
Test Coverage
### v1.13.2
*  FIX (edit)[#277]: fix snipped description in edit mode on web app [View](

### v1.13.0
*  Create snapcraft.yaml [View](
*  FIX (login)[#276]: show needed permission above login with token to help generating token [View](
*  FIX (shortcuts)[#274]: use ctrl instead of Win key under windows, closes #274 [View](
*  FIX (snippet)[#275]: add 'Duplicate' into snippet menu to allow to create a copy of the snippet, closes #275 [View](

### v1.12.14
*  DOCS (downloads): add portable [View](
*  CHORE (travis): update node version [View](
*  CHORE (travis): update script [View](
*  CHORE (travis): update script [View](
*  CHORE (travis): update script [View](
*  CHORE (travis): update script [View](
*  CHORE (travis): update script [View](
*  FIX (scope): OAuth scope for 'user' read/write may not needed anymore closes #269 [View](
*  FIX (tags): Crash when searching "c++" closes #270 [View](

### v1.12.13
*  v1.12.12 See changelog: [View](
*  DOCS (faq): update faq [View](

### v1.12.12
*  Update [View](
*  Update Downloads.js [View](
*  DOCS (snap): add snap install instructions [View](
*  FIX (snippet): remove title fade out truncation closes #259 [View](

### v1.12.11
*  FIX (log-in): fix layout and hover of buttons [View](

### v1.12.10
*  FIX (editor): allow to fit editor height to file content via settings | closes #258 [View](

### v1.12.9
*  FIX (snippets): save snippet, correct unsupported files filtering closes ##257 [View](

### v1.12.8
*  FIX (layout): small layout fixes [View](

### v1.12.7
*  FEATURE (snippet): open in external tool: closes #255 [View](

### v1.12.6
*  FIX (new snippet): screen ui tweaks closes #254 [View](

### v1.12.5
*  FIX (updaer): macos add user agent [View](

### v1.12.4
*  CHORE (lint): add lint-staged [View](
*  FIX (new snippet): Make the edit window larger, closes #254 [View](

### v1.12.3
*  FIX (layout + inputs): debounce inputs and fix layout glitch caused by chromium upstream [View](

### v1.12.2
*  FIX (new snippet): performance issues fixed #252 [View](

### v1.12.1

### v1.12.0
*  DOCS (install): add AUR install options [View](
*  FIX (new snippet): honor 'default language' setting for new snippets closes #250 [View](

### v1.11.3
*  Update [View](
*  Update [View](

### v1.11.3-beta.1
*  FEATURE (snippets order): allow setting order by field and direction from settings closes #249 [View](

### v1.11.3-beta.0
*  Update [View](
*  Update [View](
*  CHORE (build): cleanup [View](
*  FEATURE (esitor): add latex preview with katex [View](
*  FIX (router): use proper import instead of depricated [View](
*  FIX (UtilityIcon): sometime errors in case of click outside [View](
*  FEATURE (UI): add background to some app pages [View](

### v1.11.2

### v1.11.2-beta.1
*  CHORE (lint): fix lint and prettier [View](

### v1.11.2-beta.0
*  FIX (editor): map JSX and TSX syntax to javascript highlighter [View](
*  FIX (editor): load theme on app start [View](

### v1.11.1
*  FIX (editor): support syntax highlighting for PLpgSQL and PLSQL sql flavors [View](

### v1.11.1-beta.0
*  FIX (typography): add more charsets [View](
*  1.10.29-beta.2 [View](
*  FIX (dark mode): osx dark mode support partial implementation partial fix #247 [View](

### v1.11.0
*  FIX (typography): add more charsets [View](

### v1.10.29

### v1.10.29-beta.1
*  FEATURE (editor): add highlighting for Apex, Batch, F# and Razor [View](

### v1.10.29-beta.0
*  FIX (settings): allow notifications configurations [View](
*  FIX (tags/languages): ui inndication of not clickables [View](
*  FIX (update): add link to change log in update icon [View](

