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1 hr
Test Coverage

namespace GreenCape\PhingTasks;

class CombineCoverageTask extends \Task
    /** @var \FileSet[] */
    protected $filesets = array(); // all fileset objects assigned to this task

    /** @var bool */
    protected $haltonerror = true; // stop build on errors

    protected $pattern = null;
    protected $replace = null;

    protected $clover = null;
    protected $crap4j = null;
    protected $html = null;
    protected $php = null;
    protected $text = null;

     * @param string $pattern
    public function setPattern($pattern)
        $this->pattern = '~' . str_replace('~', '\\~', $pattern) . '~';

     * @param string $replace
    public function setReplace($replace)
        $this->replace = $replace;

     * @param string $clover
    public function setClover($clover)
        $this->clover = $clover;

     * @param string $crap4j
    public function setCrap4j($crap4j)
        $this->crap4j = $crap4j;

     * @param string $html
    public function setHtml($html)
        $this->html = $html;

     * @param string $php
    public function setPhp($php)
        $this->php = $php;

     * @param string $text
    public function setText($text)
        $this->text = $text;

     * Set the haltonerror attribute - when true, will
     * make the build fail when errors are detected.
     * @param bool $haltonerror Flag if the build should be stopped on errors
     * @return void
    public function setHaltonerror($haltonerror)
        $this->haltonerror = (bool)$haltonerror;

     * Nested creator, creates a \FileSet for this task
     * @param \FileSet $fs Set of files to copy
     * @return void
    public function addFileSet(\FileSet $fs)
        $this->filesets[] = $fs;

    public function main()

        $collection = new CoverageCollector();
        foreach ($this->getFilenames() as $file)
            $this->log("Merging $file");
            $coverage = null;
            $code = file_get_contents($file);
            $code = str_replace('PHP_CodeCoverage', 'CoverageCollector', $code);
            if (!empty($this->pattern))
                $code = preg_replace($this->pattern, $this->replace, $code);
            eval('?>' . $code);

     * Iterate over all filesets and return the filename of all files.
     * @return array an array of filenames
    private function getFilenames()
        $filenames = array();

        foreach ($this->filesets as $fileset)
            $ds = $fileset->getDirectoryScanner($this->project);

            $files = $ds->getIncludedFiles();

            foreach ($files as $file)
                $filenames[] = $ds->getBaseDir() . "/" . $file;

        return $filenames;

    private function handleReports(\PHP_CodeCoverage $coverage)
        if ($this->clover)
            $this->log("Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ...");

            $writer = new \PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Clover;
            $writer->process($coverage, $this->clover);

        if ($this->crap4j)
            $this->log("Generating code coverage report in Crap4J XML format...");

            $writer = new \PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Crap4j;
            $writer->process($coverage, $this->crap4j);

        if ($this->html)
            $this->log("Generating code coverage report in HTML format ...");

            $writer = new \PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_HTML;
            $writer->process($coverage, $this->html);

        if ($this->php)
            $this->log("Generating code coverage report in PHP format ...");

            $writer = new \PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_PHP;
            $writer->process($coverage, $this->php);

        if ($this->text)
            $writer = new \PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Text(50, 90, false, false);
            $writer->process($coverage, $this->text);

    private function loadPHPUnit($pharLocation = null)
        if (class_exists('PHP_CodeCoverage'))

        if (empty($pharLocation))
            $pharLocation = trim(`which phpunit`);

        $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '-';
        if (file_exists($pharLocation))
            include $pharLocation;

            include_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php';

        if (!class_exists('PHP_CodeCoverage'))
            throw new \BuildException("CombineCoverageTask requires PHPUnit to be installed", $this->getLocation());

     * @param string $message
     * @param null   $location
     * @throws \BuildException
    protected function logError($message, $location = null)
        if ($this->haltonerror)
            throw new \BuildException($message, $location);
            $this->log($message, \Project::MSG_ERR);