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var EventEmitter = require('eventemitter3');

 * The resize manager deals with changes in the Application size
 * e.g. if the browser window has been resized because the keyboard is shown
 * or the device has been rotated on mobile or the user resized it on the
 * desktop with his mouse.
 * @class
 * @extends EventEmitter
 * @memberof GOWN.interaction
 * @param renderer A reference to the current renderer {PIXI.CanvasRenderer|PIXI.WebGLRenderer}
 * @param [options] {object}
 * @param [options.autoPreventDefault=true] Should the manager automatically prevent default browser actions. {boolean}
 * @param [options.fullscreen=false] Should we use the whole browser width/height (window.innerHeight/Width). {boolean}
 // TODO: orientation change for cordova and cocoon ('orientationchange' and Cocoon.Device.getOrientation())
 // TODO: take a look at phaser ScaleManager - see
 // TODO: check single Canvas-DOM-Element, not only whole window (see )
function ResizeManager(renderer, options) {;

    options = options || {};

     * The renderer this interaction manager works for.
     * @type PIXI.SystemRenderer
    this.renderer = renderer;

     * Should default browser actions automatically be prevented.
     * @type bool
     * @default true
    this.autoPreventDefault = options.autoPreventDefault !== undefined ? options.autoPreventDefault : true;

     * Should we use the whole browser width/height (window.innerHeight/Width)
     * @type bool
     * @default false
    this.fullscreen = options.fullscreen || false;

     * TODO
    this.element = null;

     * Time to wait after every resize event to prevent flickering
     * @type Number
     * @default 0
    this.resizeTimeout = 0;

     * Should the resize manager wait after every resize event
     * @type bool
     * @default true
    this.useResizeDoneTimeout = options.useResizeDoneTimeout !== undefined ? options.useResizeDoneTimeout : true;

     * An event data object to handle all the event tracking/dispatching
     * @type Object
    this.eventData = {
        stopped: false,
        target: null,
        type: null,
        data: {},
            this.stopped = true;

     this.onResize = this.onResize.bind(this);
     this.processResize = this.processResize.bind(this);


ResizeManager.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);
ResizeManager.prototype.constructor = ResizeManager;
module.exports = ResizeManager;

 * The waiting time after the resize event before updating
 * (prevent the canvas from flickering when resizing)
 * @static
 * @final
 * @type String
ResizeManager.RESIZE_DONE_TIMEOUT = 100;

 * Registers all the DOM events
 * @private
ResizeManager.prototype.addEvents = function () {
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize, true);
    this.eventsAdded = true;

 * Removes all the DOM events that were previously registered
 * @private
ResizeManager.prototype.removeEvents = function () {
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onResize, true);
    this.eventsAdded = false;

 * Is called when the application/browser window gets resized
 * @param _event The DOM event {Event}
 * @private
ResizeManager.prototype.onResize = function (_event) {
    if (!this.element && this.fullscreen === false) {
        // we assume you have a fixed size?!
        // TODO: do not add resizeManager in the first place?
    if (this.autoPreventDefault) {

    if (this.useResizeDoneTimeout) {
        var scope = this;
        if (this.resizeTimeout) {
        this.resizeTimeout = setInterval(function () {
        }, ResizeManager.RESIZE_DONE_TIMEOUT);
    } else {


 * Handle the original resize event and forward it
 * @param event The DOM event {Event}
 * @private
ResizeManager.prototype._resizeEvent = function(event) {
    this.eventData.stopped = false; = this.getSizeData(event);

    if (this.autoPreventDefault) {

    this.processInteractive(this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processResize);
    this.emit('resize', this.eventData);

 * Grabs the size from the browser window
 * @private
ResizeManager.prototype.getSizeData = function (event) {
    var eventData = {
        originalEvent: event
    if (this.fullscreen) {
        eventData.width = window.innerWidth;
        eventData.height = window.innerHeight;
    } else {
        eventData.width = this.element.clientWidth;
        eventData.height = this.element.clientHeight;
    return eventData;

 * Dispatch a resize event for a given display object
 * @param displayObject {PIXI.DisplayObject}
 * @private
ResizeManager.prototype.processResize = function(displayObject) {
    this.dispatchEvent( displayObject, 'resize', this.eventData );

 * Dispatches an event on the display object that has resizable set to true
 * @param displayObject The display object in question {PIXI.Container|PIXI.Sprite|PIXI.extras.TilingSprite}
 * @param eventString The name of the event (e.g, resize or orientation) {string}
 * @param eventData The event data object {object}
 * @private
ResizeManager.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (displayObject, eventString, eventData) {
    if (!eventData.stopped) { = displayObject;
        eventData.type = eventString;

        displayObject.emit(eventString, eventData);

        if (displayObject[eventString]) {

 * Traverse through the scene graph to call given function on all displayObjects
 * that are resizable
 * @param displayObject the displayObject that will be resized (recursivly crawls its children)
 * {PIXI.Container|PIXI.Sprite|PIXI.extras.TilingSprite}
 * @param [func] the function that will be called on each resizable object. The displayObject will be passed to the function {Function}
ResizeManager.prototype.processInteractive = function (displayObject, func)
    if(!displayObject || !displayObject.visible)
        return false;

    // resize parent first
    if (displayObject.resizable) {

    var children = displayObject.children;

    for (var i = children.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // unlike the InteractionManager we iterate over ALL children
        // and check every one if it is resizable, because
        // we assume that resize is something that could affect every component
        // not only the one that has focus.
        var child = children[i];
        this.processInteractive(child, func);

 * Remove events and listener etc.
ResizeManager.prototype.destroy = function(){
    this.renderer = null;
    this.eventData = null;
    this.onResize = null;

PIXI.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin('resize', ResizeManager);
PIXI.CanvasRenderer.registerPlugin('resize', ResizeManager);