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package flixel.graphics.atlas;

import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.geom.Point;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxAtlasFrames;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame.FlxFrameAngle;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxTileFrames;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets;
import flixel.util.FlxBitmapDataUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import openfl.geom.Matrix;

// TODO: rewrite this class again, since it's a total mess again.
// It needs better resize handling.

 * Class for packing multiple images in big one and generating frame data for each of them
 * so you can easily load regions of atlas in sprites and tilemaps as a source of graphic
class FlxAtlas implements IFlxDestroyable
    static var point:Point = new Point();
    static var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();

     * Default minimum size for atlases.
    public static var defaultMinSize:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(128, 128);

     * Default maximum size for atlases.
    public static var defaultMaxSize:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(1024, 1024);

     * Root node of the atlas.
    public var root(default, null):FlxNode;

     * Name of this atlas, used as a key in the bitmap cache.
    public var name(default, null):String;

    public var nodes(default, null):Map<String, FlxNode>;

     * `BitmapData` of this atlas, combines all images into a big one.
    public var bitmapData(default, set):BitmapData;

     * Graphic for this atlas.
    public var graphic(get, never):FlxGraphic;

     * Whether this atlas should stay in memory after state switch.
     * Default value if `false`.
    public var persist(default, set):Bool = false;

     * Offsets between nodes.
    public var border(default, null):Int = 1;

     * Total width of the atlas.
    public var width(get, set):Int;

     * Total height of the atlas.
    public var height(get, set):Int;

     * Minimum width for this atlas.
    public var minWidth(default, set):Int = 128;

     * Minimum height for this atlas
    public var minHeight(default, set):Int = 128;

     * Maximum width for this atlas.
    public var maxWidth(default, set):Int = 1024;

     * Maximum height for this atlas.
    public var maxHeight(default, set):Int = 1024;

     * Whether to allow image rotation for packing in atlas.
    public var allowRotation(default, null):Bool = false;

     * Whether the size of this atlas should be the power of 2 or not.
    public var powerOfTwo(default, set):Bool = false;

    var _graphic:FlxGraphic;

     * Internal storage for building atlas from queue
    var _tempStorage:Array<TempAtlasObj>;

     * Atlas constructor
     * @param   name         The name of this atlas. It will be used for caching `BitmapData` of this atlas.
     * @param   powerOfTwo   Whether the size of this atlas should be the power of 2 or not.
     * @param   border       Gap between nodes to insert.
     * @param   rotate       Whether to rotate added images for less atlas size.
     * @param   minSize      Min size of atlas.
     * @param   maxSize      Max size of atlas.
    public function new(name:String, powerOfTwo:Bool = false, border:Int = 1, rotate:Bool = false, ?minSize:FlxPoint, ?maxSize:FlxPoint)
        nodes = new Map<String, FlxNode>();
        this.name = name;
        this.powerOfTwo = powerOfTwo;
        this.border = border;

        minSize = (minSize != null) ? minSize : defaultMinSize;
        maxSize = (maxSize != null) ? maxSize : defaultMaxSize;

        this.minWidth = Std.int(minSize.x);
        this.minHeight = Std.int(minSize.y);
        this.maxWidth = (maxSize.x > minSize.x) ? Std.int(maxSize.x) : minWidth;
        this.maxHeight = (maxSize.y > minSize.x) ? Std.int(maxSize.y) : minHeight;
        this.allowRotation = rotate;



    function initRoot():Void
        var rootWidth:Int = minWidth;
        var rootHeight:Int = minHeight;

        if (powerOfTwo)
            rootWidth = getNextPowerOfTwo(rootWidth);
            rootHeight = getNextPowerOfTwo(rootHeight);

        root = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(0, 0, rootWidth, rootHeight), this);

     * Adds a new node to the atlas.
     * @param   Graphic   Image to store. Could be a `BitmapData`, `String`
     *                    (key from OpenFL's asset cache) or a `Class<Dynamic>`.
     * @param   Key       Image name, optional.
     *                    You can omit it if you pass `String` or `Class<Dynamic>` as a `Graphic` source.
     * @return  Newly created and added node, or `null` if there is no space for it.
    public function addNode(Graphic:FlxGraphicSource, ?Key:String):FlxNode
        var key:String = FlxAssets.resolveKey(Graphic, Key);

        if (key == null)
            #if FLX_DEBUG
            throw "addNode can't find the key for specified BitmapData. Please provide not null value as a Key argument.";
            return null;

        if (hasNodeWithName(key))
            return nodes.get(key);

        var data:BitmapData = FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData(Graphic);

        if (data == null)
            #if FLX_DEBUG
            throw "addNode can't find BitmapData with specified key: " + Graphic + ". Please provide valid value.";
            return null;

        // check if we can add nodes right into root
        if (root.left == null)
            return insertFirstNodeInRoot(data, key);

        if (root.right == null)
            return expand(data, key);

        // try to find enough empty space in atlas
        var inserted:FlxNode = tryInsert(data, key);
        if (inserted != null)
            return inserted;

        // if there is no empty space we need to wrap existing nodes and add new one on the right...
        return expand(data, key);

    function wrapRoot():Void
        var temp:FlxNode = root;
        root = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(0, 0, temp.width, temp.height), this);
        root.left = temp;

    function tryInsert(data:BitmapData, key:String):FlxNode
        var insertWidth:Int = data.width + border;
        var insertHeight:Int = data.height + border;

        var rotateNode:Bool = false;
        var nodeToInsert:FlxNode = findNodeToInsert(insertWidth, insertHeight);

        if (allowRotation)
            var nodeToInsertWithRotation = findNodeToInsert(insertHeight, insertWidth);

            if (nodeToInsertWithRotation != null)
                var nodeWithRotationArea:Int = nodeToInsertWithRotation.width * nodeToInsertWithRotation.height;

                if (nodeToInsert == null || (nodeToInsert != null && nodeToInsert.width * nodeToInsert.height > nodeWithRotationArea))
                    nodeToInsert = nodeToInsertWithRotation;
                    rotateNode = true;
                    var temp:Int = insertWidth;
                    insertWidth = insertHeight;
                    insertHeight = temp;

        if (nodeToInsert != null)
            var horizontally:Bool = needToDivideHorizontally(nodeToInsert, insertWidth, insertHeight);
            return divideNode(nodeToInsert, insertWidth, insertHeight, horizontally, data, key, rotateNode);

        return null;

    function needToDivideHorizontally(nodeToDivide:FlxNode, insertWidth:Int, insertHeight:Int):Bool
        var dw:Int = nodeToDivide.width - insertWidth;
        var dh:Int = nodeToDivide.height - insertHeight;

        return dw > dh; // divide horizontally if true, vertically if false

    function divideNode(nodeToDivide:FlxNode, insertWidth:Int, insertHeight:Int, divideHorizontally:Bool, ?firstGrandChildData:BitmapData,
            ?firstGrandChildKey:String, firstGrandChildRotated:Bool = false):FlxNode
        if (nodeToDivide != null)
            var firstChild:FlxNode = null;
            var secondChild:FlxNode = null;
            var firstGrandChild:FlxNode = null;
            var secondGrandChild:FlxNode = null;
            var firstGrandChildFilled:Bool = (firstGrandChildKey != null);

            if (divideHorizontally) // divide horizontally
                firstChild = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(nodeToDivide.x, nodeToDivide.y, insertWidth, nodeToDivide.height), this);

                if (nodeToDivide.width - insertWidth > 0)
                    secondChild = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(nodeToDivide.x + insertWidth, nodeToDivide.y, nodeToDivide.width - insertWidth,
                        nodeToDivide.height), this);

                firstGrandChild = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(firstChild.x, firstChild.y, insertWidth, insertHeight), this, firstGrandChildFilled,
                    firstGrandChildKey, firstGrandChildRotated);

                if (firstChild.height - insertHeight > 0)
                    secondGrandChild = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(firstChild.x, firstChild.y + insertHeight, insertWidth, firstChild.height - insertHeight),
            else // divide vertically
                firstChild = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(nodeToDivide.x, nodeToDivide.y, nodeToDivide.width, insertHeight), this);

                if (nodeToDivide.height - insertHeight > 0)
                    secondChild = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(nodeToDivide.x, nodeToDivide.y + insertHeight, nodeToDivide.width,
                        nodeToDivide.height - insertHeight), this);

                firstGrandChild = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(firstChild.x, firstChild.y, insertWidth, insertHeight), this, firstGrandChildFilled,
                    firstGrandChildKey, firstGrandChildRotated);

                if (firstChild.width - insertWidth > 0)
                    secondGrandChild = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(firstChild.x + insertWidth, firstChild.y, firstChild.width - insertWidth, insertHeight), this);

            firstChild.left = firstGrandChild;
            firstChild.right = secondGrandChild;

            nodeToDivide.left = firstChild;
            nodeToDivide.right = secondChild;

            // bake data in atlas
            if (firstGrandChildKey != null && firstGrandChildData != null)

                if (firstGrandChildRotated)
                    matrix.rotate(Math.PI / 2);
                    matrix.translate(firstGrandChildData.height + firstGrandChild.x, firstGrandChild.y);
                    bitmapData.draw(firstGrandChildData, matrix);
                    point.setTo(firstGrandChild.x, firstGrandChild.y);
                    bitmapData.copyPixels(firstGrandChildData, firstGrandChildData.rect, point);

                nodes.set(firstGrandChildKey, firstGrandChild);

            return firstGrandChild;

        return null;

    function insertFirstNodeInRoot(data:BitmapData, key:String):FlxNode
        if (root.left == null)
            var insertWidth:Int = data.width + border;
            var insertHeight:Int = data.height + border;

            var rootWidth:Int = insertWidth;
            var rootHeight:Int = insertHeight;

            if (powerOfTwo)
                rootWidth = getNextPowerOfTwo(rootWidth);
                rootHeight = getNextPowerOfTwo(rootHeight);

            rootWidth = (minWidth > rootWidth) ? minWidth : rootWidth;
            rootHeight = (minHeight > rootHeight) ? minHeight : rootHeight;

            if (powerOfTwo)
                rootWidth = getNextPowerOfTwo(rootWidth);
                rootHeight = getNextPowerOfTwo(rootHeight);

            if ((maxWidth > 0 && rootWidth > maxWidth) || (maxHeight > 0 && rootHeight > maxHeight))
                #if FLX_DEBUG
                throw "Can't insert node " + key + " with the size of (" + data.width + "; " + data.height + ") in atlas " + name
                    + " with the max size of (" + maxWidth + "; " + maxHeight + ") and powerOfTwo: " + powerOfTwo;
                return null;

            root.width = rootWidth;
            root.height = rootHeight;

            var horizontally:Bool = needToDivideHorizontally(root, insertWidth, insertHeight);
            return divideNode(root, insertWidth, insertHeight, horizontally, data, key);

        return null;

    function expand(data:BitmapData, key:String):FlxNode
        if (root.right == null)
            var insertWidth:Int = data.width + border;
            var insertHeight:Int = data.height + border;

            // helpers for making decision on how to insert new node
            var addRightWidth:Int = root.width + insertWidth;
            var addRightHeight:Int = Std.int(Math.max(root.height, insertHeight));

            var addBottomWidth:Int = Std.int(Math.max(root.width, insertWidth));
            var addBottomHeight:Int = root.height + insertHeight;

            var addRightWidthRotate:Int = addRightWidth;
            var addRightHeightRotate:Int = addRightHeight;

            var addBottomWidthRotate:Int = addBottomWidth;
            var addBottomHeightRotate:Int = addBottomHeight;

            if (allowRotation)
                addRightWidthRotate = root.width + insertHeight;
                addRightHeightRotate = Std.int(Math.max(root.height, insertWidth));

                addBottomWidthRotate = Std.int(Math.max(root.width, insertHeight));
                addBottomHeightRotate = root.height + insertWidth;

            if (powerOfTwo)
                addRightWidthRotate = addRightWidth = getNextPowerOfTwo(addRightWidth);
                addRightHeightRotate = addRightHeight = getNextPowerOfTwo(addRightHeight);
                addBottomWidthRotate = addBottomWidth = getNextPowerOfTwo(addBottomWidth);
                addBottomHeightRotate = addBottomHeight = getNextPowerOfTwo(addBottomHeight);

                if (allowRotation)
                    addRightWidthRotate = getNextPowerOfTwo(addRightWidthRotate);
                    addRightHeightRotate = getNextPowerOfTwo(addRightHeightRotate);
                    addBottomWidthRotate = getNextPowerOfTwo(addBottomWidthRotate);
                    addBottomHeightRotate = getNextPowerOfTwo(addBottomHeightRotate);

            // checks for the max size
            var canExpandRight:Bool = true;
            var canExpandBottom:Bool = true;

            var canExpandRightRotate:Bool = allowRotation;
            var canExpandBottomRotate:Bool = allowRotation;

            if ((maxWidth > 0 && addRightWidth > maxWidth) || (maxHeight > 0 && addRightHeight > maxHeight))
                canExpandRight = false;

            if ((maxWidth > 0 && addBottomWidth > maxWidth) || (maxHeight > 0 && addBottomHeight > maxHeight))
                canExpandBottom = false;

            if ((maxWidth > 0 && addRightWidthRotate > maxWidth) || (maxHeight > 0 && addRightHeightRotate > maxHeight))
                canExpandRightRotate = false;

            if ((maxWidth > 0 && addBottomWidthRotate > maxWidth) || (maxHeight > 0 && addBottomHeightRotate > maxHeight))
                canExpandBottomRotate = false;

            if (!canExpandRight && !canExpandBottom && !canExpandRightRotate && !canExpandBottomRotate)
                #if FLX_DEBUG
                throw "Can't insert node " + key + " with the size of (" + data.width + "; " + data.height + ") in atlas " + name
                    + " with the max size of (" + maxWidth + "; " + maxHeight + ") and powerOfTwo: " + powerOfTwo;
                return null; // can't expand in any direction

            // calculate area of result atlas for various cases
            // the case with less area will be chosen
            var addRightArea:Int = addRightWidth * addRightHeight;
            var addBottomArea:Int = addBottomWidth * addBottomHeight;

            var addRightAreaRotate:Int = addRightWidthRotate * addRightHeightRotate;
            var addBottomAreaRotate:Int = addBottomWidthRotate * addBottomHeightRotate;

            var rotateRight:Bool = false;
            var rotateBottom:Bool = false;
            var rotateNode:Bool = false;

            if ((canExpandRight && canExpandRightRotate && addRightArea > addRightAreaRotate) || (!canExpandRight && canExpandRightRotate))
                addRightArea = addBottomAreaRotate;
                addRightWidth = addRightWidthRotate;
                addRightHeight = addRightHeightRotate;
                canExpandRight = true;
                rotateRight = true;

            if ((canExpandBottom && canExpandBottomRotate && addBottomArea > addBottomAreaRotate)
                || (!canExpandBottom && canExpandBottomRotate))
                addBottomArea = addBottomAreaRotate;
                addBottomWidth = addBottomWidthRotate;
                addBottomHeight = addBottomHeightRotate;
                canExpandBottom = true;
                rotateBottom = true;

            if (!canExpandRight && canExpandBottom)
                addRightArea = addBottomArea + 1; // can't expand to the right
                rotateNode = rotateRight;
            else if (canExpandRight && !canExpandBottom)
                addBottomArea = addRightArea + 1; // can't expand to the bottom
                rotateNode = rotateBottom;

            var dataNode:FlxNode = null;
            var temp:FlxNode = root;
            var insertNodeWidth:Int = insertWidth;
            var insertNodeHeight:Int = insertHeight;

            // decide how to insert new node
            if (addBottomArea >= addRightArea) // add node to the right
                if (rotateRight)
                    insertNodeWidth = insertHeight;
                    insertNodeHeight = insertWidth;

                expandRoot(temp.width + insertNodeWidth, Math.max(temp.height, insertNodeHeight), true);
                dataNode = divideNode(root.right, insertNodeWidth, insertNodeHeight, true, data, key, rotateRight);
                expandRoot(addRightWidth, addRightHeight, false, true);
            else // add node at the bottom
                if (rotateBottom)
                    insertNodeWidth = insertHeight;
                    insertNodeHeight = insertWidth;

                expandRoot(Math.max(temp.width, insertNodeWidth), temp.height + insertNodeHeight, false);
                dataNode = divideNode(root.right, insertNodeWidth, insertNodeHeight, true, data, key, rotateBottom);
                expandRoot(addBottomWidth, addBottomHeight, false, true);

            return dataNode;

        return null;

    function expandRoot(newWidth:Float, newHeight:Float, divideHorizontally:Bool, decideHowToDivide:Bool = false):Void
        if (newWidth > root.width || newHeight > root.height)
            var temp:FlxNode = root;
            root = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight), this);

            divideHorizontally = decideHowToDivide ? needToDivideHorizontally(root, temp.width, temp.height) : divideHorizontally;

            divideNode(root, temp.width, temp.height, divideHorizontally);
            root.left.left = temp;

    function expandBitmapData():Void
        if (bitmapData != null && bitmapData.width == root.width && bitmapData.height == root.height)

        var newBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(root.width, root.height, true, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT);
        if (bitmapData != null)
            point.setTo(0, 0);
            newBitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData, bitmapData.rect, point);

        bitmapData = FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(bitmapData);
        bitmapData = newBitmapData;

    function getNextPowerOfTwo(number:Float):Int
        var n:Int = Std.int(number);
        if (n > 0 && (n & (n - 1)) == 0) // see: http://goo.gl/D9kPj
            return n;

        var result:Int = 1;
        while (result < n)
            result <<= 1;
        return result;

     * Generates a new `BitmapData` with spaces between tiles, adds this `BitmapData` to this atlas,
     * generates a `FlxTileFrames` object for the added node and returns it. Can be useful for tilemaps.
     * @param   Graphic        Source image for node, where spaces will be inserted
     *                        (could be a `BitmapData`, `String` or `Class<Dynamic>`).
     * @param   Key           Optional key for image
     * @param   tileSize      The size of tile in spritesheet
     * @param   tileSpacing   Offsets to add in spritesheet between tiles
     * @param   tileBorder    Border to add around tiles (helps to avoid "tearing" problem)
     * @param   region        Region of source image to use as a source graphic
     * @return  Generated `FlxTileFrames` for the added node
    public function addNodeWithSpacesAndBorders(Graphic:FlxGraphicSource, ?Key:String, tileSize:FlxPoint, tileSpacing:FlxPoint, ?tileBorder:FlxPoint,
        var key:String = FlxAssets.resolveKey(Graphic, Key);

        if (key == null)
            #if FLX_DEBUG
            throw "addNodeWithSpacings can't find the key for specified BitmapData." + " Please provide not null value as a Key argument.";
            return null;

        key = FlxG.bitmap.getKeyWithSpacesAndBorders(key, tileSize, tileSpacing, tileBorder, region);

        if (hasNodeWithName(key))
            return nodes.get(key).getTileFrames(tileSize, tileSpacing, tileBorder);

        var data:BitmapData = FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData(Graphic);

        if (data == null)
            #if FLX_DEBUG
            throw "addNodeWithSpacings can't find BitmapData with specified key: " + Graphic + ". Please provide valid value.";
            return null;

        var nodeData = FlxBitmapDataUtil.addSpacesAndBorders(data, tileSize, tileSpacing, tileBorder, region);
        var node:FlxNode = addNode(nodeData, key);

        if (node == null)
            #if FLX_DEBUG
            throw "addNodeWithSpacings can't insert provided image: " + Graphic + ") in atlas. It's probably too big.";
            return null;

        if (tileBorder != null)
            tileSize.add(2 * tileBorder.x, 2 * tileBorder.y);

        return node.getTileFrames(tileSize, tileSpacing, tileBorder);

     * Gets the `FlxAtlasFrames` object for this atlas.
     * It caches graphic of this atlas and generates `FlxAtlasFrames` if it doesn't exist yet.
     * @return `FlxAtlasFrames` for this atlas
    public function getAtlasFrames():FlxAtlasFrames
        var graph:FlxGraphic = this.graphic;

        var atlasFrames:FlxAtlasFrames = graph.atlasFrames;
        if (graph.atlasFrames == null)
            atlasFrames = new FlxAtlasFrames(graph);

        for (node in nodes)

        return atlasFrames;

    function addNodeToAtlasFrames(node:FlxNode):Void
        if (_graphic == null || _graphic.atlasFrames == null || node == null)

        var atlasFrames:FlxAtlasFrames = _graphic.atlasFrames;

        if (node.filled && !atlasFrames.exists(node.key))
            var frame:FlxRect = FlxRect.get(node.x, node.y, node.width - border, node.height - border);
            var sourceSize:FlxPoint = node.rotated ? FlxPoint.get(node.height - border,
                node.width - border) : FlxPoint.get(node.width - border, node.height - border);
            var offset = FlxPoint.get(0, 0);
            var angle:FlxFrameAngle = node.rotated ? FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_NEG_90 : FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_0;
            atlasFrames.addAtlasFrame(frame, sourceSize, offset, node.key, angle);

