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Test Coverage
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.forms import ModelForm
from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat
from django.utils import timezone

from app.mixins import OverwriteOnlyModelFormMixin, BootstrapFormMixin
from app.utils import validate_url
from applications import models

import requests

def set_field_html_name(cls, new_name):
    This creates wrapper around the normal widget rendering,
    allowing for a custom field name (new_name).
    old_render = cls.widget.render

    def _widget_render_wrapper(name, value, attrs=None):
        return old_render(new_name, value, attrs)

    cls.widget.render = _widget_render_wrapper

class _BaseApplicationForm(OverwriteOnlyModelFormMixin, BootstrapFormMixin, ModelForm):
    phone_number = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(
        attrs={'class': 'form-control', 'placeholder': '+#########'}))
    under_age = forms.TypedChoiceField(
        label='How old are you?',
        coerce=lambda x: x == 'True',
        choices=((False, '18 or over'), (True, 'Under 18')),
    code_conduct = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
                                      label='I have read and accept the '
                                            '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s Code of Conduct</a>' % (
                                                getattr(settings, 'CODE_CONDUCT_LINK', '/code_conduct'),
                                                settings.HACKATHON_NAME), )

    def clean_code_conduct(self):
        cc = self.cleaned_data.get('code_conduct', False)
        # Check that if it's the first submission hackers checks code of conduct checkbox
        # self.instance.pk is None if there's no Application existing before
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9704067/test-if-django-modelform-has-instance
        if not cc and not self.instance.pk:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                "To attend %s you must abide by our code of conduct" % settings.HACKATHON_NAME)
        return cc

    def clean_other_diet(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['other_diet']
        diet = self.cleaned_data['diet']
        if diet == 'Others' and not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Please tell us your specific dietary requirements")
        return data

    def clean_other_gender(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['other_gender']
        gender = self.cleaned_data['gender']
        if gender == models.GENDER_OTHER and not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Please enter this field or select 'Prefer not to answer'")
        return data

    def clean_origin(self):
        origin = self.cleaned_data['origin']
        if origin == "Others":
            origin_verified = origin
            response = requests.get('https://api.teleport.org/api/cities/', params={'search': origin})
            data = response.json()['_embedded']['city:search-results']
            if not data:
                raise forms.ValidationError("Please select one of the dropdown options or write 'Others'")
                origin_verified = data[0]['matching_full_name']
        return origin_verified

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        item = super(_BaseApplicationForm, self).__getitem__(name)
        item.field.disabled = not self.instance.can_be_edit()
        return item

    class Meta:
        exclude = ['user', 'uuid', 'invited_by', 'submission_date', 'status_update_date', 'status', ]

class _HackerMentorVolunteerApplicationForm(OverwriteOnlyModelFormMixin, ModelForm):
    first_timer = forms.TypedChoiceField(
        label='Will %s be your first hackathon?' % settings.HACKATHON_NAME,
        coerce=lambda x: x == 'True',
        choices=((False, 'No'), (True, 'Yes')),
    university = forms.CharField(required=True,
                                 label='What university do you study at?',
                                 help_text='Current or most recent school you attended.',
                                     attrs={'class': 'typeahead-schools', 'autocomplete': 'off'}))

    degree = forms.CharField(required=True, label='What\'s your major/degree?',
                             help_text='Current or most recent degree you\'ve received',
                                 attrs={'class': 'typeahead-degrees', 'autocomplete': 'off'}))

class _HackerMentorApplicationForm(OverwriteOnlyModelFormMixin, ModelForm):
    github = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(
        attrs={'class': 'form-control',
               'placeholder': 'https://github.com/johnBiene'}))
    devpost = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(
        attrs={'class': 'form-control',
               'placeholder': 'https://devpost.com/JohnBiene'}))
    linkedin = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(
        attrs={'class': 'form-control',
               'placeholder': 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/john_biene'}))
    site = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(
        attrs={'class': 'form-control', 'placeholder': 'https://biene.space'}))

    def clean_resume(self):
        resume = self.cleaned_data['resume']
        size = getattr(resume, '_size', 0)
        if size > settings.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Please keep resume size under %s. Current filesize %s" % (
                filesizeformat(settings.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE), filesizeformat(size)))
        return resume

    def clean_github(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['github']
        validate_url(data, 'github.com')
        return data

