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package flixel;

import openfl.display.Graphics;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup.FlxTypedGroup;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.math.FlxVelocity;
import flixel.path.FlxPath;
import flixel.tile.FlxBaseTilemap;
import flixel.util.FlxAxes;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxDirectionFlags;
import flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxStringUtil;

 * At their core `FlxObjects` are just boxes with positions that can move and collide with other
 * objects. Most games utilize `FlxObject's` features through [FlxSprite](https://api.haxeflixel.com/flixel/FlxSprite.html),
 * which extends `FlxObject` directly and adds graphical capabilities.
 * ## Motion
 * Whenever `update` is called, objects with `move` set to true will update their positions based
 * on the following properties:
 * - `velocity`: The speed of the object in pixels per second.
 * - `acceleration`: The rate at which `velocity` will change in pixels per second.
 * - `drag`: When `acceleration` is 0, `velocity` will slow by this amount, in pixels per second.
 *           When less than or equal to 0, no drag is applied.
 * - `maxVelocity`: The maximum `velocity` (or negative `velocity`) this object can have.
 * - `angle`: The orientation, in degrees, of this `object`. Does not affect collision, mainly
 *            used for `FlxSprite` graphics.
 * - `angularVelocity`: The rotational speed of the object in degrees per second.
 * ## Overlaps
 * If you're only checking an overlap between two objects you can use `player.overlaps(door)`
 * or `player.overlaps(spikeGroup)`. You can check if two objects or groups of object overlap
 * with [FlxG.overlap](https://api.haxeflixel.com/flixel/FlxG.html#overlap).
 * Example:
 * ```haxe
 * if (FlxG.overlap(playerGroup, spikeGroup)) trace("overlap!");
 * ```
 * You can also specify a callback to handle which specific objects collided:
 * ```haxe
 * FlxG.overlap(playerGroup, medKitGroup
 *     function onOverlap(player, medKit)
 *     {
 *         player.health = 100;
 *         medKit.kill();
 *     }
 * );
 * ```
 * Additional resources:
 * - [Snippets - Simple Overlap](https://snippets.haxeflixel.com/overlap/simple-overlap/)
 * - [Snippets - Overlap Callbacks](https://snippets.haxeflixel.com/overlap/overlap-callbacks/)
 * ## Collision
 * `FlxG.collide` is similar to `FlxG.overlap` except it resolves the overlap by separating their
 * positions before calling the callback. Typically collide is called on an update loop like so:
 * ```haxe
 * FlxG.collide(playerGroup, crateGroup);
 * ```
 * This takes the player's and crate's momentum and previous and current position in consideration
 * when resolving overlaps between them. Like `overlap` collide will return true if any objects
 * were overlapping, and you can specify a callback.
 * Additional resources:
 * - [Snippets - 1 to 1 Collision](https://snippets.haxeflixel.com/collision/1-to-1-collision/)
 * - [Demos - FlxCollisions](https://haxeflixel.com/demos/FlxCollisions/)
 * - [Demos - Collision and Grouping](https://haxeflixel.com/demos/CollisionAndGrouping/)
 * @see [Demos - EZPlatformer](https://haxeflixel.com/demos/EZPlatformer/)
class FlxObject extends FlxBasic
     * Default value for `FlxObject`'s `pixelPerfectPosition` var.
    public static var defaultPixelPerfectPosition:Bool = false;

     * This value dictates the maximum number of pixels two objects have to intersect
     * before collision stops trying to separate them.
     * Don't modify this unless your objects are passing through each other.
    public static var SEPARATE_BIAS:Float = 4;

     * The default `moves` value of all future `FlxObjects` and `FlxSprites`
     * Note: Has no effect on `FlxTexts`, `FlxTilemaps` and `FlxTileBlocks`
     * @since 5.6.0
    public static var defaultMoves:Bool = true;

     * Generic value for "left". Used by `facing`, `allowCollisions`, and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.LEFT` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use LEFT or FlxDirectionFlags.LEFT instead")
    public static inline var LEFT = FlxDirectionFlags.LEFT;

     * Generic value for "right". Used by `facing`, `allowCollisions`, and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use RIGHT or FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT instead")
    public static inline var RIGHT = FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT;

     * Generic value for "up". Used by `facing`, `allowCollisions`, and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.UP` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use UP or FlxDirectionFlags.UP instead")
    public static inline var UP = FlxDirectionFlags.UP;

     * Generic value for "down". Used by `facing`, `allowCollisions`, and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.DOWN` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use DOWN or FlxDirectionFlags.DOWN instead")
    public static inline var DOWN = FlxDirectionFlags.DOWN;

     * Special-case constant meaning no collisions, used mainly by `allowCollisions` and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.NONE` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use NONE or FlxDirectionFlags.NONE instead")
    public static inline var NONE = FlxDirectionFlags.NONE;

     * Special-case constant meaning up, used mainly by `allowCollisions` and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.CEILING` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use CEILING or FlxDirectionFlags.CEILING instead")
    public static inline var CEILING = FlxDirectionFlags.CEILING;

     * Special-case constant meaning down, used mainly by `allowCollisions` and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.FLOOR` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use FLOOR or FlxDirectionFlags.FLOOR instead")
    public static inline var FLOOR = FlxDirectionFlags.FLOOR;

     * Special-case constant meaning only the left and right sides, used mainly by `allowCollisions` and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.WALL` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use WALL or FlxDirectionFlags.WALL instead")
    public static inline var WALL = FlxDirectionFlags.WALL;

