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package flixel;

import openfl.display.Bitmap;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.display.DisplayObject;
import openfl.display.Graphics;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.geom.ColorTransform;
import openfl.geom.Point;
import openfl.geom.Rectangle;
import flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame;
import flixel.graphics.tile.FlxDrawBaseItem;
import flixel.graphics.tile.FlxDrawTrianglesItem;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.math.FlxMatrix;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxShader;
import flixel.util.FlxAxes;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil;
import openfl.Vector;
import openfl.display.BlendMode;
import openfl.filters.BitmapFilter;

using flixel.util.FlxColorTransformUtil;

private typedef FlxDrawItem = flixel.graphics.tile.FlxDrawQuadsItem;

 * The camera class is used to display the game's visuals.
 * By default one camera is created automatically, that is the same size as window.
 * You can add more cameras or even replace the main camera using utilities in `FlxG.cameras`.
 * Every camera has following display list:
 * `flashSprite:Sprite` (which is a container for everything else in the camera, it's added to FlxG.game sprite)
 *     |-> `_scrollRect:Sprite` (which is used for cropping camera's graphic, mostly in tile render mode)
 *         |-> `_flashBitmap:Bitmap`  (its bitmapData property is buffer BitmapData, this var is used in blit render mode.
 *                                    Everything is rendered on buffer in blit render mode)
 *         |-> `canvas:Sprite`        (its graphics is used for rendering objects in tile render mode)
 *         |-> `debugLayer:Sprite`    (this sprite is used in tile render mode for rendering debug info, like bounding boxes)
class FlxCamera extends FlxBasic
     * Any `FlxCamera` with a zoom of 0 (the default value) will have this zoom value.
    public static var defaultZoom:Float = 1.0;

     * Used behind-the-scenes during the draw phase so that members use the same default
     * cameras as their parent.
     * Prior to 4.9.0 it was useful to change this value, but that feature is deprecated.
     * Instead use the `defaultDrawTarget` argument in `FlxG.cameras.add `.
     * or`FlxG.cameras.setDefaultDrawTarget` .
     * @see FlxG.cameras.setDefaultDrawTarget
    @:deprecated("`FlxCamera.defaultCameras` is deprecated, use `FlxG.cameras.setDefaultDrawTarget` instead")
    public static var defaultCameras(get, set):Array<FlxCamera>;
     * Used behind-the-scenes during the draw phase so that members use the same default
     * cameras as their parent.
     * This is the non-deprecated list that the public `defaultCameras` proxies. Allows flixel classes
     * to use it without warning.
    static var _defaultCameras:Array<FlxCamera>;

     * The X position of this camera's display. `zoom` does NOT affect this number.
     * Measured in pixels from the left side of the window.
     * You might be interested in using camera's `scroll.x` instead.
    public var x(default, set):Float = 0;

     * The Y position of this camera's display. `zoom` does NOT affect this number.
     * Measured in pixels from the top of the window.
     * You might be interested in using camera's `scroll.y` instead.
    public var y(default, set):Float = 0;

     * The scaling on horizontal axis for this camera.
     * Setting `scaleX` changes `scaleX` and x coordinate of camera's internal display objects.
    public var scaleX(default, null):Float = 0;

     * The scaling on vertical axis for this camera.
     * Setting `scaleY` changes `scaleY` and y coordinate of camera's internal display objects.
    public var scaleY(default, null):Float = 0;

     * Product of camera's `scaleX` and game's scale mode `scale.x` multiplication.
    public var totalScaleX(default, null):Float;

     * Product of camera's scaleY and game's scale mode scale.y multiplication.
    public var totalScaleY(default, null):Float;

     * Tells the camera to use this following style.
    public var style:FlxCameraFollowStyle;

     * Tells the camera to follow this FlxObject object around.
    public var target:FlxObject;

     * Offset the camera target.
    public var targetOffset(default, null):FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

     * Used to smoothly track the camera as it follows:
     * The percent of the distance to the follow `target` the camera moves per 1/60 sec.
     * Values are bounded between `0.0` and `60 / FlxG.updateFramerate` for consistency across framerates.
     * The maximum value means no camera easing. A value of `0` means the camera does not move.
    public var followLerp(default, set):Float = 60 / FlxG.updateFramerate;

     * You can assign a "dead zone" to the camera in order to better control its movement.
     * The camera will always keep the focus object inside the dead zone, unless it is bumping up against
     * the camera bounds. The `deadzone`'s coordinates are measured from the camera's upper left corner in game pixels.
     * For rapid prototyping, you can use the preset deadzones (e.g. `PLATFORMER`) with `follow()`.
    public var deadzone:FlxRect;

     * Lower bound of the camera's `scroll` on the x axis.
    public var minScrollX:Null<Float>;

     * Upper bound of the camera's `scroll` on the x axis.
    public var maxScrollX:Null<Float>;

     * Lower bound of the camera's `scroll` on the y axis.
    public var minScrollY:Null<Float>;

     * Upper bound of the camera's `scroll` on the y axis.
    public var maxScrollY:Null<Float>;

     * Stores the basic parallax scrolling values.
     * This is basically the camera's top-left corner position in world coordinates.
     * There is also `focusOn(point:FlxPoint)` which you can use to
     * make the camera look at specified point in world coordinates.
    public var scroll:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

     * The actual `BitmapData` of the camera display itself.
     * Used in blit render mode, where you can manipulate its pixels for achieving some visual effects.
    public var buffer:BitmapData;

     * The natural background color of the camera, in `AARRGGBB` format. Defaults to `FlxG.cameras.bgColor`.
     * On Flash, transparent backgrounds can be used in conjunction with `useBgAlphaBlending`.
    public var bgColor:FlxColor;

     * Sometimes it's easier to just work with a `FlxSprite`, than it is to work directly with the `BitmapData` buffer.
     * This sprite reference will allow you to do exactly that.
     * Basically, this sprite's `pixels` property is the camera's `BitmapData` buffer.
     * **NOTE:** This field is only used in blit render mode.
    public var screen:FlxSprite;

     * Whether to use alpha blending for the camera's background fill or not.
     * If `true`, then the previously drawn graphics won't be erased,
     * and if the camera's `bgColor` is transparent/semitransparent, then you
     * will be able to see the graphics of the previous frame.
     * This is Useful for blit render mode (and only works in this mode).
     * Default value is `false`.
    public var useBgAlphaBlending:Bool = false;

     * Used to render buffer to screen space.
     * NOTE: We don't recommend modifying this directly unless you are fairly experienced.
     * Uses include 3D projection, advanced display list modification, and more.
     * This is container for everything else that is used by camera and rendered to the camera.
     * Its position is modified by `updateFlashSpritePosition()` which is called every frame.
    public var flashSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();

     * Whether the positions of the objects rendered on this camera are rounded.
     * If set on individual objects, they ignore the global camera setting.
     * Defaults to `false` with `FlxG.renderTile` and to `true` with `FlxG.renderBlit`.
     * WARNING: setting this to `false` on blitting targets is very expensive.
    public var pixelPerfectRender:Bool;
     * If true, screen shake will be rounded to game pixels. If null, pixelPerfectRender is used.
     * @since 5.4.0
    public var pixelPerfectShake:Null<Bool> = null;

