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4 hrs
Test Coverage
'use strict';
import cheerio = require('cheerio');
import request = require('request');
import rp = require('request-promise');
import Promise = require('bluebird');
import uuid = require('uuid');
import path = require('path');
import fs = require('fs-extra');
import languages = require('./languages');
import log = require('./log');

import { RequestPromise } from 'request-promise';
import { Response } from 'request';

// tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires
const cookieStore = require('tough-cookie-file-store');

const CR_COOKIE_DOMAIN = 'http://crunchyroll.com';

let isAuthenticated = false;
let isPremium = false;

let j: request.CookieJar;

// tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires
import cloudscraper = require('cloudscraper');
let currentOptions: any;
let optionsSet = false;

function AuthError(msg: string): IAuthError
  return { name: 'AuthError', message: msg, authError: true };

function startSession(config: IConfig): Promise<any>
  return rp(
    method: 'GET',
    url: config.crSessionUrl,
      device_id: config.crDeviceId,
      device_type: config.crDeviceType,
      access_token: config.crSessionKey,
      version: config.crAPIVersion,
      locale: config.crLocale,
    json: true,
  .then((response: any) =>
    if ((response.data === undefined) || (response.data.session_id === undefined))
      throw new Error('Getting session failed: ' + JSON.stringify(response));

    return response.data.session_id;

function APIlogin(config: IConfig, sessionId: string, user: string, pass: string): Promise<any>
  return rp(
    method: 'POST',
    url:  config.crLoginUrl,
      account: user,
      password: pass,
      session_id: sessionId,
      version: config.crAPIVersion,
    json: true,
    jar: j,
  .then((response) =>
    if (response.error) throw new Error('Login failed: ' + response.message);
    return response.data;

function checkIfUserIsAuth(config: IConfig, done: (err: any) => void): void
   * The main page give us some information about the user
  const url = 'http://www.crunchyroll.com/';

  cloudscraper.get(url, getOptions(config, null), (err: any, rep: Response, body: string) =>
    if (err)
      return done(err);

    const $ = cheerio.load(body);

    /* As we are here, try to detect which locale CR tell us */
    const localeRE = /LOCALE = "([a-zA-Z]+)",/g;
    const locale = localeRE.exec($('script').text())[1];
    const countryCode = languages.localeToCC(locale);

    if (config.crlang === undefined)
      log.info('No locale set. Setting to the one reported by CR: "' + countryCode + '"');
      config.crlang = countryCode;
    else if (config.crlang !== countryCode)
      log.warn('Crunchy is configured for locale "' + config.crlang + '" but CR report "' + countryCode + '" (LOCALE = ' + locale + ')');
      log.warn('Check if it is correct or rerun (once) with "-l ' + countryCode + '" to correct.');

    /* Check if auth worked */
    const regexps = /ga\('set', 'dimension[5-8]', '([^']*)'\);/g;
    const dims = regexps.exec($('script').text());

    for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++)
      if ((dims[i] !== undefined) && (dims[i] !== '') && (dims[i] !== 'not-registered'))
        isAuthenticated = true;

      if ((dims[i] === 'premium') || (dims[i] === 'premiumplus'))
        isPremium = true;

    if (isAuthenticated === false)
        const error = $('ul.message, li.error').text();
        log.warn('Authentication failed: ' + error);

        log.dumpToDebug('not auth rep', rep);
        log.dumpToDebug('not auth body', body);

        return done(AuthError('Authentication failed: ' + error));
      if (isPremium === false)
        log.warn('Do not use this app without a premium account.');
        log.info('You have a premium account! Good!');


function loadCookies(config: IConfig)
  const cookiePath = path.join(config.output || process.cwd(), '.cookies.json');

  if (!fs.existsSync(cookiePath))
    fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(cookiePath, 'w'));

  j = request.jar(new cookieStore(cookiePath));

export function eatCookies(config: IConfig)
  const cookiePath = path.join(config.output || process.cwd(), '.cookies.json');

  if (fs.existsSync(cookiePath))

  j = undefined;

export function getUserAgent(): string
  return currentOptions.headers['User-Agent'];