    def clean_devpost(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['devpost']
        validate_url(data, 'devpost.com')
        return data

    def clean_linkedin(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['linkedin']
        validate_url(data, 'linkedin.com')
        return data

    def clean_projects(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['projects']
        first_timer = self.cleaned_data['first_timer']
        if not first_timer and not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Please fill this in order for us to know you a bit better")
        return data

class HackerApplicationForm(_BaseApplicationForm, _HackerMentorApplicationForm, _HackerMentorVolunteerApplicationForm):
    reimb = forms.TypedChoiceField(
        label='Do you need a travel reimbursement to attend?',
        coerce=lambda x: x == 'True',
        choices=((False, 'No'), (True, 'Yes')),

    bootstrap_field_info = {
        'Personal Info': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'university', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'degree', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'graduation_year', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'gender', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'other_gender', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'phone_number', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'tshirt_size', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'diet', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'other_diet', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'under_age', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'lennyface', 'space': 12}, ],
            'description': 'Hey there, before we begin we would like to know a little more about you.'
        'Hackathons?': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'description', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'first_timer', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'projects', 'space': 12}, ]
        'Show us what you\'ve built': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'github', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'devpost', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'linkedin', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'site', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'resume', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'description', 'space': 12}, ],
            'description': 'Some of our sponsors may use this information for recruitment purposes,'
                           'so please include as much as you can.'

    def clean_reimb_amount(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['reimb_amount']
        reimb = self.cleaned_data.get('reimb', False)
        if reimb and not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("To apply for reimbursement please set a valid amount")
        deadline = getattr(settings, 'REIMBURSEMENT_DEADLINE', False)
        if data and deadline and deadline <= timezone.now():
            raise forms.ValidationError("Reimbursement applications are now closed. Trying to hack us?")
        return data

    def clean_reimb(self):
        reimb = self.cleaned_data.get('reimb', False)
        deadline = getattr(settings, 'REIMBURSEMENT_DEADLINE', False)
        if reimb and deadline and deadline <= timezone.now():
            raise forms.ValidationError("Reimbursement applications are now closed. Trying to hack us?")
        return reimb

    def get_bootstrap_field_info(self):
        fields = super().get_bootstrap_field_info()

        deadline = getattr(settings, 'REIMBURSEMENT_DEADLINE', False)
        r_enabled = getattr(settings, 'REIMBURSEMENT_ENABLED', False)
        if r_enabled and deadline and deadline <= timezone.now() and not self.instance.pk:
            fields['Traveling'] = {'fields': [{'name': 'origin', 'space': 12}, ],
                                   'description': 'Reimbursement applications are now closed. '
                                                  'Sorry for the inconvenience.',
        elif self.instance.pk and r_enabled:
            fields['Traveling'] = {'fields': [{'name': 'origin', 'space': 12}, ],
                                   'description': 'If you applied for reimbursement, check out the Travel tab. '
                                                  'Email us at %s for any change needed on reimbursements.' %
        elif not r_enabled:
            fields['Traveling'] = {'fields': [{'name': 'origin', 'space': 12}, ], }
            fields['Traveling'] = {'fields': [{'name': 'origin', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'reimb', 'space': 12},
                                              {'name': 'reimb_amount', 'space': 12}, ], }

        # Fields that we only need the first time the hacker fills the application
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9704067/test-if-django-modelform-has-instance
        if not self.instance.pk:
            fields['Code of Conduct'] = {'fields': [{'name': 'code_conduct', 'space': 12}, ], }
        return fields

    class Meta(_BaseApplicationForm.Meta):
        model = models.HackerApplication
        extensions = getattr(settings, 'SUPPORTED_RESUME_EXTENSIONS', None)

        help_texts = {
            'gender': 'This is for demographic purposes.',
            'graduation_year': 'What year have you graduated on or when will '
                               'you graduate',
            'degree': 'What\'s your major/degree?',
            'other_diet': 'Please fill here in your dietary requirements. We want to make sure we have food for you!',
            'lennyface': 'tip: you can chose from here <a href="http://textsmili.es/" target="_blank">'
                         ' http://textsmili.es/</a>',
            'projects': 'You can talk about about past hackathons, personal projects, awards etc. '
                        '(we love links) Show us your passion! :D',
            'reimb_amount': 'We try our best to cover costs for all hackers, but our budget is limited',
            'resume': 'Accepted file formats: %s' % (', '.join(extensions) if extensions else 'Any'),
            'origin': "Please select one of the dropdown options or write 'Others'"

