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package flixel.effects.particles;

import openfl.display.BlendMode;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.effects.particles.FlxParticle.IFlxParticle;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup.FlxTypedGroup;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxVelocity;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxGraphicAsset;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxDirectionFlags;
import flixel.util.helpers.FlxBounds;
import flixel.util.helpers.FlxPointRangeBounds;
import flixel.util.helpers.FlxRangeBounds;

typedef FlxEmitter = FlxTypedEmitter<FlxParticle>;

 * FlxTypedEmitter is a lightweight particle emitter.
 * It can be used for one-time explosions or for continuous fx like rain and fire.
 * `FlxEmitter` is not optimized or anything; all it does is launch `FlxParticle` objects out
 * at set intervals by setting their positions and velocities accordingly.
 * It is easy to use and relatively efficient, relying on `FlxGroup`'s RECYCLE POWERS.
class FlxTypedEmitter<T:FlxSprite & IFlxParticle> extends FlxTypedGroup<T>
     * Set your own particle class type here. The custom class must extend `FlxParticle`. Default is `FlxParticle`.
    public var particleClass:Class<T> = cast FlxParticle;
     * Determines whether the emitter is currently emitting particles. It is totally safe to directly toggle this.
    public var emitting:Bool = false;
     * How often a particle is emitted (if emitter is started with `Explode == false`).
    public var frequency:Float = 0.1;
     * Sets particle's blend mode. `null` by default. Warning: Expensive on Flash.
    public var blend:BlendMode;
     * The x position of this emitter.
    public var x:Float = 0;
     * The y position of this emitter.
    public var y:Float = 0;
     * The width of this emitter. Particles can be randomly generated from anywhere within this box.
    public var width:Float = 0;
     * The height of this emitter. Particles can be randomly generated from anywhere within this box.
    public var height:Float = 0;
     * How particles should be launched. If `CIRCLE`, particles will use `launchAngle` and `speed`.
     * Otherwise, particles will just use `velocity.x` and `velocity.y`.
    public var launchMode:FlxEmitterMode = FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE;
     * Keep the scale ratio of the particle. Uses the `x` values of `scale`.
    public var keepScaleRatio:Bool = false;
     * Sets the velocity range of particles launched from this emitter. Only used with `FlxEmitterMode.SQUARE`.
    public var velocity(default, null):FlxPointRangeBounds = new FlxPointRangeBounds(-100, -100, 100, 100);
     * Set the speed range of particles launched from this emitter. Only used with `FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE`.
    public var speed(default, null):FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 100);
     * Set the angular acceleration range of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var angularAcceleration(default, null):FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0);
     * Set the angular drag range of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var angularDrag(default, null):FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0);
     * The angular velocity range of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var angularVelocity(default, null):FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0);
     * The angle range of particles launched from this emitter.
     * `angle.end` is ignored unless `ignoreAngularVelocity` is set to `true`.
    public var angle(default, null):FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0);
     * Set this if you want to specify the beginning and ending value of angle,
     * instead of using `angularVelocity` (or `angularAcceleration`).
    public var ignoreAngularVelocity:Bool = false;
     * The angle range at which particles will be launched from this emitter.
     * Ignored unless `launchMode` is set to `FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE`.
    public var launchAngle(default, null):FlxBounds<Float> = new FlxBounds<Float>(-180, 180);
     * The life, or duration, range of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var lifespan(default, null):FlxBounds<Float> = new FlxBounds<Float>(3);
     * Sets `scale` range of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var scale(default, null):FlxPointRangeBounds = new FlxPointRangeBounds(1, 1);
     * Sets `alpha` range of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var alpha(default, null):FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(1);
     * Sets `color` range of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var color(default, null):FlxRangeBounds<FlxColor> = new FlxRangeBounds(FlxColor.WHITE, FlxColor.WHITE);
     * Sets X and Y drag component of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var drag(default, null):FlxPointRangeBounds = new FlxPointRangeBounds(0, 0);
     * Sets the `acceleration` range of particles launched from this emitter.
     * Set acceleration y-values to give particles gravity.
    public var acceleration(default, null):FlxPointRangeBounds = new FlxPointRangeBounds(0, 0);
     * Sets the `elasticity`, or bounce, range of particles launched from this emitter.
    public var elasticity(default, null):FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0);
     * Sets the `immovable` flag for particles launched from this emitter.
    public var immovable:Bool = false;
     * Sets the `autoUpdateHitbox` flag for particles launched from this emitter.
     * If true, the particles' hitbox will be updated to match scale.
    public var autoUpdateHitbox:Bool = false;
     * Sets the `allowCollisions` value for particles launched from this emitter.
     * Set to `NONE` by default. Don't forget to call `FlxG.collide()` in your update loop!
    public var allowCollisions:FlxDirectionFlags = NONE;
     * Shorthand for toggling `allowCollisions` between `ANY` (if `true`) and `NONE` (if `false`).
     * Don't forget to call `FlxG.collide()` in your update loop!
    public var solid(get, set):Bool;

