'''this module used to parse nmap xml report'''
__author__ = 'yunshu('
__version__ = '0.2'
from typing import Optional
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Document
__modified_by = 'ketchup'
__modified_by = 'SECFORCE'
import parsers.Session as Session
import parsers.Host as Host
class MalformedXmlDocumentException(BaseException):
class Parser:
'''Parser class, parse a xml format nmap report'''
def __init__(self, dom: Document):
self.__dom = dom
self.__session = None
self.__hosts = {}
for hostNode in self.__dom.getElementsByTagName('host'):
__host = Host.Host(hostNode)
self.__hosts[__host.ip] = __host
def getSession(self):
'''get this scans information, return a Session object'''
run_node = self.__dom.getElementsByTagName('nmaprun')[0]
hosts_node = self.__dom.getElementsByTagName('hosts')[0]
finish_time = self.__dom.getElementsByTagName('finished')[0].getAttribute('timestr')
nmapVersion = run_node.getAttribute('version')
startTime = run_node.getAttribute('startstr')
scanArgs = run_node.getAttribute('args')
totalHosts = hosts_node.getAttribute('total')
upHosts = hosts_node.getAttribute('up')
downHosts = hosts_node.getAttribute('down')
MySession = {'finish_time': finish_time,
'nmapVersion': nmapVersion,
'scanArgs': scanArgs,
'startTime': startTime,
'totalHosts': totalHosts,
'upHosts': upHosts,
'downHosts': downHosts}
self.__session = Session.Session(MySession)
return self.__session
def getHost(self, ipaddr: str) -> Optional[Host.Host]:
'''get a Host object by ip address'''
return self.__hosts.get(ipaddr)
def getAllHosts(self, status=None):
'''get a list of Host object'''
if status is None:
return self.__hosts.values()
__tmp_hosts = []
for __host in self.__hosts.values():
if __host.status == status:
return __tmp_hosts
def getAllIps(self, status=None):
'''get a list of ip address'''
__tmp_ips = []
if status is None:
for __host in self.__hosts.values():
for __host in self.__hosts.values():
if __host.status == status:
return __tmp_ips
def parseNmapReport(nmapXmlReportFileName: str) -> Parser:
return Parser(parse(nmapXmlReportFileName))
except Exception as e:
raise MalformedXmlDocumentException(e)