### v1.10.28
*  DOCS (update): packages [View](
*  FIX (editor): regression in new snippets editor when editor is always read only fixed #245 [View](

### v1.10.27

### v1.10.27-beta.2
*  FIX (update electron + editor): update electron and packages, register editor highlighting languages only once [View](

### v1.10.27-beta.1
*  DOCS (gatsby): fix gatsby build [View](
*  FIX (settings): add setting to enable extra languages highlights loading for editor issue #244 [View](

### v1.10.27-beta.0
*  FIX (create new): update Select and improve usability [View](

### v1.10.26
*  FIX (autoUpdater): correct version check [View](

### v1.10.25
*  FIX (oauth): oauth scope correct url [View](

### v1.10.24
*  FIX (oauth2): fix login with oauth2 on webapp closes #243 [View](

### v1.10.23
*  FIX (login): oauth [View](

### v1.10.22
*  FIX (check url): fix url checks [View](

### v1.10.21
*  FIX (new snippet): use react-dropdown-select to choose language [View](
*  FEATURE (new snippet): use react-dropdown-select for both tags and language closes #242 [View](
*  FIX (new snippet): tags and syntax highlighting layout [View](
*  FIX (notifications): Clipboard notifications failing closing #241 [View](
*  FIX (web): oauth on web [View](

### v1.10.21-beta.2
*  CHORE (size): reduce  bundle size + remove webpack merges [View](

### v1.10.21-beta.1
*  CHORE (size): reduce  bundle size + remove webpack merges [View](

### v1.10.21-beta.0
*  CHORE (packages): update packages [View](
*  CHORE (size): reduce  bundle size + remove webpack merges [View](

### v1.10.20

### v1.10.19
*  CHORE (typescript): move snippets selector to typescript [View](
*  FIX (crush): on history with non existing user and version check [View](

### v1.10.18
*  CHORE (typescript): convert Notification and Anchore to typescript [View](
*  FIX (typescript): make all Interfaces shared [View](
*  CHORE (type check): add ts type check to pre commit [View](
*  CLEANUP (babel): cleanup babel plugins [View](
*  CHORE (CI): update travis [View](
*  TEST (reducers+components): add more tests [View](
*  CHORE (ci): fix ci build [View](
*  FIX (web): workbox config remove globPatterns [View](

### v1.10.18-beta.3
*  CHORE (cleanup): remove unused [View](
*  CHORE (typescript): convert to typescript [View](

### v1.10.18-beta.2
*  FIX (icons): optimize size with svgo [View](

### v1.10.18-beta.1
*  FIX (app load): add service worker [View](
*  CHORE (readme): update readme [View](
*  CHORE (packages): update packages and service worker for web [View](
*  1.10.18-beta.0 [View](

### v1.10.18-beta.0
*  FIX (app load): add service worker [View](
*  CHORE (readme): update readme [View](
*  CHORE (packages): update packages and service worker for web [View](

### v1.10.17

### v1.10.17-beta.11
*  TOOLS (releases): fix beta releases functionality of appveyor builds, wrong config file [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.10
*  TOOLS (releases): fix beta releases functionality of appveyor builds, wrong config file [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.9
*  TOOLS (releases): fix beta releases functionality of appveyor builds, wrong config file [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.8
*  TOOLS (releases): add beta releases functionality to appveyor build [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.7
*  TOOLS (releases): add beta releases functionality to appveyor build [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.6
*  TOOLS (release): add beta releases as pre-releases on github [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.5
*  TOOLS (betas): support beta versions prerelease [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.4
*  FIX (updates): only check updates for latest stable release [View](
*  TOOLS (build): build site and docs on every commit [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.3
*  TOOLS (betas): support beta versions prerelease [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.2
*  TOOLS (betas): support beta versions prerelease [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.1
*  TOOLS (betas): support beta versions prerelease [View](

### v1.10.17-beta.0
*  CHORE (maintains): update packages [View](
*  TOOLS (betas): support beta versions prerelease [View](