     * Special-case constant meaning any direction, used mainly by `allowCollisions` and `touching`.
     * Note: This exists for backwards compatibility, prefer using `FlxDirectionFlags.ANY` directly.
    @:deprecated("Use ANY or FlxDirectionFlags.ANY instead")
    public static inline var ANY = FlxDirectionFlags.ANY;
    static function allowCollisionDrag(type:CollisionDragType, object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        return object2.active && object2.moves && switch (type)
            case NEVER: false;
            case ALWAYS: true;
            case IMMOVABLE: object2.immovable;
            case HEAVIER: object2.immovable || object2.mass > object1.mass;
     * Internal elper that determines whether either object is a tilemap, determines
     * which tiles are overlapping and calls the appropriate separator
     * @param   func         The process you wish to call with both objects, or between tiles,
     * @param   isCollision  Does nothing, if both objects are immovable
     * @return  The result of whichever separator was used
     * @since 5.9.0
    static function processCheckTilemap(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject, func:(FlxObject, FlxObject)->Bool,
        ?position:FlxPoint, isCollision = true):Bool
        // two immovable objects cannot collide
        if (isCollision && object1.immovable && object2.immovable)
            return false;
        // If one of the objects is a tilemap, just pass it off.
        if (object1.flixelType == TILEMAP)
            final tilemap:FlxBaseTilemap<Dynamic> = cast object1;
            // If object1 is a tilemap, check it's tiles against object2, which may also be a tilemap
            function recurseProcess(tile, _)
                // Keep tile as first arg
                return processCheckTilemap(tile, object2, func, position, isCollision);
            return tilemap.overlapsWithCallback(object2, recurseProcess, false, position);
        else if (object2.flixelType == TILEMAP)
            final tilemap:FlxBaseTilemap<Dynamic> = cast object2;
            // If object1 is a tilemap, check it's tiles against object2, which may also be a tilemap
            function recurseProcess(tile, _)
                // Keep tile as second arg
                return processCheckTilemap(object1, tile, func, position, isCollision);
            return tilemap.overlapsWithCallback(object1, recurseProcess, false, position);
        return func(object1, object2);
     * Separates 2 overlapping objects. If an object is a tilemap,
     * it will separate it from any tiles that overlap it.
     * @return  Whether the objects were overlapping and were separated
    public static function separate(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        final separatedX = separateX(object1, object2);
        final separatedY = separateY(object1, object2);
        return separatedX || separatedY;
         * Note: can't do the following, FlxTilemapExt works better when you separate all
         * tiles in the x and then all tiles the y, rather than iterating all overlapping
         * tiles and separating the x and y on each of them. If we find a way around this
         * if would be more efficient to do the following
        // function helper(object1, object2)
        // {
        //     final separatedX = separateXHelper(object1, object2);
        //     final separatedY = separateYHelper(object1, object2);
        //     return separatedX || separatedY;
        // }
        // return processCheckTilemap(object1, object2, helper);
     * Separates 2 overlapping objects along the X-axis. if an object is a tilemap,
     * it will separate it from any tiles that overlap it.
     * @return  Whether the objects were overlapping and were separated along the X-axis
    public static function separateX(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        return processCheckTilemap(object1, object2, separateXHelper);
     * Separates 2 overlapping objects along the Y-axis. if an object is a tilemap,
     * it will separate it from any tiles that overlap it.
     * @return  Whether the objects were overlapping and were separated along the Y-axis
    public static function separateY(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        return processCheckTilemap(object1, object2, separateYHelper);
     * Same as `separateX` but assumes both are not immovable and not tilemaps
    static function separateXHelper(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        final overlap:Float = computeOverlapX(object1, object2);
        // Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
        if (overlap != 0)
            final delta1 = object1.x - object1.last.x;
            final delta2 = object2.x - object2.last.x;
            final vel1 = object1.velocity.x;
            final vel2 = object2.velocity.x;
            if (!object1.immovable && !object2.immovable)
                #if FLX_4_LEGACY_COLLISION
                legacySeparateX(object1, object2, overlap);
                object1.x -= overlap * 0.5;
                object2.x += overlap * 0.5;
                final mass1 = object1.mass;
                final mass2 = object2.mass;
                final momentum = mass1 * vel1 + mass2 * vel2;
                object1.velocity.x = (momentum + object1.elasticity * mass2 * (vel2 - vel1)) / (mass1 + mass2);
                object2.velocity.x = (momentum + object2.elasticity * mass1 * (vel1 - vel2)) / (mass1 + mass2);
            else if (!object1.immovable)
                object1.x -= overlap;
                object1.velocity.x = vel2 - vel1 * object1.elasticity;
            else if (!object2.immovable)
                object2.x += overlap;
                object2.velocity.x = vel1 - vel2 * object2.elasticity;
            // use collisionDrag properties to determine whether one object
            if (allowCollisionDrag(object1.collisionYDrag, object1, object2) && delta1 > delta2)
                object1.y += object2.y - object2.last.y;
            else if (allowCollisionDrag(object2.collisionYDrag, object2, object1) && delta2 > delta1)
                object2.y += object1.y - object1.last.y;
            return true;
        return false;
     * Same as `separateY` but assumes both are not immovable and not tilemaps
    static function separateYHelper(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        final overlap:Float = computeOverlapY(object1, object2);
        // Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
