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package flixel;

import openfl.Lib;
import openfl.display.DisplayObject;
import openfl.display.Stage;
import openfl.display.StageDisplayState;
import openfl.net.URLRequest;
import flixel.effects.postprocess.PostProcess;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.math.FlxRandom;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxQuadTree;
import flixel.system.FlxVersion;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.BitmapFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.BitmapLogFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.CameraFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.ConsoleFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.DebuggerFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.InputFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.LogFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.PluginFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.SignalFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.SoundFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.VCRFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.frontEnds.WatchFrontEnd;
import flixel.system.scaleModes.BaseScaleMode;
import flixel.system.scaleModes.RatioScaleMode;
import flixel.util.FlxCollision;
import flixel.util.FlxSave;
import flixel.util.typeLimit.NextState;
import flixel.input.touch.FlxTouchManager;
import flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKeyboard;
import flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse;
import flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadManager;
#if android
import flixel.input.android.FlxAndroidKeys;
import flixel.input.FlxAccelerometer;
import flixel.input.FlxSwipe;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import openfl.display.OpenGLView;

using flixel.util.FlxArrayUtil;

#if html5
import flixel.system.frontEnds.HTML5FrontEnd;

 * Global helper class for audio, input, the camera system, the debugger and other global properties.
class FlxG
     * Whether the game should be paused when focus is lost or not. Use `-D FLX_NO_FOCUS_LOST_SCREEN`
     * if you only want to get rid of the default pause screen.
     * Override `onFocus()` and `onFocusLost()` for your own behaviour in your state.
    public static var autoPause:Bool = true;

     * WARNING: Changing this can lead to issues with physics and the recording system. Setting this to
     * `false` might lead to smoother animations (even at lower fps) at the cost of physics accuracy.
    public static var fixedTimestep:Bool = true;

     * How fast or slow time should pass in the game; default is `1.0`.
    public static var timeScale:Float = 1.0;
     * How fast or slow animations should pass in the game; default is `1.0`.
     * @since 5.5.0
    public static var animationTimeScale:Float = 1.0;

     * How many times the quad tree should divide the world on each axis.
     * Generally, sparse collisions can have fewer divisons,
     * while denser collision activity usually profits from more. Default value is `6`.
    public static var worldDivisions:Int = 6;

     * By default this just refers to the first entry in the `FlxG.cameras.list`
     * array but you can do what you like with it.
    public static var camera:FlxCamera;

     * The HaxeFlixel version, in semantic versioning syntax. Use `Std.string()`
     * on it to get a `String` formatted like this: `"HaxeFlixel MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-COMMIT_SHA"`.
    public static var VERSION(default, null):FlxVersion = new FlxVersion(5, 9, 0);

     * Internal tracker for game object.
    public static var game(default, null):FlxGame;

     * The Flash stage object (required for event listeners).
     * Will be `null` if it's not safe/useful yet.
    public static var stage(get, never):Stage;

     * Access the current game state from anywhere. Consider using `addChildBelowMouse()`
     * if you want to add a `DisplayObject` to the stage instead of directly adding it here!
    public static var state(get, never):FlxState;

     * How many times you want your game to update each second.
     * More updates usually means better collisions and smoother motion.
     * NOTE: This is NOT the same thing as the draw framerate!
    public static var updateFramerate(default, set):Int;

     * How many times you want your game to step each second. More steps usually means greater responsiveness,
     * but it can also slowdown your game if the stage can't keep up with the update routine.
     * NOTE: This is NOT the same thing as the update framerate!
    public static var drawFramerate(default, set):Int;

     * Whether the game is running on a mobile device.
     * If on HTML5, it returns `FlxG.html5.onMobile`.
     * Otherwise, it checks whether the `mobile` haxedef is defined.
     * @since 4.2.0
    public static var onMobile(get, never):Bool;

    public static var renderMethod(default, null):FlxRenderMethod;

    public static var renderBlit(default, null):Bool;
    public static var renderTile(default, null):Bool;

     * Represents the amount of time in seconds that passed since last frame.
    public static var elapsed(default, null):Float = 0;

     * Useful when the timestep is NOT fixed (i.e. variable),
     * to prevent jerky movement or erratic behavior at very low fps.
     * Essentially locks the framerate to a minimum value - any slower and you'll get
     * slowdown instead of frameskip; default is 1/10th of a second.
    public static var maxElapsed:Float = 0.1;

     * The width of the screen in game pixels. Read-only, use `resizeGame()` to change.
    public static var width(default, null):Int;

