

7 hrs
Test Coverage
import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'gatsby';
import Slider from './Slider';
import GithubButtonWithCount from './GithubButtonWithCount';
import Logo from './Logo';

const Hero = () => (
    <div className="w-container">
      <div className="w-row">
        <div className="w-col w-col-6 w-clearfix not-a-player">
          <p><Logo/> is a code snippet manager that runs on GitHub Gists and
          adds additional features
          such as searching, tagging and sharing gists while including a
          rich code editor.
          All your data is stored on GitHub and you can access it from
          GitHub Gists at any time
          carrying over to <Logo/>.
          <a href=""
           className="btn bg-grey txt-white"><i
          className="fa fa-github"/>
          <a href=""
           className="btn bg-grey twitter txt-white"><i
          className="fa fa-twitter"/>

          <a href=""
           className="btn bg-grey txt-white">Changelog <i
          className="fa fa-chevron-right"/>

        <div className="w-col w-col-6 w-clearfix app-image">


    <section className="boxes">
      <div className="w-container">
        <div className="w-row">
          <Link to="features"
                className="w-col w-col-4 w-clearfix box bg-grey txt-white uppercase">
            <i className="fa fa-fire-extinguisher fa-4x pull-left"/>

              <i>List of features and new additions</i> <i className="fa fa-chevron-right"/>
          <a href=""
             className="w-col w-col-4 w-clearfix box bg-greyer txt-white uppercase">
            <i className="fa fa-laptop fa-4x pull-left"/>

            <h3>Web client</h3>
              <i>Full featured web client is now available</i> <i
              className="fa fa-chevron-right"/>
          <a href="#download"
             className="w-col w-col-4 w-clearfix box bg-tomato txt-white uppercase innsite">
            <i className="fa fa-download fa-4x pull-left"/>

              <i>Mirrors, nightly builds and prev. versions</i> <i
              className="fa fa-chevron-right"/>

    <div className="social w-clearfix">

      <GithubButtonWithCount repo="gisto" user="gisto" type="fork" count/>
      <GithubButtonWithCount repo="gisto" user="gisto" type="watch" count/>



export default Hero;