     * How wide the camera display is, in game pixels.
    public var width(default, set):Int = 0;

     * How tall the camera display is, in game pixels.
    public var height(default, set):Int = 0;

     * The zoom level of this camera. `1` = 1:1, `2` = 2x zoom, etc.
     * Indicates how far the camera is zoomed in.
     * Note: Changing this property from it's initial value will change properties like:
     * `viewX`, `viewY`, `viewWidth`, `viewHeight` and many others. Cameras always zoom in to
     * their center, meaning as you zoom in, the view is cut off on all sides.
    public var zoom(default, set):Float;

     * The margin cut off on the left and right by the camera zooming in (or out), in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewMarginX(default, null):Float;

     * The margin cut off on the top and bottom by the camera zooming in (or out), in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewMarginY(default, null):Float;

    // deprecated vars

    @:deprecated("use viewMarginLeft or viewMarginX")
    var viewOffsetX(get, set):Float;
    @:deprecated("use viewMarginTop or viewMarginY")
    var viewOffsetY(get, set):Float;
    @:deprecated("use viewMarginLeft or viewMarginX")
    var viewOffsetWidth(get, never):Float;
    @:deprecated("use viewMarginTop or viewMarginY")
    var viewOffsetHeight(get, never):Float;

    // delegates

     * The margin cut off on the left by the camera zooming in (or out), in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewMarginLeft(get, never):Float;

     * The margin cut off on the top by the camera zooming in (or out), in world space
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewMarginTop(get, never):Float;

     * The margin cut off on the right by the camera zooming in (or out), in world space
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewMarginRight(get, never):Float;

     * The margin cut off on the bottom by the camera zooming in (or out), in world space
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewMarginBottom(get, never):Float;

     * The size of the camera's view, in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewWidth(get, never):Float;

     * The size of the camera's view, in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewHeight(get, never):Float;

     * The left of the camera's view, in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewX(get, never):Float;

     * The top of the camera's view, in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewY(get, never):Float;

     * The left of the camera's view, in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewLeft(get, never):Float;

     * The top of the camera's view, in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewTop(get, never):Float;

     * The right side of the camera's view, in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewRight(get, never):Float;

     * The bottom side of the camera's view, in world space.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public var viewBottom(get, never):Float;

     * Helper matrix object. Used in blit render mode when camera's zoom is less than initialZoom
     * (it is applied to all objects rendered on the camera at such circumstances).
    var _blitMatrix:FlxMatrix = new FlxMatrix();

     * Logical flag for tracking whether to apply _blitMatrix transformation to objects or not.
    var _useBlitMatrix:Bool = false;

     * The alpha value of this camera display (a number between `0.0` and `1.0`).
    public var alpha(default, set):Float = 1;

     * The angle of the camera display (in degrees).
    public var angle(default, set):Float = 0;

     * The color tint of the camera display.
    public var color(default, set):FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE;

     * Whether the camera display is smooth and filtered, or chunky and pixelated.
     * Default behavior is chunky-style.
    public var antialiasing(default, set):Bool = false;

     * Used to force the camera to look ahead of the target.
    public var followLead(default, null):FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

     * Enables or disables the filters set via `setFilters()`.
    public var filtersEnabled:Bool = true;

     * Internal, used in blit render mode in camera's `fill()` method for less garbage creation.
     * It represents the size of buffer `BitmapData`
     * (the area of camera's buffer which should be filled with `bgColor`).
     * Do not modify it unless you know what are you doing.
    var _flashRect:Rectangle;

     * Internal, used in blit render mode in camera's `fill()` method for less garbage creation:
     * Its coordinates are always `(0,0)`, where camera's buffer filling should start.
     * Do not modify it unless you know what are you doing.
    var _flashPoint:Point = new Point();

     * Internal, used for positioning camera's `flashSprite` on screen.
     * Basically it represents position of camera's center point in game sprite.
     * It's recalculated every time you resize game or camera.
     * Its value depends on camera's size (`width` and `height`), game's `scale` and camera's initial zoom factor.
     * Do not modify it unless you know what are you doing.
    var _flashOffset:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

     * Internal, represents the color of `flash()` special effect.
    var _fxFlashColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT;

     * Internal, stores `flash()` special effect duration.
    var _fxFlashDuration:Float = 0;

     * Internal, camera's `flash()` complete callback.
    var _fxFlashComplete:Void->Void = null;

     * Internal, used to control the `flash()` special effect.
    var _fxFlashAlpha:Float = 0;

     * Internal, color of fading special effect.
    var _fxFadeColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT;

     * Used to calculate the following target current velocity.
    var _lastTargetPosition:FlxPoint;

     * Helper to calculate follow target current scroll.
    var _scrollTarget:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

     * Internal, `fade()` special effect duration.
    var _fxFadeDuration:Float = 0;

     * Internal, "direction" of the `fade()` effect.
     * `true` means that camera fades from a color, `false` - camera fades to it.
    var _fxFadeIn:Bool = false;

     * Internal, used to control the `fade()` special effect complete callback.
    var _fxFadeComplete:Void->Void = null;

     * Internal, alpha component of fade color.
     * Changes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 as the effect continues.
    var _fxFadeAlpha:Float = 0;

     * Internal, percentage of screen size representing the maximum distance that the screen can move while shaking.
    var _fxShakeIntensity:Float = 0;

     * Internal, duration of the `shake()` effect.
    var _fxShakeDuration:Float = 0;

     * Internal, `shake()` effect complete callback.
    var _fxShakeComplete:Void->Void;

     * Internal, defines on what axes to `shake()`. Default value is `XY` / both.
    var _fxShakeAxes:FlxAxes = XY;

     * Internal, used for repetitive calculations and added to help avoid costly allocations.
    var _point:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

     * The filters array to be applied to the camera.
    public var filters:Null<Array<BitmapFilter>> = null;

    @:deprecated("_filters is deprecated, use filters instead")
    var _filters(get, set):Null<Array<BitmapFilter>>;

     * Camera's initial zoom value. Used for camera's scale handling.
    public var initialZoom(default, null):Float = 1;

     * Internal helper variable for doing better wipes/fills between renders.
     * Used it blit render mode only (in `fill()` method).
    var _fill:BitmapData;

     * Internal, used to render buffer to screen space. Used it blit render mode only.
     * This Bitmap used for rendering camera's buffer (`_flashBitmap.bitmapData = buffer;`)
     * Its position is modified by `updateInternalSpritePositions()`, which is called on camera's resize and scale events.
     * It is a child of the `_scrollRect` `Sprite`.
    var _flashBitmap:Bitmap;

     * Internal sprite, used for correct trimming of camera viewport.
     * It is a child of `flashSprite`.
     * Its position is modified by `updateScrollRect()` method, which is called on camera's resize and scale events.
    var _scrollRect:Sprite = new Sprite();

     * Helper rect for `drawTriangles()` visibility checks
    var _bounds:FlxRect = FlxRect.get();

