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Reverse modeling of Methane emission spectrum using precomputed spectrum grids

The opacity calculators in ExoJAX are fully auto-differentiable.
However, in some case, the precomputation of the spectrum and the
interpolation of the grid model are useful to perform rapid reverse
modeling. Here, we demonstrate the grid-based retrieval using ExoJAX.
For this example, you might need a good GPU.

.. code:: ipython3

    from jax import config
    config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)

.. code:: ipython3

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from jax import random
    import jax.numpy as jnp
    from jax import vmap
    import pandas as pd
    import pkg_resources
    from exojax.spec.atmrt import ArtEmisPure
    from exojax.spec.api import MdbExomol
    from exojax.spec.opacalc import OpaPremodit
    from exojax.spec.contdb import CdbCIA
    from exojax.spec.opacont import OpaCIA
    from exojax.spec.response import ipgauss_sampling
    from exojax.spec.spin_rotation import convolve_rigid_rotation
    from exojax.spec import molinfo
    from exojax.spec.unitconvert import nu2wav
    from exojax.utils.grids import velocity_grid
    from exojax.utils.astrofunc import gravity_jupiter
    from exojax.utils.grids import wavenumber_grid
    from exojax.utils.instfunc import resolution_to_gaussian_std
    from exojax.test.data import SAMPLE_SPECTRA_CH4_NEW

.. parsed-literal::

    2024-09-29 07:22:17.164712: W external/xla/xla/service/gpu/nvptx_compiler.cc:765] The NVIDIA driver's CUDA version is 12.2 which is older than the ptxas CUDA version (12.6.20). Because the driver is older than the ptxas version, XLA is disabling parallel compilation, which may slow down compilation. You should update your NVIDIA driver or use the NVIDIA-provided CUDA forward compatibility packages.
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/dtau_mmwl.py:14: FutureWarning: dtau_mmwl might be removed in future.
      warnings.warn("dtau_mmwl might be removed in future.", FutureWarning)

.. code:: ipython3

    filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
        'exojax', 'data/testdata/' + SAMPLE_SPECTRA_CH4_NEW)
    dat = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter=",", names=("wavenumber", "flux"))
    nusd = dat['wavenumber'].values
    flux = dat['flux'].values
    wavd = nu2wav(nusd)
    sigmain = 0.05
    norm = 20000
    nflux = flux / norm + np.random.normal(0, sigmain, len(wavd))
    plt.plot(wavd, nflux)

.. image:: reverse_precompute_grid_files/reverse_precompute_grid_3_0.png

We make the grid model using ArtEmissPure and MdbExomol.

.. code:: ipython3

    # set wavenumber grid for the model
    Nx = 7500
    nu_grid, wav, res = wavenumber_grid(np.min(wavd) - 10.0,
                                        np.max(wavd) + 10.0,
    Tlow = 400.0
    Thigh = 1500.0
    art = ArtEmisPure(nu_grid=nu_grid, pressure_top=1.e-5, pressure_btm=1.e2, nlayer=75)
    art.change_temperature_range(Tlow, Thigh)
    Mp = 33.2
    Rinst = 100000.
    beta_inst = resolution_to_gaussian_std(Rinst)
    ## CH4 setting (PREMODIT)
    mdb = MdbExomol('.database/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10/',
    print('# of lines = ', len(mdb.nu_lines))
    diffmode = 1
    opa = OpaPremodit(mdb=mdb,
                      auto_trange=[Tlow, Thigh],
    ## CIA setting
    cdbH2H2 = CdbCIA('.database/H2-H2_2011.cia', nu_grid)
    opcia = OpaCIA(cdb=cdbH2H2, nu_grid=nu_grid)
    mmw = 2.33  # mean molecular weight
    mmrH2 = 0.74
    molmassH2 = molinfo.molmass_isotope('H2')
    vmrH2 = (mmrH2 * mmw / molmassH2)  # VMR
    #settings before HMC
    vsini_max = 100.0
    vr_array = velocity_grid(res, vsini_max)
    #given gravity, temperature exponent, MMR
    g = gravity_jupiter(Rp=0.88, Mp=33.2)
    alpha = 0.1
    MMR_CH4 = 0.0059

