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package flixel.animation;

import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil.IFlxDestroyable;

using StringTools;

class FlxAnimationController implements IFlxDestroyable
     * Property access for currently playing animation (warning: can be `null`).
    public var curAnim(get, set):FlxAnimation;

     * The frame index of the current animation. Can be changed manually.
    public var frameIndex(default, set):Int = -1;

     * Tell the sprite to change to a frame with specific name.
     * Useful for sprites with loaded TexturePacker atlas.
    public var frameName(get, set):String;

     * Gets or sets the currently playing animation (warning: can be `null`).
    public var name(get, set):String;

     * Pause or resume the current animation.
    public var paused(get, set):Bool;

     * Whether the current animation has finished playing.
    public var finished(get, set):Bool;

     * The total number of frames in this image.
     * WARNING: assumes each row in the sprite sheet is full!
     * @since 5.3.0
    public var numFrames(get, never):Int;

     * The total number of frames in this image.
     * WARNING: assumes each row in the sprite sheet is full!
    @:deprecated("frames is deprecated, use numFrames") // 5.3.0
    public var frames(get, never):Int;

     * If assigned, will be called each time the current animation's frame changes.
     * A function that has 3 parameters: a string name, a frame number, and a frame index.
    public var callback:(name:String, frameNumber:Int, frameIndex:Int) -> Void;

     * If assigned, will be called each time the current animation finishes.
     * A function that has 1 parameter: a string name - animation name.
    public var finishCallback:(name:String) -> Void;

     * How fast or slow time should pass for this animation controller
    public var timeScale:Float = 1.0;

     * Internal, reference to owner sprite.
    var _sprite:FlxSprite;

     * Internal, currently playing animation.
    var _curAnim:FlxAnimation;

     * Internal, stores all the animation that were added to this sprite.
    var _animations(default, null):Map<String, FlxAnimation> = [];

    var _prerotated:FlxPrerotatedAnimation;

    public function new(sprite:FlxSprite)
        _sprite = sprite;

    public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
        if (_curAnim != null)
            _curAnim.update(elapsed * (timeScale * FlxG.animationTimeScale));
        else if (_prerotated != null)
            _prerotated.angle = _sprite.angle;

    public function copyFrom(controller:FlxAnimationController):FlxAnimationController

        for (anim in controller._animations)
            add(anim.name, anim.frames, anim.frameRate, anim.looped, anim.flipX, anim.flipY);

        if (controller._prerotated != null)

        if (controller.name != null)
            name = controller.name;

        frameIndex = controller.frameIndex;

        return this;

    public function createPrerotated(?Controller:FlxAnimationController):Void
        Controller = (Controller != null) ? Controller : this;
        _prerotated = new FlxPrerotatedAnimation(Controller, Controller._sprite.bakedRotationAngle);
        _prerotated.angle = _sprite.angle;

    public function destroyAnimations():Void

    public function destroy():Void
        _animations = null;
        callback = null;
        _sprite = null;

    function getFrameDuration(index:Int)
        return _sprite.frames.frames[index].duration;

    function clearPrerotated():Void
        if (_prerotated != null)
        _prerotated = null;

    function clearAnimations():Void
        if (_animations != null)
            var anim:FlxAnimation;
            for (key in _animations.keys())
                anim = _animations.get(key);
                if (anim != null)

        _animations = new Map<String, FlxAnimation>();
        _curAnim = null;

     * Adds a new animation to the sprite.
     * @param   name        What this animation should be called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   frames      An array of indices indicating what frames to play in what order (e.g. `[0, 1, 2]`).
     * @param   frameRate   The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at (e.g. `40` fps).
     * @param   looped      Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once.
     * @param   flipX       Whether the frames should be flipped horizontally.
     * @param   flipY       Whether the frames should be flipped vertically.
    public function add(name:String, frames:Array<Int>, frameRate = 30.0, looped = true, flipX = false, flipY = false):Void
        if (numFrames == 0)
            FlxG.log.warn('Could not create animation: "$name", this sprite has no frames');
        // Check _animations frames
        var framesToAdd:Array<Int> = frames;
        var hasInvalidFrames = false;
        var i = framesToAdd.length;
        while (i-- >= 0)
            final frame = framesToAdd[i];
            if (frame >= numFrames)
                // log if frames are excluded
                hasInvalidFrames = true;
                // Splicing original Frames array could lead to unexpected results
                // So we are cloning it (only once) and will use its copy
                if (framesToAdd == frames)
                    framesToAdd = frames.copy();

                framesToAdd.splice(i, 1);
        if (framesToAdd.length > 0)
            var anim = new FlxAnimation(this, name, framesToAdd, frameRate, looped, flipX, flipY);
            _animations.set(name, anim);
            if (hasInvalidFrames)
                FlxG.log.warn('Could not add frames above ${numFrames - 1} to animation: "$name"');
            FlxG.log.warn('Could not create animation: "$name", no valid frames were given');

