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Test Coverage

# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).

## [17.0.0] - 2018-03-17

### Fixed

- header: show shadow on first touch move
- modal: prevent click through and scroll when open

### Changed

- update to React 16.2
- update several dependencies

## [16.1.0] - 2018-02-23

### Added

- select native: add `dense` property

## [16.0.0] - 2018-02-15

### Added

- header: add `shadowOnScroll` property which is `false` by default
- expansion panel: add `className` property to allow giving custom class names

## [15.7.0] - 2018-02-07

### Added

- table: add `<TableResponsive />` component for responsive tables
- table: add `dense` property to `<Table />` for smaller table rows
- table: add `selected` property to `<TableBodyRow />` to highlight selected rows

## [15.6.1] - 2018-02-05

### Fixed

- select: remove extra padding from bottom of element

## [15.6.0] - 2018-02-02

### Added

- select: add `helper` and `error` properties for additional messages

## [15.5.0] - 2018-01-22

### Added

- expansion panel: add `dense` property for smaller expansion panels

### Fixed

- textfield: make `suffix` work with `dense` property

## [15.4.0] - 2018-01-17

### Added

- select: add `dense` property for smaller select components

### Fixed

- textfield: fix moving content when error message appears
- textfield: fix dense label font size when empty
- textfield: make line red on focus in error case

## [15.3.0] - 2018-01-05

### Added

- textfield: add `dense` property for smaller textfields

## [15.2.2] - 2017-12-18

### Fixed

- select: fix part of overlay showing outside view

## [15.2.1] - 2017-12-07

### Fixed

- select: fix height to fix alignment of `Textfield` next to `Select`
- chip: make CSS selector more precise to prevent influencing independent elements

## [15.2.0] - 2017-12-05

### Added

- `TabsControlled` component which uses state instead of URLs
- `SelectNative` component which uses native `Select` and its dropdown

### Fixed

- height for `Tabs` is 48px again
- style for `readOnly` Textfield is similar to disabled to see difference to normal one

## [15.1.0] - 2017-11-20

### Added

- `suffix` prop for `Textfield` component
- Allow custom (JSX) content in `Snackbar` and `Select` components

## [15.0.2] - 2017-11-09

### Fixed

- switch: add `id` attribute to make labels with `htmlFor` work
- select: add color to label when focused similar to `Textfield` component

## [15.0.1] - 2017-10-23

### Fixed

- header: fix subtitle white space wrap and overflow
- expansion panel: remove extra div

## [15.0.0] - 2017-10-06

### Changed

- transpile code in `es/` folder to make `create-react-app` `npm run build` work
- use `react-transition-group` for snackbar to be able to remove from DOM when invisible. fixes overflow scroll in safari.
- use unitless value for `line-height` in `base.css` to fix box sizing issues

### Added

- add new component expansion panel

## [14.0.1] - 2017-09-18

### Changed

- update stylelint config

### Fixed

- fix build issues with `create-react-app`
- select: fix overlay not properly positioned in Firefox
- select: fix position for very long lists

## [14.0.0] - 2017-09-13

### Changed

- simplify main container CSS
- remove `react-motion` and use CSS animations transitions instead
- card: remove larger font-size and line-height

### Fixed

- select: overlay is now properly positioned above underlying div element
- select: overlay has higher z-index than header
- select, snackbar: use `height` instead `min-height` to fix IE11 issues
- checkbox: fix position of underlying input element

## [13.2.0] - 2017-07-13

### Added

- select: make component keyboard accessible
- textarea: pass through all properties to underyling real textarea to enable `onFocus` and `onBlur`

### Fixed

- navigation: remove focus outline
- tabs: use PureComponent and fix unnecessary rerenders
- tabs: fix ink bar behaviour in IE11
- checkbox: fix focus shadow location
- textfield: remove focus styles for readOnly textfields
- update dependencies to remove warnings about React PropType

## [13.1.0] - 2017-06-09

### Added

- textfield: allow access to underlying input element, e.g. for setting focus

### Fixed

- select: set button type to `'button'` to fix weird behavior inside form

## [13.0.1] - 2017-06-01

### Fixed

- removed `.npmignore` since folders like `es/` and `scss/` were missing from bundle

## [13.0.0] - 2017-06-01

### Added

- Button: add dense variant
- Select: add dedicated style when used inside `<Table>`

### Changed

- `mdc-` prefix for all class names
- deploy all sass files flat to `scss` dir
- examples: Use create-react-app 2