        widgets = {
            'origin': forms.TextInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'}),
            'description': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 3, 'cols': 40}),
            'projects': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 3, 'cols': 40}),
            'graduation_year': forms.RadioSelect(),

        labels = {
            'gender': 'What gender do you identify as?',
            'other_gender': 'Self-describe',
            'graduation_year': 'What year will you graduate?',
            'tshirt_size': 'What\'s your t-shirt size?',
            'diet': 'Dietary requirements',
            'lennyface': 'Describe yourself in one "lenny face"?',
            'origin': 'Where are you joining us from?',
            'description': 'Why are you excited about %s?' % settings.HACKATHON_NAME,
            'projects': 'What projects have you worked on?',
            'resume': 'Upload your resume',
            'reimb_amount': 'How much money (%s) would you need to afford traveling to %s?' % (
                getattr(settings, 'CURRENCY', '$'), settings.HACKATHON_NAME),

class VolunteerApplicationForm(_BaseApplicationForm, _HackerMentorVolunteerApplicationForm):
    first_time_volunteer = forms.TypedChoiceField(
        label='Have you volunteered at %s before?' % settings.HACKATHON_NAME,
        coerce=lambda x: x == 'True',
        choices=((False, 'No'), (True, 'Yes')),
    which_hack = forms.MultipleChoiceField(
        label='Which %s editions have you volunteered in?' % settings.HACKATHON_NAME,
    bootstrap_field_info = {
        'Personal Info': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'origin', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'university', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'degree', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'graduation_year', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'gender', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'other_gender', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'phone_number', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'tshirt_size', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'diet', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'other_diet', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'under_age', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'lennyface', 'space': 12}, ],
            'description': 'Hey there, before we begin we would like to know a little more about you.'
        'Volunteer Skills': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'first_timer', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'first_time_volunteer', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'which_hack', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'attendance', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'english_level', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'quality', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'weakness', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'cool_skill', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'fav_movie', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'friends', 'space': 12},

    def clean(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['which_hack']
        volunteer = self.cleaned_data['first_time_volunteer']
        if volunteer and not data:
            self.add_error('which_hack', "Choose the hackathons you volunteered")

        return super(VolunteerApplicationForm, self).clean()

    def volunteer(self):
        return True

    def clean_reimb_amount(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['reimb_amount']
        reimb = self.cleaned_data.get('reimb', False)
        if reimb and not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("To apply for reimbursement please set a valid amount")
        deadline = getattr(settings, 'REIMBURSEMENT_DEADLINE', False)
        if data and deadline and deadline <= timezone.now():
            raise forms.ValidationError("Reimbursement applications are now closed. Trying to hack us?")
        return data

    def clean_reimb(self):
        reimb = self.cleaned_data.get('reimb', False)
        deadline = getattr(settings, 'REIMBURSEMENT_DEADLINE', False)
        if reimb and deadline and deadline <= timezone.now():
            raise forms.ValidationError("Reimbursement applications are now closed. Trying to hack us?")
        return reimb

    def get_bootstrap_field_info(self):
        fields = super().get_bootstrap_field_info()
        # Fields that we only need the first time the hacker fills the application
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9704067/test-if-django-modelform-has-instance
        if not self.instance.pk:
            fields['Code of Conduct'] = {'fields': [{'name': 'code_conduct', 'space': 12}, ], }
        return fields

    class Meta(_BaseApplicationForm.Meta):
        model = models.VolunteerApplication
        help_texts = {
            'gender': 'This is for demographic purposes.',
            'graduation_year': 'What year have you graduated on or when will '
                               'you graduate',
            'degree': 'What\'s your major/degree?',
            'other_diet': 'Please fill here in your dietary requirements. We want to make sure we have food for you!',
            'lennyface': 'tip: you can chose from here <a href="http://textsmili.es/" target="_blank">'
                         ' http://textsmili.es/</a>',
            'attendance': "It will be a great experience to enjoy from beginning to end with lots of things to do, "
                          "but it is ok if you can't make it the whole weekend!",
            'english_level': "No English level needed to volunteer, we just want to check which of you would be"
                             " comfortable doing tasks that require communication in English!",
            'fav_movie': 'e.g.: Interstellar, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mulan, Twilight, etc.',
            'cool_skill': 'e.g: can lift 300kg deadweight, have web development skills, can read minds, '
                          'time traveler...',
            'friends': '*Remember that you all have to apply separately'

