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# Bluetooth service

Bluetooth service is based on [Noble]( library.

## Prerequisites

### Docker

Use `--network=host` as container network option.

### OS X

- install [Xcode](

### Linux

- Kernel version 3.6 or above
- `libbluetooth-dev`

#### Ubuntu/Debian/Raspbian

sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev

Make sure `node` is on your path, if it's not, some options:

- symlink `nodejs` to `node`: `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node`
- [install Node.js using the NodeSource package](

#### Fedora / Other-RPM based

sudo yum install bluez bluez-libs bluez-libs-devel

#### Intel Edison

See [Configure Intel Edison for Bluetooth LE (Smart) Development](

### FreeBSD

Make sure you have GNU Make:

sudo pkg install gmake

Disable automatic loading of the default Bluetooth stack by putting [no-ubt.conf]( into `/usr/local/etc/devd/no-ubt.conf` and restarting devd (`sudo service devd restart`).

Unload `ng_ubt` kernel module if already loaded:

sudo kldunload ng_ubt

Make sure you have read and write permissions on the `/dev/usb/*` device that corresponds to your Bluetooth adapter.

### Windows

[node-gyp requirements for Windows](

Install the required tools and configurations using Microsoft's [windows-build-tools]( from an elevated PowerShell or cmd.exe (run as Administrator).

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

[node-bluetooth-hci-socket prerequisites](

- Compatible Bluetooth 4.0 USB adapter
- [WinUSB](<>) driver setup for Bluetooth 4.0 USB adapter, using [Zadig tool](

See [@don]('s set up guide on [Bluetooth LE with Node.js and Noble on Windows](

## Notes

### Maximum simultaneous connections

This limit is imposed upon by the Bluetooth adapter hardware as well as it's firmware.

| Platform                          |                       |
| :-------------------------------- | --------------------- |
| OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)           | 6                     |
| Linux/Windows - Adapter dependent | 5 (CSR based adapter) |