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// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
// *     enduro render
// *    renders individual page based on source template, context and culture
// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
const page_queue_generator = function () {}

// * vendor dependencies
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const glob = require('glob-promise')
const path = require('path')

// * enduro dependencies
const flat = require(enduro.enduro_path + '/libs/flat_db/flat')

// Renders individual files
page_queue_generator.prototype.generate_pagelist = function () {

    const self = this

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

        // Reads the culture config file and gets cultures and sets them to the global enduro.config.cultures variable
            .then((files) => {

                let all_pages_to_render = []
                let pages_to_render = []

                // iterates over files and fill all_pages_to_render list
                for (f in files) {
                    for (c in enduro.config.cultures) {

                        let page_to_render = {}

                        // absolute path to page template file
                        page_to_render.file = files[f]

                        // relative, 'flat' path to cms file
                        page_to_render.context_file = self.get_page_url_from_full_path(files[f])

                        // culture string
                        page_to_render.culture = enduro.config.cultures[c]

                        // destination path
                        if (page_to_render.context_file.endsWith('index')) {
                            page_to_render.destination_path = page_to_render.context_file;
                        } else {
                            page_to_render.destination_path = page_to_render.context_file + '/index';

                        // true if page is generator
                        page_to_render.generator = flat.is_generator(page_to_render.context_file)

                        // push to pages to render list

                let generators = []

                for (i in all_pages_to_render) {
                    if (all_pages_to_render[i].generator) {
                        generators.push(self.add_generator_pages(pages_to_render, all_pages_to_render[i]))
                    } else {

                return Promise.all(generators)
                    .then(() => {


// generate list of pages that needs to be generated by generator
page_queue_generator.prototype.add_generator_pages = function (pages_to_render, page_context) {

    // fetch all context files from folder of the same name as the template name
    return glob(path.join(enduro.project_path, 'cms', page_context.context_file, '**/*.js'))
        .then((files) => {

            // iterate found context files and add them to the provided list
            for (f in files) {

                // clone the generator object
                context_clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(page_context))

                // path to new context file
                context_clone.context_file = flat.get_cms_filename_from_fullpath(files[f])

                // sets new destination path, removing the /generator from the path
                context_clone.destination_path = flat.filepath_from_filename(context_clone.context_file)

                // push to provided page list


page_queue_generator.prototype.get_all_pages = function () {
    return glob(enduro.project_path + '/pages/**/*.hbs')

page_queue_generator.prototype.get_page_url_from_full_path = function (full_path) {
    return full_path.match(/pages\/(.*)\.([^\\/]+)$/)[1]

module.exports = new page_queue_generator()