     * Internal helper for deciding how many particles to launch.
    var _quantity:Int = 0;

     * Internal helper for the style of particle emission (all at once, or one at a time).
    var _explode:Bool = true;

     * Internal helper for deciding when to launch particles or kill them.
    var _timer:Float = 0;

     * Internal counter for figuring out how many particles to launch.
    var _counter:Int = 0;

     * Internal point object, handy for reusing for memory management purposes.
    var _point:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

     * Internal helper for automatically calling the `kill()` method
    var _waitForKill:Bool = false;

     * Creates a new `FlxTypedEmitter` object at a specific position.
     * Does NOT automatically generate or attach particles!
     * @param   X      The X position of the emitter.
     * @param   Y      The Y position of the emitter.
     * @param   Size   Optional, specifies a maximum capacity for this emitter.
    public function new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, Size:Int = 0)

        setPosition(X, Y);
        exists = false;

     * Clean up memory.
    override public function destroy():Void
        velocity = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(velocity);
        scale = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(scale);
        drag = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(drag);
        acceleration = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(acceleration);
        _point = FlxDestroyUtil.put(_point);

        blend = null;
        angularAcceleration = null;
        angularDrag = null;
        angularVelocity = null;
        angle = null;
        speed = null;
        launchAngle = null;
        lifespan = null;
        alpha = null;
        color = null;
        elasticity = null;


     * This function generates a new array of particle sprites to attach to the emitter.
     * @param   Graphics         If you opted to not pre-configure an array of `FlxParticle` objects,
     *                           you can simply pass in a particle image or sprite sheet.
     * @param   Quantity         The number of particles to generate when using the "create from image" option.
     * @param   BakedRotations   How many frames of baked rotation to use (boosts performance).
     *                           Set to zero to not use baked rotations.
     * @param   Multiple         Whether the image in the `Graphics` param is a single particle or a bunch of particles
     *                           (if it's a bunch, they need to be square!).
     * @param   AutoBuffer       Whether to automatically increase the image size to accommodate rotated corners.
     *                           Default is `false`. Will create frames that are 150% larger on each axis than the
     *                           original frame or graphic.
     * @return  This `FlxEmitter` instance (nice for chaining stuff together).
    public function loadParticles(Graphics:FlxGraphicAsset, Quantity:Int = 50, bakedRotationAngles:Int = 16, Multiple:Bool = false,
            AutoBuffer:Bool = false):FlxTypedEmitter<T>
        maxSize = Quantity;
        var totalFrames:Int = 1;

        if (Multiple)
            var sprite = new FlxSprite();
            sprite.loadGraphic(Graphics, true);
            totalFrames = sprite.numFrames;

        for (i in 0...Quantity)
            add(loadParticle(Graphics, Quantity, bakedRotationAngles, Multiple, AutoBuffer, totalFrames));

        return this;

    function loadParticle(Graphics:FlxGraphicAsset, Quantity:Int, bakedRotationAngles:Int, Multiple:Bool = false, AutoBuffer:Bool = false, totalFrames:Int):T
        var particle:T = Type.createInstance(particleClass, []);
        var frame = Multiple ? FlxG.random.int(0, totalFrames - 1) : -1;

        if (FlxG.renderBlit && bakedRotationAngles > 0)
            particle.loadRotatedGraphic(Graphics, bakedRotationAngles, frame, false, AutoBuffer);
            particle.loadGraphic(Graphics, Multiple);

        if (Multiple)
            particle.animation.frameIndex = frame;

        return particle;

     * Similar to `FlxSprite#makeGraphic()`, this function allows you to quickly make single-color particles.
     * @param   Width      The width of the generated particles. Default is `2` pixels.
     * @param   Height     The height of the generated particles. Default is `2` pixels.
     * @param   Color      The color of the generated particles. Default is white.
     * @param   Quantity   How many particles to generate. Default is `50`.
     * @return  This `FlxEmitter` instance (nice for chaining stuff together).
    public function makeParticles(Width:Int = 2, Height:Int = 2, Color:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, Quantity:Int = 50):FlxTypedEmitter<T>
        maxSize = Quantity;

        for (i in 0...Quantity)
            var particle:T = Type.createInstance(particleClass, []);
            particle.makeGraphic(Width, Height, Color);

        return this;