     * Sprite used for actual rendering in tile render mode (instead of `_flashBitmap` for blitting).
     * Its graphics is used as a drawing surface for `drawTriangles()` and `drawTiles()` methods.
     * It is a child of `_scrollRect` `Sprite` (which trims graphics that should be invisible).
     * Its position is modified by `updateInternalSpritePositions()`, which is called on camera's resize and scale events.
    public var canvas:Sprite;

    #if FLX_DEBUG
     * Sprite for visual effects (flash and fade) and drawDebug information
     * (bounding boxes are drawn on it) for tile render mode.
     * It is a child of `_scrollRect` `Sprite` (which trims graphics that should be invisible).
     * Its position is modified by `updateInternalSpritePositions()`, which is called on camera's resize and scale events.
    public var debugLayer:Sprite;

    var _helperMatrix:FlxMatrix = new FlxMatrix();

    var _helperPoint:Point = new Point();

     * Currently used draw stack item
    var _currentDrawItem:FlxDrawBaseItem<Dynamic>;

     * Pointer to head of stack with draw items
    var _headOfDrawStack:FlxDrawBaseItem<Dynamic>;

     * Last draw tiles item
    var _headTiles:FlxDrawItem;

     * Last draw triangles item
    var _headTriangles:FlxDrawTrianglesItem;

     * Draw tiles stack items that can be reused
    static var _storageTilesHead:FlxDrawItem;

     * Draw triangles stack items that can be reused
    static var _storageTrianglesHead:FlxDrawTrianglesItem;

     * Internal variable, used for visibility checks to minimize `drawTriangles()` calls.
    static var drawVertices:Vector<Float> = new Vector<Float>();

     * Internal variable, used in blit render mode to render triangles (`drawTriangles()`) on camera's buffer.
    static var trianglesSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();

     * Internal variables, used in blit render mode to draw trianglesSprite on camera's buffer.
     * Added for less garbage creation.
    static var renderPoint:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

    static var renderRect:FlxRect = FlxRect.get();

    public function startQuadBatch(graphic:FlxGraphic, colored:Bool, hasColorOffsets:Bool = false, ?blend:BlendMode, smooth:Bool = false, ?shader:FlxShader)
        return startTrianglesBatch(graphic, smooth, colored, blend);
        var itemToReturn = null;
        var blendInt:Int = FlxDrawBaseItem.blendToInt(blend);

        if (_currentDrawItem != null
            && _currentDrawItem.type == FlxDrawItemType.TILES
            && _headTiles.graphics == graphic
            && _headTiles.colored == colored
            && _headTiles.hasColorOffsets == hasColorOffsets
            && _headTiles.blending == blendInt
            && _headTiles.blend == blend
            && _headTiles.antialiasing == smooth
            && _headTiles.shader == shader)
            return _headTiles;

        if (_storageTilesHead != null)
            itemToReturn = _storageTilesHead;
            var newHead = _storageTilesHead.nextTyped;
            _storageTilesHead = newHead;
            itemToReturn = new FlxDrawItem();
        // TODO: catch this error when the dev actually messes up, not in the draw phase
        if (graphic.isDestroyed)
            throw 'Attempted to queue an invalid FlxDrawItem, did you destroy a cached sprite?';

        itemToReturn.graphics = graphic;
        itemToReturn.antialiasing = smooth;
        itemToReturn.colored = colored;
        itemToReturn.hasColorOffsets = hasColorOffsets;
        itemToReturn.blending = blendInt;
        itemToReturn.blend = blend;
        itemToReturn.shader = shader;

        itemToReturn.nextTyped = _headTiles;
        _headTiles = itemToReturn;

        if (_headOfDrawStack == null)
            _headOfDrawStack = itemToReturn;

        if (_currentDrawItem != null)
            _currentDrawItem.next = itemToReturn;

        _currentDrawItem = itemToReturn;

        return itemToReturn;

    public function startTrianglesBatch(graphic:FlxGraphic, smoothing:Bool = false, isColored:Bool = false, ?blend:BlendMode, ?hasColorOffsets:Bool, ?shader:FlxShader):FlxDrawTrianglesItem
        var blendInt:Int = FlxDrawBaseItem.blendToInt(blend);

        if (_currentDrawItem != null
            && _currentDrawItem.type == FlxDrawItemType.TRIANGLES
            && _headTriangles.graphics == graphic
            && _headTriangles.antialiasing == smoothing
            && _headTriangles.colored == isColored
            && _headTriangles.blending == blendInt
            #if !flash
            && _headTriangles.hasColorOffsets == hasColorOffsets
            && _headTriangles.shader == shader
            return _headTriangles;

        return getNewDrawTrianglesItem(graphic, smoothing, isColored, blend, hasColorOffsets, shader);

    public function getNewDrawTrianglesItem(graphic:FlxGraphic, smoothing:Bool = false, isColored:Bool = false, ?blend:BlendMode, ?hasColorOffsets:Bool, ?shader:FlxShader):FlxDrawTrianglesItem
        var itemToReturn:FlxDrawTrianglesItem = null;
        var blendInt:Int = FlxDrawBaseItem.blendToInt(blend);

        if (_storageTrianglesHead != null)
            itemToReturn = _storageTrianglesHead;
            var newHead:FlxDrawTrianglesItem = _storageTrianglesHead.nextTyped;
            _storageTrianglesHead = newHead;
            itemToReturn = new FlxDrawTrianglesItem();

        itemToReturn.graphics = graphic;
        itemToReturn.antialiasing = smoothing;
        itemToReturn.colored = isColored;
        itemToReturn.blending = blendInt;
        #if !flash
        itemToReturn.hasColorOffsets = hasColorOffsets;
        itemToReturn.shader = shader;

        itemToReturn.nextTyped = _headTriangles;
        _headTriangles = itemToReturn;

        if (_headOfDrawStack == null)
            _headOfDrawStack = itemToReturn;

        if (_currentDrawItem != null)
            _currentDrawItem.next = itemToReturn;

        _currentDrawItem = itemToReturn;

        return itemToReturn;

    function clearDrawStack():Void
        var currTiles = _headTiles;
        var newTilesHead;

        while (currTiles != null)
            newTilesHead = currTiles.nextTyped;
            currTiles.nextTyped = _storageTilesHead;
            _storageTilesHead = currTiles;
            currTiles = newTilesHead;

        var currTriangles:FlxDrawTrianglesItem = _headTriangles;
        var newTrianglesHead:FlxDrawTrianglesItem;

        while (currTriangles != null)
            newTrianglesHead = currTriangles.nextTyped;
            currTriangles.nextTyped = _storageTrianglesHead;
            _storageTrianglesHead = currTriangles;
            currTriangles = newTrianglesHead;