### v1.10.16
*  CHORE (optimize load): use terser and reacr-loadable [View](

### v1.10.15
*  DOCS (site): host new site with docs alongside the app [View](
*  FEATURE (snippet): better UX to add new file to edit snippet [View](
*  FIX (edit snippet): some flow not saves changes [View](
*  DOCS (site): document create new snippet [View](

### v1.10.14
*  FEATURE (editor): allow sandboxed HTML preview [View](
*  FEAURE (settings): add control over files preview [View](
*  CHORE (packages): update packages to latest versions [View](
*  FEATURE (settings): add icon theme [View](
*  FIX (login): properly clear enterprize domain [View](
*  FIX (html): index html add meta [View](
*  FIX (middlewares): add moddlewares to aid development [View](
*  CHORE (packages): upgrade npm packages [View](
*  FIX (geojson): preview z-index [View](
*  FIX (editor): add word wrap settings [View](

### v1.10.13
*  FEATURE (editor): preview PDF + refactor file utils [View](
*  CHORE (constants): refactor names [View](
*  FEATURE (editor): support tsv files preview [View](
*  FIX (editor): react key in CSV renderer [View](
*  FEATURE (search): search by file names and content of accessed snippets [View](
*  DOCS (readme): update readme [View](

### v1.10.12
*  FIX (csv): missing key for iterated cell [View](
*  FEATURE (editor): geojson preview [View](
*  FIX (icon): windows icon not showing because of long app description [View](
*  FIX (editor): refactor for different file types with preview [View](
*  DOCS (readme): update readme with new features [View](

### v1.10.11
*  FIX (refactor): settings and theme [View](
*  FEATURE (new snippet): allow to select language per file from a list [View](
*  FEATURE (editor): preview for csv files [View](
*  FIX (editor): fix highlight [View](
*  FEATURE (snippets): copy description to clipboard [View](
*  FEATURE (new snippet): allow to set default language for new snippets [View](
*  FIX (buttons): wrong title [View](

### v1.10.10
*  FEATURE (contextmenu): add context menu (right click) to snippets list [View](
*  FIX (settings): add option to hide rate limit [View](
*  FIX (util icon): dropdown lists, only anchor is clickable [View](
*  CHORE (packages): update react-scrollpad [View](
*  CHORE (packages): update styled-components [View](
*  CHORE (packages): migrate to babel 7 [View](
*  FIX (dashboard): image files wrong listing and filtering [View](
*  FIX (icon): linux AppImage icon not showing [View](
*  FIX (snippet): very long title pushes icons out of snippet header viewport [View](

### v1.10.9
*  FIX (webapp): cache busting on new resource version [View](
*  FIX (title): app title [View](
*  FIX (editor): files with dual edit not collapsing [View](
*  FEATURE (snippets): polling for snippets created via GitHub inteface [View](
*  TESTS (actions+layput): add more tests [View](
*  FIX (title): remove version from title [View](

### v1.10.8
*  FEATURE (dashboard): add Large files and untagged tile for filter [View](
*  FIX (updater): handle update and ignore file/zip downloads progress [View](
*  FIX (tags): show file count on tags [View](
*  FEATURE (editor): new snippet side by side edit of .md and .adoc files [View](
*  FEATURE (rate limit): show github API rate limit indicator with reset time [View](
*  FIX (loading): loading indicator indicating if connection lost [View](

### v1.10.7
*  FEATURE (edit): add drag and drop files to edit snippets [View](
*  FIX (snippet): fix edit description tags gone if not editing and just saving [View](

### v1.10.6
*  FIX (editor): scroll remove transition delay [View](
*  FIX (title): app title [View](

### v1.10.5
*  FIX (title): app title on desktop and web [View](
*  FIX (desktop app): handle depricated event in future electron v3 [View](
*  Update issue templates [View](
*  Update issue templates [View](
*  FIX (search): add taglist to search for quicker navigation [View](
*  FIX (keybinding): change supeserch to cmd/ctl+f [View](
*  FEATURE (snippets): display image files uploaded via git (read only) [View](
*  FIX (tags): wrap long tags [View](
*  FIX (snippet): display file uploaded via git [View](
*  FIX (new snippet): better screen layout [View](
*  FIX (new snippet): move create new button [View](
*  FEATURE (search): display languages list near search [View](
*  FIX (IconUtil): fix clicking outside [View](

