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Use 2 (not 4) spaces for indentation.

      config.cache_store =
Severity: Minor
Found in config/environments/production.rb by rubocop

This cops checks for indentation that doesn't use the specified number of spaces.

See also the IndentationConsistency cop which is the companion to this one.


# bad
class A
 def test
  puts 'hello'

# good
class A
  def test
    puts 'hello'

Example: IgnoredPatterns: ['^\s*module']

# bad
module A
class B
  def test
  puts 'hello'

# good
module A
class B
  def test
    puts 'hello'

Potential XSS vulnerability in Action View

    actionview (
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2020-15169

Criticality: Medium

URL: https://groups.google.com/g/rubyonrails-security/c/b-C9kSGXYrc

Solution: upgrade to >=, ~> 5.2.4, >=

Line length

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
Severity: Info
Found in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version]
Severity: Info
Found in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Space inside parentheses detected.

    order( Arel.sql(sort_order.join(",")))
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/item.rb by rubocop

Checks for spaces inside ordinary round parentheses.


# bad
f( 3)
g = (a + 3 )

# good
g = (a + 3)

Space missing after comma.

    others = stats.select { |k,v| v <= 10 }.count
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/item_stats.rb by rubocop

Checks for comma (,) not followed by some kind of space.


# bad
{ foo:bar,}

# good
[1, 2]
{ foo:bar, }

Gems should be sorted in an alphabetical order within their section of the Gemfile. Gem dropbox-sdk should appear before textacular.

gem "dropbox-sdk", require: "dropbox_sdk"
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile by rubocop

Gems should be alphabetically sorted within groups.


# bad
gem 'rubocop'
gem 'rspec'

# good
gem 'rspec'
gem 'rubocop'

# good
gem 'rubocop'

gem 'rspec'

# good only if TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators is true
# For code quality
gem 'rubocop'
# For tests
gem 'rspec'

Unused block argument - k. If it's necessary, use _ or _k as an argument name to indicate that it won't be used.

    others = stats.select { |k,v| v <= 10 }.count
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/item_stats.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for unused block arguments.


# bad

do_something do |used, unused|
  puts used

do_something do |bar|
  puts :foo

define_method(:foo) do |bar|
  puts :baz



do_something do |used, _unused|
  puts used

do_something do
  puts :foo

define_method(:foo) do |_bar|
  puts :baz

Possible Open Redirect in Host Authorization Middleware

    actionpack (
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2021-22881

Criticality: Medium

URL: https://groups.google.com/g/rubyonrails-security/c/zN_3qA26l6E

Solution: upgrade to >=, ~> 6.0.3, >=

Possible XSS Vulnerability in Action Pack in Development Mode

    actionpack (
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2020-8264

Criticality: Medium

URL: https://groups.google.com/g/rubyonrails-security/c/yQzUVfv42jk

Solution: upgrade to >=

Line length

This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
Severity: Info
Found in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Use %i or %I for an array of symbols.

  before_action :authorize_item, only: [:new, :edit, :create, :update, :import, :destroy, :show]
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/items_controller.rb by rubocop

This cop can check for array literals made up of symbols that are not using the %i() syntax.

Alternatively, it checks for symbol arrays using the %i() syntax on projects which do not want to use that syntax.

Configuration option: MinSize If set, arrays with fewer elements than this value will not trigger the cop. For example, a MinSize of3` will not enforce a style on an array of 2 or fewer elements.

Example: EnforcedStyle: percent (default)

# good
%i[foo bar baz]

# bad
[:foo, :bar, :baz]

Example: EnforcedStyle: brackets

# good
[:foo, :bar, :baz]

# bad
%i[foo bar baz]

Gems should be sorted in an alphabetical order within their section of the Gemfile. Gem pg should appear before rails.

gem "pg"
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile by rubocop

Gems should be alphabetically sorted within groups.


# bad
gem 'rubocop'
gem 'rspec'

# good
gem 'rspec'
gem 'rubocop'

# good
gem 'rubocop'

gem 'rspec'

# good only if TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators is true
# For code quality
gem 'rubocop'
# For tests
gem 'rspec'

Space inside } missing.

          {"name" => "Box Set", "qty" => 1}, { "descriptions" => ["LP"], "text" => "Clear Vinyl", "name" => "Vinyl", "qty" => "1" }],

Checks that braces used for hash literals have or don't have surrounding space depending on configuration.

Example: EnforcedStyle: space

# The `space` style enforces that hash literals have
# surrounding space.

# bad
h = {a: 1, b: 2}

# good
h = { a: 1, b: 2 }

Example: EnforcedStyle: no_space

# The `no_space` style enforces that hash literals have
# no surrounding space.

# bad
h = { a: 1, b: 2 }

# good
h = {a: 1, b: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: compact

# The `compact` style normally requires a space inside
# hash braces, with the exception that successive left
# braces or right braces are collapsed together in nested hashes.

# bad
h = { a: { b: 2 } }

# good
h = { a: { b: 2 }}

Script file Rakefile doesn't have execute permission.

#!/usr/bin/env rake
Severity: Minor
Found in Rakefile by rubocop

Use %i or %I for an array of symbols.

    add_index(:rails_admin_histories, [:item, :table, :month, :year], name: "index_rails_admin_histories")

This cop can check for array literals made up of symbols that are not using the %i() syntax.

Alternatively, it checks for symbol arrays using the %i() syntax on projects which do not want to use that syntax.

Configuration option: MinSize If set, arrays with fewer elements than this value will not trigger the cop. For example, a MinSize of3` will not enforce a style on an array of 2 or fewer elements.

Example: EnforcedStyle: percent (default)

# good
%i[foo bar baz]

# bad
[:foo, :bar, :baz]

Example: EnforcedStyle: brackets

# good
[:foo, :bar, :baz]

# bad
%i[foo bar baz]

Gems should be sorted in an alphabetical order within their section of the Gemfile. Gem autoprefixer-rails should appear before uglifier.

gem "autoprefixer-rails"
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile by rubocop

Gems should be alphabetically sorted within groups.


# bad
gem 'rubocop'
gem 'rspec'

# good
gem 'rspec'
gem 'rubocop'

# good
gem 'rubocop'

gem 'rspec'

# good only if TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators is true
# For code quality
gem 'rubocop'
# For tests
gem 'rspec'

Gems should be sorted in an alphabetical order within their section of the Gemfile. Gem marco-polo should appear before pry-rails.

gem "marco-polo"
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile by rubocop

Gems should be alphabetically sorted within groups.


# bad
gem 'rubocop'
gem 'rspec'

# good
gem 'rspec'
gem 'rubocop'

# good
gem 'rubocop'

gem 'rspec'

# good only if TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators is true
# For code quality
gem 'rubocop'
# For tests
gem 'rspec'

Useless assignment to variable - id.

      id = "3916848"

This cop checks for every useless assignment to local variable in every scope. The basic idea for this cop was from the warning of ruby -cw:

assigned but unused variable - foo

Currently this cop has advanced logic that detects unreferenced reassignments and properly handles varied cases such as branch, loop, rescue, ensure, etc.


# bad

def some_method
  some_var = 1


# good

def some_method
  some_var = 1

Within %w/%W, quotes and ',' are unnecessary and may be unwanted in the resulting strings.

    style_src: %w[

This cop checks for quotes and commas in %w, e.g. %w('foo', "bar")

It is more likely that the additional characters are unintended (for example, mistranslating an array of literals to percent string notation) rather than meant to be part of the resulting strings.


# bad

%w('foo', "bar")


# good

%w(foo bar)