        _currentDrawItem = null;
        _headOfDrawStack = null;
        _headTiles = null;
        _headTriangles = null;

    function render():Void
        var currItem:FlxDrawBaseItem<Dynamic> = _headOfDrawStack;
        while (currItem != null)
            currItem = currItem.next;

    public function drawPixels(?frame:FlxFrame, ?pixels:BitmapData, matrix:FlxMatrix, ?transform:ColorTransform, ?blend:BlendMode, ?smoothing:Bool = false,
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)

            if (_useBlitMatrix)
                buffer.draw(pixels, _helperMatrix, null, null, null, (smoothing || antialiasing));
                _helperMatrix.translate(-viewMarginLeft, -viewMarginTop);
                buffer.draw(pixels, _helperMatrix, null, blend, null, (smoothing || antialiasing));
            var isColored = (transform != null && transform.hasRGBMultipliers());
            var hasColorOffsets:Bool = (transform != null && transform.hasRGBAOffsets());

            #if FLX_RENDER_TRIANGLE
            var drawItem:FlxDrawTrianglesItem = startTrianglesBatch(frame.parent, smoothing, isColored, blend);
            var drawItem = startQuadBatch(frame.parent, isColored, hasColorOffsets, blend, smoothing, shader);
            drawItem.addQuad(frame, matrix, transform);

    public function copyPixels(?frame:FlxFrame, ?pixels:BitmapData, ?sourceRect:Rectangle, destPoint:Point, ?transform:ColorTransform, ?blend:BlendMode,
            ?smoothing:Bool = false, ?shader:FlxShader):Void
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            if (pixels != null)
                if (_useBlitMatrix)
                    _helperMatrix.translate(destPoint.x, destPoint.y);
                    buffer.draw(pixels, _helperMatrix, null, null, null, (smoothing || antialiasing));
                    _helperPoint.x = destPoint.x - Std.int(viewMarginLeft);
                    _helperPoint.y = destPoint.y - Std.int(viewMarginTop);
                    buffer.copyPixels(pixels, sourceRect, _helperPoint, null, null, true);
            else if (frame != null)
                // TODO: fix this case for zoom less than initial zoom...
                frame.paint(buffer, destPoint, true);
            _helperMatrix.translate(destPoint.x + frame.offset.x, destPoint.y + frame.offset.y);

            var isColored = (transform != null && transform.hasRGBMultipliers());
            var hasColorOffsets:Bool = (transform != null && transform.hasRGBAOffsets());

            #if !FLX_RENDER_TRIANGLE
            var drawItem = startQuadBatch(frame.parent, isColored, hasColorOffsets, blend, smoothing, shader);
            var drawItem:FlxDrawTrianglesItem = startTrianglesBatch(frame.parent, smoothing, isColored, blend);
            drawItem.addQuad(frame, _helperMatrix, transform);

    public function drawTriangles(graphic:FlxGraphic, vertices:DrawData<Float>, indices:DrawData<Int>, uvtData:DrawData<Float>, ?colors:DrawData<Int>,
            ?position:FlxPoint, ?blend:BlendMode, repeat:Bool = false, smoothing:Bool = false, ?transform:ColorTransform, ?shader:FlxShader):Void
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            if (position == null)
                position = renderPoint.set();

            _bounds.set(0, 0, width, height);

            var verticesLength:Int = vertices.length;
            var currentVertexPosition:Int = 0;

            var tempX:Float, tempY:Float;
            var i:Int = 0;
            var bounds = renderRect.set();
            drawVertices.splice(0, drawVertices.length);

            while (i < verticesLength)
                tempX = position.x + vertices[i];
                tempY = position.y + vertices[i + 1];

                drawVertices[currentVertexPosition++] = tempX;
                drawVertices[currentVertexPosition++] = tempY;

                if (i == 0)
                    bounds.set(tempX, tempY, 0, 0);
                    FlxDrawTrianglesItem.inflateBounds(bounds, tempX, tempY);

                i += 2;


            if (!_bounds.overlaps(bounds))
                drawVertices.splice(drawVertices.length - verticesLength, verticesLength);
                trianglesSprite.graphics.beginBitmapFill(graphic.bitmap, null, repeat, smoothing);
                trianglesSprite.graphics.drawTriangles(drawVertices, indices, uvtData);

                // TODO: check this block of code for cases, when zoom < 1 (or initial zoom?)...
                if (_useBlitMatrix)
                    _helperMatrix.translate(-viewMarginLeft, -viewMarginTop);

                buffer.draw(trianglesSprite, _helperMatrix);
                #if FLX_DEBUG
                if (FlxG.debugger.drawDebug)
                    var gfx:Graphics = FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx;
                    gfx.lineStyle(1, FlxColor.BLUE, 0.5);
                    gfx.drawTriangles(drawVertices, indices);
                    buffer.draw(FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfxSprite, _helperMatrix);
                // End of TODO...

            _bounds.set(0, 0, width, height);
            var isColored:Bool = (colors != null && colors.length != 0);

            #if !flash
            var hasColorOffsets:Bool = (transform != null && transform.hasRGBAOffsets());
            isColored = isColored || (transform != null && transform.hasRGBMultipliers());
            var drawItem:FlxDrawTrianglesItem = startTrianglesBatch(graphic, smoothing, isColored, blend, hasColorOffsets, shader);
            drawItem.addTriangles(vertices, indices, uvtData, colors, position, _bounds, transform);
            var drawItem:FlxDrawTrianglesItem = startTrianglesBatch(graphic, smoothing, isColored, blend);
            drawItem.addTriangles(vertices, indices, uvtData, colors, position, _bounds);

     * Helper method preparing debug rectangle for rendering in blit render mode
     * @param    rect    rectangle to prepare for rendering
     * @return    transformed rectangle with respect to camera's zoom factor
    function transformRect(rect:FlxRect):FlxRect
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            rect.offset(-viewMarginLeft, -viewMarginTop);

            if (_useBlitMatrix)
                rect.x *= zoom;
                rect.y *= zoom;
                rect.width *= zoom;
                rect.height *= zoom;

        return rect;

     * Helper method preparing debug point for rendering in blit render mode (for debug path rendering, for example)
     * @param    point        point to prepare for rendering
     * @return    transformed point with respect to camera's zoom factor
    function transformPoint(point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            point.subtract(viewMarginLeft, viewMarginTop);

            if (_useBlitMatrix)

        return point;

     * Helper method preparing debug vectors (relative positions) for rendering in blit render mode
     * @param    vector    relative position to prepare for rendering
     * @return    transformed vector with respect to camera's zoom factor
    inline function transformVector(vector:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        if (FlxG.renderBlit && _useBlitMatrix)

        return vector;

     * Helper method for applying transformations (scaling and offsets)
     * to specified display objects which has been added to the camera display list.
     * For example, debug sprite for nape debug rendering.
     * @param    object    display object to apply transformations to.
     * @return    transformed object.
    function transformObject(object:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
        object.scaleX *= totalScaleX;
        object.scaleY *= totalScaleY;

        object.x -= scroll.x * totalScaleX;
        object.y -= scroll.y * totalScaleY;

        object.x -= 0.5 * width * (scaleX - initialZoom) * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x;
        object.y -= 0.5 * height * (scaleY - initialZoom) * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y;

        return object;