.. parsed-literal::

    xsmode =  premodit
    xsmode assumes ESLOG in wavenumber space: xsmode=premodit
    The wavenumber grid should be in ascending order.
    The users can specify the order of the wavelength grid by themselves.
    Your wavelength grid is in ***  descending  *** order
    rtsolver:  ibased
    Intensity-based n-stream solver, isothermal layer (e.g. NEMESIS, pRT like)
    HITRAN exact name= (12C)(1H)4
    HITRAN exact name= (12C)(1H)4
    radis engine =  vaex
             => Downloading from http://www.exomol.com/db/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10/12C-1H4__YT10to10.def

.. parsed-literal::

    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/unitconvert.py:62: UserWarning: Both input wavelength and output wavenumber are in ascending order.
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/grids.py:144: UserWarning: Resolution may be too small. R=617160.1067701889
      warnings.warn("Resolution may be too small. R=" + str(resolution), UserWarning)
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/molname.py:197: FutureWarning: e2s will be replaced to exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/molname.py:91: FutureWarning: exojax.utils.molname.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname will be replaced to radis.api.exomolapi.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/molname.py:63: UserWarning: No isotope number identified.
      warnings.warn("No isotope number identified.", UserWarning)
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/molname.py:91: FutureWarning: exojax.utils.molname.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname will be replaced to radis.api.exomolapi.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/molname.py:63: UserWarning: No isotope number identified.
      warnings.warn("No isotope number identified.", UserWarning)
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/molinfo.py:28: UserWarning: exact molecule name is not Exomol nor HITRAN form.
      warnings.warn("exact molecule name is not Exomol nor HITRAN form.")
    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/molinfo.py:29: UserWarning: No molmass available
      warnings.warn("No molmass available", UserWarning)

.. parsed-literal::

             => Downloading from http://www.exomol.com/db/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10/12C-1H4__YT10to10.pf
             => Downloading from http://www.exomol.com/db/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10/12C-1H4__YT10to10.states.bz2
             => Downloading from http://www.exomol.com/db/CH4/12C-1H4/12C-1H4__H2.broad
             => Downloading from http://www.exomol.com/db/CH4/12C-1H4/12C-1H4__He.broad
             => Downloading from http://www.exomol.com/db/CH4/12C-1H4/12C-1H4__air.broad
    Note: Caching states data to the vaex format. After the second time, it will become much faster.
    Molecule:  CH4
    Isotopologue:  12C-1H4
    Background atmosphere:  H2
    ExoMol database:  None
    Local folder:  .database/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10
    Transition files: 
         => File 12C-1H4__YT10to10__06000-06100.trans
             => Downloading from http://www.exomol.com/db/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10/12C-1H4__YT10to10__06000-06100.trans.bz2
             => Caching the *.trans.bz2 file to the vaex (*.h5) format. After the second time, it will become much faster.
             => You can deleted the 'trans.bz2' file by hand.
         => File 12C-1H4__YT10to10__06100-06200.trans
             => Downloading from http://www.exomol.com/db/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10/12C-1H4__YT10to10__06100-06200.trans.bz2
             => Caching the *.trans.bz2 file to the vaex (*.h5) format. After the second time, it will become much faster.
             => You can deleted the 'trans.bz2' file by hand.
    Broadening code level: a1

.. parsed-literal::

    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/radis/radis/api/exomolapi.py:685: AccuracyWarning: The default broadening parameter (alpha = 0.0488 cm^-1 and n = 0.4) are used for J'' > 16 up to J'' = 40

.. parsed-literal::

    # of lines =  80505310

.. parsed-literal::

    /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/opacalc.py:215: UserWarning: dit_grid_resolution is not None. Ignoring broadening_parameter_resolution.

.. parsed-literal::

    OpaPremodit: params automatically set.
    default elower grid trange (degt) file version: 2
    Robust range: 393.5569458240504 - 1647.2060977798953 K
    OpaPremodit: Tref_broadening is set to  774.5966692414833 K
    # of reference width grid :  2
    # of temperature exponent grid : 2

.. parsed-literal::

    uniqidx: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]

.. parsed-literal::

    Premodit: Twt= 483.67862012986944 K Tref= 1171.1891720056747 K
    Making LSD:|####################| 100%
    Making LSD:|####################| 100%

Because we would like to infer T0 and the rotational broadenings and so
on, we define the raw spectrum model as a function of T0.

