Reducing memory for HITEMP CH4
.. code:: ipython3
from exojax.spec import moldb
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'bmh')
First of all, set a wavenumber bin in the unit of wavenumber (cm-1).
Here we set the wavenumber range as :math:`1000 \le \nu \le 10000`
(1/cm) with the resolution of 0.01 (1/cm).
We call moldb instance with the path of par file. If the par file does
not exist, moldb will try to download it from HITRAN website.
.. code:: ipython3
# Setting wavenumber bins and loading HITEMP database
wav=np.linspace(16370.0,16390.0,2000,dtype=np.float64) #AA
nus=1.e8/wav[::-1] #cm-1
when initializing MdbHit, extract=True option does extract the opacity
in the wavenumber range we now considered. It reduces the use of DRAM.
(If you have very large DRAM, not necessarily)
.. code:: ipython3
.. parsed-literal::
Extract HITEMP: 31880412it [01:47, 296364.94it/s]
.. parsed-literal::
self.path changed: ~/exojax/data/CH4/6101.281269066504_6108.7354917532075_1.0/06_HITEMP2020.par
HAPI initializes all the par files in ~/exojax/data/CH4/6101.281269066504_6108.7354917532075_1.0
HAPI detected: 06_HITEMP2020.header
HAPI detected: 06_HITEMP2020.par
.. code:: ipython3
.. image:: Reducing_memory_for_HITEMP_files/Reducing_memory_for_HITEMP_6_0.png