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package flixel.animation;

import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil.IFlxDestroyable;

 * @author Zaphod
class FlxBaseAnimation implements IFlxDestroyable
     * Animation controller this animation belongs to
    public var parent(default, null):FlxAnimationController;

     * String name of the animation (e.g. `"walk"`)
    public var name:String;

     * Keeps track of the current index into the tile sheet based on animation or rotation.
    public var curIndex(default, set):Int = 0;

    function set_curIndex(Value:Int):Int
        curIndex = Value;

        if (parent != null && parent._curAnim == this)
            parent.frameIndex = Value;

        return Value;

    public function new(Parent:FlxAnimationController, Name:String)
        parent = Parent;
        name = Name;

    public function destroy():Void
        parent = null;
        name = null;

    public function update(elapsed:Float):Void {}

    public function clone(Parent:FlxAnimationController):FlxBaseAnimation
        return null;