     * Instantiates a new camera at the specified location, with the specified size and zoom level.
     * @param   X        X location of the camera's display in pixels. Uses native, 1:1 resolution, ignores zoom.
     * @param   Y        Y location of the camera's display in pixels. Uses native, 1:1 resolution, ignores zoom.
     * @param   Width    The width of the camera display in pixels.
     * @param   Height   The height of the camera display in pixels.
     * @param   Zoom     The initial zoom level of the camera.
     *                   A zoom level of 2 will make all pixels display at 2x resolution.
    public function new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, Width:Int = 0, Height:Int = 0, Zoom:Float = 0)

        x = X;
        y = Y;

        // Use the game dimensions if width / height are <= 0
        width = (Width <= 0) ? FlxG.width : Width;
        height = (Height <= 0) ? FlxG.height : Height;
        _flashRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);

        _scrollRect.scrollRect = new Rectangle();

        pixelPerfectRender = FlxG.renderBlit;

        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            screen = new FlxSprite();
            buffer = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0);
            screen.pixels = buffer;
            _flashBitmap = new Bitmap(buffer);
            _fill = new BitmapData(width, height, true, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT);
            canvas = new Sprite();

            #if FLX_DEBUG
            debugLayer = new Sprite();


        initialZoom = (Zoom == 0) ? defaultZoom : Zoom;
        zoom = Zoom; // sets the scale of flash sprite, which in turn loads flashOffset values


        bgColor = FlxG.cameras.bgColor;

     * Clean up memory.
    override public function destroy():Void
        FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(flashSprite, _scrollRect);

        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(_scrollRect, _flashBitmap);
            screen = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(screen);
            buffer = null;
            _flashBitmap = null;
            _fill = FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(_fill);
            #if FLX_DEBUG
            FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(_scrollRect, debugLayer);
            debugLayer = null;

            FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(_scrollRect, canvas);
            if (canvas != null)
                for (i in 0...canvas.numChildren)
                canvas = null;

            if (_headOfDrawStack != null)

            _blitMatrix = null;
            _helperMatrix = null;
            _helperPoint = null;

        _bounds = null;
        scroll = FlxDestroyUtil.put(scroll);
        targetOffset = FlxDestroyUtil.put(targetOffset);
        deadzone = FlxDestroyUtil.put(deadzone);

        target = null;
        flashSprite = null;
        _scrollRect = null;
        _flashRect = null;
        _flashPoint = null;
        _fxFlashComplete = null;
        _fxFadeComplete = null;
        _fxShakeComplete = null;


     * Updates the camera scroll as well as special effects like screen-shake or fades.
    override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
        // follow the target, if there is one
        if (target != null)


        flashSprite.filters = filtersEnabled ? filters : null;


     * Updates (bounds) the camera scroll.
     * Called every frame by camera's `update()` method.
    public function updateScroll():Void
        // Make sure we didn't go outside the camera's bounds
     * Takes the desired scroll position and restricts it to the camera's min/max scroll properties.
     * This modifies the given point.
     * @param   scrollPos  The scroll position
     * @return  The same point passed in, moved within the scroll bounds
     * @since 5.4.0
    public function bindScrollPos(scrollPos:FlxPoint)
        var minX:Null<Float> = minScrollX == null ? null : minScrollX - (zoom - 1) * width / (2 * zoom);
        var maxX:Null<Float> = maxScrollX == null ? null : maxScrollX + (zoom - 1) * width / (2 * zoom);
        var minY:Null<Float> = minScrollY == null ? null : minScrollY - (zoom - 1) * height / (2 * zoom);
        var maxY:Null<Float> = maxScrollY == null ? null : maxScrollY + (zoom - 1) * height / (2 * zoom);

        // keep point with bounds
        scrollPos.x = FlxMath.bound(scrollPos.x, minX, (maxX != null) ? maxX - width : null);
        scrollPos.y = FlxMath.bound(scrollPos.y, minY, (maxY != null) ? maxY - height : null);
        return scrollPos;

     * Updates camera's scroll.
     * Called every frame by camera's `update()` method (if camera's `target` isn't `null`).
    public function updateFollow():Void
        // Either follow the object closely,
        // or double check our deadzone and update accordingly.
        if (deadzone == null)
            _scrollTarget.set(_point.x - width * 0.5, _point.y - height * 0.5);
            var edge:Float;
            var targetX:Float = target.x + targetOffset.x;
            var targetY:Float = target.y + targetOffset.y;

            if (style == SCREEN_BY_SCREEN)
                if (targetX >= viewRight)
                    _scrollTarget.x += viewWidth;
                else if (targetX + target.width < viewLeft)
                    _scrollTarget.x -= viewWidth;

                if (targetY >= viewBottom)
                    _scrollTarget.y += viewHeight;
                else if (targetY + target.height < viewTop)
                    _scrollTarget.y -= viewHeight;
                // without this we see weird behavior when switching to SCREEN_BY_SCREEN at arbitrary scroll positions
                edge = targetX - deadzone.x;
                if (_scrollTarget.x > edge)
                    _scrollTarget.x = edge;
                edge = targetX + target.width - deadzone.x - deadzone.width;
                if (_scrollTarget.x < edge)
                    _scrollTarget.x = edge;

                edge = targetY - deadzone.y;
                if (_scrollTarget.y > edge)
                    _scrollTarget.y = edge;
                edge = targetY + target.height - deadzone.y - deadzone.height;
                if (_scrollTarget.y < edge)
                    _scrollTarget.y = edge;

            if ((target is FlxSprite))
                if (_lastTargetPosition == null)
                    _lastTargetPosition = FlxPoint.get(target.x, target.y); // Creates this point.
                _scrollTarget.x += (target.x - _lastTargetPosition.x) * followLead.x;
                _scrollTarget.y += (target.y - _lastTargetPosition.y) * followLead.y;

                _lastTargetPosition.x = target.x;
                _lastTargetPosition.y = target.y;

        if (followLerp >= 60 / FlxG.updateFramerate)
            scroll.copyFrom(_scrollTarget); // no easing
            scroll.x += (_scrollTarget.x - scroll.x) * followLerp * (60 / FlxG.updateFramerate);
            scroll.y += (_scrollTarget.y - scroll.y) * followLerp * (60 / FlxG.updateFramerate);

    function updateFlash(elapsed:Float):Void
        // Update the "flash" special effect
        if (_fxFlashAlpha > 0.0)
            _fxFlashAlpha -= elapsed / _fxFlashDuration;
            if ((_fxFlashAlpha <= 0) && (_fxFlashComplete != null))

    function updateFade(elapsed:Float):Void
        if (_fxFadeDuration == 0.0)

        if (_fxFadeIn)
            _fxFadeAlpha -= elapsed / _fxFadeDuration;
            if (_fxFadeAlpha <= 0.0)
                _fxFadeAlpha = 0.0;
            _fxFadeAlpha += elapsed / _fxFadeDuration;
            if (_fxFadeAlpha >= 1.0)
                _fxFadeAlpha = 1.0;

    function completeFade()
        _fxFadeDuration = 0.0;
        if (_fxFadeComplete != null)

    function updateShake(elapsed:Float):Void
        if (_fxShakeDuration > 0)
            _fxShakeDuration -= elapsed;
            if (_fxShakeDuration <= 0)
                if (_fxShakeComplete != null)
                final pixelPerfect = pixelPerfectShake == null ? pixelPerfectRender : pixelPerfectShake;
                if (_fxShakeAxes.x)
                    var shakePixels = FlxG.random.float(-1, 1) * _fxShakeIntensity * width;
                    if (pixelPerfect)
                        shakePixels = Math.round(shakePixels);
                    flashSprite.x += shakePixels * zoom * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x;
                if (_fxShakeAxes.y)
                    var shakePixels = FlxG.random.float(-1, 1) * _fxShakeIntensity * height;
                    if (pixelPerfect)
                        shakePixels = Math.round(shakePixels);
                    flashSprite.y += shakePixels * zoom * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y;