        widgets = {
            'origin': forms.TextInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'}),
            'graduation_year': forms.RadioSelect(),
            'english_level': forms.RadioSelect(),
            'friends': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 40}),
            'weakness': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 40}),
            'quality': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 40}),

        labels = {
            'gender': 'What gender do you identify as?',
            'other_gender': 'Self-describe',
            'graduation_year': 'What year will you graduate?',
            'tshirt_size': 'What\'s your t-shirt size?',
            'diet': 'Dietary requirements',
            'lennyface': 'Describe yourself in one "lenny face"?',
            'origin': 'Where are you joining us from?',
            'which_hack': 'Which %s editions have you volunteered in?' % settings.HACKATHON_NAME,
            'attendance': 'Will you be attending HackUPC for the whole event?',
            'english_level': 'How much confident are you about talking in English?',
            'quality': 'Tell us a quality of yourself :)',
            'weakness': 'Now a weakness :(',
            'cool_skill': 'Do you have any cool skills we should know about?',
            'fav_movie': 'Which is your favorite movie?',
            'friends': 'If you are applying with some of your friends, please mention their names'

class MentorApplicationForm(_BaseApplicationForm, _HackerMentorApplicationForm, _HackerMentorVolunteerApplicationForm):

    first_time_mentor = forms.TypedChoiceField(
        label='Have you mentored at %s before?' % settings.HACKATHON_NAME,
        coerce=lambda x: x == 'True',
        choices=((False, 'No'), (True, 'Yes')),

    study_work = forms.TypedChoiceField(
        label='Are you studying or working?',
        coerce=lambda x: x == 'True',
        choices=((False, 'Working'), (True, 'Studying')),

    company = forms.CharField(required=False,
                              help_text='Current or most recent company you attended.',
                              label='Where are you working at?')

    university = forms.CharField(required=False,
                                 label='What university do you study at?',
                                 help_text='Current or most recent school you attended.',
                                     attrs={'class': 'typeahead-schools', 'autocomplete': 'off'}))

    degree = forms.CharField(required=False, label='What\'s your major/degree?',
                             help_text='Current or most recent degree you\'ve received',
                                 attrs={'class': 'typeahead-degrees', 'autocomplete': 'off'}))

    bootstrap_field_info = {
        'Personal Info': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'origin', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'study_work', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'company', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'university', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'degree', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'graduation_year', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'gender', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'other_gender', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'phone_number', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'tshirt_size', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'diet', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'other_diet', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'under_age', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'lennyface', 'space': 12}, ],
            'description': 'Hey there, before we begin we would like to know a little more about you.'
        'Mentor Skills': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'why_mentor', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'first_timer', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'first_time_mentor', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'which_hack', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'participated', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'attendance', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'english_level', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'fluent', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'experience', 'space': 12}, ],
        'Show us what you\'ve built': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'github', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'devpost', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'linkedin', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'site', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'resume', 'space': 12}, ]

    def mentor(self):
        return True

    def get_bootstrap_field_info(self):
        fields = super().get_bootstrap_field_info()
        if not self.instance.pk:
            fields['Code of Conduct'] = {'fields': [{'name': 'code_conduct', 'space': 12}, ], }
        return super(MentorApplicationForm, self).fieldsets

    def clean(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['which_hack']
        mentor = self.cleaned_data['first_time_mentor']
        if mentor and not data:
            self.add_error('which_hack', "Choose the hackathons you mentored")
        study = self.cleaned_data['study_work']
        if study:
            if not self.cleaned_data['university']:
                self.add_error('university', 'Type your university, please')
            if not self.cleaned_data['degree']:
                self.add_error('degree', 'Type your degree, please')
            if not self.cleaned_data['graduation_year']:
                self.add_error('graduation_year', 'Choose your graduation year, please')
            if not self.cleaned_data['company']:
                self.add_error('company', 'Type your company, please')

        return super(MentorApplicationForm, self).clean()

