

Test Coverage
# --------------------------------------- 
# Module: server
# Enables and configures the Jetty server.
# This module does not enable any network protocol support.
# To enable a specific network protocol such as HTTP/1.1, you must enable the correspondent Jetty module.
# --------------------------------------- 

### Common HTTP configuration
## Scheme to use to build URIs for secure redirects
# jetty.httpConfig.secureScheme=https

## Port to use to build URIs for secure redirects
# jetty.httpConfig.securePort=8443

## Response content buffer size (in bytes)
# jetty.httpConfig.outputBufferSize=32768

## Max response content write length that is buffered (in bytes)
# jetty.httpConfig.outputAggregationSize=8192

## Max request headers size (in bytes)
# jetty.httpConfig.requestHeaderSize=8192

## Max response headers size (in bytes)
# jetty.httpConfig.responseHeaderSize=8192

## Whether to send the Server: header

## Whether to send the Date: header
# jetty.httpConfig.sendDateHeader=false

## Max per-connection header cache size (in nodes)
# jetty.httpConfig.headerCacheSize=1024

## Whether, for requests with content, delay dispatch until some content has arrived
# jetty.httpConfig.delayDispatchUntilContent=true

## Maximum number of error dispatches to prevent looping
# jetty.httpConfig.maxErrorDispatches=10

## Relative Redirect Locations allowed
# jetty.httpConfig.relativeRedirectAllowed=false

## Whether to use direct ByteBuffers for reading or writing
# jetty.httpConfig.useInputDirectByteBuffers=true
# jetty.httpConfig.useOutputDirectByteBuffers=true

## HTTP Compliance: RFC7230, RFC7230_LEGACY, RFC2616, RFC2616_LEGACY, LEGACY
# jetty.httpConfig.compliance=RFC7230

# jetty.httpConfig.uriCompliance=DEFAULT

## Cookie compliance mode for parsing request Cookie headers: RFC2965, RFC6265
# jetty.httpConfig.requestCookieCompliance=RFC6265

## Cookie compliance mode for generating response Set-Cookie: RFC2965, RFC6265
# jetty.httpConfig.responseCookieCompliance=RFC6265

### Server configuration
## Whether ctrl+c on the console gracefully stops the Jetty server
# jetty.server.stopAtShutdown=true

## Timeout in ms to apply when stopping the server gracefully
# jetty.server.stopTimeout=5000

## Dump the state of the Jetty server, components, and webapps after startup
# jetty.server.dumpAfterStart=false

## Dump the state of the Jetty server, components, and webapps before shutdown
# jetty.server.dumpBeforeStop=false

### Server Scheduler Configuration
## The scheduler thread name, defaults to "Scheduler-{hashCode()}" if blank.

## Whether the server scheduler threads are daemon.
# jetty.scheduler.daemon=false

## The number of server scheduler threads.
# jetty.scheduler.threads=1