     * Called automatically by the game loop, decides when to launch particles and when to "die".
    override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
        if (emitting)
            if (_explode)
        else if (_waitForKill)
            _timer += elapsed;

            if ((lifespan.max > 0) && (_timer > lifespan.max))


    function explode():Void
        var amount:Int = _quantity;
        if (amount <= 0 || amount > length)
            amount = length;

        for (i in 0...amount)


    function emitContinuously(elapsed:Float):Void
        // Spawn one particle per frame
        if (frequency <= 0)
            _timer += elapsed;

            while (_timer > frequency)
                _timer -= frequency;

    function emitParticleContinuously():Void

        if (_quantity > 0 && _counter >= _quantity)

    function onFinished():Void
        emitting = false;
        _waitForKill = true;
        _quantity = 0;

     * Call this function to turn off all the particles and the emitter.
    override public function kill():Void
        emitting = false;
        _waitForKill = false;


     * Call this function to start emitting particles.
     * @param   Explode     Whether the particles should all burst out at once.
     * @param   Frequency   Ignored if `Explode` is set to `true`. `Frequency` is how often to emit a particle.
     *                      `0` = never emit, `0.1` = 1 particle every 0.1 seconds, `5` = 1 particle every 5 seconds.
     * @param   Quantity    How many particles to launch. `0` = "all of the particles".
     * @return  This `FlxEmitter` instance (nice for chaining stuff together).
    public function start(Explode:Bool = true, Frequency:Float = 0.1, Quantity:Int = 0):FlxTypedEmitter<T>
        exists = true;
        visible = true;
        emitting = true;

        _explode = Explode;
        frequency = Frequency;
        _quantity += Quantity;

        _counter = 0;
        _timer = 0;

        _waitForKill = false;

        return this;

     * This function can be used both internally and externally to emit the next particle.
    public function emitParticle():T
        var particle:T = cast recycle(cast particleClass);

        particle.reset(0, 0); // Position is set later, after size has been calculated

        particle.blend = blend;
        particle.immovable = immovable;
        particle.solid = solid;
        particle.allowCollisions = allowCollisions;
        particle.autoUpdateHitbox = autoUpdateHitbox;

        // Particle lifespan settings
        if (lifespan.active)
            particle.lifespan = FlxG.random.float(lifespan.min, lifespan.max);

        if (velocity.active)
            // Particle velocity/launch angle settings
            particle.velocityRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && !particle.velocityRange.start.equals(particle.velocityRange.end);

            if (launchMode == FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE)
                var particleAngle:Float = 0;
                if (launchAngle.active)
                    particleAngle = FlxG.random.float(launchAngle.min, launchAngle.max);

                // Calculate launch velocity
                _point = FlxVelocity.velocityFromAngle(particleAngle, FlxG.random.float(speed.start.min, speed.start.max));
                particle.velocity.x = _point.x;
                particle.velocity.y = _point.y;
                particle.velocityRange.start.set(_point.x, _point.y);

                // Calculate final velocity
                _point = FlxVelocity.velocityFromAngle(particleAngle, FlxG.random.float(speed.end.min, speed.end.max));
                particle.velocityRange.end.set(_point.x, _point.y);
                particle.velocityRange.start.x = FlxG.random.float(velocity.start.min.x, velocity.start.max.x);
                particle.velocityRange.start.y = FlxG.random.float(velocity.start.min.y, velocity.start.max.y);
                particle.velocityRange.end.x = FlxG.random.float(velocity.end.min.x, velocity.end.max.x);
                particle.velocityRange.end.y = FlxG.random.float(velocity.end.min.y, velocity.end.max.y);
                particle.velocity.x = particle.velocityRange.start.x;
                particle.velocity.y = particle.velocityRange.start.y;
            particle.velocityRange.active = false;

        // Particle angular velocity settings
        particle.angularVelocityRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && angularVelocity.start != angularVelocity.end;

        if (!ignoreAngularVelocity)
            if (angularAcceleration.active)
                particle.angularAcceleration = FlxG.random.float(angularAcceleration.start.min, angularAcceleration.start.max);

            if (angularVelocity.active)
                particle.angularVelocityRange.start = FlxG.random.float(angularVelocity.start.min, angularVelocity.start.max);
                particle.angularVelocityRange.end = FlxG.random.float(angularVelocity.end.min, angularVelocity.end.max);
                particle.angularVelocity = particle.angularVelocityRange.start;

            if (angularDrag.active)
                particle.angularDrag = FlxG.random.float(angularDrag.start.min, angularDrag.start.max);
        else if (angularVelocity.active)
            particle.angularVelocity = (FlxG.random.float(angle.end.min,
                angle.end.max) - FlxG.random.float(angle.start.min, angle.start.max)) / FlxG.random.float(lifespan.min, lifespan.max);
            particle.angularVelocityRange.active = false;