### v1.10.4
*  FIX (build): wrong resources loading during build [View](

### v1.10.3
*  TOOLS (webpack): reduce bundle size [View](
*  FIX (oauth2): log-in with oauth2 redirect 404 bacause wrong conf path [View](

### v1.10.2
*  FIX (updater): updater [View](
*  FIX (updater): prompt for install (experimental) [View](
*  FIX (main): add appId (for windows notifications) and protocol [View](
*  FIX (updater): windows [View](
*  FIX (updater): windows, macOs, linux [View](
*  FIX (updater): windows, macOs, linux [View](
*  FIX (ga): events [View](
*  TOOLS (build): optimize production build [View](
*  FIX (updater): wrong import type [View](

### v1.10.1
*  CHORE (analytics): add basic analytics [View](
*  TOOLS (ci): add node memory allocation [View](
*  TOOLS (ci): add node memory allocation and webpack clean [View](
*  FEATURE (seattings): defaults for new snippet, public or private [View](
*  FIX (ga): fix ga loading for web and electron [View](

### v1.10.0
*  FEATURE (snippet): add indication that snippet is a fork [View](
*  FEATURE (AsciiDoc): support for AsciiDoc files preview [View](
*  TEST (common): add more tests to common components [View](
*  CHORE (CI): appveyor [View](
*  CHORE (CI): appveyor [View](
*  FIX (snippet header): history icon size [View](
*  FIX (scrollbars): horizontal scrollbar size [View](
*  FIX (webapp): add favicon [View](
*  TOOLS (mimic): add mimic in development mode [View](
*  FEATURE (snippet): do not fetch if in cache and cache limit intact (100 sec by default) [View](
*  FIX (settings): add configuration for snippet cache before next fetch [View](
*  TEST (asciidoc): fix bad import [View](
*  DOCS (readme): update readme [View](

### v1.9.100
*  TOOLS (travis): fix linux docker bad variable [View](
*  FIX (changelog): remove bad release and azure pipeline [View](
*  FIX (API): make errors more informative [View](
*  FEATURE (snippet): add file collapse toggle [View](
*  FIX (snippet header): refactor and add "copy url to clibboard" [View](
*  FIX (Anchor): add hove states for better indication [View](
*  Update [View](
*  FIX (snippet): files collapse toggle for editor/markdown [View](
*  CHORE (update packages): update packages [View](
*  Revert "CHORE (update packages): update packages" [View](
*  v1.9.99 See changelog: [View](

### v1.9.99
*  TOOLS (travis): fix linux docker bad variable [View](
*  FIX (changelog): remove bad release and azure pipeline [View](
*  FIX (API): make errors more informative [View](
*  FEATURE (snippet): add file collapse toggle [View](
*  FIX (snippet header): refactor and add "copy url to clibboard" [View](
*  FIX (Anchor): add hove states for better indication [View](
*  Update [View](
*  FIX (snippet): files collapse toggle for editor/markdown [View](
*  CHORE (update packages): update packages [View](
*  Revert "CHORE (update packages): update packages" [View](

### v1.9.98
*  TOOLS (azure test): test azure pipeline [View](

### v1.9.97
*  TEST (snapshots): re-generate snapshots [View](
*  FIX (editor): editor syntax highlight not webpacket correctly, closes #221 [View](

### v1.9.96
*  TOOLS (ci): fix deploy [View](
*  FIX (icon): add option to be spin-able [View](
*  CHORE (packages): update packages and test snapshots [View](
*  TOOLS (webpack): optimize [View](
*  TEST (fix): fix failing test on linux because caseSentivity [View](
*  TEST (fix): fix failing test on linux because caseSentivity [View](
*  TEST (reducers): add more tests to snippets reduccer [View](
*  Set up CI with Azure Pipelines [View](
*  FEATURE (login): log-in by passing token to cli closes #183 [View](