### Fixed

- Use prop-types package
- fix ES6 babel configuration
- Select: fix font-size and alignment

## [12.1.0] - 2017-05-04

### Added

- base.scss: added `$header-height` variable

### Changed

- base.scss: use percentages for `<main>` width

### Fixed

- Bottom Navigation: Menu position on large screens

## [12.0.1] - 2017-05-03

### Changed

- Roboto font removed: The Roboto font must be provided by the user, e.g. through `@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:100,300,400,500,700');`

### Fixed

- examples build

## [12.0.0] - 2017-05-02

### Added

- package.module: ES6 module entry point resulting in _smaller builds_
- package.style: Compiled CSS styles are available as `@import "md-components/style.css";` when using SASS or other tools.

### Changed

- Router-agnostic navigation components: No assumptions about the used router framework. Tested with [react-router](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router) and [next.js router](https://github.com/zeit/next.js#routing). Active links must provide an 'active' class.
- navigation: Router-agnostic. The `onChange` prop has been removed (must be handled by respective router framework)
- tabs: Router-agnostic
- list row: Router-agnostic
- (Icon) 3dRotation: renamed to _3dRotation

Old Navigation
<Navigation links={[
  {text: 'Foo', link: '/foo'},
  {text: 'Bar', link: '/bar'}
]} />

New Navigation
  <NavLink to='/foo'>Foo</NavLink>
  <NavLink to='/bar'>Bar</NavLink>

Old Tabs
<Tabs tabs={[
  {href: '/foo', text: 'Foo'},
  {href: '/bar', text: 'Bar'}
}] >

New Tabs
<Tabs tabs={[
  <NavLink to='/foo'>Foo</NavLink>,
  <NavLink to='/bar'>Bar</NavLink>
}] >

Old List (with links)
  <Row primary='One' linkTo='/list/one' />
  <Row primary='Two' linkTo='/list/two' />

New List (with links)
  <Row primary={<NavLink to='/list/one'>One</NavLink>} />
  <Row primary={<NavLink to='/list/Two'>Two</NavLink>} />

## [11.1.0] - 2017-04-10

### Added

- select: add `name` property to callback to indicate origin of `event`

### Changed

- normalize.css: update to version [6.0.0](https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/compare/5.0.0...6.0.0)

### Fixed

- navigation: fix event propagation to underlying elements on mobile

## [11.0.0] - 2017-03-24

### Changed

- all routable components, e.g. tabs, list, bottom navigation, stepper and navigation now use the final version 4 of [react-router](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router). That means you have to use the same version for your own app.
- select: drop `Object.assign` polyfill and rely on default browser behaviour

### Fixed

- list: make test work where list contains link from router
- list: fix spacing for list with three lines
- list: improve css by not using wildcard selectors
- snackbar: fix pointer events so snackbar does not block access to underlying content
- checkbox: fix left alignment to checkbox component aligns properly with other components, e.g. textfield
- button: fix typo in test file
- select: fix horizontal overflow when select overlay is close to browser borders
- bottom navigation: fix scroll top and improve test
- padding top on mobile devices
- update all dependencies including jsdom
- use [nyc](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc) instead istanbul for testing and code coverage

## [10.0.0] - 2017-02-24

### Changed

- table component allows full access to underlying `<Textfield />` component to be able to use all its properties, like `onFocus`.


<TableBodyCell editable onChange={this.onChange}>



### Added

- select: add `name` property to underlying button element

## [9.0.0] - 2017-02-22

### Changed

- table component `editable` changed callback


<TableBodyCell editable onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>


<TableBodyCell editable onChange={this.onChange}>

### Fixed

- table editable: make <kbd>ESC</kbd> work even when textfield is not focused

## [8.0.0] - 2017-02-16

### Changed

- select component has a new syntax


  items={['Blue', 'Red', 'Green']}


    {value: 'blue', label: 'Blue'},
    {value: 'red', label: 'Red'},
    {value: 'green', label: 'Green'}

## [7.3.0] - 2017-02-13

### Added

- table: add support for select
- card: pass down `className` prop

## [7.2.1] - 2017-02-03

### Fixed

- create and add missing ES5 files

## [7.2.0] - 2017-02-03

### Added

- table: body cell can now contain editable content, i.e. a textfield

### Changed

- button: remove outer margin since margin belongs to parent component
- normalize.css: upgrade from 3.0.2 to 5.0.0

