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Showing 691 of 691 total issues

Line too long (105 > 79 characters)

        method to use when forward tag is encountered in musicXML. jumps forward in the bar by <duration>

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (107 > 79 characters)

from MuseParse.classes.ObjectHierarchy.ItemClasses.Note import Arpeggiate, NonArpeggiate, GraceNote, Tuplet

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Invalid escape sequence '\d'

                text += "\default"

Invalid escape sequences are deprecated in Python 3.6.

Okay: regex = r'\.png$'
W605: regex = '\.png$'

Invalid escape sequence '\s'

                    return_val += "\n\set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'text\n"

Invalid escape sequences are deprecated in Python 3.6.

Okay: regex = r'\.png$'
W605: regex = '\.png$'

Invalid escape sequence '\c'

        lstring = "\\markup { \n\r \column { "
Severity: Minor
Found in MuseParse/helpers.py by pep8

Invalid escape sequences are deprecated in Python 3.6.

Okay: regex = r'\.png$'
W605: regex = '\.png$'

Line too long (82 > 79 characters)

                        copy.deepcopy(self.data["direction"]), self.data["voice"])
Severity: Minor
Found in MuseParse/classes/Input/MxmlParser.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (100 > 79 characters)

    """Your basic generic tree structure, but with a few improvements to handle automatic ruling."""

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (102 > 79 characters)

from MuseParse.classes.ObjectHierarchy.TreeClasses.BaseTree import IndexedNode, BackwardSearch, Search

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (100 > 79 characters)

        """ method to calculate how much to give the "partial" indicator where a measure is a pickup

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (107 > 79 characters)

        Method which converts the object instance, its attributes and children to a string of lilypond code

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (107 > 79 characters)

    A class which ensures all subclasses have a basic override of the to string method, and a toLily method

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (145 > 79 characters)

        - sign: the sign to use. Single character generally which when combined with "line" creates the key to pick out from clef_type dict above

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (83 > 79 characters)

    val refers to the exact index of the tag we're looking for (e.g number, id etc)
Severity: Minor
Found in MuseParse/helpers.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (97 > 79 characters)

        ''' the method which will handle the current tag, and the data currently in the class '''
Severity: Minor
Found in MuseParse/classes/Input/MxmlParser.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (143 > 79 characters)

                            #part.AddBarline(measure=index, staff=staff_id, item=BarlinesAndMarkers.Barline(repeat="forward"), location="left")
Severity: Minor
Found in MuseParse/classes/Input/MxmlParser.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (109 > 79 characters)

    Method which finds child according to index. Applies only to nodes whose children are sorted into a dict,

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (102 > 79 characters)

        method which searches for all arpeggiates and updates the top one of each chord to be a start,

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (107 > 79 characters)

        Method which converts the object instance, its attributes and children to a string of lilypond code

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (125 > 79 characters)

    Same as direction, except that text - generally "A" or "C" is used to figure out which number mark lilypond is expecting.

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Invalid escape sequence '\s'

            text = "\start"

Invalid escape sequences are deprecated in Python 3.6.

Okay: regex = r'\.png$'
W605: regex = '\.png$'