     * Removes (and destroys) an animation.
     * @param   Name   The name of animation to remove.
    public function remove(Name:String):Void
        var anim:FlxAnimation = _animations.get(Name);
        if (anim != null)

     * Adds to an existing animation in the sprite by appending the specified frames to the existing frames.
     * Use this method when the indices of the frames in the atlas are already known.
     * The animation must already exist in order to append frames to it.
     * @param   name     What the existing animation is called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   frames   An array of indices indicating what frames to append (e.g. `[0, 1, 2]`).
    public function append(name:String, frames:Array<Int>):Void
        final anim:FlxAnimation = _animations.get(name);
        if (anim == null)
            // anim must already exist
            FlxG.log.warn('No animation called "$name"');
        var hasInvalidFrames = false;

        // Check _animations frames
        for (frame in frames)
            if (frame < numFrames)
                hasInvalidFrames = true;
        if (hasInvalidFrames)
            FlxG.log.warn('Could not append frames above ${numFrames - 1} to animation: "$name"');

     * Adds a new animation to the sprite.
     * @param   Name         What this animation should be called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   FrameNames   An array of image names from the atlas indicating what frames to play in what order.
     * @param   FrameRate    The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at (e.g. `40` fps).
     * @param   Looped       Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once.
     * @param   FlipX        Whether the frames should be flipped horizontally.
     * @param   FlipY        Whether the frames should be flipped vertically.
    public function addByNames(Name:String, FrameNames:Array<String>, FrameRate:Float = 30, Looped:Bool = true, FlipX:Bool = false, FlipY:Bool = false):Void
        if (_sprite.frames != null)
            var indices:Array<Int> = new Array<Int>();
            byNamesHelper(indices, FrameNames); // finds frames and appends them to the blank array

            if (indices.length > 0)
                var anim = new FlxAnimation(this, Name, indices, FrameRate, Looped, FlipX, FlipY);
                _animations.set(Name, anim);

     * Adds to an existing animation in the sprite by appending the specified frames to the existing frames.
     * Use this method when the exact name of each frame from the atlas is known (e.g. `"walk00.png"`, `"walk01.png"`).
     * The animation must already exist in order to append frames to it.
     * @param   Name         What the existing animation is called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   FrameNames   An array of image names from atlas indicating what frames to append.
    public function appendByNames(name:String, frameNames:Array<String>):Void
        final anim:FlxAnimation = _animations.get(name);
        if (anim == null)
            FlxG.log.warn('No animation called "$name"');

        if (_sprite.frames != null)
            byNamesHelper(anim.frames, frameNames); // finds frames and appends them to the existing array

     * Adds a new animation to the sprite. Should be slightly faster than `addByIndices()`.
     * @param   Name        What this animation should be called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   Prefix      Common beginning of image names in the atlas (e.g. `"tiles-"`).
     * @param   Indices     An array of strings indicating what frames to play in what order
     *                      (e.g. `["01", "02", "03"]`).
     * @param   Postfix     Common ending of image names in atlas (e.g. `".png"`).
     * @param   FrameRate   The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at (e.g. `40` fps).
     * @param   Looped      Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once.
     * @param   FlipX       Whether the frames should be flipped horizontally.
     * @param   FlipY       Whether the frames should be flipped vertically.
    public function addByStringIndices(Name:String, Prefix:String, Indices:Array<String>, Postfix:String, FrameRate:Float = 30, Looped:Bool = true,
            FlipX:Bool = false, FlipY:Bool = false):Void
        if (_sprite.frames != null)
            var frameIndices:Array<Int> = new Array<Int>();
            // finds frames and appends them to the blank array
            byStringIndicesHelper(frameIndices, Prefix, Indices, Postfix);

            if (frameIndices.length > 0)
                var anim:FlxAnimation = new FlxAnimation(this, Name, frameIndices, FrameRate, Looped, FlipX, FlipY);
                _animations.set(Name, anim);