### Fixed

- header: remove extra margin left

## [7.1.0] - 2017-01-18

### Changed

- textfield: default background color is now `transparent`
- autoprefixer is now enabled which should fix some flexbox issues

### Fixed

- include SASS files in release to allow user using mixins and color variables
- chip: stop creating cancel button when not needed
- simplify checking keyboard codes by using [keycode](https://github.com/timoxley/keycode)
- table: remove warnings from tests
- add code coverage when running tests on windows
- switch from Make to npm scripts
- button: improve adding custom className property
- list: improve adding custom className property
- header: remove extra div element
- textfield: add htmlFor property

## [7.0.0] - 2016-12-19

From version 7.0.0 on `md-components` is published as ES5 to npm. No need on your side to transpile our sources.

### Added

- navigation: enable nesting of multiple levels
- textarea: add `onInput` event to make it work with [inferno](https://github.com/trueadm/inferno)

### Changed

- tooltip: remove `react-motion` and simply use CSS
- textfield: fix error margin which was too big

### Removed

- sparkline: since it is not a Material Design component we've moved it to [yad3w](https://github.com/HBM/yad3w)

## [6.0.0] - 2016-12-06

### Added

- shell: new component to get started quickly (wrapper for router, header and navigation)
- navigation: add sub menu (one level deep)
- header: add color property for custom background
- bottom navigation: new component
- stepper: new component
- scss: add global color variables for consistent styling
- table: new component
- select: add `disabled` property

### Changed

- tabs: use `react-broadcast` to listen for page change events
- button: use accent color
- switch: use accent color
- textfield: pass all incoming props down to `input` element for improved customization
- tooltip: move trigger events into component to make API simpler

### Fixed

- navigation: use momentum scrolling for ios
- navigation: use empty array as default value for `links` property
- sparkline: make them sharp on hdpi devices
- docs: add navigation and header component

## v5.0.0 / 2016-10-11

- new component [Textarea](https://hbm.github.io/md-components/#/textarea) [c9d6c32](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/c9d6c32331678f5ecb89549aab84592ddecb570e)
- use latest `react-router` v4 [71de4f0](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/71de4f05619fedb75157bfbf0cff72f84ba16082)
- slider: add click handler to bar [cb71634](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/cb71634e9b7c8c566233753b0b1a7b567da63252)
- textfield: improve styles to follow specification [8f4944e](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/8f4944efce9a410d478c06477ff40cafd2aabf75)
- chip: vertically align input with chips [9af7c4b](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/9af7c4bcee4ab36a70d5f15ede7f733de5a67969)
- navigation: fix overlay touch event propagation to underlying elements [adb0443](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/adb0443191ba3d5b51f464e15263f5ef2887adcf)
- list: remove `h` tags to remove implicit semantic [cb625a8](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/cb625a837511e6789dce430e7900b7e058c457a0)
- radiobutton: fix focus handling [56debb0](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/56debb0858ff3a829e69551d7010ec7a58372c9f)
- checkbox: fix focus handling [c8b107b](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/c8b107b1472368d253fe33eda86f39d24043c064)

## v4.0.0 / 2016-09-22

- rename `hbm-react-components` to `md-components`
- chip: fix remove icon style in Firefox and mobile [5d37167](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/5d37167d96bca326214c5785f10dd356cd202940)
- chip: fix styles according to spec [f60a414](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/f60a414061b55a8f524d1b2543b3e036c5a71d38)
- chip: add `deletable` property [d7416d9](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/d7416d9d5c56ba2436690b8db64709fb0cfded02)
- chip: fix `onSubmit` behaviour in forms [717d72c](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/717d72c84c16a3c8d3e44e2a2c4281b9535d44c0)
- add `npm run ...` scripts to make development on Windows easier [3261612](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/326161202775740f9dde19293461aff103176ac0)
- textfield: add `autoCapitalize`, `autoComplete`, `autoCorrect` and `spellCheck` properties [263f6b2](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/263f6b2d92980f29a23be8b7925b8752a8cd515b)
- textfield: add `placeholder` property [d7c0c06](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/d7c0c068cfe39e32a96681f23a371673d440aec6)
- textfield: add `icon` property [2273c8d](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/2273c8df50619de571a0b0e2f623c9bf000cdc8f)
- modal: replace `react-motion` with plain CSS [9ede6af](https://github.com/HBM/md-components/commit/9ede6af9aa5331b68471ad93dfd3858f0626f001)