.. code:: ipython3

    def raw_spectrum_model(T0):
        #T-P model
        Tarr = art.powerlaw_temperature(T0, alpha)
        xsmatrix = opa.xsmatrix(Tarr, art.pressure)
        mmr_arr = art.constant_mmr_profile(MMR_CH4)
        dtaumCH4 = art.opacity_profile_xs(xsmatrix, mmr_arr, opa.mdb.molmass, g)
        logacia_matrix = opcia.logacia_matrix(Tarr)
        dtaucH2H2 = art.opacity_profile_cia(logacia_matrix, Tarr, vmrH2, vmrH2,
                                            mmw, g)
        dtau = dtaumCH4 + dtaucH2H2
        F0 = art.run(dtau, Tarr) / norm
        return F0

Then, we make a grid model of emission spectra as a function of T0. The
spectrum is generated via the interpolation of the grid,
i.e. jnp.interp. The spectrum has a dimension of wavenumber. So, we need
to ‘vmap’ for jnp.interp.

.. code:: ipython3

    # compute F0 grid given T0 grid
    Ngrid = 200  # delta T = 1 K
    T0_grid = jnp.linspace(1200, 1400, Ngrid)
    import tqdm
    F0_grid = []
    for T0 in tqdm.tqdm(T0_grid, desc="computing grid"):
        F0 = raw_spectrum_model(T0)
    F0_grid = jnp.array(F0_grid).T
    vmapinterp = vmap(jnp.interp, (None, None, 0))

.. parsed-literal::

    computing grid: 100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:02<00:00, 80.78it/s] 

.. code:: ipython3

    #PPL import
    import arviz
    from numpyro.diagnostics import hpdi
    from numpyro.infer import Predictive
    from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS
    import numpyro
    import numpyro.distributions as dist

Define a model for PPL.

.. code:: ipython3

    def model_c(nu1, y1):
        A = numpyro.sample('A', dist.Uniform(0.5, 2.0))
        RV = numpyro.sample('RV', dist.Uniform(5.0, 15.0))
        T0 = numpyro.sample('T0', dist.Uniform(1100.0, 1300.0))
        vsini = numpyro.sample('vsini', dist.Uniform(15.0, 25.0))
        F0 = A * vmapinterp(T0, T0_grid, F0_grid)
        Frot = convolve_rigid_rotation(F0, vr_array, vsini, u1=0.0, u2=0.0)
        mu = ipgauss_sampling(nu1, nu_grid, Frot, beta_inst, RV, vr_array)
        numpyro.sample('y1', dist.Normal(mu, sigmain), obs=y1)

Run HMC-NUTS! It took only within 2 minutes using my laptop (RTX 3080).

.. code:: ipython3

    rng_key = random.PRNGKey(0)
    rng_key, rng_key_ = random.split(rng_key)
    num_warmup, num_samples = 1000, 2000
    #kernel = NUTS(model_c, forward_mode_differentiation=True)
    kernel = NUTS(model_c, forward_mode_differentiation=False)
    mcmc = MCMC(kernel, num_warmup=num_warmup, num_samples=num_samples)
    mcmc.run(rng_key_, nu1=nusd, y1=nflux)

.. parsed-literal::

    sample: 100%|██████████| 3000/3000 [03:15<00:00, 15.32it/s, 127 steps of size 2.96e-02. acc. prob=0.94]

.. parsed-literal::

                    mean       std    median      5.0%     95.0%     n_eff     r_hat
             A      1.18      0.07      1.17      1.07      1.28    161.00      1.01
            RV     10.48      0.40     10.46      9.77     11.09   1245.61      1.00
            T0   1232.39     18.34   1234.97   1216.98   1254.07     87.59      1.02
         vsini     19.52      0.67     19.54     18.32     20.49    757.10      1.00
    Number of divergences: 0

.. code:: ipython3

    posterior_sample = mcmc.get_samples()
    pred = Predictive(model_c, posterior_sample, return_sites=['y1'])
    predictions = pred(rng_key_, nu1=nusd, y1=None)
    median_mu1 = jnp.median(predictions['y1'], axis=0)
    hpdi_mu1 = hpdi(predictions['y1'], 0.9)
    # PLOT
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 6.0))
    ax.plot(wavd[::-1], median_mu1, color='C0')
    ax.plot(wavd[::-1], nflux, '+', color='black', label='data')
                    label='90% area')
    plt.xlabel('wavelength ($\AA$)', fontsize=16)
    plt.savefig("pred_diffmode" + str(diffmode) + ".png")

.. image:: reverse_precompute_grid_files/reverse_precompute_grid_15_0.png

.. code:: ipython3

    pararr = ['A', 'T0', 'vsini', 'RV']
    plt.savefig("corner_diffmode" + str(diffmode) + ".png")

.. image:: reverse_precompute_grid_files/reverse_precompute_grid_16_0.png