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Rule doesn't have all its properties in alphabetical order.

.details-page .chart-wrapper>span{font-size:1.2em;color:gray;display:inline-block;width:32%;text-align:center;padding:.2em}
Severity: Minor
Found in webserver/public/build/style.css by csslint

Element (td.outages) is overqualified, just use .outages without element name.

.table-services td.outages{color:#d9534f}
Severity: Minor
Found in webserver/public/build/style.css by csslint

Adjoining classes: input.ng-touched.ng-invalid

Severity: Minor
Found in webserver/public/build/style.css by csslint

Rule doesn't have all its properties in alphabetical order.

body, html {
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/base.css by csslint

Use of !important

  .hide-mobile { display:none!important; }
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/base.css by csslint

Rule doesn't have all its properties in alphabetical order.

.missing-if-branch {
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/base.css by csslint

Rule doesn't have all its properties in alphabetical order.

.pln{color:#000}@media screen{.str{color:#080}.kwd{color:#008}.com{color:#800}.typ{color:#606}.lit{color:#066}.pun,.opn,.clo{color:#660}.tag{color:#008}.atn{color:#606}.atv{color:#080}.dec,.var{color:#606}.fun{color:red}}@media print,projection{.str{color:#060}.kwd{color:#006;font-weight:bold}.com{color:#600;font-style:italic}.typ{color:#404;font-weight:bold}.lit{color:#044}.pun,.opn,.clo{color:#440}.tag{color:#006;font-weight:bold}.atn{color:#404}.atv{color:#060}}pre.prettyprint{padding:2px;border:1px solid #888}ol.linenums{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0}li.L0,li.L1,li.L2,li.L3,li.L5,li.L6,li.L7,li.L8{list-style-type:none}li.L1,li.L3,li.L5,li.L7,li.L9{background:#eee}
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/prettify.css by csslint

Unexpected require().

  app.engine('.html', require('ejs').renderFile);
Severity: Minor
Found in webserver/app.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Unexpected confirm.

          if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this service and all its data?')) {

Disallow Use of Alert (no-alert)

JavaScript's alert, confirm, and prompt functions are widely considered to be obtrusive as UI elements and should be replaced by a more appropriate custom UI implementation. Furthermore, alert is often used while debugging code, which should be removed before deployment to production.


Rule Details

This rule is aimed at catching debugging code that should be removed and popup UI elements that should be replaced with less obtrusive, custom UIs. As such, it will warn when it encounters alert, prompt, and confirm function calls which are not shadowed.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-alert: "error"*/


confirm("Are you sure?");

prompt("What's your name?", "John Doe");

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-alert: "error"*/

customAlert("Something happened!");

customConfirm("Are you sure?");

customPrompt("Who are you?");

function foo() {
    var alert = myCustomLib.customAlert;

Related Rules

Expected return with your callback function.


Enforce Return After Callback (callback-return)

The callback pattern is at the heart of most I/O and event-driven programming in JavaScript.

function doSomething(err, callback) {
    if (err) {
        return callback(err);

To prevent calling the callback multiple times it is important to return anytime the callback is triggered outside of the main function body. Neglecting this technique often leads to issues where you do something more than once. For example, in the case of an HTTP request, you may try to send HTTP headers more than once leading Node.js to throw a Can't render headers after they are sent to the client. error.

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at ensuring that callbacks used outside of the main function block are always part-of or immediately preceding a return statement. This rule decides what is a callback based on the name of the function being called.


The rule takes a single option - an array of possible callback names - which may include object methods. The default callback names are callback, cb, next.

Default callback names

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default ["callback", "cb", "next"] option:

/*eslint callback-return: "error"*/

function foo(err, callback) {
    if (err) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default ["callback", "cb", "next"] option:

/*eslint callback-return: "error"*/

function foo(err, callback) {
    if (err) {
        return callback(err);

Supplied callback names

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the option ["done", "send.error", "send.success"]:

/*eslint callback-return: ["error", ["done", "send.error", "send.success"]]*/

function foo(err, done) {
    if (err) {

function bar(err, send) {
    if (err) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the option ["done", "send.error", "send.success"]:

/*eslint callback-return: ["error", ["done", "send.error", "send.success"]]*/

function foo(err, done) {
    if (err) {
        return done(err);

function bar(err, send) {
    if (err) {
        return send.error(err);

Known Limitations

Because it is difficult to understand the meaning of a program through static analysis, this rule has limitations:

  • false negatives when this rule reports correct code, but the program calls the callback more than one time (which is incorrect behavior)
  • false positives when this rule reports incorrect code, but the program calls the callback only one time (which is correct behavior)

Passing the callback by reference

The static analysis of this rule does not detect that the program calls the callback if it is an argument of a function (for example, setTimeout).