     * The height of the screen in game pixels. Read-only, use `resizeGame()` to change.
    public static var height(default, null):Int;

     * The scale mode the game should use.
     * HaxeFlixel includes several available scale modes, which are located in `flixel.system.scaleModes`.
     * However, you may also create a class which extends `BaseScaleMode`, and override its behavior according to your needs.
    public static var scaleMode(default, set):BaseScaleMode = new RatioScaleMode();

     * Use this to toggle between fullscreen and normal mode. Works on CPP, Neko and Flash.
     * You can easily toggle fullscreen with e.g.: `FlxG.fullscreen = !FlxG.fullscreen;`
    public static var fullscreen(get, set):Bool;

     * The dimensions of the game world, used by the quad tree for collisions and overlap checks.
     * Use `.set()` instead of creating a new object!
    public static var worldBounds(default, null):FlxRect = FlxRect.get();

    #if FLX_SAVE
     * A `FlxSave` used internally by flixel to save sound preferences and
     * the history of the console window, but no reason you can't use it for your own stuff too!
    public static var save(default, null):FlxSave = new FlxSave();

     * A `FlxRandom` object which can be used to generate random numbers.
     * Also used by Flixel internally.
    public static var random(default, null):FlxRandom = new FlxRandom();

    #if FLX_MOUSE
     * Used for mouse input. e.g.: check if the left mouse button
     * is pressed with `if (FlxG.mouse.pressed) { })` in `update()`.
    public static var mouse(default, set):FlxMouse;

    #if FLX_TOUCH
     * Useful for devices with multitouch support.
    public static var touches(default, null):FlxTouchManager;

     * Contains all "swipes" from both mouse and touch input that have just ended.
    public static var swipes(default, null):Array<FlxSwipe> = [];

     * Used for keyboard input e.g.: check if the left arrow key is
     * pressed with `if (FlxG.keys.pressed.LEFT) { }` in `update()`.
    public static var keys(default, null):FlxKeyboard;

     * Allows accessing the available gamepads.
    public static var gamepads(default, null):FlxGamepadManager;

    #if android
     * Useful for tracking Back, Home buttons etc on Android devices.
    public static var android(default, null):FlxAndroidKeys;

     * Provides access to the accelerometer data of mobile devices as `x`/`y`/`z` values.
    public static var accelerometer(default, null):FlxAccelerometer;

    #if js
     * Has some HTML5-specific things like browser detection, browser dimensions etc...
    public static var html5(default, null):HTML5FrontEnd = new HTML5FrontEnd();

     * Mostly used internally, but you can use it too to reset inputs and create input classes of your own.
    public static var inputs(default, null):InputFrontEnd = new InputFrontEnd();

     * Used to register functions and objects or add new commands to the console window.
    public static var console(default, null):ConsoleFrontEnd = new ConsoleFrontEnd();

     * Used to add messages to the log window or enable `trace()` redirection.
    public static var log(default, null):LogFrontEnd = new LogFrontEnd();

     * Used to add images to the bitmap log window.
    public static var bitmapLog(default, null):BitmapLogFrontEnd = new BitmapLogFrontEnd();

     * Used to add or remove things to / from the watch window.
    public static var watch(default, null):WatchFrontEnd = new WatchFrontEnd();

     * Used it to show / hide the debugger, change its layout,
     * activate debug drawing or change the key used to toggle it.
    public static var debugger(default, null):DebuggerFrontEnd = new DebuggerFrontEnd();

     * Contains all the functions needed for recording and replaying.
    public static var vcr(default, null):VCRFrontEnd;

     * Contains things related to bitmaps, for example regarding the `BitmapData` cache and the cache itself.
    public static var bitmap(default, null):BitmapFrontEnd = new BitmapFrontEnd();

     * Contains things related to cameras, a list of all cameras and several effects like `flash()` or `fade()`.
    public static var cameras(default, null):CameraFrontEnd = new CameraFrontEnd();

     * Contains a list of all plugins and the functions required to `add()`, `remove()` them etc.
    public static var plugins(default, null):PluginFrontEnd;

    public static var initialWidth(default, null):Int = 0;
    public static var initialHeight(default, null):Int = 0;

     * Contains a list of all sounds and other things to manage or `play()` sounds.
    public static var sound(default, null):SoundFrontEnd;

     * Contains system-wide signals like `gameResized` or `preStateSwitch`.
    public static var signals(default, null):SignalFrontEnd = new SignalFrontEnd();

     * Resizes the game within the window by reapplying the current scale mode.
    public static inline function resizeGame(width:Int, height:Int):Void
        scaleMode.onMeasure(width, height);

     * Resizes the window. Only works on desktop targets (Neko, Windows, Linux, Mac).
    public static function resizeWindow(width:Int, height:Int):Void
        #if desktop
        #if air
        var window = flash.desktop.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow;
        window.width = width;
        window.height = height;
        Lib.application.window.resize(width, height);

     * Like hitting the reset button on a game console, this will re-launch the game as if it just started.
    public static inline function resetGame():Void
        game._resetGame = true;

     * Attempts to switch from the current game state to `nextState`.
     * The state switch is successful if `switchTo()` of the current `state` returns `true`.
     * @param   nextState  A constructor for the initial state, ex: `PlayState.new` or `()->new PlayState()`.
     *                     Note: Before Flixel 5.6.0, this took a `FlxState` instance,
     *                     this is still available, for backwards compatibility.
    public static inline function switchState(nextState:NextState):Void
        final stateOnCall = FlxG.state;
        if (!nextState.isInstance() || canSwitchTo(cast nextState))
                if (FlxG.state == stateOnCall)
                    game._nextState = nextState;
                    FlxG.log.warn("`onOutroComplete` was called after the state was switched. This will be ignored");
     * Calls state.switchTo(nextState) without a deprecation warning.
     * This will be removed in Flixel 6.0.0
     * @since 5.6.0
    static function canSwitchTo(nextState:FlxState)
        #if (haxe < version("4.3.0"))
        // Use reflection because @:haxe.warning("-WDeprecated") doesn't work until haxe 4.3
        return Reflect.callMethod(state, Reflect.field(state, 'switchTo'), [nextState]);
        return state.switchTo(nextState);

     * Request a reset of the current game state.
     * Calls `switchState()` with a new instance of the current `state`.
    public static inline function resetState():Void
        if (state == null || state._constructor == null)
            FlxG.log.error("FlxG.resetState was called while switching states");
        else if(!state._constructor.isInstance())
            // create new instance here so that state.switchTo is called (for backwards compatibility)
            switchState(Type.createInstance(Type.getClass(state), []));

     * Call this function to see if one `FlxObject` overlaps another within `FlxG.worldBounds`.
     * Can be called with one object and one group, or two groups, or two objects,
     * whatever floats your boat! For maximum performance try bundling a lot of objects
     * together using a `FlxGroup` (or even bundling groups together!).
     * NOTE: does NOT take objects' `scrollFactor` into account, all overlaps are checked in world space.
     * NOTE: this takes the entire area of `FlxTilemap`s into account (including "empty" tiles).
     * Use `FlxTilemap#overlaps()` if you don't want that.
     * @param   objectOrGroup1   The first object or group you want to check.
     * @param   objectOrGroup2   The second object or group you want to check. If it is the same as the first,
     *                           Flixel knows to just do a comparison within that group.
     * @param   notifyCallback   A function with two `FlxObject` parameters -
     *                           e.g. `onOverlap(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject)` -
     *                           that is called if those two objects overlap.
     * @param   processCallback  A function with two `FlxObject` parameters -
     *                           e.g. `onOverlap(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject)` -
     *                           that is called if those two objects overlap.
     *                           If a `ProcessCallback` is provided, then `NotifyCallback`
     *                           will only be called if `ProcessCallback` returns true for those objects!
     * @return  Whether any overlaps were detected.
    public static function overlap(?objectOrGroup1:FlxBasic, ?objectOrGroup2:FlxBasic, ?notifyCallback:Dynamic->Dynamic->Void,
        if (objectOrGroup1 == null)
            objectOrGroup1 = state;
        if (objectOrGroup2 == objectOrGroup1)
            objectOrGroup2 = null;

        FlxQuadTree.divisions = worldDivisions;
        final quadTree = FlxQuadTree.recycle(worldBounds.x, worldBounds.y, worldBounds.width, worldBounds.height);
        quadTree.load(objectOrGroup1, objectOrGroup2, notifyCallback, processCallback);
        final result:Bool = quadTree.execute();
        return result;

     * A pixel perfect collision check between two `FlxSprite` objects.
     * It will do a bounds check first, and if that passes it will run a
     * pixel perfect match on the intersecting area. Works with rotated and animated sprites.
     * May be slow, so use it sparingly.
     * @param   sprite1         The first `FlxSprite` to test against.
     * @param   sprite2         The second `FlxSprite` to test again, sprite order is irrelevant.
     * @param   alphaTolerance  The tolerance value above which alpha pixels are included.
     *                          Default to `255` (must be fully opaque for collision).
     * @param   camera          If the collision is taking place in a camera other than
     *                          `FlxG.camera` (the default/current) then pass it here.
     * @return  Whether the sprites collide
    public static inline function pixelPerfectOverlap(sprite1:FlxSprite, sprite2:FlxSprite, alphaTolerance = 255, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        return FlxCollision.pixelPerfectCheck(sprite1, sprite2, alphaTolerance, camera);

     * Call this function to see if one `FlxObject` collides with another within `FlxG.worldBounds`.
     * Can be called with one object and one group, or two groups, or two objects,
     * whatever floats your boat! For maximum performance try bundling a lot of objects
     * together using a FlxGroup (or even bundling groups together!).
     * This function just calls `FlxG.overlap` and presets the `ProcessCallback` parameter to `FlxObject.separate`.
     * To create your own collision logic, write your own `ProcessCallback` and use `FlxG.overlap` to set it up.
     * NOTE: does NOT take objects' `scrollFactor` into account, all overlaps are checked in world space.
     * @param   objectOrGroup1  The first object or group you want to check.
     * @param   objectOrGroup2  The second object or group you want to check. If it is the same as the first,
     *                          Flixel knows to just do a comparison within that group.
     * @param   notifyCallback  A function with two `FlxObject` parameters -
     *                          e.g. `onOverlap(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject)` -
     *                          that is called if those two objects overlap.
     * @return  Whether any objects were successfully collided/separated.
    public static inline function collide(?objectOrGroup1:FlxBasic, ?objectOrGroup2:FlxBasic, ?notifyCallback:Dynamic->Dynamic->Void):Bool
        return overlap(objectOrGroup1, objectOrGroup2, notifyCallback, FlxObject.separate);

     * Regular `DisplayObject`s are normally displayed over the Flixel cursor and the Flixel debugger if simply
     * added to `stage`. This function simplifies things by adding a `DisplayObject` directly below mouse level.
     * @param   child          The `DisplayObject` to add
     * @param   indexModifier  Amount to add to the index - makes sure the index stays within bounds.
     * @return  The added `DisplayObject`
    public static function addChildBelowMouse<T:DisplayObject>(child:T, indexModifier = 0):T
        var index = game.getChildIndex(game._inputContainer);
        var max = game.numChildren;

        index = FlxMath.maxAdd(index, indexModifier, max);
        game.addChildAt(child, index);
        return child;

     * Removes a child from the Flixel display list, if it is part of it.
     * @param   child   The `DisplayObject` to add
     * @return  The removed `DisplayObject`
    public static inline function removeChild<T:DisplayObject>(child:T):T
        if (game.contains(child))
        return child;

    public static function addPostProcess(postProcess:PostProcess):PostProcess
        #if FLX_POST_PROCESS
        if (OpenGLView.isSupported)
            var postProcesses = game.postProcesses;

            // chaining
            var length = postProcesses.length;
            if (length > 0)
                postProcesses[length - 1].to = postProcess;

            FlxG.log.error("Shaders are not supported on this platform.");

        return postProcess;

    public static function removePostProcess(postProcess:PostProcess):Void
        #if FLX_POST_PROCESS
        var postProcesses = game.postProcesses;
        if (postProcesses.remove(postProcess))
            postProcess.to = null;

            FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(game.postProcessLayer, postProcess);

    static function chainPostProcesses():Void
        var postProcesses = game.postProcesses;

        if (postProcesses.length > 0)
            for (i in 0...postProcesses.length - 1)
                postProcesses[i].to = postProcesses[i + 1];
            postProcesses.last().to = null;

     * Opens a web page, by default a new tab or window. If the URL does not
     * already start with `"http://"` or `"https://"`, it gets added automatically.
     * @param   url     The address of the web page.
     * @param   target  `"_blank"`, `"_self"`, `"_parent"` or `"_top"`
    public static inline function openURL(url:String, target = "_blank"):Void
        // if the url does not already start with a protocol, add it.
        if (!~/^.\w+?:\/*/.match(url))
            url = "https://" + url;
        Lib.getURL(new URLRequest(url), target);

     * Called by `FlxGame` to set up `FlxG` during `FlxGame`'s constructor.
    static function init(game:FlxGame, width:Int, height:Int):Void
        if (width < 0)
            width = -width;
        if (height < 0)
            height = -height;
        FlxG.game = game;
        FlxG.width = width;
        FlxG.height = height;


        FlxG.initialWidth = width;
        FlxG.initialHeight = height;

        resizeGame(Lib.current.stage.stageWidth, Lib.current.stage.stageHeight);

