# ExoJAX
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
Differentiable spectral modelling of exoplanets/brown dwarfs/M dwarfs using [JAX](!
Read [the docs]( 🐕.
In short, ExoJAX allows you to do gradient based optimizations, HMC-NUTS, nested sampling, and SVI using the latest database.
ExoJAX is at least compatible with
- PPLs: [NumPyro](, [blackjax](, [bayeux](
- Optimizers: [Optax](, [JAXopt](
<img src="" Titie="exojax" Width=850px>
<details><summary>ExoJAX Classes</summary>
- Databases: *db (mdb: molecular, adb: atomic, cdb:continuum, pdb: particulates)
- Opacity Calculators: opa (Voigt profile, CIA, Mie/Rayleigh scattering etc)
- Atmospheric Radiative Transfer: art (emission w, w/o scattering, reflection, transmission)
- Spectral Operator: sop (planet rotation, instrumental broadening)
- Atmospheric Microphysics: amp (clouds etc)
- GPU-memory efficient Layer-by-layer opacity and transfer computations: opart
## Get Started
See [this page]( for the first step!
## Real Examples (external)
- :star: [exojaxample_WASP39b]( : An example of HMC-NUTS for actual hot Saturn (JWST/ERS, NIRSPEC/G395H)
- :star: [exojaxample_jupiter]( : An example of HMC-NUTS for actual Jupiter reflection spectrum
## References
- Paper I: Kawahara, Kawashima, Masuda, Crossfield, Pannier, van den Bekerom, [ApJS 258, 31 (2022)](
- Paper II: Kawahara, Kawashima, Tada et al. [AAS under review](
## License
🐈 Copyright 2020-2025 ExoJAX contributors. ExoJAX is publicly available under the MIT license.