

Test Coverage
# Citizen Intelligence Agency - Sweden Political Activity Dashboard

The Citizen Intelligence Agency provides a neutral and comprehensive dashboard focusing on political activity in Sweden. By monitoring key political figures and institutions, the platform offers valuable insights into financial performance, risk metrics, and political trends. This project is powered by advanced AI technologies like OpenAI and data visualization tools like Daigram.

## Key Features

- **Political Figures Overview**: Detailed profiles of key political figures, including their roles, tenure, and political experience. 
- **Ministry Overview**: Comprehensive data on various ministries, including the number of government bodies, total headcount, and financial performance. 
- **Performance Metrics**: Objective comparison of politicians based on performance metrics. 
- **Visual Data Representation**: Data is represented visually through charts and graphs for easy understanding. 

## Charts

### Swedish Government Members' Performance

The stacked bar chart provides a comparative view of the performance of each minister in the Swedish government. The metrics used for comparison include the number of days in position, government experience, party experience, parliament experience, income, and spending.

![Swedish Government Members' Performance](https://daigr.am/1e59ff22.svg)

For instance, you can observe that Ulf Kristersson (M), the Prime Minister, has the highest combined experience in government, party, and parliament. On the other hand, ministers like Romina Pourmokhtari (L), Peter Kullgren (KD), and Andreas Carlson (KD) have held their positions for fewer days and have less experience in government, party, and parliament.

The chart also provides insights into the financial aspects of each department, showing the income and spending for each minister's department. This can be useful for understanding the financial management and budget allocation within the Swedish government.

### Swedish Government Departments Overview

The stacked bar chart provides a comparative view of the performance of each department in the Swedish government. The metrics used for comparison include the number of government bodies, total headcount, income, and spending.

![Swedish Government Departments Overview](https://daigr.am/12a372b0.svg)

For instance, you can observe that the Utbildningsdepartementet has the highest total headcount and income, while the Socialdepartementet has the highest spending. On the other hand, departments like the Kulturdepartementet and Statsrådsberedningen have fewer government bodies and a lower total headcount.

The chart also provides insights into the financial aspects of each department, showing the income and spending for each department. This can be useful for understanding the financial management and budget allocation within the Swedish government.

Please note that the data is based on the information provided and may not reflect the most current state of affairs.

For an interactive view of the chart, please visit the [link](https://daigr.am/12a372b0.svg).

### Headcount per Ministry

![Headcount per Ministry](https://daigr.am/c6e79c14.svg)

This pie chart displays the total headcount in each ministry. The Utbildningsdepartementet (Education Department) has the highest headcount, followed by the Justitiedepartementet (Justice Department) and the Försvarsdepartementet (Defense Department).

### Number of Government Bodies per Ministry

![Number of Government Bodies per Ministry](https://daigr.am/3531a579.svg)

This bar chart displays the number of government bodies under each ministry. The Utbildningsdepartementet (Education Department) has the most government bodies, followed by the Finansdepartementet (Finance Department) and the Socialdepartementet (Social Department).

### Spending (B SEK) per Ministry

![Spending (B SEK) per Ministry](https://daigr.am/9fd2c66c.svg)

This bar chart displays the spending in billion SEK for each ministry. The Finansdepartementet (Finance Department) has the highest spending, followed by the Socialdepartementet (Social Department) and the Utbildningsdepartementet (Education Department).

## Data Sources

The project relies on open data from various sources such as:

- [Swedish Parliament Open Data](https://data.riksdagen.se/)
- [Swedish Election Authority](https://www.val.se/)
- [World Bank Open Data](https://data.worldbank.org/)
- [Swedish National Financial Management Authority (ESV) Public Sector Information (PSI) Data](https://www.esv.se/)

## Tools Used

This project utilizes advanced AI technologies like [OpenAI](https://www.openai.com/) for data processing and analysis, and [Daigram](https://www.daigram.com/) for data visualization.

## Contribute

The Citizen Intelligence Agency is a volunteer-driven, open-source intelligence (OSINT) project. We welcome contributions from anyone interested in promoting transparency and informed decision-making. 

## About Hack23

- Website: [www.hack23.com](https://www.hack23.com/)
- LinkedIn: [in/jamessorling](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessorling)