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package flixel.graphics.atlas;

import flixel.graphics.atlas.AtlasBase;

typedef AseAtlasBase<T> = AtlasBase<T> &
    var meta:AseAtlasMeta;

 * Metadata attached to aseprite's atlas json, containing info about how the .aseprite file was
 * set up.
typedef AseAtlasMeta =
    /** The app used to save the file, often https://www.aseprite.org/ */
    var app:String;
    /** The version of Aseprite used to export the json */
    var version:String;
    /** Usually "I8" */
    var format:String;
    /** The dimensions of the image file */
    var size:AtlasSize;
    /** Usually "1" */
    var scale:String;
     * The png file exported with this json, if one was
     * Note: Does not contain the relative filepath of that image (as of Aseprite 1.3-rc4)
    @:optional var image:String;
    /** A list of animation tags */
    @:optional var frameTags:Array<AseAtlasTag>;
    /** A list of rects, 9-slices and pivots used in the Aseprite file, to be used however you desire */
    @:optional var slices:Array<AseAtlasSlice>;
    /** A list of the layers used in the Aseprite file, to be used however you desire */
    @:optional var layers:Array<AseAtlasLayer>;

typedef AseAtlasArray = AseAtlasBase<Array<AseAtlasFrame>>;

typedef AseAtlasFrame = AtlasBase.AtlasFrame &

typedef AseAtlas = AseAtlasBase<HashOrArray<AseAtlasFrame>>;

typedef AseObject =
    /** The color used to display this object */
    @:optional var color:AseAtlasColor;
    /** A message attached to this object */
    @:optional var data:String;

 * Aseprite atlases use strings for colors (for some reason). This allows you to easily
 * convert to a more usable format.
abstract AseAtlasColor(String) to String
    /** Converts the underlying string to an actual color usable by flixel tools */
    public function toFlxColor()
        // Note: FlxColor.fromString has imports that don't work with macros (see https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel/issues/2893)
        return this == null ? null : Std.parseInt("0x" + this.substr(1));
    public function toString()
        return this;

 * Tags are Aseprite's animation labels. They define a range of frames that all pertain to a
 * certain animation.
typedef AseAtlasTag = AseObject &
    /** The name of this tag */
    var name:String;
    /** The tag's starting frame */
    var from:Int;
    /** The tag's ending frame */
    var to:Int;
    /** The tag's ending frame */
    var direction:AseAtlasTagDirection;
     * The number of times to repeat this animation before aseprite's timeline switched to the next one.
     * Note: Used by `FlxAseAtlasUtils` to determine whether an animation loops. Loops if `> 0`.
    @:optional var repeat:AseAtlasTagRepeat;

 * A string expected to always be a string with a valid int value (or null)
abstract AseAtlasTagRepeat(Null<String>) from Null<String> to Null<String>
     * Whether the underlying value indicates whether to loop this animation
    public var loops(get, never):Bool;
    inline function get_loops()
        return this == null || toInt() > 1;
    public inline function toInt()
        return Std.parseInt(this);

enum abstract AseAtlasTagDirection(String) to String
    var FORWARD = "forward";
    var REVERSE = "reverse";
    var PINGPONG = "pingpong";
    var PINGPONG_REVERSE = "pingpong_reverse";
    /** Whether this plays forward */
    public inline function isForward()
        return this == FORWARD || this == PINGPONG;
    /** Whether this plays in reverse */
    public inline function isReverse()
        return !isForward();
    /** Whether this animation plays back and forth */
    public inline function isPingPong()
        return this == PINGPONG || this == PINGPONG_REVERSE;

 * Aseprite atlases allow for the definition of rectangles that can change on various
 * frames of an animation.
 * Note: These values are not implemented, or understood by any of Flixel's tools, yet.
typedef AseAtlasSlice = AseObject &
    /** The name of this slice */
    var name:String;
    /** The "keyframes" where the slice changes properties */
    var keys:Array<AseAtlasSliceKey>;

 * The "keyframes" of a slice.
typedef AseAtlasSliceKey = AseObject &
    /** The frame that the slice changes properties */
    var frame:Int;
    /** The size and postion of the slice at this frame */
    var bounds:AtlasRect;
    /** The center rect of the 9-slice of this slice, if 9-slice is enabled */
    @:optional var center:AtlasRect;
    /** The pivot point of this slice */
    @:optional var pivot:AtlasPos;

typedef AseAtlasLayer = AseObject &
    /** The name of the layer */
    var name:String;
    /** The name of the parent layer */
    @:optional var group:String;
    /** Ranges from 0 to 0xFF (255) */
    @:optional var opacity:Int;
    /** The effect added to this layer to change how the colors blend with colors on lower layers */
    @:optional var blendMode:AseBlendMode;
     * Any info that was left on cels of this layer.
     * Note: While `data`, `color` and `zIndex` are optional, a cel should always have
     * at least one of them with a non-null value.
    @:optional var cels:Array<AseAtlasCel>;

 * Any data attached to this frame cel.
 * Note: These values are not implemented, or understood by any of Flixel's tools, yet.
typedef AseAtlasCel = AseObject &
    /** The frame number associated with this data */
    var frame:Int;
    /** The intended display z-index of this frame */
    @:optional var zIndex:Int;

 * The different types of blend modes offered by Aseprite's atlases.
 * Note: These values are not implemented, or understood by any of Flixel's tools, yet.
enum abstract AseBlendMode(String)
    var NORMAL = "normal";
    var DARKEN = "darken";
    var MULTIPLY = "multiply";
    var COLOR_BURN = "color_burn";
    var LIGHTEN = "lighten";
    var SCREEN = "screen";
    var COLOR_DODGE = "color_dodge";
    var ADDITION = "addition";
    var OVERLAY = "overlay";
    var SOFT_LIGHT = "soft_light";
    var HARD_LIGHT = "hard_light";
    var DIFFERENCE = "difference";
    var EXCLUSION = "exclusion";
    var SUBTRACT = "subtract";
    var DIVIDE = "divide";
    var HSL_HUE = "hsl_hue";
    var HSL_SATURATION = "hsl_saturation";
    var HSL_COLOR = "hsl_color";
    var HSL_LUMINOSITY = "hsl_luminosity";