Comparing HITEMP and ExoMol
.. code:: ipython3
from exojax.spec.hitran import line_strength, doppler_sigma, gamma_hitran, gamma_natural
from exojax.spec.exomol import gamma_exomol
from exojax.spec import api
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
First of all, set a wavenumber bin in the unit of wavenumber (cm-1).
Here we set the wavenumber range as :math:`1000 \le \nu \le 10000`
(1/cm) with the resolution of 0.01 (1/cm).
We call moldb instance with the path of par file. If the par file does
not exist, moldb will try to download it from HITRAN website.
.. code:: ipython3
# Setting wavenumber bins and loading HITEMP database
wav = np.linspace(22930.0, 23000.0, 4000, dtype=np.float64) # AA
nus = 1.0e8 / wav[::-1] # cm-1
.. code:: ipython3
mdbCO_HITEMP = api.MdbHitemp(
"CO", nus, isotope=1, gpu_transfer=True
) # we use istope=1 for comparison
.. parsed-literal::
radis engine = vaex
Downloading 05_HITEMP2019.par.bz2 for CO (1/1).
Download complete. Parsing CO database to /home/kawahara/exojax/documents/tutorials/CO-05_HITEMP2019.hdf5
.. code:: ipython3
emf = "CO/12C-16O/Li2015" # this is isotope=1 12C-16O
mdbCO_Li2015 = api.MdbExomol(emf, nus, gpu_transfer=True)
.. parsed-literal::
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ FutureWarning: e2s will be replaced to exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ FutureWarning: exojax.utils.molname.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname will be replaced to radis.api.exomolapi.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ FutureWarning: exojax.utils.molname.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname will be replaced to radis.api.exomolapi.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
.. parsed-literal::
HITRAN exact name= (12C)(16O)
radis engine = vaex
Molecule: CO
Isotopologue: 12C-16O
Background atmosphere: H2
ExoMol database: None
Local folder: CO/12C-16O/Li2015
Transition files:
=> File 12C-16O__Li2015.trans
Broadening code level: a0
.. parsed-literal::
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/radis/radis/api/ AccuracyWarning: The default broadening parameter (alpha = 0.07 cm^-1 and n = 0.5) are used for J'' > 80 up to J'' = 152
Define molecular weight of CO (:math:`\sim 12+16=28`), temperature (K),
and pressure (bar). Also, we here assume the 100 % CO atmosphere,
i.e. the partial pressure = pressure.
.. code:: ipython3
from exojax.spec import molinfo
molecular_mass = molinfo.molmass("CO") # molecular weight
Tfix = 1300.0 # we assume T=1300K
Pfix = 0.99 # we compute P=1 bar=0.99+0.1
Ppart = 0.01 # partial pressure of CO. here we assume a 1% CO atmosphere (very few).
partition function ratio :math:`q(T)` is defined by
:math:`q(T) = Q(T)/Q(T_{ref})`; :math:`T_{ref}`\ =296 K
Here, we use the partition function from HAPI
.. code:: ipython3
# mdbCO_HITEMP.ExomolQT(emf) #use Q(T) from Exomol/Li2015
from exojax.utils.constants import Tref_original
qt_HITEMP = mdbCO_HITEMP.qr_interp(1, Tfix, Tref_original)
qt_Li2015 = mdbCO_Li2015.qr_interp(Tfix, Tref_original)
Let us compute the line strength S(T) at temperature of Tfix.
:math:`S (T;s_0,\nu_0,E_l,q(T)) = S_0 \frac{Q(T_{ref})}{Q(T)} \frac{e^{- h c E_l /k_B T}}{e^{- h c E_l /k_B T_{ref}}} \frac{1- e^{- h c \nu /k_B T}}{1-e^{- h c \nu /k_B T_{ref}}}= q_r(T)^{-1} e^{ s_0 - c_2 E_l (T^{-1} - T_{ref}^{-1})} \frac{1- e^{- c_2 \nu_0/ T}}{1-e^{- c_2 \nu_0/T_{ref}}}`
:math:`s_0=\log_{e} S_0` : logsij0
:math:`\nu_0`: nu_lines
:math:`E_l` : elower
Why the input is :math:`s_0 = \log_{e} S_0` instead of :math:`S_0` in
SijT? This is because the direct value of :math:`S_0` is quite small and
we need to use float32 for jax.
.. code:: ipython3
Sij_HITEMP = line_strength(
Sij_Li2015 = line_strength(
Then, compute the Lorentz gamma factor (pressure+natural broadening)
:math:`\gamma_L = \gamma^p_L + \gamma^n_L`
where the pressure broadning (HITEMP)
:math:`\gamma^p_L = (T/296K)^{-n_{air}} [ \alpha_{air} ( P - P_{part})/P_{atm} + \alpha_{self} P_{part}/P_{atm}]`
:math:`P_{atm}`: 1 atm in the unit of bar (i.e. = 1.01325)
the pressure broadning (ExoMol)
$:raw-latex:`\gamma`^p_L = :raw-latex:`\alpha`\ *{ref} ( T/T*\ {ref}
)^{-n\_{texp}} ( P/P\_{ref}), $
and the natural broadening
:math:`\gamma^n_L = \frac{A}{4 \pi c}`
.. code:: ipython3
gammaL_HITEMP = gamma_hitran(
) + gamma_natural(mdbCO_HITEMP.A)
gammaL_Li2015 = gamma_exomol(
Pfix, Tfix, mdbCO_Li2015.n_Texp, mdbCO_Li2015.alpha_ref
) + gamma_natural(mdbCO_Li2015.A)
Thermal broadening
:math:`\sigma_D^{t} = \sqrt{\frac{k_B T}{M m_u}} \frac{\nu_0}{c}`
.. code:: ipython3
# thermal doppler sigma
sigmaD_HITEMP = doppler_sigma(mdbCO_HITEMP.nu_lines, Tfix, molecular_mass)
sigmaD_Li2015 = doppler_sigma(mdbCO_Li2015.nu_lines, Tfix, molecular_mass)
Then, the line center…
In HITRAN database, a slight pressure shift can be included using
:math:`\delta_{air}`: :math:`\nu_0(P) = \nu_0 + \delta_{air} P`. But
this shift is quite a bit.
.. code:: ipython3
# line center
nu0_HITEMP = mdbCO_HITEMP.nu_lines
nu0_Li2015 = mdbCO_Li2015.nu_lines
We use Direct LFP.
.. code:: ipython3
from exojax.spec.initspec import init_lpf
from exojax.spec.lpf import xsvector
numatrix_HITEMP = init_lpf(mdbCO_HITEMP.nu_lines, nus)
xsv_HITEMP = xsvector(numatrix_HITEMP, sigmaD_HITEMP, gammaL_HITEMP, Sij_HITEMP)
numatrix_Li2015 = init_lpf(mdbCO_Li2015.nu_lines, nus)
xsv_Li2015 = xsvector(numatrix_Li2015, sigmaD_Li2015, gammaL_Li2015, Sij_Li2015)
.. code:: ipython3
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.plot(wav[::-1], xsv_HITEMP, lw=2, label="HITEMP2019")
plt.plot(wav[::-1], xsv_Li2015, lw=2, ls="dashed", label="Exomol w/ .broad")
plt.xlim(22970, 22976)
plt.xlabel("wavelength ($\AA$)", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("cross section ($cm^{2}$)", fontsize=14)
plt.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=14)
plt.savefig("co_comparison.pdf", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0)
plt.savefig("co_comparison.png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0)
.. image:: Comparing_HITEMP_and_ExoMol_files/Comparing_HITEMP_and_ExoMol_20_0.png