        if (overlap != 0)
            final delta1 = object1.y - object1.last.y;
            final delta2 = object2.y - object2.last.y;
            final vel1 = object1.velocity.y;
            final vel2 = object2.velocity.y;
            if (!object1.immovable && !object2.immovable)
                #if FLX_4_LEGACY_COLLISION
                legacySeparateY(object1, object2, overlap);
                object1.y -= overlap / 2;
                object2.y += overlap / 2;
                final mass1 = object1.mass;
                final mass2 = object2.mass;
                final momentum = mass1 * vel1 + mass2 * vel2;
                final newVel1 = (momentum + object1.elasticity * mass2 * (vel2 - vel1)) / (mass1 + mass2);
                final newVel2 = (momentum + object2.elasticity * mass1 * (vel1 - vel2)) / (mass1 + mass2);
                object1.velocity.y = newVel1;
                object2.velocity.y = newVel2;
            else if (!object1.immovable)
                object1.y -= overlap;
                object1.velocity.y = vel2 - vel1 * object1.elasticity;
            else if (!object2.immovable)
                object2.y += overlap;
                object2.velocity.y = vel1 - vel2 * object2.elasticity;
            // use collisionDrag properties to determine whether one object
            if (allowCollisionDrag(object1.collisionXDrag, object1, object2) && delta1 > delta2)
                object1.x += object2.x - object2.last.x;
            else if (allowCollisionDrag(object2.collisionXDrag, object2, object1) && delta2 > delta1)
                object2.x += object1.x - object1.last.x;
            return true;
        return false;
     * The separateX that existed before HaxeFlixel 5.0, preserved for anyone who
     * needs to use it in an old project. Does not preserve momentum, avoid if possible
    static inline function legacySeparateX(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject, overlap:Float)
        final vel1 = object1.velocity.x;
        final vel2 = object2.velocity.x;
        final mass1 = object1.mass;
        final mass2 = object2.mass;
        object1.x = object1.x - (overlap * 0.5);
        object2.x += overlap * 0.5;
        var newVel1 = Math.sqrt((vel2 * vel2 * mass2) / mass1) * ((vel2 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
        var newVel2 = Math.sqrt((vel1 * vel1 * mass1) / mass2) * ((vel1 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
        final average = (newVel1 + newVel2) * 0.5;
        newVel1 -= average;
        newVel2 -= average;
        object1.velocity.x = average + (newVel1 * object1.elasticity);
        object2.velocity.x = average + (newVel2 * object2.elasticity);
     * The separateY that existed before HaxeFlixel 5.0, preserved for anyone who
     * needs to use it in an old project. Does not preserve momentum, avoid if possible
    static inline function legacySeparateY(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject, overlap:Float)
        final vel1 = object1.velocity.y;
        final vel2 = object2.velocity.y;
        final mass1 = object1.mass;
        final mass2 = object2.mass;
        object1.y = object1.y - (overlap * 0.5);
        object2.y += overlap * 0.5;
        var newVel1 = Math.sqrt((vel2 * vel2 * mass2) / mass1) * ((vel2 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
        var newVel2 = Math.sqrt((vel1 * vel1 * mass1) / mass2) * ((vel1 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
        final average = (newVel1 + newVel2) * 0.5;
        newVel1 -= average;
        newVel2 -= average;
        object1.velocity.y = average + (newVel1 * object1.elasticity);
        object2.velocity.y = average + (newVel2 * object2.elasticity);
     * Checks two objects for overlaps and sets their touching flags, accordingly.
     * If either object may be a tilemap, this will check the object against individual tiles
     * @return  Whether the objects in fact touched
    public static function updateTouchingFlags(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        function helper(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
            final touchingX:Bool = updateTouchingFlagsXHelper(object1, object2);
            final touchingY:Bool = updateTouchingFlagsYHelper(object1, object2);
            return touchingX || touchingY;
        return processCheckTilemap(object1, object2, helper, false);
     * Checks two objects for overlaps in the X-axis and sets their touching flags, accordingly.
     * If either object may be a tilemap, this will check the object against individual tiles
     * @return  Whether the objects are overlapping in the X-axis
    public static function updateTouchingFlagsX(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        return processCheckTilemap(object1, object2, updateTouchingFlagsXHelper, false);
    static function updateTouchingFlagsXHelper(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        // Since we are not separating, always return any amount of overlap => false as last parameter
        return computeOverlapX(object1, object2, false) != 0;
     * Checks two objects for overlaps in the Y-axis and sets their touching flags, accordingly.
     * If either object may be a tilemap, this will check the object against individual tiles
     * @return  Whether the objects are overlapping in the Y-axis
    public static function updateTouchingFlagsY(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        return processCheckTilemap(object1, object2, updateTouchingFlagsYHelper, false);
    static function updateTouchingFlagsYHelper(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject):Bool
        // Since we are not separating, always return any amount of overlap => false as last parameter
        return computeOverlapY(object1, object2, false) != 0;
     * Internal function that computes overlap among two objects on the X axis. It also updates the `touching` variable.
     * `checkMaxOverlap` is used to determine whether we want to exclude (therefore check) overlaps which are
     * greater than a certain maximum (linked to `SEPARATE_BIAS`). Default is `true`, handy for `separateX` code.
    public static function computeOverlapX(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject, checkMaxOverlap:Bool = true):Float
        var overlap:Float = 0;
        // First, get the two object deltas
        final delta1:Float = object1.x - object1.last.x;
        final delta2:Float = object2.x - object2.last.x;