## v3.0.0 / 2016-09-08

- add new list component [cb3485f](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/cb3485f621fa6e355a7635f5fdc2906cb13367bb)
- all icons are now auto generated from original Material Design SVG icons [a7aafe0](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/a7aafe0720e17493a63e99efec4c91ffaf94d031)
- rewrite tests using mocha instead karma [bc69f47](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/bc69f47da39196e76c3f77319090672083793c0a)
- chip: remove focus outline glow [376e9ba](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/376e9ba4683c6c915081de212ba67ff04ff50c2b)
- chip: add custom delimiter [ee2be49](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/ee2be4917ff06c8478206df89d82639dada1b675)
- chip: add `onFocus` and `onBlur` properties [b5ad172](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/b5ad17293b265d4b7dc5a03999fe21da4bbb7876)
- chip: add `autoFocus` property [3a831f5](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/3a831f58858ec7c9d3cbc530417c7305947b7af1)
- chip: fix browser backspace behavior [dcf35bd](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/dcf35bd84f0034a908b2b273857aa582d2cc6ee5)
- chip: add `placeholder` property [29eba18](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/29eba18a506146ec5945598131801bb4f380761b)
- textfield: add `number` as allowed type to input field [b0e8d44](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/b0e8d44b5f23efc70e478fc8ecc3b86c3b7ff409)
- textfield: add `float` property to stop label from floating [11d369f](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/11d369f414c1b251e2a6b5f8876576e20edb90c7)
- checkbox: add `name` and `defaultChecked` properties [2578921](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/2578921f5d2287bdf249ca6bc956176cdafc302a)
- progress: add prefix `Progress` to `Linear` and `Circular` components [b15a9f7](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/b15a9f7a02e16e3aa51c2ef3cac9699fbd55f957)
- add live playground with editable code to docs

## v2.0.0 / 2016-08-16

- button: remove `isRequired` from `onClick` method since submit buttons do not need one [31207e9](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/31207e999f472e5e60eecd2505981500c3efbf4a)
- button: rewrite tests using enzyme [cd19fe8](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/cd19fe80cf3c1d09d3df947f8f47d0be5990f19a)
- card: rewrite tests using enzyme (fix #9)
- checkbox: rewrite tests using enzyme [ac81430](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/ac81430276b45b05883ef5571b596dca1bf1d71c)
- chip: add new component [9d6027c](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/9d6027cd44bfc5fad8eaa98d45f4fb258964b805)
- header: show shadow only on scroll (fix #7)
- menu: add `transformX` and `transformY` props to configure transform origin [0346e97](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/0346e97b2a3b8d6b9dc32c7d2517c438ef423d24)
- menu: make `DIVIDER` not all uppercase, i.e. `Divider` (fix #8)
- modal: remove origin prop (fix #1)
- progress: rewrite tests using enzyme [d66532a](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/d66532a62be75654075610dd189c48d0f7cfafb5)
- sparkline: add first simple test [7d00010](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/7d000103f49ddd3be4fe5f99fcbacbf38254b3f9)
- textfield: add `defaultValue` and fix default props [c78d44e](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/c78d44e66982905f1b90a87b3b8b1865d95f3f84)
- textfield: add `email`, `search`, `tel` and `url` to allowed types [7cd565f](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/7cd565fc2da4203bfca557ba4d37a5f9822d45d4)
- upload: rewrite tests using enzyme [4ced558](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/4ced5585d48f25098e656c7e61fa0955afc6c5ae)

## v1.1.0 / 2016-07-12

- remove several warnings "Unknown prop xmlns on tag". As the `xmlns` attribute is not a required tag for SVG elements which are inside HTML documents we can safely remove the attribute. Removing the attribute also removes the warning.
- make Sauce Labs work with Travis CI. This is currently just a proof of concept and will become even more awesome in the near future.
- rewrite build and test process using npm scripts instead Makefile. npm scripts are platform independent and `make` only works on Linux.
- use [ref callback](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/more-about-refs.html#the-ref-callback-attribute) instead `ReactDOM.findDOMNode`.
- use [classnames](https://github.com/JedWatson/classnames) instead custom ES6 string interpolation for conditional CSS classnames.
- create examples in master branch to make playing around and viewing the components easier.

## v1.0.1 / 2016-07-12

- [1dae340](https://github.com/HBM/react-components/commit/1dae3407eb0a70be9f1cd3623979dad86a801ae0): fix path to progress component

## v1.0.0 / 2016-07-12

- initial release