     * Adds to an existing animation in the sprite by appending the specified frames to the existing frames.
     * Should be slightly faster than `appendByIndices()`. Use this method when the names of each frame from
     * the atlas share a common prefix and postfix (e.g. `"walk00.png"`, `"walk01.png"`).
     * The animation must already exist in order to append frames to it. FrameRate and Looped are unchanged.
     * @param   name     What the existing animation is called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   prefix   Common beginning of image names in the atlas (e.g. `"tiles-"`).
     * @param   indices  An array of strings indicating what frames to append (e.g. `["01", "02", "03"]`).
     * @param   suffix   Common ending of image names in atlas (e.g. `".png"`).
    public function appendByStringIndices(name:String, prefix:String, indices:Array<String>, suffix:String):Void
        final anim:FlxAnimation = _animations.get(name);
        if (anim == null)
            FlxG.log.warn('No animation called "$name"');

        if (_sprite.frames != null)
            // finds frames and appends them to the existing array
            byStringIndicesHelper(anim.frames, prefix, indices, suffix);

     * Adds a new animation to the sprite.
     * @param   Name        What this animation should be called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   Prefix      Common beginning of image names in the atlas (e.g. "tiles-").
     * @param   Indices     An array of numbers indicating what frames to play in what order (e.g. `[0, 1, 2]`).
     * @param   Postfix     Common ending of image names in the atlas (e.g. `".png"`).
     * @param   FrameRate   The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at (e.g. `40` fps).
     * @param   Looped      Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once.
     * @param   FlipX       Whether the frames should be flipped horizontally.
     * @param   FlipY       Whether the frames should be flipped vertically.
    public function addByIndices(Name:String, Prefix:String, Indices:Array<Int>, Postfix:String, FrameRate:Float = 30, Looped:Bool = true, FlipX:Bool = false,
            FlipY:Bool = false):Void
        if (_sprite.frames != null)
            var frameIndices:Array<Int> = new Array<Int>();
            // finds frames and appends them to the blank array
            byIndicesHelper(frameIndices, Prefix, Indices, Postfix);

            if (frameIndices.length > 0)
                var anim:FlxAnimation = new FlxAnimation(this, Name, frameIndices, FrameRate, Looped, FlipX, FlipY);
                _animations.set(Name, anim);

     * Adds to an existing animation in the sprite by appending the specified frames to the existing frames.
     * Use this method when the names of each frame from the atlas share a common prefix
     * and postfix (e.g. `"walk00.png"`, `"walk01.png"`).
     * Leading zeroes are ignored for matching indices (`5` will match `"5"` and `"005"`).
     * The animation must already exist in order to append frames to it.
     * @param   name     What the existing animation is called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   prefix   Common beginning of image names in atlas (e.g. `"tiles-"`).
     * @param   indices  An array of numbers indicating what frames to append (e.g. `[0, 1, 2]`).
     * @param   suffix   Common ending of image names in atlas (e.g. `".png"`).
    public function appendByIndices(name:String, prefix:String, indices:Array<Int>, suffix:String):Void
        final anim:FlxAnimation = _animations.get(name);
        if (anim == null)
            FlxG.log.warn('No animation called "$name"');

        if (_sprite.frames != null)
            // finds frames and appends them to the existing array
            byIndicesHelper(anim.frames, prefix, indices, suffix);

     * Find a sprite frame so that for `Prefix = "file"; Index = 5; Postfix = ".png"`
     * It will find frame with name `"file5.png"`. If it doesn't exist it will try
     * to find `"file05.png"`, allowing 99 frames per animation.
     * Returns the found frame or `-1` on failure.
    function findSpriteFrame(prefix:String, index:Int, postfix:String):Int
        final frames = _sprite.frames.frames;
        for (i in 0...frames.length)
            final frame = frames[i];
            final name = frame.name;
            if (name.startsWith(prefix) && name.endsWith(postfix))
                final frameIndex:Null<Int> = Std.parseInt(name.substring(prefix.length, name.length - postfix.length));
                if (frameIndex == index)
                    return i;

        return -1;

     * Adds a new animation to the sprite.
     * @param   name        What this animation should be called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   prefix      Common beginning of image names in atlas (e.g. `"tiles-"`).
     * @param   frameRate   The animation speed in frames per second.
     *                      Note: individual frames have their own duration, which overrides this value.
     * @param   looped      Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once.
     * @param   flipX       Whether the frames should be flipped horizontally.
     * @param   flipY       Whether the frames should be flipped vertically.
    public function addByPrefix(name:String, prefix:String, frameRate = 30.0, looped = true, flipX = false, flipY = false):Void
        if (_sprite.frames != null)
            final animFrames:Array<FlxFrame> = new Array<FlxFrame>();
            findByPrefix(animFrames, prefix); // adds valid frames to animFrames
            if (animFrames.length > 0)
                final frameIndices:Array<Int> = [];
                byPrefixHelper(frameIndices, animFrames, prefix); // finds frames and appends them to the blank array
                final anim = new FlxAnimation(this, name, frameIndices, frameRate, looped, flipX, flipY);
                _animations.set(name, anim);
                FlxG.log.warn('Could not create animation: "$name", no frames were found with the prefix "$prefix" ');

