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Test Coverage
{% if C|length > 0 %}
    {% if counter_listtable <= 1 %}
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function toggleHighlight(sRowID) {
                var a = document.getElementById(sRowID);
                var b = a.className.search(" listtable-marked")
                var c = " listtable-marked";
                if (b == -1) {
                    a.className += c;
                } else {
                    a.className = a.className.replace(c, "");
    {% endif %}
<table class="listtable">
        {% for value in C %}
            <th class="listtable-head" style="width:{{ value.width }};{{ value.stylehead != '' ? ' '~value.stylehead : '' }}">
                {{ value.linked != true ? value.title : '' }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% set j = 0 %}
    {% for row in rows %}
    <tr id="listtable_{{ counter_listtable }}_tr_{{ j }}"
        onClick="toggleHighlight('listtable_{{ counter_listtable }}_tr_{{ j }}')">
        {% for value in C %}
        <td class="listtable-data" valign="top"{{ value.styledata != '' ? ' style="'~value.styledata~'"' : '' }}>
            {% if value.linked %}
            {% if value.ltarget == '' and value.lkeyname == '' %}
                <a href="{{ row[value.key] }}">{{ value.title }}</a>
            {% else %}
                <a href="{{ value.ltarget }}?{{ value.lkeyname }}={{ row[value.key]
                }}{% if value.lgetvars|length > 0 %}{% for lkey, lvalue in value.lgetvars %}&amp;{{ lkey
                }}={{ lvalue }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}" {{ value.levents != '' ? value.levents : '' }}>
                    {{ value.title }}</a>
            {% endif %}
            {% else %}
                {% if value.callback is defined %}
                    {{ callback(value.callback, row[value.key]) }}
                {% else %}
                    {% if value.escapehtmlspecialchars %}
                        {% autoescape %}
                            {{ row[value.key] }}
                        {% endautoescape %}
                    {% else %}
                        {{ row[value.key] }}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% set j = j + 1 %}
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    <span style="background:red;color:white;font-weight:bold;padding:2px;">makeListtable() -> The configuration array is empty (first argument of the function call).</span>
{% endif %}