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// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
// *    Times helper
// *    Duplicates specified inner block specified times
// *    Usage:
// *
// *    {{#time 10}}
// *        <p>This is repeated 10 times</p>
// *    {{/times}}
// *
// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
const helper = function () {}

helper.prototype.register = function () {

    enduro.templating_engine.registerHelper('times', function (iterations, upperrange, block) {

        // will store the final accumulated html
        let accum = ''

        // if upperrange is not provided
        if (typeof upperrange !== 'number') {
            block = upperrange
        } else {
            // if upperrange is provided, picks randomly from range
            iterations = Math.round(Math.random() * (upperrange - iterations) + iterations)

        for (let i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {

            // Sets is_first variable to context
            i == 0
                ? this.is_first = true
                : this.is_first = false

            // Sets index to context
            this.times_index = i

            // Renders block context and adds it to the accumulated context
            accum += block.fn(this)

        // return accumulated html
        return accum

module.exports = new helper()