     * Checks if the atlas already contains node with the same name.
     * @param   nodeName   Node name to check.
     * @return  `true` if atlas already contains node with the name.
    public function hasNodeWithName(nodeName:String):Bool
        return nodes.exists(nodeName);

     * Gets a node by it's name.
     * @param   key   Node name to search for.
     * @return  node with searched name. `null` if atlas doesn't contain any node with that name.
    public function getNode(key:String):FlxNode
        return nodes.get(key);

     * Optimized version of method for adding multiple nodes to atlas.
     * Uses less of the atlas' area (it sorts images by the size before adding them to atlas).
     * @param   bitmaps   `BitmapData`'s to insert
     * @param   keys      Names of these `BitmapData` objects.
     * @return  `this` `FlxAtlas`
    public function addNodes(bitmaps:Array<BitmapData>, keys:Array<String>):FlxAtlas
        var numKeys:Int = keys.length;
        var numBitmaps:Int = bitmaps.length;

        if (numBitmaps != numKeys)
            #if FLX_DEBUG
            throw "The number of bitmaps (" + numBitmaps + ") should be equal to number of keys (" + numKeys + ")";
            return null;

        _tempStorage = new Array<TempAtlasObj>();
        for (i in 0...numBitmaps)
            _tempStorage.push({bmd: bitmaps[i], keyStr: keys[i]});

        return this;

    function addFromAtlasObjects(objects:Array<TempAtlasObj>):Void
        var numBitmaps:Int = objects.length;

        for (i in 0...numBitmaps)
            addNode(objects[i].bmd, objects[i].keyStr);

        _tempStorage = null;

     * Internal method for sorting bitmaps
    function bitmapSorter(obj1:TempAtlasObj, obj2:TempAtlasObj):Int
        if (allowRotation)
            var area1:Int = obj1.bmd.width * obj1.bmd.height;
            var area2:Int = obj2.bmd.width * obj2.bmd.height;
            return area2 - area1;

        if (obj2.bmd.width == obj1.bmd.width)
            return obj2.bmd.height - obj1.bmd.height;

        return obj2.bmd.width - obj1.bmd.width;

     * Creates a new "queue" for adding new nodes.
     * This method should be used with the `addToQueue()` and `generateFromQueue()` methods:
     * - first, you create queue, like `atlas.createQueue()`;
     * - second, you add several bitmaps to the queue: `atlas.addToQueue(bmd1, "key1").addToQueue(bmd2, "key2");`
     * - third, you actually bake those bitmaps onto the atlas: `atlas.generateFromQueue();`
    public function createQueue():FlxAtlas
        _tempStorage = new Array<TempAtlasObj>();
        return this;

     * Adds new object to queue for later creation of new node
     * @param   data   `BitmapData` to bake on atlas
     * @param   key    "name" of the `BitmapData`. You'll use it as a key for accessing the created node.
    public function addToQueue(data:BitmapData, key:String):FlxAtlas
        if (_tempStorage == null)
            _tempStorage = new Array<TempAtlasObj>();

        _tempStorage.push({bmd: data, keyStr: key});
        return this;

     * Adds all objects in "queue" to existing atlas. Doesn't remove any nodes.
    public function generateFromQueue():FlxAtlas
        if (_tempStorage != null)

        return this;

    function onClear(_):Void
        if (!persist || (_graphic != null && _graphic.useCount <= 0))

     * Destroys the atlas. Use only if you want to clear memory and don't need this atlas anymore,
     * since it disposes the `BitmapData` and removes it from the cache.
    public function destroy():Void
        _tempStorage = null;
        root = null;
        bitmapData = null;
        nodes = null;
        _graphic = null;


