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# sequential-event

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> **See the API documentation on [](**

This library is a variation of standard event emitters. Handlers are executed
sequentialy, and may return **Promises** if it executes asynchronous code.

For usage in the browser, use the files in the `dist` directory

## Example usage

const SequentialEvent = require( 'sequential-event' );

function sampleTime( startTime ) {
    return new Date().getTime() - startTime;
const eventEmitter = new SequentialEvent();

// We create a new array with a new timer
eventEmitter.on( 'retime', startTime => {
    return [ sampleTime( startTime ) ];
// We wait 100ms and we re-time
eventEmitter.on( 'retime', ( startTime, timers ) => {
    // This operation is async, so we return a Promise that will be resolved
    // with the timers array
    return new Promise(( resolve ) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            timers.push( sampleTime( startTime ));
            return resolve( timers );
        }, 100 );
// We re-take a sample immediatly
eventEmitter.on( 'retime', ( startTime, timers ) => {
    // This operation is sync, so we can return our timers array directly
    timers.push( sampleTime( startTime ));
    return timers;

    // Emit our retime event with the current date
    .emit( 'retime', new Date().getTime())
    // Log normaly if everything is OK, or log with error
    .then( timers => console.log( timers ))
    .catch( err => console.error( err ));

Here is an example of output of this code:

> [ 1, 109, 109 ]

You can see that each `on` handlers are executed sequentially, after the end of
the previous handler.

## API

### emit

Triggers all listeners of the provided events, spraying `params` to each
callbacks. Returned or resolved values from callbacks (if returning a
`Promise`) are passed as last parameter of the next callback function.


> emit(*string* `eventName`[, *...any* `params`]) => *Promise(any)*

### off

Remove callbacks from events.


> off(*object* `events` ) => *this*

// Remove all listeners;
// Remove all listeners on 'eventFoo' 'eventFoo' );
// Remove `cb` from 'eventFoo' 'eventFoo', cb );
// Remove `cbFoo` from 'event1' and `cbBar` from 'event2'{
    event1: cbFoo,
    event2: cbBar,

### once

Bind callbacks to specified events. The callback will be executable a single
time for each event.


> once(*string* `eventName`, *function* `callback`) => *this*
> once(*object* `events` ) => *this*

// Attach the same callback to `event1` & `event2`. `event1` callback may be
// executed a single time, as `event2`.
eventListener.once( 'event1 event2', () => Promise.resolve( 'foo' ));
// Bind a callback that returns 'foo' on `event1`, and 'bar' on `event2`. Both
// will be run a single time.
    event1: () => Promise.resolve( 'foo' ),
    event2: () => Promise.resolve( 'bar' ),

### on

Attach callbacks to specified events.


> on(*string* `eventName`, *function* `callback`) => *this*
> on(*object* `events` ) => *this*

// Attach the same callback to `event1` & `event2`
eventListener.on( 'event1 event2', () => Promise.resolve( 'foo' ));
// Bind a callback that returns 'foo' on `event1`, and 'bar' on `event2`{
    event1: () => Promise.resolve( 'foo' ),
    event2: () => Promise.resolve( 'bar' ),

## Compatibility

This package can run on:

* Node `>=` 6.0.0
* Most modern browsers

### NPM scripts

 - `npm t`: Run test suite
 - `npm start`: Run `npm run build` in watch mode
 - `npm run test:watch`: Run test suite in [interactive watch mode](
 - `npm run test:prod`: Run linting and generate coverage
 - `npm run build`: Generate bundles and typings, create docs
 - `npm run lint`: Lints code
 - `npm run commit`: Commit using conventional commit style ([husky]( will tell you to use it if you haven't :wink:)