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// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
// *     enduro render
// *    renders individual page based on source template, context and culture
// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
const page_renderer = function () {}

// * vendor dependencies
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs-extra'))
const extend = require('extend')
const path = require('path')

// * enduro dependencies
const flat_helpers = require(enduro.enduro_path + '/libs/flat_db/flat_helpers')
const logger = require(enduro.enduro_path + '/libs/logger')
const flat = require(enduro.enduro_path + '/libs/flat_db/flat')
const babel = require(enduro.enduro_path + '/libs/babel/babel')
const globalizer = require(enduro.enduro_path + '/libs/globalizer/globalizer')
const markdownifier = require(enduro.enduro_path + '/libs/markdown/markdownifier')

// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
// *     renders individual template with provided context, culture and destination path
// *     saves the file afterwards
// *    @param {string} template_path - context - path to .hbs template file. absolute path
// *    @param {string} context_path - context - path to context file, relative to /cms filder
// *    @param {string} culture - context - culture name. destination path gets prefixed by culture
// *    @param {string} dest_path - path to where the rendered .html file should be saved, relative to /build folder.
// *    @return {promise} -  empty payload
// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
page_renderer.prototype.render_file = function (template_path, context_path, culture, dest_path) {
    const self = this

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

        // where will the generated page be saved
        const destination_path = path.join(culture, dest_path)

            .then((context) => {
                extend(true, context, { _meta: { context_path: context_path } })
                return self.render_file_by_context(template_path, context, culture)
            }, () => {
                logger.err('something went wrong attempting to locate template_path: ' + template_path)
                throw new Error('abort promise chain')
            .then((output) => {
                // Makes sure the target directory exists
                flat_helpers.ensure_directory_existence(path.join(enduro.project_path, enduro.config.build_folder, destination_path))
                    .then(function () {
                        // Attempts to export the template_path
                        fs.writeFile(path.join(enduro.project_path, enduro.config.build_folder, destination_path + '.html'), output, function (err) {
                            if (err) { return logger.err_block(err) }

                            logger.twolog('page ' + destination_path, 'created', 'enduro_render_events')

// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
// *     renders individual template with provided context and culture
// *    @param {string} template_path - context - path to .hbs template file. absolute path
// *    @param {object} context - context - path to context file, relative to /cms filder
// *    @param {string} culture - context - culture name
// *    @return {promise} -  promise with the rendered file as payload
// * ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * //
page_renderer.prototype.render_file_by_context = function (template_path, context, culture) {

    // extracts the relative path to the template from the absolute path
    const file_regex_match = template_path.match(/pages(?:\/|\\)(.*)\.([^\\/]+)$/)
    const filename = file_regex_match[1]

    // will store filename and template function
    let template

    // loads the template
    return fs.readFileAsync(template_path, 'utf8')
        .then((raw_template) => {

            // compiles a template
            template = enduro.templating_engine.compile(raw_template)

            // gets pagename
            const pagename = template_path.match(/([^\/\\]*)\.[^\.]*$/)[1]

            // If global data exists extends the context with it
            if (typeof enduro.cms_data !== 'undefined') {
                extend(true, context, enduro.cms_data)

            // Add pagename to the context
            extend(true, context, {_meta: {pagename: pagename, culture: culture}})

            // adds in-cms networking

            return markdownifier.markdownify(context)
        .then(() => {
            // renders the template with the culturalized context
            let rendered_page = 'Error processing page'
            try {
                rendered_page = template(babel.culturalize(context, culture))
            } catch (e) {
                logger.err_block('Page: ' + filename + '\n' + e.message)

            // outputs raw templates if render_templates setting is set to false. Defaults to true
            if (!enduro.config.render_templates) {
                rendered_page = raw_template

            return rendered_page

page_renderer.prototype.render_file_by_template_path_extend_context = function (context_path, extended_context) {
    const self = this
    extended_context = extended_context || {}

    const template_path = get_absolute_template_path_by_context_path(context_path)
    const culture = enduro.config.cultures[0]
    return flat.load(context_path)
        .then((context) => {
            extend(true, context, { _meta: { context_path: context_path } })
            extend(true, context, extended_context)
            return self.render_file_by_context(template_path, context, culture)


page_renderer.prototype.render_file_by_template_path_replace_context = function (context_path, context) {
    const self = this
    context = context || {}

    const template_path = get_absolute_template_path_by_context_path(context_path)
    const culture = enduro.config.cultures[0]

    return self.render_file_by_context(template_path, context, culture)

// transforms cms path related to /cms folder to template path related to the /pages folder
function get_absolute_template_path_by_context_path (context_path) {

    let template_path = context_path

    const splitted_filename = context_path.split('/')
    if (splitted_filename.indexOf('generators') + 1) {
        template_path = splitted_filename.slice(0, -1).join('/')

    return path.join(enduro.project_path, 'pages', template_path + '.hbs')

module.exports = new page_renderer()