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# enduro.js

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Enduro is minimalistic, lean & mean, node.js cms. See more at [enduro.js website](

**Other repositories:** Enduro • [samples]( • [Enduro admin]( • [ site](

![enduro admin](
![enduro admin](
![enduro admin](
![enduro admin](

## Documentation
Complete, structured documentation is available here [](

### JS Transpilers

If you'd like to transpile your static js assets (under `assets/js/`) you can do so. Simply, set a `babel` object in your config file. This uses the same babel config specified here:

``` json
    "babel": {
        "presets": ["es2015"]

Remember also to add whatever preset you'd like to use using npm:

npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015

### CSS Pre-processors

Instead of using SASS, you can use the LESS pre-processor instead. To do this, set a `less` object in your config file. This consists of a `paths` array which is the same as one defined here:

``` json
    "less": {
        "paths": []

Once that is set, simply add a `.less` file in your `assets/css` folder.

For STYLUS ( support simple set `stylus` to true in your config file:

``` json
    "stylus": true
now all `.styl` files in your `assets/css` folder are used to generate the css.

## Getting started

![enduro create](

1. Make sure you have node.js installed. Grab it here if you don't: [nodejs installer](
1. Run `npm install enduro -g` in your terminal. This will install enduro.
1. Run `enduro create myproject`. This will create new folder /myproject with the enduro project
1. Go in the newly created folder by running `cd myproject`.
1. Start enduro in development mode by running simply `enduro`. Browser window should open with the website running.
1. Done!
2. Also, **Admin** interface is accessible at `localhost:5000`. Add admin user by running `enduro admin add username password`.

# Developing enduro
I welcome you to develop enduro.js. Follow these guides to get you started quickly:

1. clone enduro repository
2. cd into enduro's directory
3. run `npm link`
4. now you can develop enduro

## Writing enduro tests
1. enduro has mocha tests
2. add your tests in the /test directory
2. run all tests just by running `npm test`

## Developing enduro admin
1. I decided to decouple admin interface from enduro to make things cleaner
2. enduro admin is built using enduro ( duh ;-) )
2. clone enduro_admin's git repo:
3. cd into enduro's directory
4. run `npm link ../enduro_admin` or wherever you cloned the enduro_admin to
5. run enduro on enduro_admin by `enduro -nr -noadmin`
6. run `enduro` on your project
7. now you can edit enduro admin's source code and see the change on your project at localhost:5000/admin