import { size } from "lodash";
import { gray400 } from "../../../assets/styles/colors";
const iconCache = new Map<string, google.maps.Icon>();
// Reuse a single canvas and context for text measurement
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const context = canvas.getContext("2d")!;
context.font = "12px Roboto, Arial, sans-serif";
const textWidthCache = new Map<string, number>();
const getTextWidth = (text: string): number => {
if (textWidthCache.has(text)) {
return textWidthCache.get(text)!;
const width = context.measureText(text).width;
textWidthCache.set(text, width);
return width;
export const createMarkerIcon = (
color: string,
value: string,
isSelected: boolean = false,
shouldPulse: boolean
): google.maps.Icon => {
// Round value to reduce number of unique icons
const roundedValue = Math.round(Number(value.split(" ")[0]));
const unit = value.split(" ")[1];
const displayedValue = `${roundedValue} ${unit}`;
const cacheKey = `${color}-${displayedValue}-${isSelected}-${shouldPulse}`;
if (iconCache.has(cacheKey)) {
return iconCache.get(cacheKey)!;
const padding = 7;
const baseCircleX = 19;
const baseCircleY = 20;
const baseCircleR = 6;
const rectHeight = 19;
const height = 44;
const strokeWidth = isSelected ? 1 : 0;
const shadowRadius = isSelected ? 22 : 18;
const maxScaleFactor = 1.6;
const deltaR = shadowRadius * (maxScaleFactor - 1);
const textWidth = getTextWidth(displayedValue);
const mainContentWidth =
8 + height / 2 + baseCircleR + padding + textWidth + 2;
const totalWidth = Math.max(mainContentWidth + 8, shadowRadius * 2);
const shadowColor = `${color}`;
// Define viewBox based on whether pulsation is needed
const viewBoxMinX = shouldPulse ? -deltaR : 0;
const viewBoxMinY = shouldPulse ? -deltaR * 2 + padding : padding;
const viewBoxWidth =
totalWidth + (shouldPulse ? deltaR * 2 : 0) + padding * 2;
const viewBoxHeight = height + (shouldPulse ? deltaR * 2 + padding : padding);
const centerX = (totalWidth + padding * 2) / 2;
const centerY = (height + padding * 2) / 2;
// const centerX = baseCircleX + 2;
// const centerY = baseCircleY;
const svg = `
<svg xmlns="" width="${viewBoxWidth}" height="${viewBoxHeight}" viewBox="${viewBoxMinX} ${viewBoxMinY} ${viewBoxWidth} ${viewBoxHeight}" overflow="visible">
<!-- Radial Gradient for Shadow -->
? `<radialGradient id="shadowGradient" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="70%">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="${shadowColor}90" />
<stop offset="40%" stop-color="${shadowColor}90" />
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="${shadowColor}90" stop-opacity="0" />
: `<radialGradient id="shadowGradient" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="60%">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="${shadowColor}95" />
<stop offset="30%" stop-color="${shadowColor}95" />
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="${shadowColor}95" />
<!-- Blur Filter -->
? `<filter id="blur" x="-50%" y="-50%" width="200%" height="200%">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="3" />
: ""
<!-- Drop Shadow for Rectangle -->
<filter id="dropShadow" x="-20%" y="-20%" width="140%" height="140%">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="0.5"/>
<feOffset dx="1.25" dy="1.25" result="offsetblur"/>
<feFlood flood-color="rgba(76, 86, 96, 0.1)"/>
<feComposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"/>
<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/>
? `
@keyframes pulse-animation {
0% { transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; }
50% { transform: scale(${maxScaleFactor}); opacity: 0.9; }
100% { transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; }
.pulse {
animation: pulse-animation 2s infinite;
transform-origin: ${
centerX - mainContentWidth / 2 + 11
}px ${centerY}px;
: ""
<!-- Pulsating Circle (Background) -->
${shouldPulse ? `<g class="pulse">` : ""}
<circle cx="${
centerX - mainContentWidth / 2 + 11
}" cy="${centerY}" r="${shadowRadius}" fill="url(#shadowGradient)" ${
!isSelected ? 'filter="url(#blur)"' : ""
} />
${shouldPulse ? `</g>` : ""}
<!-- Label Rectangle with Drop Shadow -->
<rect x="${centerX - mainContentWidth / 2}" y="${
centerY - rectHeight / 2
}" rx="9" ry="${centerY}" width="${mainContentWidth}" height="${rectHeight}" fill="white" stroke="${color}" stroke-width="${strokeWidth}" filter="url(#dropShadow)"/>
<!-- Small Colored Circle Inside Label -->
<circle cx="${
centerX - mainContentWidth / 2 + 11
}" cy="${centerY}" r="${baseCircleR}" fill="${color}" stroke="${color}" stroke-width="${strokeWidth}" />
<!-- Label Text -->
<text x="${
centerX - mainContentWidth / 2 + 11 + baseCircleR + padding
}" y="${
centerY + 5
}" font-family="Roboto, Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0.14" fill="${gray400}" text-anchor="start">${displayedValue}</text>
const selectedAnchor = new google.maps.Point(shadowRadius, shadowRadius);
const icon = {
url: `data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,${encodeURIComponent(svg)}`,
anchor: isSelected ? selectedAnchor : null,
iconCache.set(cacheKey, icon);
return icon;
export const createClusterIcon = (
color: string,
shouldPulse: boolean
): google.maps.Icon => {
const cacheKey = `${color}-cluster-${shouldPulse}`;
if (iconCache.has(cacheKey)) {
return iconCache.get(cacheKey)!;
const baseSize = 30;
const baseRadius = 14;
const center = baseSize / 2;
let totalSize = baseSize;
let anchorPoint = new google.maps.Point(center, baseSize);
let svgContent = "";
let viewBox = `0 0 ${baseSize} ${baseSize}`;
let pulseStyles = "";
// Making sure the icon is not obscuring other map elements when not pulsing
if (shouldPulse) {
const maxScaleFactor = 2.0;
const extraMargin = (baseSize * (maxScaleFactor - 1)) / 2;
totalSize = baseSize + extraMargin * 2;
const scaledBaseSize = baseSize * maxScaleFactor;
const halfTotalSize = totalSize / 2;
const offsetY = (scaledBaseSize - baseSize) / 2;
const anchorY = halfTotalSize + offsetY;
anchorPoint = new google.maps.Point(totalSize / 2, anchorY);
viewBox = `0 0 ${totalSize} ${totalSize}`;
pulseStyles = `
.pulse {
animation: pulse-animation 2s infinite;
transform-origin: center;
zIndex: 9999999999999999;
@keyframes pulse-animation {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 1;
50% {
transform: scale(${maxScaleFactor});
opacity: 0.8;
100% {
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 1;
svgContent = `
<g class="pulse">
<circle stroke="${color}" fill="none" cx="${totalSize / 2}" cy="${
totalSize / 2
}" r="${baseRadius}"></circle>
<g fill="${color}">
<rect x="${(totalSize - 14) / 2}" y="${
(totalSize - 14) / 2
}" width="14" height="14" rx="7"></rect>
} else {
svgContent = `
<circle stroke="${color}" fill="none" cx="${center}" cy="${center}" r="${baseRadius}"></circle>
<g fill="${color}">
<rect x="${(baseSize - 14) / 2}" y="${
(baseSize - 14) / 2
}" width="14" height="14" rx="7"></rect>
const svg = `
<svg xmlns="" width="${totalSize}" height="${totalSize}" viewBox="${viewBox}">
const icon: google.maps.Icon = {
url: `data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,${encodeURIComponent(svg)}`,
scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(totalSize, totalSize),
anchor: anchorPoint,
iconCache.set(cacheKey, icon);
return icon;