    class Meta(_BaseApplicationForm.Meta):
        model = models.MentorApplication
        extensions = getattr(settings, 'SUPPORTED_RESUME_EXTENSIONS', None)

        help_texts = {
            'gender': 'This is for demographic purposes.',
            'graduation_year': 'What year have you graduated on or when will '
                               'you graduate',
            'degree': 'What\'s your major/degree?',
            'other_diet': 'Please fill here in your dietary requirements. We want to make sure we have food for you!',
            'lennyface': 'tip: you can chose from here <a href="http://textsmili.es/" target="_blank">'
                         ' http://textsmili.es/</a>',
            'participated': 'You can talk about about past hackathons or any other events. ',
            'resume': 'Accepted file formats: %s' % (', '.join(extensions) if extensions else 'Any'),

        widgets = {
            'origin': forms.TextInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'}),
            'participated': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 3, 'cols': 40}),
            'graduation_year': forms.RadioSelect(),
            'english_level': forms.RadioSelect(),
            'fluent': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 40}),
            'experience': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 40}),
            'why_mentor': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 40}),

        labels = {
            'gender': 'What gender do you identify as?',
            'other_gender': 'Self-describe',
            'graduation_year': 'What year will you graduate?',
            'tshirt_size': 'What\'s your t-shirt size?',
            'diet': 'Dietary requirements',
            'lennyface': 'Describe yourself in one "lenny face"?',
            'origin': 'Where are you joining us from?',
            'description': 'Why are you excited about %s?' % settings.HACKATHON_NAME,
            'participated': 'Have you participated as mentor in other hackathons or tech events?',
            'resume': 'Upload your resume',
            'why_mentor': 'Why do you want to participate as mentor?',
            'which_hack': 'Which editions have you mentored?',
            'attendance': 'Will you be attending HackUPC for the whole event?',
            'english_level': 'How much confident are you about talking in English?',
            'fluent': 'What program languages are you fluent on?',
            'experience': 'Which program languages have you experience on?'

class SponsorForm(OverwriteOnlyModelFormMixin, BootstrapFormMixin, ModelForm):
    phone_number = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(
        attrs={'class': 'form-control', 'placeholder': '+#########'}))
    code_conduct = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
                                      label='I have read and accept the '
                                            '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s Code of Conduct</a>' % (
                                                getattr(settings, 'CODE_CONDUCT_LINK', '/code_conduct'),
                                                settings.HACKATHON_NAME), )

    bootstrap_field_info = {
        'Personal Info': {
            'fields': [{'name': 'name', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'phone_number', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'tshirt_size', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'diet', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'other_diet', 'space': 12}, {'name': 'position', 'space': 12},
                       {'name': 'attendance', 'space': 12}, ],
            'description': 'Hey there, before we begin we would like to know a little more about you.'

    def clean_code_conduct(self):
        cc = self.cleaned_data.get('code_conduct', False)
        # Check that if it's the first submission hackers checks code of conduct checkbox
        # self.instance.pk is None if there's no Application existing before
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9704067/test-if-django-modelform-has-instance
        if not cc and not self.instance.pk:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                "To attend %s you must abide by our code of conduct" % settings.HACKATHON_NAME)
        return cc

    def clean_other_diet(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['other_diet']
        diet = self.cleaned_data['diet']
        if diet == 'Others' and not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Please tell us your specific dietary requirements")
        return data

    def clean_other_gender(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['other_gender']
        gender = self.cleaned_data['gender']
        if gender == models.GENDER_OTHER and not data:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Please enter this field or select 'Prefer not to answer'")
        return data

    def fieldsets(self):
        fields = super().get_bootstrap_field_info()
        if not self.instance.pk:
            fields['Code of Conduct'] = {'fields': [{'name': 'code_conduct', 'space': 12}, ], }
        return super(SponsorForm, self).fieldsets

    class Meta:
        model = models.SponsorApplication
        help_texts = {
            'other_diet': 'Please fill here in your dietary requirements. We want to make sure we have food for you!',
        labels = {
            'tshirt_size': 'What\'s your t-shirt size?',
            'diet': 'Dietary requirements',
            'attendance': 'What availability will you have during the event?',
            'position': 'What is your job position?',
        exclude = ['user', 'uuid', 'submission_date', 'status_update_date', 'status', ]