module LabelsInputTests exposing (all)
import Fuzz exposing (bool, string)
import Html.Attributes exposing (disabled, type_, value)
import LabelsInput
import Test exposing (..)
import Test.Html.Event as Event
import Test.Html.Query as Query
import Test.Html.Selector as Slc
import Tooltip
all : Test
all =
describe "view"
[ fuzz string "label area has a description" <|
\description ->
LabelsInput.view LabelsInput.empty description "input-id" "js--input-class" "placeholder" False Tooltip.profilesFilter
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.has [ Slc.text description ]
, fuzz bool "label input can be disabled" <|
\isDisabled ->
LabelsInput.view LabelsInput.empty "description" "input-id" "js--input-class" "placeholder" isDisabled Tooltip.profilesFilter
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.find [ Slc.attribute (type_ "text") ]
|> Query.has [ Slc.attribute (disabled isDisabled) ]
, fuzz string "when user types, updateLabelsSearch is triggered with the input" <|
\input ->
LabelsInput.view LabelsInput.empty "description" "input-id" "js--input-class" "placeholder" False Tooltip.profilesFilter
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.find [ Slc.tag "input" ]
|> Event.simulate (Event.input input)
|> Event.expect (LabelsInput.UpdateCandidate input)
, fuzz string "candidate is displayed in the search field" <|
\candidate ->
labels =
LabelsInput.withCandidate candidate LabelsInput.empty
LabelsInput.view labels "description" "input-id" "js--input-class" "placeholder" False Tooltip.profilesFilter
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.find [ Slc.tag "input" ]
|> Query.has [ Slc.attribute <| value candidate ]
, fuzz string "label has button that deletes the label" <|
\label ->
labels =
LabelsInput.fromList [ label ]
LabelsInput.view labels "description" "input-id" "js--input-class" "placeholder" False Tooltip.profilesFilter
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.find [ Slc.tag "button" ]
|> Event.simulate
|> Event.expect (LabelsInput.Remove label)