        // Instantiate inputs
        #if FLX_KEYBOARD
        keys = inputs.addInput(new FlxKeyboard());

        #if FLX_MOUSE
        mouse = inputs.addInput(new FlxMouse(game._inputContainer));

        #if FLX_TOUCH
        touches = inputs.addInput(new FlxTouchManager());

        #if FLX_GAMEPAD
        gamepads = inputs.addInput(new FlxGamepadManager());

        #if android
        android = inputs.addInput(new FlxAndroidKeys());

        accelerometer = new FlxAccelerometer();

        #if FLX_SAVE

        plugins = new PluginFrontEnd();
        vcr = new VCRFrontEnd();

        #if FLX_SOUND_SYSTEM
        sound = new SoundFrontEnd();

    static function initRenderMethod():Void
        renderMethod = BLITTING;

        #if (!lime_legacy && !flash)
        #if (lime >= "7.0.0")
        renderMethod = switch (stage.window.context.type)
            default: BLITTING;
        if (!Lib.application.config.windows[0].hardware)
            renderMethod = BLITTING;
            renderMethod = switch (stage.window.renderer.type)
                case OPENGL, CONSOLE: DRAW_TILES;
                case CANVAS, FLASH, CAIRO: BLITTING;
                default: BLITTING;
        #if web
        renderMethod = BLITTING;
        renderMethod = DRAW_TILES;

        #if air
        renderMethod = BLITTING;

        renderBlit = renderMethod == BLITTING;
        renderTile = renderMethod == DRAW_TILES;

        FlxObject.defaultPixelPerfectPosition = renderBlit;

    #if FLX_SAVE
    static function initSave()
        // Don't init if the FlxG.save.bind was manually called before the FlxGame was created
        if (save.isBound)

        // Use Project.xml data to determine save id (since 5.0.0).
        final name = stage.application.meta["file"];
        // look for the pre 5.0 save and convert it if it exists.
        if (save.isEmpty())
            save.mergeDataFrom("flixel", null, false, false);

     * Called whenever the game is reset, doesn't have to do quite as much work as the basic initialization stuff.
    static function reset():Void

        #if FLX_SOUND_SYSTEM
        autoPause = true;
        fixedTimestep = true;
        timeScale = 1.0;
        animationTimeScale = 1.0;
        elapsed = 0;
        maxElapsed = 0.1;
        worldBounds.set(-10, -10, width + 20, height + 20);
        worldDivisions = 6;

    static function set_scaleMode(value:BaseScaleMode):BaseScaleMode
        scaleMode = value;
        return value;

    #if FLX_MOUSE
    static function set_mouse(newMouse:FlxMouse):FlxMouse
        // if there's no mouse, add it
        if (mouse == null)
            mouse = inputs.addUniqueType(newMouse);
            return mouse;
        // replace existing mouse
        final oldMouse:FlxMouse = mouse;
        final result:FlxMouse = inputs.replace(oldMouse, newMouse, true);
        if (result != null)
            mouse = result;
            return newMouse;
        return oldMouse;

    static function set_updateFramerate(value:Int):Int
        if (value < drawFramerate)
            log.warn("FlxG.framerate: the game's framerate shouldn't be smaller than the flash framerate," + " since it can stop your game from updating.");

        updateFramerate = value;

        game._stepMS = Math.abs(1000 / value);
        game._stepSeconds = game._stepMS / 1000;

        if (game._maxAccumulation < game._stepMS)
            game._maxAccumulation = game._stepMS;

        return value;

    static function set_drawFramerate(value:Int):Int
        if (value > updateFramerate)
            log.warn("FlxG.drawFramerate: the update framerate shouldn't be smaller than the draw framerate," + " since it can stop your game from updating.");

        drawFramerate = Std.int(Math.abs(value));

        if (game.stage != null)
            game.stage.frameRate = drawFramerate;

        game._maxAccumulation = 2000 / drawFramerate - 1;

        if (game._maxAccumulation < game._stepMS)
            game._maxAccumulation = game._stepMS;

        return value;

    static function get_fullscreen():Bool
        return stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN || stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;

    static function set_fullscreen(value:Bool):Bool
        stage.displayState = value ? StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN : StageDisplayState.NORMAL;
        return value;

    static inline function get_stage():Stage
        return Lib.current.stage;

    static inline function get_state():FlxState
        return game._state;

    static inline function get_onMobile():Bool
        return #if js
        #elseif mobile

enum FlxRenderMethod