     * Recalculates `flashSprite` position.
     * Called every frame by camera's `update()` method and every time you change camera's position.
    function updateFlashSpritePosition():Void
        if (flashSprite != null)
            flashSprite.x = x * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x + _flashOffset.x;
            flashSprite.y = y * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y + _flashOffset.y;

     * Recalculates `_flashOffset` point, which is used for positioning flashSprite in the game.
     * It's called every time you resize the camera or the game.
    function updateFlashOffset():Void
        _flashOffset.x = width * 0.5 * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x * initialZoom;
        _flashOffset.y = height * 0.5 * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y * initialZoom;

     * Updates `_scrollRect` sprite to crop graphics of the camera:
     * 1) `scrollRect` property of this sprite
     * 2) position of this sprite inside `flashSprite`
     * It takes camera's size and game's scale into account.
     * It's called every time you resize the camera or the game.
    function updateScrollRect():Void
        var rect:Rectangle = (_scrollRect != null) ? _scrollRect.scrollRect : null;

        if (rect != null)
            rect.x = rect.y = 0;

            rect.width = width * initialZoom * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x;
            rect.height = height * initialZoom * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y;

            _scrollRect.scrollRect = rect;

            _scrollRect.x = -0.5 * rect.width;
            _scrollRect.y = -0.5 * rect.height;

     * Modifies position of `_flashBitmap` in blit render mode and `canvas` and `debugSprite`
     * in tile render mode (these objects are children of `_scrollRect` sprite).
     * It takes camera's size and game's scale into account.
     * It's called every time you resize the camera or the game.
    function updateInternalSpritePositions():Void
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            if (_flashBitmap != null)
                _flashBitmap.x = 0;
                _flashBitmap.y = 0;
            if (canvas != null)
                canvas.x = -0.5 * width * (scaleX - initialZoom) * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x;
                canvas.y = -0.5 * height * (scaleY - initialZoom) * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y;

                canvas.scaleX = totalScaleX;
                canvas.scaleY = totalScaleY;

                #if FLX_DEBUG
                if (debugLayer != null)
                    debugLayer.x = canvas.x;
                    debugLayer.y = canvas.y;

                    debugLayer.scaleX = totalScaleX;
                    debugLayer.scaleY = totalScaleY;

     * Tells this camera object what `FlxObject` to track.
     * @param   Target   The object you want the camera to track. Set to `null` to not follow anything.
     * @param   Style    Leverage one of the existing "deadzone" presets. Default is `LOCKON`.
     *                   If you use a custom deadzone, ignore this parameter and
     *                   manually specify the deadzone after calling `follow()`.
     * @param   Lerp     How much lag the camera should have (can help smooth out the camera movement).
    public function follow(Target:FlxObject, ?Style:FlxCameraFollowStyle, ?Lerp:Float):Void
        if (Style == null)
            Style = LOCKON;

        if (Lerp == null)
            Lerp = 60 / FlxG.updateFramerate;

        style = Style;
        target = Target;
        followLerp = Lerp;
        _lastTargetPosition = FlxDestroyUtil.put(_lastTargetPosition);
        deadzone = FlxDestroyUtil.put(deadzone);

        switch (Style)
            case LOCKON:
                var w:Float = 0;
                var h:Float = 0;
                if (target != null)
                    w = target.width;
                    h = target.height;
                deadzone = FlxRect.get((width - w) / 2, (height - h) / 2 - h * 0.25, w, h);

            case PLATFORMER:
                final w:Float = (width / 8);
                final h:Float = (height / 3);
                deadzone = FlxRect.get((width - w) / 2, (height - h) / 2 - h * 0.25, w, h);

            case TOPDOWN:
                final helper = Math.max(width, height) / 4;
                deadzone = FlxRect.get((width - helper) / 2, (height - helper) / 2, helper, helper);

            case TOPDOWN_TIGHT:
                final helper = Math.max(width, height) / 8;
                deadzone = FlxRect.get((width - helper) / 2, (height - helper) / 2, helper, helper);

            case SCREEN_BY_SCREEN:
                deadzone = FlxRect.get(0, 0, width, height);

            case NO_DEAD_ZONE:
                deadzone = null;

     * Snaps the camera to the current `target`. Useful to move the camera without
     * any easing when the `target` position changes and there is a `followLerp`.
    public function snapToTarget():Void

     * Move the camera focus to this location instantly.
     * @param   Point   Where you want the camera to focus.
    public inline function focusOn(point:FlxPoint):Void
        scroll.set(point.x - width * 0.5, point.y - height * 0.5);

     * The screen is filled with this color and gradually returns to normal.
     * @param   Color        The color you want to use.
     * @param   Duration     How long it takes for the flash to fade.
     * @param   OnComplete   A function you want to run when the flash finishes.
     * @param   Force        Force the effect to reset.
    public function flash(Color:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, Duration:Float = 1, ?OnComplete:Void->Void, Force:Bool = false):Void
        if (!Force && (_fxFlashAlpha > 0.0))

        _fxFlashColor = Color;
        if (Duration <= 0)
            Duration = 0.000001;
        _fxFlashDuration = Duration;
        _fxFlashComplete = OnComplete;
        _fxFlashAlpha = 1.0;

     * The screen is gradually filled with this color.
     * @param   Color        The color you want to use.
     * @param   Duration     How long it takes for the fade to finish.
     * @param   FadeIn       `true` fades from a color, `false` fades to it.
     * @param   OnComplete   A function you want to run when the fade finishes.
     * @param   Force        Force the effect to reset.
    public function fade(Color:FlxColor = FlxColor.BLACK, Duration:Float = 1, FadeIn:Bool = false, ?OnComplete:Void->Void, Force:Bool = false):Void
        if (_fxFadeDuration > 0 && !Force)

        _fxFadeColor = Color;
        if (Duration <= 0)
            Duration = 0.000001;

        _fxFadeIn = FadeIn;
        _fxFadeDuration = Duration;
        _fxFadeComplete = OnComplete;

        _fxFadeAlpha = _fxFadeIn ? 0.999999 : 0.000001;

     * A simple screen-shake effect.
     * @param   Intensity    Percentage of screen size representing the maximum distance
     *                       that the screen can move while shaking.
     * @param   Duration     The length in seconds that the shaking effect should last.
     * @param   OnComplete   A function you want to run when the shake effect finishes.
     * @param   Force        Force the effect to reset (default = `true`, unlike `flash()` and `fade()`!).
     * @param   Axes         On what axes to shake. Default value is `FlxAxes.XY` / both.
    public function shake(Intensity:Float = 0.05, Duration:Float = 0.5, ?OnComplete:Void->Void, Force:Bool = true, ?Axes:FlxAxes):Void
        if (Axes == null)
            Axes = XY;

        if (!Force && _fxShakeDuration > 0)