        if (delta1 != delta2)
            // Check if the X hulls actually overlap
            final delta1Abs:Float = (delta1 > 0) ? delta1 : -delta1;
            final delta2Abs:Float = (delta2 > 0) ? delta2 : -delta2;

            final rect1 = FlxRect.get(object1.x - (delta1 > 0 ? delta1 : 0), object1.last.y, object1.width + delta1Abs, object1.height);
            final rect2 = FlxRect.get(object2.x - (delta2 > 0 ? delta2 : 0), object2.last.y, object2.width + delta2Abs, object2.height);
            if (rect1.overlaps(rect2))
                final maxOverlap:Float = checkMaxOverlap ? (delta1Abs + delta2Abs + SEPARATE_BIAS) : 0;
                inline function canCollide(obj:FlxObject, dir:FlxDirectionFlags)
                    return obj.allowCollisions.has(dir);
                // If they do overlap (and can), figure out by how much and flip the corresponding flags
                if (delta1 > delta2)
                    overlap = object1.x + object1.width - object2.x;
                    if ((checkMaxOverlap && overlap > maxOverlap)
                        || !canCollide(object1, FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT)
                        || !canCollide(object2, FlxDirectionFlags.LEFT))
                        overlap = 0;
                        object1.touching |= FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT;
                        object2.touching |= FlxDirectionFlags.LEFT;
                else if (delta1 < delta2)
                    overlap = object1.x - object2.width - object2.x;
                    if ((checkMaxOverlap && -overlap > maxOverlap)
                        || !canCollide(object1, FlxDirectionFlags.LEFT)
                        || !canCollide(object2, FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT))
                        overlap = 0;
                        object1.touching |= FlxDirectionFlags.LEFT;
                        object2.touching |= FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT;
        return overlap;
     * Internal function that computes overlap among two objects on the Y axis. It also updates the `touching` variable.
     * `checkMaxOverlap` is used to determine whether we want to exclude (therefore check) overlaps which are
     * greater than a certain maximum (linked to `SEPARATE_BIAS`). Default is `true`, handy for `separateY` code.
    public static function computeOverlapY(object1:FlxObject, object2:FlxObject, checkMaxOverlap:Bool = true):Float
        var overlap:Float = 0;
        // First, get the two object deltas
        final delta1:Float = object1.y - object1.last.y;
        final delta2:Float = object2.y - object2.last.y;

        if (delta1 != delta2)
            // Check if the Y hulls actually overlap
            final delta1Abs:Float = (delta1 > 0) ? delta1 : -delta1;
            final delta2Abs:Float = (delta2 > 0) ? delta2 : -delta2;
            final rect1 = FlxRect.get(object1.last.x, object1.y - (delta1 > 0 ? delta1 : 0), object1.width, object1.height + delta1Abs);
            final rect2 = FlxRect.get(object2.last.x, object2.y - (delta2 > 0 ? delta2 : 0), object2.width, object2.height + delta2Abs);

            if (rect1.overlaps(rect2))
                final maxOverlap:Float = checkMaxOverlap ? (delta1Abs + delta2Abs + SEPARATE_BIAS) : 0;
                inline function canCollide(obj:FlxObject, dir:FlxDirectionFlags)
                    return obj.allowCollisions.has(dir);
                // If they did overlap (and can), figure out by how much and flip the corresponding flags
                if (delta1 > delta2)
                    overlap = object1.y + object1.height - object2.y;
                    if ((checkMaxOverlap && (overlap > maxOverlap))
                        || !canCollide(object1, FlxDirectionFlags.DOWN)
                        || !canCollide(object2, FlxDirectionFlags.UP))
                        overlap = 0;
                        object1.touching |= FlxDirectionFlags.DOWN;
                        object2.touching |= FlxDirectionFlags.UP;
                else if (delta1 < delta2)
                    overlap = object1.y - object2.height - object2.y;
                    if ((checkMaxOverlap && (-overlap > maxOverlap))
                        || !canCollide(object1, FlxDirectionFlags.UP)
                        || !canCollide(object2, FlxDirectionFlags.DOWN))
                        overlap = 0;
                        object1.touching |= FlxDirectionFlags.UP;
                        object2.touching |= FlxDirectionFlags.DOWN;
        return overlap;
     * X position of the upper left corner of this object in world space.
    public var x(default, set):Float = 0;

     * Y position of the upper left corner of this object in world space.
    public var y(default, set):Float = 0;

     * The width of this object's hitbox. For sprites, use `offset` to control the hitbox position.
    public var width(get, set):Float;

     * The height of this object's hitbox. For sprites, use `offset` to control the hitbox position.
    public var height(get, set):Float;

     * Whether or not the coordinates should be rounded during rendering.
     * Does not affect `copyPixels()`, which can only render on whole pixels.
     * Defaults to the camera's global `pixelPerfectRender` value,
     * but overrides that value if not equal to `null`.
    public var pixelPerfectRender(default, set):Null<Bool>;

     * Whether or not the position of this object should be rounded before any `draw()` or collision checking.
    public var pixelPerfectPosition:Bool = true;

     * Set the angle (in degrees) of a sprite to rotate it. WARNING: rotating sprites
     * decreases their rendering performance by a factor of ~10x when using blitting!
    public var angle(default, set):Float = 0;

     * Set this to `false` if you want to skip the automatic motion/movement stuff (see `updateMotion()`).
     * `FlxObject` and `FlxSprite` default to `true`. `FlxText`, `FlxTileblock` and `FlxTilemap` default to `false`.
    public var moves(default, set):Bool = defaultMoves;

     * Whether an object will move/alter position after a collision.
    public var immovable(default, set):Bool = false;

     * Whether the object collides or not. For more control over what directions the object will collide from,
     * use collision constants (like `LEFT`, `FLOOR`, etc) to set the value of `allowCollisions` directly.
    public var solid(get, set):Bool;

     * Controls how much this object is affected by camera scrolling. `0` = no movement (e.g. a background layer),
     * `1` = same movement speed as the foreground. Default value is `(1,1)`,
     * except for UI elements like `FlxButton` where it's `(0,0)`.
    public var scrollFactor(default, null):FlxPoint;

     * The basic speed of this object (in pixels per second).
    public var velocity(default, null):FlxPoint;

     * How fast the speed of this object is changing (in pixels per second).
     * Useful for smooth movement and gravity.
    public var acceleration(default, null):FlxPoint;

     * This isn't drag exactly, more like deceleration that is only applied
     * when `acceleration` is not affecting the sprite.
    public var drag(default, null):FlxPoint;

     * If you are using `acceleration`, you can use `maxVelocity` with it
     * to cap the speed automatically (very useful!).
    public var maxVelocity(default, null):FlxPoint;

     * Important variable for collision processing.
     * By default this value is set automatically during at the start of `update()`.
    public var last(default, null):FlxPoint;

     * The virtual mass of the object. Default value is 1. Currently only used with elasticity
     * during collision resolution. Change at your own risk; effects seem crazy unpredictable so far!
    public var mass:Float = 1;

     * The bounciness of this object. Only affects collisions. Default value is 0, or "not bouncy at all."
    public var elasticity:Float = 0;

     * This is how fast you want this sprite to spin (in degrees per second).
    public var angularVelocity:Float = 0;

     * How fast the spin speed should change (in degrees per second).
    public var angularAcceleration:Float = 0;

     * Like drag but for spinning.
    public var angularDrag:Float = 0;

     * Use in conjunction with angularAcceleration for fluid spin speed control.
    public var maxAngular:Float = 10000;

    #if FLX_HEALTH
     * Handy for storing health percentage or armor points or whatever.
    @:deprecated("object.health is being removed in version 6.0.0")
    public var health:Float = 1;

     * Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating surface contacts. Use bitwise operators to check the values
     * stored here, or use isTouching(), justTouched(), etc. You can even use them broadly as boolean values if you're feeling saucy!
    public var touching = FlxDirectionFlags.NONE;

     * Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating surface contacts from the previous game loop step. Use bitwise operators to check the values
     * stored here, or use isTouching(), justTouched(), etc. You can even use them broadly as boolean values if you're feeling saucy!
    public var wasTouching = FlxDirectionFlags.NONE;

     * Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating collision directions. Use bitwise operators to check the values stored here.
     * Useful for things like one-way platforms (e.g. allowCollisions = UP;). The accessor "solid" just flips this variable between NONE and ANY.
    public var allowCollisions(default, set) = FlxDirectionFlags.ANY;

     * Whether this sprite is dragged along with the horizontal movement of objects it collides with
     * (makes sense for horizontally-moving platforms in platformers for example).
     * Apart from having a weird typo, this has been deprecated for collisionXDrag, which allows more options.
    @:deprecated("Use `collisionXDrag`, instead. Note the corrected spelling: `collis(i)onXDrag")
    public var collisonXDrag(get, set):Bool;

     * Whether this sprite is dragged along with the horizontal movement of objects it collides with
     * (makes sense for horizontally-moving platforms in platformers for example). Use values
     * @since 4.11.0
    public var collisionXDrag:CollisionDragType = IMMOVABLE;

     * Whether this sprite is dragged along with the vertical movement of objects it collides with
     * (for sticking to vertically-moving platforms in platformers for example). Use values
     * @since 4.11.0
    public var collisionYDrag:CollisionDragType = NEVER;

    #if FLX_DEBUG
     * Overriding this will force a specific color to be used for debug rect
     * (ignoring any of the other debug bounding box colors specified).
    public var debugBoundingBoxColor:Null<FlxColor> = null;

     * Color used for the debug rect if `allowCollisions == ANY`.
     * @since 4.2.0
    public var debugBoundingBoxColorSolid(default, set):FlxColor = FlxColor.RED;

     * Color used for the debug rect if `allowCollisions == NONE`.
     * @since 4.2.0
    public var debugBoundingBoxColorNotSolid(default, set):FlxColor = FlxColor.BLUE;

     * Color used for the debug rect if this object collides partially
     * (`immovable` in the case of `FlxObject`, or `allowCollisions` not equal to
     * `ANY` or `NONE` in the case of tiles in `FlxTilemap`).
     * @since 4.2.0
    public var debugBoundingBoxColorPartial(default, set):FlxColor = FlxColor.GREEN;

     * Setting this to `true` will prevent the object's bounding box from appearing
     * when `FlxG.debugger.drawDebug` is `true`.
    public var ignoreDrawDebug:Bool = false;

     * The path this object follows. Not initialized by default.
     * Assign a `new FlxPath()` object and `start()` it if you want to this object to follow a path.
     * Set `path` to `null` again to stop following the path.
     * See `flixel.util.FlxPath` for more info and usage examples.
    public var path(default, set):FlxPath = null;

    var _point:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();
    var _rect:FlxRect = FlxRect.get();

     * @param   X        The X-coordinate of the point in space.
     * @param   Y        The Y-coordinate of the point in space.
     * @param   Width    Desired width of the rectangle.
     * @param   Height   Desired height of the rectangle.
    public function new(x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0, width:Float = 0, height:Float = 0)

        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;


     * Internal function for initialization of some object's variables.
    function initVars():Void
        flixelType = OBJECT;
        last = FlxPoint.get(x, y);
        scrollFactor = FlxPoint.get(1, 1);
        pixelPerfectPosition = FlxObject.defaultPixelPerfectPosition;


     * Internal function for initialization of some variables that are used in `updateMotion()`.
    inline function initMotionVars():Void
        velocity = FlxPoint.get();
        acceleration = FlxPoint.get();
        drag = FlxPoint.get();
        maxVelocity = FlxPoint.get(10000, 10000);

     * **WARNING:** A destroyed `FlxBasic` can't be used anymore.
     * It may even cause crashes if it is still part of a group or state.
     * You may want to use `kill()` instead if you want to disable the object temporarily only and `revive()` it later.
     * This function is usually not called manually (Flixel calls it automatically during state switches for all `add()`ed objects).
     * Override this function to `null` out variables manually or call `destroy()` on class members if necessary.
     * Don't forget to call `super.destroy()`!
    override public function destroy():Void

        velocity = FlxDestroyUtil.put(velocity);
        acceleration = FlxDestroyUtil.put(acceleration);
        drag = FlxDestroyUtil.put(drag);
        maxVelocity = FlxDestroyUtil.put(maxVelocity);
        scrollFactor = FlxDestroyUtil.put(scrollFactor);
        last = FlxDestroyUtil.put(last);
        _point = FlxDestroyUtil.put(_point);
        _rect = FlxDestroyUtil.put(_rect);