### v1.9.95
*  TOOLS (ci): fix deploy [View](

### v1.9.94
*  TOOLS (travice): fix tagged deployments [View](

### v1.9.93
*  FIX (snippet): add delete file confimation [View](
*  FIX (snippet): add file name to delete file confimation [View](
*  TOOLS (travice): deploy conditions [View](
*  TOOLS (release): fix changelog URL [View](
*  FIX (mrkdown): emoji regex [View](
*  FIX (snippets): prepare snippet safe access [View](
*  FIX (dashboard): use react-scrollpad on dashboad scrollables [View](
*  CLEANUP (dashboard): clean-up unused code [View](
*  FEATURE (search): filter snippets by public, private, starred and untitled from dashboard [View](

### v1.9.92
*  TOOLS (travice): fix CNAME on travis-ci web app deploy [View](
*  CHORE (readme): update readme [View](
*  FIX (keybinding): show keybindings on ? [View](
*  FIX (update packages): update packages and fix proptypes [View](
*  FIX (props): fix proptypes [View](
*  FIX (dropdowns): fix dropdownds alignment [View](
*  FIX (API): header null checking [View](
*  FIX (snippet): privet/public icon on snippets side bar list [View](
*  FIX (snippet): snippet header layout [View](
*  TOOLS (sentry): add for webapp [View](

### v1.9.91
*  FIX (webpack): web app build [View](
*  TOOLD (web): add we deploy to travis-ci [View](

### v1.9.90
*  FIX (oauth): bad import breaking the app [View](

### v1.9.89
*  FIX (oauth): oauth on electron [View](

### v1.9.88
*  Intergate react router with redux [View](
*  FIX (new snippet): redirect with new action upon creating new snipper [View](
*  CLEANUP (routing): remove unused routing dependant code [View](
*  FIX (2fa): do not tread 2fa notification at login as error [View](
*  FEATURE (emoji): render emoji in markdown (with custom renderer.text) closes #199 [View](

### v1.9.87
*  FIX (new snippet): navigate to snippet after creation [View](
*  FIX (delete snippet): navigate to dashboard after deletion [View](
*  FIX (delete snippet): confirm dialog [View](

### v1.9.86
*  Update [View](
*  FEATURE (notifications): add toast notifications [View](

### v1.9.85
*  CHORE (release): change from pre-release to release [View](

### v1.9.84
*  CHORE (readme): update release cycle [View](
*  TOOLS (webpack): add size plugin [View](
*  CHORE (readme): update screenshots [View](
*  FEATURE (webclient): add webclient issue #203 [View](
*  FIX (enterprise): fix login with GitHub enterprise [View](
*  FIX (enterprise): add enterprise login indication [View](

### v1.9.83
*  FEATURE (revisions): list revisions + update some icons [View](
*  FIX (scrollbars): style scrollbars + make them pad on dashboard if needed [View](

### v1.9.82
*  FEATURE (search): refine free text search with tag e.g. 'term #tag' closes #201 [View](

### v1.9.81
*  FIX (search): bad regex crushes the app closes #217 [View](
*  FIX (route): add routeTo litsener for events from main [View](

### v1.9.80

### v1.9.79
*  TOOLS (changlog): fix formating [View](
*  CHORE (readme): update readme with release info [View](
*  FEATURE (new snippet): allow to drag and drop files into dropzone [View](

### v1.9.78
*  TOOLS (release): fix release cycle, add push [View](

### v1.9.77
*  FIX (tools): changelog [View](
*  TOOLS (release): fix release cycle [View](

### v1.9.76
*  FIX (tools): changelog [View](

### v1.9.75
*  fix changelog generation [View]( 

### v1.9.74
*  Release next [View](

### v1.9.73
*  fix [View](