        // Particle angle settings
        if (angle.active)
            particle.angle = FlxG.random.float(angle.start.min, angle.start.max);

        // Particle scale settings
        if (scale.active)
            particle.scaleRange.start.x = FlxG.random.float(scale.start.min.x, scale.start.max.x);
            particle.scaleRange.start.y = keepScaleRatio ? particle.scaleRange.start.x : FlxG.random.float(scale.start.min.y, scale.start.max.y);
            particle.scaleRange.end.x = FlxG.random.float(scale.end.min.x, scale.end.max.x);
            particle.scaleRange.end.y = keepScaleRatio ? particle.scaleRange.end.x : FlxG.random.float(scale.end.min.y, scale.end.max.y);
            particle.scaleRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && !particle.scaleRange.start.equals(particle.scaleRange.end);
            particle.scale.x = particle.scaleRange.start.x;
            particle.scale.y = particle.scaleRange.start.y;
            if (particle.autoUpdateHitbox)
            particle.scaleRange.active = false;

        // Particle alpha settings
        if (alpha.active)
            particle.alphaRange.start = FlxG.random.float(alpha.start.min, alpha.start.max);
            particle.alphaRange.end = FlxG.random.float(alpha.end.min, alpha.end.max);
            particle.alphaRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && particle.alphaRange.start != particle.alphaRange.end;
            particle.alpha = particle.alphaRange.start;
            particle.alphaRange.active = false;

        // Particle color settings
        if (color.active)
            particle.colorRange.start = FlxG.random.color(color.start.min, color.start.max);
            particle.colorRange.end = FlxG.random.color(color.end.min, color.end.max);
            particle.colorRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && particle.colorRange.start != particle.colorRange.end;
            particle.color = particle.colorRange.start;
            particle.colorRange.active = false;

        // Particle drag settings
        if (drag.active)
            particle.dragRange.start.x = FlxG.random.float(drag.start.min.x, drag.start.max.x);
            particle.dragRange.start.y = FlxG.random.float(drag.start.min.y, drag.start.max.y);
            particle.dragRange.end.x = FlxG.random.float(drag.end.min.x, drag.end.max.x);
            particle.dragRange.end.y = FlxG.random.float(drag.end.min.y, drag.end.max.y);
            particle.dragRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && !particle.dragRange.start.equals(particle.dragRange.end);
            particle.drag.x = particle.dragRange.start.x;
            particle.drag.y = particle.dragRange.start.y;
            particle.dragRange.active = false;

        // Particle acceleration settings
        if (acceleration.active)
            particle.accelerationRange.start.x = FlxG.random.float(acceleration.start.min.x, acceleration.start.max.x);
            particle.accelerationRange.start.y = FlxG.random.float(acceleration.start.min.y, acceleration.start.max.y);
            particle.accelerationRange.end.x = FlxG.random.float(acceleration.end.min.x, acceleration.end.max.x);
            particle.accelerationRange.end.y = FlxG.random.float(acceleration.end.min.y, acceleration.end.max.y);
            particle.accelerationRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0
                && !particle.accelerationRange.start.equals(particle.accelerationRange.end);
            particle.acceleration.x = particle.accelerationRange.start.x;
            particle.acceleration.y = particle.accelerationRange.start.y;
            particle.accelerationRange.active = false;

        // Particle elasticity settings
        if (elasticity.active)
            particle.elasticityRange.start = FlxG.random.float(elasticity.start.min, elasticity.start.max);
            particle.elasticityRange.end = FlxG.random.float(elasticity.end.min, elasticity.end.max);
            particle.elasticityRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && particle.elasticityRange.start != particle.elasticityRange.end;
            particle.elasticity = particle.elasticityRange.start;
            particle.elasticityRange.active = false;

        // Set position
        particle.x = FlxG.random.float(x, x + width) - particle.width / 2;
        particle.y = FlxG.random.float(y, y + height) - particle.height / 2;

        // Restart animation
        if (particle.animation.curAnim != null)


        return particle;

     * Change the emitter's midpoint to match the midpoint of a `FlxObject`.
     * @param   Object   The `FlxObject` that you want to sync up with.
    public function focusOn(Object:FlxObject):Void

        x = _point.x - (Std.int(width) >> 1);
        y = _point.y - (Std.int(height) >> 1);

     * Helper function to set the coordinates of this object.
    public inline function setPosition(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0):Void
        x = X;
        y = Y;

    public inline function setSize(Width:Float, Height:Float):Void
        width = Width;
        height = Height;

    inline function get_solid():Bool
        return allowCollisions.has(ANY);

    function set_solid(Solid:Bool):Bool
        if (Solid)
            allowCollisions = ANY;
            allowCollisions = NONE;
        return Solid;
enum FlxEmitterMode