     * Override this function to update your class's position and appearance.
     * This is where most of your game rules and behavioral code will go.
    override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
        #if FLX_DEBUG
        // this just increments FlxBasic.activeCount, no need to waste a function call on release

        last.set(x, y);

        if (path != null && path.active)

        if (moves)

        wasTouching = touching;
        touching = FlxDirectionFlags.NONE;

     * Internal function for updating the position and speed of this object.
     * Useful for cases when you need to update this but are buried down in too many supers.
     * Does a slightly fancier-than-normal integration to help with higher fidelity framerate-independent motion.
    function updateMotion(elapsed:Float):Void
        var velocityDelta = 0.5 * (FlxVelocity.computeVelocity(angularVelocity, angularAcceleration, angularDrag, maxAngular, elapsed) - angularVelocity);
        angularVelocity += velocityDelta;
        angle += angularVelocity * elapsed;
        angularVelocity += velocityDelta;

        velocityDelta = 0.5 * (FlxVelocity.computeVelocity(velocity.x, acceleration.x, drag.x, maxVelocity.x, elapsed) - velocity.x);
        velocity.x += velocityDelta;
        var delta = velocity.x * elapsed;
        velocity.x += velocityDelta;
        x += delta;

        velocityDelta = 0.5 * (FlxVelocity.computeVelocity(velocity.y, acceleration.y, drag.y, maxVelocity.y, elapsed) - velocity.y);
        velocity.y += velocityDelta;
        delta = velocity.y * elapsed;
        velocity.y += velocityDelta;
        y += delta;

     * Rarely called, and in this case just increments the visible objects count and calls `drawDebug()` if necessary.
    override public function draw():Void
        #if FLX_DEBUG
        if (FlxG.debugger.drawDebug)

     * Checks to see if some `FlxObject` overlaps this `FlxObject` or `FlxGroup`.
     * If the group has a LOT of things in it, it might be faster to use `FlxG.overlap()`.
     * WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks!
     * @param   objectOrGroup   The object or group being tested.
     * @param   inScreenSpace   Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap.
     *                          Default is `false`, or "only compare in world space."
     * @param   camera          Specify which game camera you want.
     *                          If `null`, it will just grab the first global camera.
     * @return  Whether or not the two objects overlap.
    public function overlaps(objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, inScreenSpace:Bool = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        var group = FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(objectOrGroup);
        if (group != null) // if it is a group
            return group.any(overlapsCallback.bind(_, 0, 0, inScreenSpace, camera));

        if (objectOrGroup.flixelType == TILEMAP)
            // Since tilemap's have to be the caller, not the target, to do proper tile-based collisions,
            // we redirect the call to the tilemap overlap here.
            var tilemap:FlxBaseTilemap<Dynamic> = cast objectOrGroup;
            return tilemap.overlaps(this, inScreenSpace, camera);

        var object:FlxObject = cast objectOrGroup;
        if (!inScreenSpace)
            return (object.x + object.width > x) && (object.x < x + width) && (object.y + object.height > y) && (object.y < y + height);

        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;
        var objectScreenPos:FlxPoint = object.getScreenPosition(null, camera);
        getScreenPosition(_point, camera);
        return (objectScreenPos.x + object.width > _point.x)
            && (objectScreenPos.x < _point.x + width)
            && (objectScreenPos.y + object.height > _point.y)
            && (objectScreenPos.y < _point.y + height);

    inline function overlapsCallback(objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, x:Float, y:Float, inScreenSpace:Bool, camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        return overlaps(objectOrGroup, inScreenSpace, camera);

     * Checks to see if this `FlxObject` were located at the given position,
     * would it overlap the `FlxObject` or `FlxGroup`?
     * This is distinct from `overlapsPoint()`, which just checks that point,
     * rather than taking the object's size into account.
     * WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks!
     * @param   x               The X position you want to check.
     *                          Pretends this object (the caller, not the parameter) is located here.
     * @param   y               The Y position you want to check.
     *                          Pretends this object (the caller, not the parameter) is located here.
     * @param   objectOrGroup   The object or group being tested.
     * @param   inScreenSpace   Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap.
     *                          Default is `false`, or "only compare in world space."
     * @param   camera          Specify which game camera you want.
     *                          If `null`, it will just grab the first global camera.
     * @return  Whether or not the two objects overlap.
    public function overlapsAt(x:Float, y:Float, objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, inScreenSpace = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        var group = FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(objectOrGroup);
        if (group != null) // if it is a group
            return group.any(overlapsAtCallback.bind(_, x, y, inScreenSpace, camera));

        if (objectOrGroup.flixelType == TILEMAP)
            // Since tilemap's have to be the caller, not the target, to do proper tile-based collisions,
            // we redirect the call to the tilemap overlap here.
            // However, since this is overlapsAt(), we also have to invent the appropriate position for the tilemap.
            // So we calculate the offset between the player and the requested position, and subtract that from the tilemap.
            var tilemap:FlxBaseTilemap<Dynamic> = cast objectOrGroup;
            return tilemap.overlapsAt(tilemap.x - (x - this.x), tilemap.y - (y - this.y), this, inScreenSpace, camera);

        var object:FlxObject = cast objectOrGroup;
        if (!inScreenSpace)
            return (object.x + object.width > x) && (object.x < x + width) && (object.y + object.height > y) && (object.y < y + height);

        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;
        var objectScreenPos:FlxPoint = object.getScreenPosition(null, camera);
        getScreenPosition(_point, camera);
        return (objectScreenPos.x + object.width > _point.x)
            && (objectScreenPos.x < _point.x + width)
            && (objectScreenPos.y + object.height > _point.y)
            && (objectScreenPos.y < _point.y + height);

    inline function overlapsAtCallback(objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, x:Float, y:Float, inScreenSpace:Bool, camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        return overlapsAt(x, y, objectOrGroup, inScreenSpace, camera);