 * Performs a GET request for the resource.
export function get(config: IConfig, url: string, done: (err: any, result?: string) => void)
  authenticate(config, (err) =>
    if (err)
      return done(err);

    cloudscraper.get(url, getOptions(config, null), (error: any, response: any, body: any) =>
      if (error) return done(error);

      done(null, typeof body === 'string' ? body : String(body));

 * Performs a POST request for the resource.
export function post(config: IConfig, url: string, form: any, done: (err: any, result?: string) => void)
  authenticate(config, (err) =>
    if (err)
      return done(err);

    cloudscraper.post(url, getOptions(config, form), (error: Error, response: any, body: any) =>
      if (error)
        return done(error);
      done(null, typeof body === 'string' ? body : String(body));

function authUsingCookies(config: IConfig, done: (err: any) => void)
  j.setCookie(request.cookie('session_id=' + config.crSessionId + '; Domain=crunchyroll.com; HttpOnly; hostOnly=false;'),

  checkIfUserIsAuth(config, (errCheckAuth2) =>
    if (isAuthenticated)
      return done(null);
      return done(errCheckAuth2);

function authUsingApi(config: IConfig, done: (err: any) => void)
  if (!config.pass || !config.user)
    log.error('You need to give login/password to use Crunchy');

  if (config.crDeviceId === undefined)
    config.crDeviceId = uuid.v4();

  if (!config.crSessionUrl || !config.crDeviceType || !config.crAPIVersion ||
    !config.crLocale || !config.crLoginUrl)
    return done(AuthError('Invalid API configuration, please check your config file.'));

    .then((sessionId: string) =>
      // defaultHeaders['Cookie'] = `sess_id=${sessionId}; c_locale=enUS`;
      return APIlogin(config, sessionId, config.user, config.pass);
    .then((userData) =>
      checkIfUserIsAuth(config, (errCheckAuth2) =>
        if (isAuthenticated)
          return done(null);
          return done(errCheckAuth2);
    .catch((errInChk) =>
      return done(AuthError(errInChk.message));

function authUsingForm(config: IConfig, done: (err: any) => void)
  /* So if we are here now, that mean we are not authenticated so do as usual */
  if (!config.pass || !config.user)
    log.error('You need to give login/password to use Crunchy');

  /* First get https://www.crunchyroll.com/login to get the login token */
  cloudscraper.get('https://www.crunchyroll.com/login', getOptions(config, null), (err: any, rep: Response, body: string) =>
    if (err) return done(err);

    const $ = cheerio.load(body);

    /* Get the token from the login page */
    const token = $('input[name="login_form[_token]"]').attr('value');
    if (token === '')
      return done(AuthError('Can\'t find token!'));

    /* Now call the page again with the token and credentials */
    const paramForm =
            'login_form[name]': config.user,
            'login_form[password]': config.pass,
            'login_form[redirect_url]': '/',
            'login_form[_token]': token

    cloudscraper.post('https://www.crunchyroll.com/login', getOptions(config, paramForm), (err: any, rep: Response, body: string) =>
      if (err)
        return done(err);

      /* Now let's check if we are authentificated */
      checkIfUserIsAuth(config, (errCheckAuth2) =>
        if (isAuthenticated)
          return done(null);
          return done(errCheckAuth2);

 * Authenticates using the configured pass and user.
function authenticate(config: IConfig, done: (err: any) => void)
  if (isAuthenticated)
    return done(null);

  /* First of all, check if the user is not already logged via the cookies */
  checkIfUserIsAuth(config, (errCheckAuth) =>
    if (isAuthenticated)
      return done(null);

    log.info('Seems we are not currently logged. Let\'s login!');

    if (config.logUsingApi)
      return authUsingApi(config, done);
    else if (config.logUsingCookie)
      return authUsingCookies(config, done);
      return authUsingForm(config, done);

function getOptions(config: IConfig, form: any)
  if (!optionsSet)
    currentOptions = {};
    currentOptions.headers = {};

    currentOptions.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private';
    currentOptions.headers.Accept = 'application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9, text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5';

    if (config.userAgent)
      currentOptions.headers['User-Agent'] = config.userAgent;
      currentOptions.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0';

    if (j === undefined)

    currentOptions.decodeEmails = true;
    currentOptions.jar = j;
    optionsSet = true;

  currentOptions.form = {};

  if (form !== null)
    currentOptions.form = form;

  return currentOptions;