        _fxShakeIntensity = Intensity;
        _fxShakeDuration = Duration;
        _fxShakeComplete = OnComplete;
        _fxShakeAxes = Axes;

     * Stops the fade effect on `this` camera.
    public function stopFade():Void
        _fxFadeAlpha = 0.0;
        _fxFadeDuration = 0.0;

     * Stops the flash effect on `this` camera.
    public function stopFlash():Void
        _fxFlashAlpha = 0.0;

     * Stops the shake effect on `this` camera.
    public function stopShake():Void
        _fxShakeDuration = 0.0;

     * Stops all effects on `this` camera.
    public function stopFX():Void
        _fxFadeAlpha = 0.0;
        _fxFadeDuration = 0.0;
        _fxFlashAlpha = 0.0;
        _fxShakeDuration = 0.0;

     * Sets the filter array to be applied to the camera.
    @:deprecated("setFilters() is deprecated, use the filters array instead")
    public function setFilters(filters:Array<BitmapFilter>):Void
        this.filters = filters;

     * Copy the bounds, focus object, and `deadzone` info from an existing camera.
     * @param   Camera  The camera you want to copy from.
     * @return  A reference to this `FlxCamera` object.
    public function copyFrom(Camera:FlxCamera):FlxCamera
        setScrollBounds(Camera.minScrollX, Camera.maxScrollX, Camera.minScrollY, Camera.maxScrollY);

        target = Camera.target;

        if (target != null)
            if (Camera.deadzone == null)
                deadzone = null;
                if (deadzone == null)
                    deadzone = FlxRect.get();
        return this;

     * Fill the camera with the specified color.
     * @param   Color        The color to fill with in `0xAARRGGBB` hex format.
     * @param   BlendAlpha   Whether to blend the alpha value or just wipe the previous contents. Default is `true`.
    public function fill(Color:FlxColor, BlendAlpha:Bool = true, FxAlpha:Float = 1.0, ?graphics:Graphics):Void
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            if (BlendAlpha)
                _fill.fillRect(_flashRect, Color);
                buffer.copyPixels(_fill, _flashRect, _flashPoint, null, null, BlendAlpha);
                buffer.fillRect(_flashRect, Color);
            if (FxAlpha == 0)

            var targetGraphics:Graphics = (graphics == null) ? canvas.graphics : graphics;

            targetGraphics.beginFill(Color, FxAlpha);
            // i'm drawing rect with these parameters to avoid light lines at the top and left of the camera,
            // which could appear while cameras fading
            targetGraphics.drawRect(viewMarginLeft - 1, viewMarginTop - 1, viewWidth + 2, viewHeight + 2);

     * Internal helper function, handles the actual drawing of all the special effects.
    function drawFX():Void
        var alphaComponent:Float;

        // Draw the "flash" special effect onto the buffer
        if (_fxFlashAlpha > 0.0)
            alphaComponent = _fxFlashColor.alpha;

            if (FlxG.renderBlit)
                fill((Std.int(((alphaComponent <= 0) ? 0xff : alphaComponent) * _fxFlashAlpha) << 24) + (_fxFlashColor & 0x00ffffff));
                fill((_fxFlashColor & 0x00ffffff), true, ((alphaComponent <= 0) ? 0xff : alphaComponent) * _fxFlashAlpha / 255, canvas.graphics);

        // Draw the "fade" special effect onto the buffer
        if (_fxFadeAlpha > 0.0)
            alphaComponent = _fxFadeColor.alpha;

            if (FlxG.renderBlit)
                fill((Std.int(((alphaComponent <= 0) ? 0xff : alphaComponent) * _fxFadeAlpha) << 24) + (_fxFadeColor & 0x00ffffff));
                fill((_fxFadeColor & 0x00ffffff), true, ((alphaComponent <= 0) ? 0xff : alphaComponent) * _fxFadeAlpha / 255, canvas.graphics);

    function checkResize():Void
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            if (width != buffer.width || height != buffer.height)
                var oldBuffer:FlxGraphic = screen.graphic;
                buffer = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0);
                screen.pixels = buffer;
                _flashBitmap.bitmapData = buffer;
                _flashRect.width = width;
                _flashRect.height = height;
                _fill = FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(_fill);
                _fill = new BitmapData(width, height, true, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT);


    inline function updateBlitMatrix():Void
        _blitMatrix.translate(-viewMarginLeft, -viewMarginTop);
        _blitMatrix.scale(scaleX, scaleY);

        _useBlitMatrix = (scaleX < initialZoom) || (scaleY < initialZoom);

     * Shortcut for setting both `width` and `height`.
     * @param   Width    The new camera width.
     * @param   Height   The new camera height.
    public inline function setSize(Width:Int, Height:Int)
        width = Width;
        height = Height;

     * Helper function to set the coordinates of this camera.
     * Handy since it only requires one line of code.
     * @param   X   The new x position.
     * @param   Y   The new y position.
    public inline function setPosition(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0):Void
        x = X;
        y = Y;

     * Specify the bounding rectangle of where the camera is allowed to move.
     * @param   X             The smallest X value of your level (usually `0`).
     * @param   Y             The smallest Y value of your level (usually `0`).
     * @param   Width         The largest X value of your level (usually the level width).
     * @param   Height        The largest Y value of your level (usually the level height).
     * @param   UpdateWorld   Whether the global quad-tree's dimensions should be updated to match (default: `false`).
    public function setScrollBoundsRect(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, Width:Float = 0, Height:Float = 0, UpdateWorld:Bool = false):Void
        if (UpdateWorld)
            FlxG.worldBounds.set(X, Y, Width, Height);

        setScrollBounds(X, X + Width, Y, Y + Height);

     * Specify the bounds of where the camera is allowed to move.
     * Set the boundary of a side to `null` to leave that side unbounded.
     * @param   MinX   The minimum X value the camera can scroll to
     * @param   MaxX   The maximum X value the camera can scroll to
     * @param   MinY   The minimum Y value the camera can scroll to
     * @param   MaxY   The maximum Y value the camera can scroll to
    public function setScrollBounds(MinX:Null<Float>, MaxX:Null<Float>, MinY:Null<Float>, MaxY:Null<Float>):Void
        minScrollX = MinX;
        maxScrollX = MaxX;
        minScrollY = MinY;
        maxScrollY = MaxY;

     * Helper function to set the scale of this camera.
     * Handy since it only requires one line of code.
     * @param   X   The new scale on x axis
     * @param   Y   The new scale of y axis
    public function setScale(X:Float, Y:Float):Void
        scaleX = X;
        scaleY = Y;

        totalScaleX = scaleX * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x;
        totalScaleY = scaleY * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y;

        if (FlxG.renderBlit)

            if (_useBlitMatrix)
                _flashBitmap.scaleX = initialZoom * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x;
                _flashBitmap.scaleY = initialZoom * FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y;
                _flashBitmap.scaleX = totalScaleX;
                _flashBitmap.scaleY = totalScaleY;