     * Checks to see if a point in 2D world space overlaps this `FlxObject`.
     * @param   point           The point in world space you want to check.
     * @param   inScreenSpace   Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap.
     * @param   camera          Specify which game camera you want.
     *                          If `null`, it will just grab the first global camera.
     * @return  Whether or not the point overlaps this object.
    public function overlapsPoint(point:FlxPoint, inScreenSpace = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        if (!inScreenSpace)
            return (point.x >= x) && (point.x < x + width) && (point.y >= y) && (point.y < y + height);

        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;
        var xPos:Float = point.x - camera.scroll.x;
        var yPos:Float = point.y - camera.scroll.y;
        getScreenPosition(_point, camera);
        return (xPos >= _point.x) && (xPos < _point.x + width) && (yPos >= _point.y) && (yPos < _point.y + height);

     * Check and see if this object is currently within the world bounds -
     * useful for killing objects that get too far away.
     * @return   Whether the object is within the world bounds or not.
    public inline function inWorldBounds():Bool
        return (x + width > FlxG.worldBounds.x) && (x < FlxG.worldBounds.right) && (y + height > FlxG.worldBounds.y) && (y < FlxG.worldBounds.bottom);

     * Returns the screen position of this object.
     * @param   result  Optional arg for the returning point
     * @param   camera  The desired "screen" coordinate space. If `null`, `FlxG.camera` is used.
     * @return  The screen position of this object.
    public function getScreenPosition(?result:FlxPoint, ?camera:FlxCamera):FlxPoint
        if (result == null)
            result = FlxPoint.get();

        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;

        result.set(x, y);
        if (pixelPerfectPosition)

        return result.subtract(camera.scroll.x * scrollFactor.x, camera.scroll.y * scrollFactor.y);

     * Returns the world position of this object.
     * @param   result  Optional arg for the returning point.
     * @return  The world position of this object.
    public function getPosition(?result:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        if (result == null)
            result = FlxPoint.get();
        return result.set(x, y);

     * Retrieve the midpoint of this object in world coordinates.
     * @param   point   Allows you to pass in an existing `FlxPoint` object if you're so inclined.
     *                  Otherwise a new one is created.
     * @return  A `FlxPoint` object containing the midpoint of this object in world coordinates.
    public function getMidpoint(?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        if (point == null)
            point = FlxPoint.get();
        return point.set(x + width * 0.5, y + height * 0.5);

    public function getHitbox(?rect:FlxRect):FlxRect
        if (rect == null)
            rect = FlxRect.get();
        return rect.set(x, y, width, height);

     * Handy function for reviving game objects.
     * Resets their existence flags and position.
     * @param   x   The new X position of this object.
     * @param   y   The new Y position of this object.
    public function reset(x:Float, y:Float):Void
        touching = FlxDirectionFlags.NONE;
        wasTouching = FlxDirectionFlags.NONE;
        setPosition(x, y);
        last.set(this.x, this.y);

     * Check and see if this object is currently on screen.
     * @param   camera   Specify which game camera you want.
     *                   If `null`, it will just grab the first global camera.
     * @return  Whether the object is on screen or not.
    public function isOnScreen(?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;

        getScreenPosition(_point, camera);
        return camera.containsPoint(_point, width, height);

     * Check if object is rendered pixel perfect on a specific camera.
    public function isPixelPerfectRender(?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;
        return pixelPerfectRender == null ? camera.pixelPerfectRender : pixelPerfectRender;

     * Handy function for checking if this object is touching a particular surface.
     * Note: These flags are set from `FlxG.collide` calls, and get reset in `super.update()`.
     * @param   direction   Any of the collision flags (e.g. `LEFT`, `FLOOR`, etc).
     * @return  Whether the object is touching an object in (any of) the specified direction(s) this frame.
    public inline function isTouching(direction:FlxDirectionFlags):Bool
        return touching.hasAny(direction);

     * Handy function for checking if this object is just landed on a particular surface.
     * Note: These flags are set from `FlxG.collide` calls, and get reset in `super.update()`.
     * @param   direction   Any of the collision flags (e.g. `LEFT`, `FLOOR`, etc).
     * @return  Whether the object just landed on (any of) the specified surface(s) this frame.
    public inline function justTouched(direction:FlxDirectionFlags):Bool
        return touching.hasAny(direction) && !wasTouching.hasAny(direction);

    #if FLX_HEALTH
     * Reduces the `health` variable of this object by the amount specified in `Damage`.
     * Calls `kill()` if health drops to or below zero.
     * @param   Damage   How much health to take away (use a negative number to give a health bonus).
    @:deprecated("object.health is being removed in version 6.0.0")
    public function hurt(damage:Float):Void
        health = health - damage;
        if (health <= 0)

     * Centers this `FlxObject` on the screen, either by the x axis, y axis, or both.
     * @param   axes   On what axes to center the object (e.g. `X`, `Y`, `XY`) - default is both. 
     * @return  This FlxObject for chaining
    public inline function screenCenter(axes:FlxAxes = XY):FlxObject
        if (axes.x)
            x = (FlxG.width - width) / 2;

        if (axes.y)
            y = (FlxG.height - height) / 2;

        return this;

     * Helper function to set the coordinates of this object.
     * Handy since it only requires one line of code.
     * @param   x   The new x position
     * @param   y   The new y position
    public function setPosition(x = 0.0, y = 0.0):Void
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

     * Shortcut for setting both width and Height.
     * @param   width    The new hitbox width.
     * @param   height   The new hitbox height.
    public function setSize(width:Float, height:Float)
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

