# WebpackBundleSizeCheckPlugin
#### Warning: Alpha code, please don't use in production just yet.
### Desciption
A simple webpack plugin to keep your build size in check.
## Getting Started
### Installation
`npm i webpack-bundle-size-check-plugin`
### Configuring
1. Import in your `webpack.config.js` file.
2. Add to your plugins array.
<!-- import on the top of the file -->
const WebpackBundleSizeCheckPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-size-check-plugin');
plugins: [
new WebpackBundleSizeCheckPlugin([
chunkName: 'app.bundle.js', // exact name of output file
maxSize: '100', // in KB
mode: 'strict' // "non-strict" by default
and that's it.
#### If you select "strict" mode then the build will fail if the size exceeds the maxSize specified. If you select "non-strict" (default) mode then you will get a warning if the size exceeds the specified limit.
Now if you build size exceeds the allowed size, your build will fail with proper error message like `Build Size for app.bundle.js exceeded the permitted size 100KB`