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Cyclomatic complexity is too high in class MxmlParser. (7)

class MxmlParser(object):

    This class encases a standard XML SAX parser in order to parse MusicXML into a tree of objects. Only one is needed for any parse job
    and it can be reused for multiple files.
Severity: Minor
Found in MuseParse/classes/Input/MxmlParser.py by radon

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method AttachExpression. (7)

    def AttachExpression(self, new_node):
        if len(self.children) > 0:
            if isinstance(self.GetChild(0), OtherNodes.DirectionNode):
                self.PositionChild(0, new_node)
            if isinstance(self.GetChild(0), NoteNode):

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in class Line. (7)

class Line(Direction):

    Class representing lines over the bar, such as brackets or braces. Essentially I think this is a stub to be sub classed
    so don't instantiate line on its own without some modification.

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in class Degree. (7)

class Degree(BaseClass.Base):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if "alter" in kwargs and kwargs["alter"] is not None:
            self.alter = kwargs["alter"]

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in class Base. (7)

class Base(object):

    A class which ensures all subclasses have a basic override of the to string method, and a toLily method

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method toLily. (7)

    def toLily(self):
        val = ""
        if hasattr(self, "parenthesis"):
            if self.parenthesis:
                val += "("

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method toLily. (7)

    def toLily(self):
        Method which converts the object instance, its attributes and children to a string of lilypond code

        :return: str of lilypond code

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method toLily. (7)

    def toLily(self):
        lilystring = ""
        style_line = ""
        if hasattr(self, "lineType"):
            if self.lineType == "solid":

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in class Text. (7)

class Text(BaseClass.Base):

    A class representing any kind of text

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method __init__. (7)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if "font" in kwargs and kwargs["font"] is not None:
            self.font = kwargs["font"]
        if "size" in kwargs and kwargs["size"] is not None:

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method toLily. (7)

    def toLily(self):
        val = ""
        if hasattr(self, "type"):
            if self.type == "subtract":
                val += "no "

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method __init__. (7)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if "title" in kwargs:
            if kwargs["title"] is not None:
                self.title = kwargs["title"]

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method __init__. (7)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        text = None
        size = None
        font = None
        placement = None

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method CheckPreviousBarline. (7)

    def CheckPreviousBarline(self, staff):
        """method which checks the bar before the current for changes we need to make to it's barlines"""
        measure_before_last = self.getMeasureAtPosition(-2, staff)
        last_measure = self.getMeasureAtPosition(-1, staff)
        if last_measure is not None and measure_before_last is not None:

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method toLily. (7)

    def toLily(self):
        pre_note = "\n\\tweak #'style #'"
        if self.type != "":
            ignore = [

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method __init__. (7)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if "alter" in kwargs and kwargs["alter"] is not None:
            self.alter = kwargs["alter"]
        if "value" in kwargs and kwargs["value"] is not None:
            self.value = kwargs["value"]

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method DoBarlineChecks. (7)

    def DoBarlineChecks(self):
        measure_indexes = self.GetChildrenIndexes()
        if hasattr(self, "backward_repeats"):
            if len(self.backward_repeats) > 0:
                measure = self.GetChild(measure_indexes[0])

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method CopyDirectionsAndExpressions. (7)

    def CopyDirectionsAndExpressions(self, v_obj):
        child = self.GetChildrenIndexes()[0]
        voice = self.GetChild(child)
        voice_notes = v_obj.GetChildrenIndexes()
        for n in voice_notes:

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in class GraceNote. (7)

class GraceNote(BaseClass.Base):


Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method __init__. (7)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.wrapped = True
        if "type" in kwargs:
            if kwargs["type"] is not None:

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html