    #if FLX_DEBUG
    public function drawDebug():Void
        if (ignoreDrawDebug)
        final drawPath = path != null && !path.ignoreDrawDebug;
        for (camera in getCamerasLegacy())
            if (drawPath)

     * Override this function to draw custom "debug mode" graphics to the
     * specified camera while the debugger's `drawDebug` mode is toggled on.
     * @param   Camera   Which camera to draw the debug visuals to.
    public function drawDebugOnCamera(camera:FlxCamera):Void
        if (!camera.visible || !camera.exists || !isOnScreen(camera))

        var rect = getBoundingBox(camera);
        var gfx:Graphics = beginDrawDebug(camera);
        drawDebugBoundingBox(gfx, rect, allowCollisions, immovable);

    function drawDebugBoundingBox(gfx:Graphics, rect:FlxRect, allowCollisions:Int, partial:Bool)
        // Find the color to use
        final color = getDebugBoundingBoxColor(allowCollisions);
        drawDebugBoundingBoxColor(gfx, rect, color);
    function getDebugBoundingBoxColor(allowCollisions:Int)
        if (debugBoundingBoxColor != null)
            return debugBoundingBoxColor;
        if (allowCollisions == FlxDirectionFlags.NONE)
            return debugBoundingBoxColorNotSolid;
        if (allowCollisions == FlxDirectionFlags.ANY)
            return debugBoundingBoxColorSolid;
        return debugBoundingBoxColorPartial;
    function drawDebugBoundingBoxColor(gfx:Graphics, rect:FlxRect, color:FlxColor)
        // fill static graphics object with square shape
        gfx.lineStyle(1, color, 0.75);
        gfx.drawRect(rect.x + 0.5, rect.y + 0.5, rect.width - 1.0, rect.height - 1.0);

    inline function beginDrawDebug(camera:FlxCamera):Graphics
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            return FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx;
            return camera.debugLayer.graphics;

    inline function endDrawDebug(camera:FlxCamera)
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)

    function getBoundingBox(camera:FlxCamera):FlxRect
        getScreenPosition(_point, camera);

        _rect.set(_point.x, _point.y, width, height);
        _rect = camera.transformRect(_rect);

        if (isPixelPerfectRender(camera))

        return _rect;
     * Calculates the smallest globally aligned bounding box that encompasses this
     * object's width and height, at its current rotation.
     * Note, if called on a `FlxSprite`, the origin is used, but scale and offset are ignored.
     * Use `getScreenBounds` to use these properties.
     * @param newRect The optional output `FlxRect` to be returned, if `null`, a new one is created.
     * @return A globally aligned `FlxRect` that fully contains the input object's width and height.
     * @since 4.11.0
    public function getRotatedBounds(?newRect:FlxRect)
        if (newRect == null)
            newRect = FlxRect.get();
        newRect.set(x, y, width, height);
        return newRect.getRotatedBounds(angle, null, newRect);

     * Convert object to readable string name. Useful for debugging, save games, etc.
    override public function toString():String
        return FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([
            LabelValuePair.weak("x", x),
            LabelValuePair.weak("y", y),
            LabelValuePair.weak("w", width),
            LabelValuePair.weak("h", height),
            LabelValuePair.weak("visible", visible),
            LabelValuePair.weak("velocity", velocity)

    function set_x(value:Float):Float
        return x = value;

    function set_y(value:Float):Float
        return y = value;

    function set_width(value:Float):Float
        #if FLX_DEBUG
        if (value < 0)
            FlxG.log.warn("An object's width cannot be smaller than 0. Use offset for sprites to control the hitbox position!");
            return value;

        return width = value;

    function set_height(value:Float):Float
        #if FLX_DEBUG
        if (value < 0)
            FlxG.log.warn("An object's height cannot be smaller than 0. Use offset for sprites to control the hitbox position!");
            return value;

        return height = value;

    function get_width():Float
        return width;

    function get_height():Float
        return height;

    inline function get_solid():Bool
        return (allowCollisions & FlxDirectionFlags.ANY) > FlxDirectionFlags.NONE;

    function set_solid(value:Bool):Bool
        allowCollisions = value ? FlxDirectionFlags.ANY : FlxDirectionFlags.NONE;
        return value;

    function set_angle(value:Float):Float
        return angle = value;

    function set_moves(value:Bool):Bool
        return moves = value;

    function set_immovable(value:Bool):Bool
        return immovable = value;

    function set_pixelPerfectRender(value:Bool):Bool
        return pixelPerfectRender = value;

    function set_allowCollisions(value:FlxDirectionFlags):FlxDirectionFlags
        return allowCollisions = value;

    function get_collisonXDrag():Bool
        return collisionXDrag == IMMOVABLE;

    function set_collisonXDrag(value:Bool):Bool
        collisionXDrag = value ? IMMOVABLE : NEVER;
        return value;

    #if FLX_DEBUG
    function set_debugBoundingBoxColorSolid(color:FlxColor)
        return debugBoundingBoxColorSolid = color;

    function set_debugBoundingBoxColorNotSolid(color:FlxColor)
        return debugBoundingBoxColorNotSolid = color;

    function set_debugBoundingBoxColorPartial(color:FlxColor)
        return debugBoundingBoxColorPartial = color;

    function set_path(path:FlxPath):FlxPath
        if (this.path == path)
            return path;

        if (this.path != null)
            this.path.object = null;

        if (path != null)
            path.object = this;
        return this.path = path;

 * Determines when to apply collision drag to one object that collided with another.
enum abstract CollisionDragType(Int)
    /** Never drags on colliding objects. */
    var NEVER = 0;

    /** Always drags on colliding objects. */
    var ALWAYS = 1;

    /** Drags when colliding with immovable objects. */
    var IMMOVABLE = 2;

    /** Drags when colliding with heavier objects. Immovable objects have infinite mass. */
    var HEAVIER = 3;