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Test Coverage
Particulates Database (``pdb``)

.. warning::
    The name ``pdb`` might be a bit confusing because there is a well-known Python debugger called ``pdb``. 
    However, since there is no method directly named pdb (for example, ``pardb.PdbCloud``), 
    we use ``pdb`` to mean "particulates database".

The ``pdb`` is the database for particulates in ``ExoJAX``, namely the microphysics of clouds.
Currently, the refractive index is downloaded from ``VIRGA`` and made available within ``pdb``.

.. code:: ipython3
    from exojax.spec.pardb import PdbCloud
    miedir = "/home/kawahara/exojax/documents/tutorials/.database/particulates/virga"
    pdb = PdbCloud("MgSiO3", path=miedir)

For specific examples, please refer to 
for example.

Available information 

|quantity               |instance/method                   |
|substance density      |pdb.condensate_substance_density  |
|saturation pressure    |pdb.saturation_pressure           |
|refraction index (RI)  |pdb.refraction_index              |
|RI wavenumber          |pdb.refraction_index_wavenumber   |
|RI wavelenght (nm)     |pdb.refraction_index_wavelength_nm|
|Miegrid                |pdb.miegrid                       |