     * Adds to an existing animation in the sprite by appending the specified frames to the existing frames.
     * Use this method when the names of each frame from the atlas share a common prefix
     * (e.g. `"walk00.png"`, `"walk01.png"`).
     * Frames are sorted numerically while ignoring postfixes (e.g. `".png"`, `".gif"`).
     * The animation must already exist in order to append frames to it.
     * @param   name     What the existing animation is called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   prefix   Common beginning of image names in atlas (e.g. `"tiles-"`)
    public function appendByPrefix(name:String, prefix:String):Void
        final anim:FlxAnimation = _animations.get(name);
        if (anim == null)
            FlxG.log.warn('No animation called "$name"');

        if (_sprite.frames != null)
            final animFrames:Array<FlxFrame> = new Array<FlxFrame>();
            findByPrefix(animFrames, prefix); // adds valid frames to animFrames
            if (animFrames.length > 0)
                // finds frames and appends them to the existing array
                byPrefixHelper(anim.frames, animFrames, prefix);
                FlxG.log.warn('Could not append to animation: "$name", no frames were found with the prefix: "$prefix"');

     * Plays an existing animation (e.g. `"run"`).
     * If you call an animation that is already playing, it will be ignored.
     * @param   animName   The string name of the animation you want to play.
     * @param   force      Whether to force the animation to restart.
     * @param   reversed   Whether to play animation backwards or not.
     * @param   frame      The frame number in the animation you want to start from.
     *                     If a negative value is passed, a random frame is used.
    public function play(animName:String, force = false, reversed = false, frame = 0):Void
        if (animName == null)
            if (_curAnim != null)
            _curAnim = null;

        if (animName == null || _animations.get(animName) == null)
            FlxG.log.warn('No animation called "$animName"');

        var oldFlipX:Bool = false;
        var oldFlipY:Bool = false;

        if (_curAnim != null && animName != _curAnim.name)
            oldFlipX = _curAnim.flipX;
            oldFlipY = _curAnim.flipY;
        _curAnim = _animations.get(animName);
        _curAnim.play(force, reversed, frame);

        if (oldFlipX != _curAnim.flipX || oldFlipY != _curAnim.flipY)
            _sprite.dirty = true;

     * Stops current animation and resets its frame index to zero.
    public inline function reset():Void
        if (_curAnim != null)

     * Stops current animation and sets its frame to the last one.
    public function finish():Void
        if (_curAnim != null)

     * Just stops current animation.
    public function stop():Void
        if (_curAnim != null)

     * Pauses the current animation.
    public inline function pause():Void
        if (_curAnim != null)

     * Resumes the current animation if it exists.
    public inline function resume():Void
        if (_curAnim != null)

     * Reverses current animation if it exists.
    public inline function reverse():Void
        if (_curAnim != null)

     * Gets the FlxAnimation object with the specified name.
    public inline function getByName(name:String):FlxAnimation
        return _animations.get(name);

     * Changes to a random animation frame.
     * Useful for instantiating particles or other weird things.
    public function randomFrame():Void
        if (_curAnim != null)
            _curAnim = null;
        frameIndex = FlxG.random.int(0, numFrames - 1);

    inline function fireCallback():Void
        if (callback != null)
            var name:String = (_curAnim != null) ? (_curAnim.name) : null;
            var number:Int = (_curAnim != null) ? (_curAnim.curFrame) : frameIndex;
            callback(name, number, frameIndex);

    inline function fireFinishCallback(?name:String):Void
        if (finishCallback != null)

    function byNamesHelper(addTo:Array<Int>, frameNames:Array<String>):Void
        for (frameName in frameNames)
            if (_sprite.frames.exists(frameName))
                var frameToAdd = _sprite.frames.getByName(frameName);

    function byStringIndicesHelper(addTo:Array<Int>, prefix:String, indices:Array<String>, suffix:String):Void
        for (index in indices)
            final name = prefix + index + suffix;
            if (_sprite.frames.exists(name))
                final frameToAdd = _sprite.frames.getByName(name);

    function byIndicesHelper(addTo:Array<Int>, prefix:String, indices:Array<Int>, suffix:String):Void
        for (index in indices)
            final indexToAdd = findSpriteFrame(prefix, index, suffix);
            if (indexToAdd != -1)