Example of a false negative when this rule reports correct code:

/*eslint callback-return: "error"*/

function foo(err, callback) {
    if (err) {
        setTimeout(callback, 0); // this is bad, but WILL NOT warn

Triggering the callback within a nested function

The static analysis of this rule does not detect that the program calls the callback from within a nested function or an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE).

Example of a false negative when this rule reports correct code:

/*eslint callback-return: "error"*/

function foo(err, callback) {
    if (err) {
        process.nextTick(function() {
            return callback(); // this is bad, but WILL NOT warn

If/else statements

The static analysis of this rule does not detect that the program calls the callback only one time in each branch of an if statement.

Example of a false positive when this rule reports incorrect code:

/*eslint callback-return: "error"*/

function foo(err, callback) {
    if (err) {
        callback(err); // this is fine, but WILL warn
    } else {
        callback();    // this is fine, but WILL warn

When Not To Use It

There are some cases where you might want to call a callback function more than once. In those cases this rule may lead to incorrect behavior. In those cases you may want to reserve a special name for those callbacks and not include that in the list of callbacks that trigger warnings.

Further Reading

Related Rules

Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function.

exports = module.exports = (function(){

Require IIFEs to be Wrapped (wrap-iife)

You can immediately invoke function expressions, but not function declarations. A common technique to create an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) is to wrap a function declaration in parentheses. The opening parentheses causes the contained function to be parsed as an expression, rather than a declaration.

// function expression could be unwrapped
var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}();

// function declaration must be wrapped
function () { /* side effects */ }(); // SyntaxError

Rule Details

This rule requires all immediately-invoked function expressions to be wrapped in parentheses.


This rule has two options, a string option and an object option.

String option:

  • "outside" enforces always wrapping the call expression. The default is "outside".
  • "inside" enforces always wrapping the function expression.
  • "any" enforces always wrapping, but allows either style.

Object option:

  • "functionPrototypeMethods": true additionally enforces wrapping function expressions invoked using .call and .apply. The default is false.


Examples of incorrect code for the default "outside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "outside"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression

Examples of correct code for the default "outside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "outside"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression


Examples of incorrect code for the "inside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "inside"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression

Examples of correct code for the "inside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "inside"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression


Examples of incorrect code for the "any" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "any"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped

Examples of correct code for the "any" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "any"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "inside", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true } options:

/* eslint wrap-iife: [2, "inside", { functionPrototypeMethods: true }] */

var x = function(){ foo(); }()
var x = (function(){ foo(); }())
var x = function(){ foo(); }.call(bar)
var x = (function(){ foo(); }.call(bar))

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "inside", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true } options:

/* eslint wrap-iife: [2, "inside", { functionPrototypeMethods: true }] */

var x = (function(){ foo(); })()
var x = (function(){ foo(); }).call(bar)

Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Rule doesn't have all its properties in alphabetical order.

Severity: Minor
Found in webserver/public/build/style.css by csslint

Element (tr.result-warning) is overqualified, just use .result-warning without element name.

.table-services tr.result-warning .result-uptime a{color:orange}
Severity: Minor
Found in webserver/public/build/style.css by csslint

Element (span.up) is overqualified, just use .up without element name.

.services-sidebar table td.uptime span.up{color:green}
Severity: Minor
Found in webserver/public/build/style.css by csslint

Use of !important

.coverage-summary th.file { border-right: none !important; }
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/base.css by csslint

Adjoining classes: .red.solid

.red.solid, .status-line.low, .low .cover-fill { background:#C21F39 }
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/base.css by csslint

Adjoining classes: .status-line.low

.red.solid, .status-line.low, .low .cover-fill { background:#C21F39 }
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/base.css by csslint

Use of !important

    border-right: none !important;
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/base.css by csslint

Use of !important

    margin: 0 !important;
Severity: Minor
Found in coverage/lcov-report/base.css by csslint

Use of !important

Severity: Minor
Found in webserver/public/build/style.css by csslint