [0.4.1]( (2018-02-22)

### Bug Fixes

* **interfaces.ts:** Interfaces were not correctly exported, fixed now. ([ce8a0ea](

<a name="0.4.0"></a>
# [0.4.0]( (2018-01-29)

### Features

* **SequentialEvent:** Added has/hasEvent method ([4b6231e](

<a name="0.3.1"></a>
## [0.3.1]( (2017-10-30)

<a name="0.3.0"></a>
# [0.3.0]( (2017-10-30)

<a name="0.2.0"></a>
# [0.2.0]( (2017-10-17)

* Rewrite code highly inspired from [uEvent](

### Bug Fixes

* *once* add to the same events list than *on*, but deregister event after first call

<a name="0.2.0-rc.1"></a>
# [0.2.0-rc.1]( (2017-10-17)

<a name="0.1.3"></a>
## [0.1.3]( (2017-10-12)

* Cleaned useless files
* Improved build scripts

<a name="0.1.2"></a>
## [0.1.2]( (2017-10-12)

* Updated dependencies
* Added code checks with [CodeClimate]( & dependencies security checks with [Gemnasium](

<a name="0.1.1"></a>
## [0.1.1]( (2017-10-03)

* Emitting an unknown event now return a Promise resolved immediatly, instead of the boolean `false`.

<a name="0.1.0"></a>
# [0.1.0]( (2017-07-25)

* Initial release.