    function byPrefixHelper(addTo:Array<Int>, frames:Array<FlxFrame>, prefix:String):Void
        final name = frames[0].name;
        final postIndex = name.indexOf(".", prefix.length);
        final suffix = name.substring(postIndex == -1 ? name.length : postIndex, name.length);
        FlxFrame.sortFrames(frames, prefix, suffix);
        for (frame in frames)

    function findByPrefix(animFrames:Array<FlxFrame>, prefix:String, logError = true):Void
        for (frame in _sprite.frames.frames)
            if (frame.name != null && frame.name.startsWith(prefix))
        // prevent and log errors for invalid frames
        final invalidFrames = removeInvalidFrames(animFrames);
        #if FLX_DEBUG
        if (invalidFrames.length == 0 || !logError)
        final names = invalidFrames.map((f)->'"${f.name}"').join(", ");
        FlxG.log.error('Attempting to use frames that belong to a destroyed graphic, frame names: $names');
    function removeInvalidFrames(frames:Array<FlxFrame>)
        final invalid:Array<FlxFrame> = [];
        var i = frames.length;
        while (i-- > 0)
            final frame = frames[i];
            if (frame.parent.shader == null)
                invalid.unshift(frames.splice(i, 1)[0]);
        return invalid;

    function set_frameIndex(Frame:Int):Int
        if (_sprite.frames != null && numFrames > 0)
            Frame = Frame % numFrames;
            _sprite.frame = _sprite.frames.frames[Frame];
            frameIndex = Frame;

        return frameIndex;

    inline function get_frameName():String
        return _sprite.frame.name;

    function set_frameName(Value:String):String
        if (_sprite.frames != null && _sprite.frames.exists(Value))
            if (_curAnim != null)
                _curAnim = null;

            var frame = _sprite.frames.getByName(Value);
            if (frame != null)
                frameIndex = getFrameIndex(frame);

        return Value;

    function get_name():String
        var animName:String = null;
        if (_curAnim != null)
            animName = _curAnim.name;
        return animName;

    function set_name(AnimName:String):String
        return AnimName;

     * Gets a list with all the animations that are added in a sprite.
     * WARNING: Do not confuse with `getNameList`, this function returns the animation instances
     * @return an array with all the animations.
     * @since 4.11.0
    public function getAnimationList():Array<FlxAnimation>
        var animList:Array<FlxAnimation> = [];

        for (anims in _animations)

        return animList;

     * Gets a list with all the name animations that are added in a sprite
     * WARNING: Do not confuse with `getAnimationList`, this function returns the animation names
     * @return an array with all the animation names in it.
     * @since 4.11.0
    public function getNameList():Array<String>
        var namesList:Array<String> = [];
        for (names in _animations.keys())

        return namesList;

     * Checks if an animation exists by it's name.
     * @param name The animation name.
     * @since 4.11.0
    public function exists(name:String):Bool
        return _animations.exists(name);

     * Renames the animation with a new name.
     * @param oldName the name that is replaced.
     * @param newName the name that replaces the old one.
     * @since 4.11.0
    public function rename(oldName:String, newName:String)
        var anim = _animations.get(oldName);
        if (anim == null)
            FlxG.log.warn('No animation called "$oldName"');
        _animations.set(newName, anim);
        anim.name = newName;

    inline function get_curAnim():FlxAnimation
        return _curAnim;

    inline function set_curAnim(anim:FlxAnimation):FlxAnimation
        if (anim != _curAnim)
            if (_curAnim != null)

            if (anim != null)
        return _curAnim = anim;

    inline function get_paused():Bool
        var paused = false;
        if (_curAnim != null)
            paused = _curAnim.paused;
        return paused;

    inline function set_paused(value:Bool):Bool
        if (_curAnim != null)
            if (value)
        return value;

    function get_finished():Bool
        var finished = true;
        if (_curAnim != null)
            finished = _curAnim.finished;
        return finished;

    inline function set_finished(value:Bool):Bool
        if (value && _curAnim != null)
        return value;

    inline function get_frames():Int
        return _sprite.numFrames;

    inline function get_numFrames():Int
        return _sprite.numFrames;

     * Helper function used for finding index of `FlxFrame` in `_framesData`'s frames array
     * @param   Frame   `FlxFrame` to find
     * @return  position of specified `FlxFrame` object.
    public inline function getFrameIndex(frame:FlxFrame):Int
        return _sprite.frames.frames.indexOf(frame);