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namespace GreenCape\PhingTasks;

use BuildException;
use Task;

class UmlFilter extends Task
    const OP_EXTENDS = '<|--';
    const OP_IMPLEMENTS = '<|..';

    protected $file;
    protected $dir;
    protected $skin;
    protected $jar;
    protected $includeRef = true;

    use FileSetImplementation;

    public function setFile($file)
        $this->file = $file;

    public function setDir($dir)
        $this->dir = $dir;

    public function setSkin($skin)
        $this->skin = $skin;

     * @param mixed $jar
    public function setJar($jar)
        $this->jar = $jar;

     * @throws BuildException
    public function main()

        $aggregate = $this->handleFiles();

        foreach ($aggregate as $group => $fragments)
                $this->dir . '/package-' . $group . '.puml',
                implode("\n", array_unique($this->removeIncludes($fragments))) . "\n"


     * @throws BuildException
    protected function validate()
        if (empty($this->jar))
            throw new BuildException('Please provide location of plantuml.jar');

        if (count($this->fileSets) === 0 && count($this->fileLists) === 0)
            throw new BuildException('Need either nested fileset or nested filelist to iterate through');

     * @return array
     * @throws BuildException
    protected function handleFiles()
        $aggregate = array();

        foreach ($this->getFileSetFiles() as $file)
            $code = file_get_contents($file);

            foreach ($this->generateDiagramSource($code) as $group => $fragments)
                $aggregate[$group] = array_merge((array) $aggregate[$group], $fragments);

        return $aggregate;

     * @param $code
     * @return array
    protected function generateDiagramSource($code)
        $namespace = $this->findNamespace($code);
        $uses      = $this->findUseStatements($code);
        $classes   = $this->findClassDeclaration($code);
        $aggregate = $this->prepareGroups($namespace);

        foreach ($classes as $info)
            $currentClass = $this->fullyQualifiedName($namespace, $info['classname'], $uses);
            $filename     = $this->dir . '/class-' . $currentClass . '.puml';
            $uml          = "{$info['declaration']} {$currentClass}\n";

            if (!empty($info['extends']))
                $uml .= $this->handleReference($currentClass, self::OP_EXTENDS, $this->fullyQualifiedName($namespace, $info['extends'], $uses));

            foreach ($info['implements'] as $interface)
                $uml .= $this->handleReference($currentClass, self::OP_IMPLEMENTS, $this->fullyQualifiedName($namespace, $interface, $uses));

            $this->writePuml($filename, trim($uml));
            $this->log("Generated class diagram for {$currentClass}");

            foreach ($aggregate as $level => $levelCode)
                if ($aggregate[$level] === '')
                    $aggregate[$level] = [];

                $aggregate[$level][] = $uml;

            $this->handleMethods($currentClass, $info['code']);

        return $aggregate;

     * @param $class
     * @param $op
     * @param $reference
     * @return string
    protected function handleReference($class, $op, $reference)
        return $this->includeReferencedClass($reference, $op) . "{$reference} {$op} {$class}\n";

     * @param $class
     * @param $op
     * @return string
    protected function includeReferencedClass($class, $op)
        if ($this->includeRef)
            $filename = "{$this->dir}/class-{$class}.puml";
            $uml      = ($op === self::OP_IMPLEMENTS ? 'interface ' : 'class ') . $class;
            file_put_contents($filename, "@startuml\n!include skin.puml\n{$uml}\n@enduml\n");

            return "!include {$filename}\n";

        return '';

     * @param $class
     * @param $code
    protected function handleMethods($class, $code)
        $pattern = "~@startuml\n(.*?)@enduml.*?(private|protected|public|static|final)?\s+function\s+(\S+)\s*\(~sm";

        if (!preg_match_all($pattern, $code, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))

        foreach ($matches as $match)
            $methodName = $class . '.' . $match[3];
            $this->writePuml($this->dir . '/seq-' . $methodName . '.puml', implode("\n", preg_split("~\s+\*\s+~", $match[1])) . "\n");
            $this->log("Extracted diagram for {$methodName}()");

     * @param $filename
     * @param $uml
    protected function writePuml($filename, $uml)
        if (empty($uml))

        file_put_contents($filename, "@startuml\n!include skin.puml\n{$uml}\n@enduml\n");

     * @param $uml
     * @return array
    protected function removeIncludes($uml)
        $uml = array_filter(explode("\n", implode("\n", $uml)), static function ($line) {
            return !preg_match('~^!include~', $line);

        return $uml;

    protected function render()
        $this->log('Rendering ...');
        shell_exec("java -jar '{$this->jar}' -tsvg -quiet '{$this->dir}/*.puml'");
        $this->log('... done.');

     * @param $namespace
     * @return array[]
    protected function prepareGroups($namespace)
        $aggregate = array('global' => []);
        $currLevel = '';
        $parts     = explode('.', $namespace);
        while (!empty($parts))
            $currLevel             = trim($currLevel . '.' . array_shift($parts), '.');
            $aggregate[$currLevel] = [];

        return $aggregate;

     * @param string $namespace
     * @param string $classname
     * @param array  $uses
     * @return mixed|string
    protected function fullyQualifiedName($namespace, $classname, array $uses)
        if ($classname[0] === '\\')
            return $this->dotNotation(substr($classname, 1));

        if (isset($uses[$classname]))
            return $this->dotNotation($uses[$classname]);

        return $this->dotNotation($namespace . $classname);

    protected function findUseStatements($code)
        $uses       = [];
        $identifier = '([\S]+)';

        if (preg_match_all('~\b' . 'use\s+([a-z\\\]+?)(?:\s+as\s+' . $identifier . ')?;~i', $code, $useStatements, PREG_SET_ORDER))
            foreach ($useStatements as $use)
                if (isset($use[2]))
                    $alias = $use[2];
                    $alias = preg_replace('~.*\\\~', '', $use[1]);

                $uses[$alias] = $use[1];

        return $uses;

    protected function findNamespace($code)
        $namespace = '';

        if (preg_match('~\b' . 'namespace\s+([a-z\\\]+?);~i', $code, $match))
            $namespace = $match[1] . '\\';

        return $namespace;

    protected function findClassDeclaration($code)
        $result = [];

        $identifier  = '([\S]+)';
        $declaration = '(abstract\s+class|interface|trait|class)\s+' . $identifier;
        $extends     = '\s+extends\s+' . $identifier;
        $implements  = '\s+implements\s+' . $identifier . '(:?\s*,\s*' . $identifier . ')*';
        $pattern     = "~{$declaration}(:?{$extends})?(:?{$implements})?\s*\{~";

        if (!preg_match_all($pattern, $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER))
            return array();

        // Separate classes
        foreach ($matches as $i => $match)
            if (isset($matches[$i + 1]))
                $body = substr($code, $match[0][1], $matches[$i + 1][0][1] - $match[0][1]);
                $body = substr($code, $match[0][1]);

            $implements = [];
            for ($index = 6; isset($match[$index]); $index += 2)
                $implements[] = $match[$index][0];

            $result[$i] = [
                'declaration' => $match[1][0],
                'classname'   => $match[2][0],
                'extends'     => isset($match[4]) ? $match[4][0] : null,
                'implements'  => $implements,
                'code'        => $body

        return $result;

     * @param $subject
     * @return string
    protected function dotNotation($subject)
        return trim(str_replace('\\', '.', $subject), '.');