     * Called by camera front end every time you resize the game.
     * It triggers reposition of camera's internal display objects.
    public function onResize():Void
        setScale(scaleX, scaleY);
     * The size and position of this camera's margins, via `viewMarginLeft`, `viewMarginTop`, `viewWidth`
     * and `viewHeight`.
     * Notes: Deprecated, in 4.11.0 this was made public, but the wording is confusing.
     * In flixel 6.0.0 this will be changed to use `viewX`, `viewY`, `viewWidth` and `viewHeight`,
     * meaning, this will return the world coordinates of the camera.
     * @since 4.11.0
    public function getViewRect(?rect:FlxRect)
        if (rect == null)
            rect = FlxRect.get();
        return rect.set(viewMarginLeft, viewMarginTop, viewWidth, viewHeight);
     * The size and position of this camera's margins, via `viewMarginLeft`, `viewMarginTop`, `viewWidth`
     * and `viewHeight`.
     * @since 5.2.0
    public function getViewMarginRect(?rect:FlxRect)
        if (rect == null)
            rect = FlxRect.get();
        return rect.set(viewMarginLeft, viewMarginTop, viewWidth, viewHeight);
     * Checks whether this camera contains a given point or rectangle, in
     * screen coordinates.
     * @since 4.3.0
    public inline function containsPoint(point:FlxPoint, width:Float = 0, height:Float = 0):Bool
        var contained = (point.x + width > viewMarginLeft) && (point.x < viewMarginRight)
            && (point.y + height > viewMarginTop) && (point.y < viewMarginBottom);
        return contained;
     * Checks whether this camera contains a given rectangle, in screen coordinates.
     * @since 4.11.0
    public inline function containsRect(rect:FlxRect):Bool
        var contained = (rect.right > viewMarginLeft) && (rect.x < viewMarginRight)
            && (rect.bottom > viewMarginTop) && (rect.y < viewMarginBottom);
        return contained;

    function set_followLerp(Value:Float):Float
        return followLerp = FlxMath.bound(Value, 0, 60 / FlxG.updateFramerate);

    function set_width(Value:Int):Int
        if (width != Value && Value > 0)
            width = Value;

        return Value;

    function set_height(Value:Int):Int
        if (height != Value && Value > 0)
            height = Value;

        return Value;

    function set_zoom(Zoom:Float):Float
        zoom = (Zoom == 0) ? defaultZoom : Zoom;
        setScale(zoom, zoom);
        return zoom;

    function set_alpha(Alpha:Float):Float
        alpha = FlxMath.bound(Alpha, 0, 1);
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            _flashBitmap.alpha = Alpha;
            canvas.alpha = Alpha;
        return Alpha;

    function set_angle(Angle:Float):Float
        angle = Angle;
        flashSprite.rotation = Angle;
        return Angle;

    function set_color(Color:FlxColor):FlxColor
        color = Color;
        var colorTransform:ColorTransform;

        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            if (_flashBitmap == null)
                return Color;
            colorTransform = _flashBitmap.transform.colorTransform;
            colorTransform = canvas.transform.colorTransform;

        colorTransform.redMultiplier = color.redFloat;
        colorTransform.greenMultiplier = color.greenFloat;
        colorTransform.blueMultiplier = color.blueFloat;

        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            _flashBitmap.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;
            canvas.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;

        return Color;

    function set_antialiasing(Antialiasing:Bool):Bool
        antialiasing = Antialiasing;
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            _flashBitmap.smoothing = Antialiasing;
        return Antialiasing;

    function set_x(x:Float):Float
        this.x = x;
        return x;

    function set_y(y:Float):Float
        this.y = y;
        return y;

    override function set_visible(visible:Bool):Bool
        if (flashSprite != null)
            flashSprite.visible = visible;
        return this.visible = visible;

    @:deprecated("Use calcMarginX")
    inline function calcOffsetX():Void calcMarginX();

    @:deprecated("Use calcMarginY")
    inline function calcOffsetY():Void calcMarginY();
    inline function calcMarginX():Void
        viewMarginX = 0.5 * width * (scaleX - initialZoom) / scaleX;

    inline function calcMarginY():Void
        viewMarginY = 0.5 * height * (scaleY - initialZoom) / scaleY;
    static inline function get_defaultCameras():Array<FlxCamera>
        return _defaultCameras;
    static inline function set_defaultCameras(value:Array<FlxCamera>):Array<FlxCamera>
        return _defaultCameras = value;
    inline function get_viewMarginLeft():Float
        return viewMarginX;
    inline function get_viewMarginTop():Float
        return viewMarginY;
    inline function get_viewMarginRight():Float
        return width - viewMarginX;
    inline function get_viewMarginBottom():Float
        return height - viewMarginY;
    inline function get_viewWidth():Float
        return width - viewMarginX * 2;
    inline function get_viewHeight():Float
        return height - viewMarginY * 2;
    inline function get_viewX():Float
        return scroll.x + viewMarginX;
    inline function get_viewY():Float
        return scroll.y + viewMarginY;
    inline function get_viewLeft():Float
        return viewX;
    inline function get_viewTop():Float
        return viewY;
    inline function get_viewRight():Float
        return scroll.x + viewMarginRight;
    inline function get_viewBottom():Float
        return scroll.y + viewMarginBottom;
    // deprecated vars

    inline function get_viewOffsetX():Float
        return viewMarginX;
    inline function set_viewOffsetX(value:Float):Float
        return viewMarginX = value;
    inline function get_viewOffsetY():Float
        return viewMarginY;
    inline function set_viewOffsetY(value:Float):Float
        return viewMarginY = value;
    inline function get_viewOffsetWidth():Float
        return viewMarginRight;
    inline function get_viewOffsetHeight():Float
        return viewMarginBottom;

    inline function get__filters():Array<BitmapFilter>
        return filters;

    inline function set__filters(Value:Array<BitmapFilter>):Array<BitmapFilter>
        return filters = Value;
     * Do not use the following fields! They only exists because FlxCamera extends FlxBasic,
     * we're hiding them because they've only caused confusion.
    @:deprecated("don't reference camera.camera")
    override function get_camera():FlxCamera throw "don't reference camera.camera";
    @:deprecated("don't reference camera.camera")
    override function set_camera(value:FlxCamera):FlxCamera throw "don't reference camera.camera";
    @:deprecated("don't reference camera.cameras")
    override function get_cameras():Array<FlxCamera> throw "don't reference camera.cameras";
    @:deprecated("don't reference camera.cameras")
    override function set_cameras(value:Array<FlxCamera>):Array<FlxCamera> throw "don't reference camera.cameras";

enum FlxCameraFollowStyle
     * Camera has no deadzone, just tracks the focus object directly.

     * Camera's deadzone is narrow but tall.

     * Camera's deadzone is a medium-size square around the focus object.

     * Camera's deadzone is a small square around the focus object.

     * Camera will move screenwise.

     * Camera has no deadzone, just tracks the focus object directly and centers it.