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namespace Drupal\datastore\Service;

use CsvParser\Parser\Csv;
use Drupal\common\DataResource;
use Drupal\common\EventDispatcherTrait;
use Drupal\datastore\Plugin\QueueWorker\ImportJob;
use Drupal\datastore\Storage\DatabaseTable;
use Drupal\datastore\Storage\DatabaseTableFactory;
use Drupal\datastore\Storage\ImportJobStoreFactory;
use Procrastinator\Result;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * Datastore importer.
 * @todo This class has state and is not actually a service because it holds
 *   state. Have import() take an argument of a resource, instead of storing it
 *   as a property.
class ImportService {

  use EventDispatcherTrait;

   * Event name used when configuring the parser during import.
   * @var string
  public const EVENT_CONFIGURE_PARSER = 'dkan_datastore_import_configure_parser';

   * Time-limit used for standard import service.
   * @var int
  protected const DEFAULT_TIMELIMIT = 50;

   * The qualified class name of the importer to use.
   * @var \Procrastinator\Job\AbstractPersistentJob
  private $importerClass = ImportJob::class;

   * The DKAN Resource to import.
   * @var \Drupal\common\DataResource|null
  private ?DataResource $resource;

   * The jobstore factory service.
   * @var \Drupal\datastore\Storage\ImportJobStoreFactory
  private ImportJobStoreFactory $importJobStoreFactory;

   * Database table factory service.
   * @var \Drupal\datastore\Storage\DatabaseTableFactory
  private DatabaseTableFactory $databaseTableFactory;

   * Import job for the current import.
   * Access using self::getImporter().
   * @var \Drupal\datastore\Plugin\QueueWorker\ImportJob|null
   * @see self::getImporter()
  private ?ImportJob $importJob = NULL;

   * Logger channel service.
   * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
  private LoggerInterface $logger;

   * Create a resource service instance.
   * @param \Drupal\common\DataResource $resource
   *   DKAN Resource.
   * @param \Drupal\datastore\Storage\ImportJobStoreFactory $importJobStoreFactory
   *   Import jobstore factory.
   * @param \Drupal\datastore\Storage\DatabaseTableFactory $databaseTableFactory
   *   Database Table factory.
   * @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $loggerChannel
   *   DKAN logger channel service.
  public function __construct(
    DataResource $resource,
    ImportJobStoreFactory $importJobStoreFactory,
    DatabaseTableFactory $databaseTableFactory,
    LoggerInterface $loggerChannel
  ) {
    $this->resource = $resource;
    $this->importJobStoreFactory = $importJobStoreFactory;
    $this->databaseTableFactory = $databaseTableFactory;
    $this->logger = $loggerChannel;

   * Setter.
  public function setImporterClass($className) {
    $this->importerClass = $className;

   * Get DKAN resource.
   * @return \Drupal\common\DataResource
   *   DKAN Resource.
  protected function getResource(): DataResource {
    return $this->resource;

   * Import.
  public function import() {
    $result = $this->getImporter()->run();

    if ($result->getStatus() === Result::ERROR) {
      $datastore_resource = $this->getResource()->getDatastoreResource();
      $this->logger->error('Error importing resource id:%id path:%path message:%message', [
        '%id' => $datastore_resource->getId(),
        '%path' => $datastore_resource->getFilePath(),
        '%message' => $result->getError(),
    // If the import job finished successfully...
    // @todo This should be an event that is emitted, and then processed
    //   elsewhere.
    elseif ($result->getStatus() === Result::DONE) {
      // Queue the imported resource for post-import processing.
      $post_import_queue = \Drupal::service('queue')->get('post_import');

   * Build an Importer.
   * @return \Drupal\datastore\Plugin\QueueWorker\ImportJob
   *   Importer.
   * @throws \Exception
   *   Throws exception if we cannot create a valid importer object.
  public function getImporter(): ImportJob {
    if ($this->importJob ?? FALSE) {
      return $this->importJob;
    $datastore_resource = $this->getResource()->getDatastoreResource();

    $delimiter = ",";
    if ($datastore_resource->getMimeType() == 'text/tab-separated-values') {
      $delimiter = "\t";

    $this->importJob = call_user_func([$this->importerClass, 'get'],
        "storage" => $this->getStorage(),
        "parser" => $this->getNonRecordingParser($delimiter),
        "resource" => $datastore_resource,


    return $this->importJob;

   * Create a non-recording parser.
   * When processing chunk size was increased to boost performance, the state
   * machine's default behavior to record every execution steps caused out of
   * memory errors. Stopping the machine's recording addresses this.
   * @param string $delimiter
   *   Delimiter character.
   * @return \CsvParser\Parser\Csv
   *   A parser which does not keep track of every execution steps.
  private function getNonRecordingParser(string $delimiter) : Csv {
    $parserConfiguration = [
      'delimiter' => $delimiter,
      'quote' => '"',
      'escape' => "\\",
      'record_end' => ["\n", "\r"],

    $parserConfiguration = $this->dispatchEvent(self::EVENT_CONFIGURE_PARSER, $parserConfiguration);

    $parser = Csv::getParser($parserConfiguration['delimiter'], $parserConfiguration['quote'], $parserConfiguration['escape'], $parserConfiguration['record_end']);
    return $parser;

   * Build a database table storage object.
   * @return \Drupal\datastore\Storage\DatabaseTable
   *   DatabaseTable storage object.
  public function getStorage(): DatabaseTable {
    $datastore_resource = $this->getResource()->getDatastoreResource();
    return $this->databaseTableFactory->getInstance($datastore_resource->getId(), ['resource' => $datastore_resource]);
