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namespace Grafite\CrudMaker\Console;

use Config;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Grafite\CrudMaker\Generators\CrudGenerator;
use Grafite\CrudMaker\Services\AppService;
use Grafite\CrudMaker\Services\ConfigService;
use Grafite\CrudMaker\Services\CrudService;
use Grafite\CrudMaker\Services\ValidatorService;

class CrudMaker extends Command
     * Column Types.
     * @var array
    public $columnTypes = [

     * The console command name.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'crudmaker:new {table}
        {--api : Creates an API Controller and Routes}
        {--apiOnly : Creates only the API Controller and Routes}
        {--ui= : Select one of bootstrap|semantic for the UI}
        {--withoutViews : Prevent the generating of views}
        {--serviceOnly : Does not generate a Controller or Routes}
        {--withBaseService : Creates service as an extension of a BaseService class}
        {--withFacade : Creates a facade that can be bound in your app to access the CRUD service}
        {--migration : Generates a migration file}
        {--asPackage= : Generate the CRUD as a package by setting a directory}
        {--schema= : Basic schema support ie: id,increments,name:string,parent_id:integer}
        {--relationships= : Define the relationship ie: hasOne|App\Comment|comment,hasOne|App\Rating|rating or relation|class|column (without the _id)}';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Generate a magical CRUD for a table with options for: Migration, API, UI, Schema and even Relationships';

     * The app service.
     * @var AppService
    protected $appService;

     * The Crud service.
     * @var CrudService
    protected $crudService;

     * The Crud generator.
     * @var CrudGenerator
    protected $crudGenerator;

     * The Config service.
     * @var ConfigService
    protected $configService;

     * The validator service.
     * @var ValidatorService
    protected $validator;

     * CrudMaker Constructor.
     * @param AppService       $appService
     * @param CrudService      $crudService
     * @param crudGenerator    $crudGenerator
     * @param ConfigService    $configService
     * @param ValidatorService $validator
    public function __construct(
        AppService $appService,
        CrudService $crudService,
        CrudGenerator $crudGenerator,
        ConfigService $configService,
        ValidatorService $validator
    ) {

        $this->appService = $appService;
        $this->crudService = $crudService;
        $this->crudGenerator = $crudGenerator;
        $this->configService = $configService;
        $this->validator = $validator;

     * Generate a CRUD stack.
     * @return mixed
    public function handle()
        $section = '';
        $splitTable = [];

        $appPath = app()->path();
        $basePath = app()->basePath();
        $appNamespace = $this->appService->getAppNamespace();
        $framework = ucfirst('Laravel');

        if (stristr(get_class(app()), 'Lumen')) {
            $framework = ucfirst('lumen');

        $table = ucfirst(str_singular($this->argument('table')));


        $options = [
            'api' => $this->option('api'),
            'apiOnly' => $this->option('apiOnly'),
            'ui' => $this->option('ui'),
            'serviceOnly' => $this->option('serviceOnly'),
            'withFacade' => $this->option('withFacade'),
            'withBaseService' => $this->option('withBaseService'),
            'migration' => $this->option('migration'),
            'schema' => $this->option('schema'),
            'asPackage' => $this->option('asPackage'),
            'relationships' => $this->option('relationships'),

        if ($this->option('asPackage')) {
            $newPath = base_path($this->option('asPackage').'/'.str_plural($table));
            if (!is_dir($newPath)) {
                mkdir($newPath, 755, true);
            $appPath = $newPath;
            $basePath = $newPath;
            $appNamespace = ucfirst($this->option('asPackage'));

        $config = $this->configService->basicConfig(

        if ($this->option('ui')) {
            $config[$this->option('ui')] = true;

        $config['schema'] = $this->option('schema');
        $config['relationships'] = $this->option('relationships');
        $config['template_source'] = $this->configService->getTemplateConfig($framework);

        if (stristr($table, '_')) {
            $splitTable = explode('_', $table);
            $table = $splitTable[1];
            $section = $splitTable[0];
            $config = $this->configService->configASectionedCRUD($config, $section, $table, $splitTable);
        } else {
            $config = array_merge($config, app('config')->get('crudmaker.single', []));
            $config = $this->configService->setConfig($config, $section, $table);

        if ($this->option('asPackage')) {
            $moduleDirectory = base_path($this->option('asPackage').'/'.str_plural($table));
            $config = array_merge($config, [
                '_path_package_' => $moduleDirectory,
                '_path_facade_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Facades',
                '_path_service_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Services',
                '_path_model_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Models',
                '_path_model_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Models',
                '_path_controller_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Controllers',
                '_path_views_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Views',
                '_path_tests_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Tests',
                '_path_request_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Requests',
                '_path_routes_' => $moduleDirectory.'/Routes/web.php',
                '_namespace_services_' => $appNamespace.'\\'.ucfirst(str_plural($table)).'\Services',
                '_namespace_facade_' => $appNamespace.'\\'.ucfirst(str_plural($table)).'\Facades',
                '_namespace_model_' => $appNamespace.'\\'.ucfirst(str_plural($table)).'\Models',
                '_namespace_controller_' => $appNamespace.'\\'.ucfirst(str_plural($table)).'\Controllers',
                '_namespace_request_' => $appNamespace.'\\'.ucfirst(str_plural($table)).'\Requests',
                '_namespace_package_' => $appNamespace.'\\'.ucfirst(str_plural($table)),

            if (! is_dir($moduleDirectory.'/Routes')) {

        $this->createCRUD($config, $section, $table, $splitTable);

        if ($this->option('asPackage')) {

        $this->info("\nYou may wish to add this as your testing database:\n");
        $this->comment("'testing' => [ 'driver' => 'sqlite', 'database' => ':memory:', 'prefix' => '' ],");
        $this->info("\n".'You now have a working CRUD for '.$table."\n");

     * Generate a service provider for the new module.
     * @param  array $config
    public function createPackageServiceProvider($config)

     * Create a CRUD.
     * @param array  $config
     * @param string $section
     * @param string $table
     * @param array  $splitTable
    public function createCRUD($config, $section, $table, $splitTable)
        $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(7);

        try {
            $this->crudService->generateCore($config, $bar);
            $this->crudService->generateAppBased($config, $bar);



            $this->crudService->generateAPI($config, $bar);

            $this->crudService->generateDB($config, $bar, $section, $table, $splitTable, $this);

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to generate your CRUD: ('.$e->getFile().':'.$e->getLine().') '.$e->getMessage(), 1);

     * Generate a CRUD report.
     * @param string $table
    private function crudReport($table)
        $this->line('Built model...');
        $this->line('Built request...');
        $this->line('Built service...');

        if (!$this->option('serviceOnly') && !$this->option('apiOnly')) {
            $this->line('Built controller...');
            if (!$this->option('withoutViews')) {
                $this->line('Built views...');
            $this->line('Built routes...');

        if ($this->option('withFacade')) {
            $this->line('Built facade...');

        $this->line('Built tests...');
        $this->line('Built factory...');

        if ($this->option('api') || $this->option('apiOnly')) {
            $this->line('Built api...');
            $this->comment("\nAdd the following to your app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php: \n");
            $this->info("require base_path('routes/api.php'); \n");

        if ($this->option('migration')) {
            $this->line('Built migration...');
            if ($this->option('schema')) {
                $this->line('Built schema...');
        } else {
            $this->info("\nYou will want to create a migration in order to get the $table tests to work correctly.\n");