     * Clears all data in atlas. Use it when you want reuse this atlas.
     * WARNING: it will destroy the graphic of this image, so you can get
     * null pointer exceptions if you're still using it for your sprites.
    public function clear():Void
        bitmapData = null;
        nodes = new Map<String, FlxNode>();
        _graphic = null;

     * Returns atlas data in LibGdx packer format.
    public function getLibGdxData():String
        var data:String = "\n";
        data += name + "\n";
        data += "format: RGBA8888\n";
        data += "filter: Linear,Linear\n";
        data += "repeat: none\n";

        for (node in nodes)
            data += node.key + "\n";
            data += "  rotate: " + node.rotated + "\n";
            data += "  xy: " + node.x + ", " + node.y + "\n";

            if (allowRotation)
                data += "size: " + node.height + ", " + node.width + "\n";
                data += "orig: " + node.height + ", " + node.width + "\n";
                data += "size: " + node.width + ", " + node.height + "\n";
                data += "orig: " + node.width + ", " + node.height + "\n";

            data += "  offset: 0, 0\n";
            data += "  index: -1\n";

        return data;

    function deleteSubtree(node:FlxNode):Void
        if (node != null)
            if (node.left != null)
            if (node.right != null)

    // Internal iteration method
    function findNodeToInsert(insertWidth:Int, insertHeight:Int):FlxNode
        // Node stack
        var stack:Array<FlxNode> = new Array<FlxNode>();
        // Current node
        var current:FlxNode = root;

        var emptyNodes:Array<FlxNode> = new Array<FlxNode>();

        var canPlaceRight:Bool = false;
        var canPlaceLeft:Bool = false;

        var looping:Bool = true;

        var result:FlxNode = null;
        var minArea:Int = maxWidth * maxHeight + 1;
        var nodeArea:Int;

        // Main loop
        while (looping)
            // Look into current node
            if (current.isEmpty && current.canPlace(insertWidth, insertHeight))
                nodeArea = current.width * current.height;

                if (nodeArea < minArea)
                    minArea = nodeArea;
                    result = current;
            // Move to next node
            canPlaceRight = (current.right != null && current.right.canPlace(insertWidth, insertHeight));
            canPlaceLeft = (current.left != null && current.left.canPlace(insertWidth, insertHeight));
            if (canPlaceRight && canPlaceLeft)
                current = current.left;
            else if (canPlaceLeft)
                current = current.left;
            else if (canPlaceRight)
                current = current.right;
                if (stack.length > 0)
                    // Trying to get next node from the stack
                    current = stack.pop();
                    // Stack is empty. End of loop
                    looping = false;

        return result;

    function set_bitmapData(value:BitmapData):BitmapData
        // update graphic bitmapData
        if (value != null && _graphic != null)
            _graphic.bitmap = value;

        return bitmapData = value;

    function get_graphic():FlxGraphic
        if (_graphic != null)
            return _graphic;

        _graphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(bitmapData, false, name);
        _graphic.persist = persist;

        return _graphic;

    function set_persist(value:Bool):Bool
        if (_graphic != null)
            _graphic.persist = value;

        return persist = value;

    function set_minWidth(value:Int):Int
        if (value <= maxWidth)
            minWidth = value;
            if (value > width)
                width = value;

        return minWidth;

    function set_minHeight(value:Int):Int
        if (value <= maxHeight)
            minHeight = value;
            if (value > height)
                height = value;

        return minHeight;

    function get_width():Int
        if (root != null)
            return root.width;

        return 0;

    function set_width(value:Int):Int
        if (value > get_width())
            if (powerOfTwo)
                value = getNextPowerOfTwo(value);

            if (value <= maxWidth)
                if (root != null && root.width < value)
                    expandRoot(value, root.height, needToDivideHorizontally(root, root.width, root.height));

        return value;

    function get_height():Int
        if (root != null)
            return root.height;
        return 0;

    function set_height(value:Int):Int
        if (value > get_height())
            if (powerOfTwo)
                value = getNextPowerOfTwo(value);

            if (value <= maxHeight)
                if (root != null && root.height < value)
                    expandRoot(root.width, value, needToDivideHorizontally(root, root.width, root.height));

        return value;

    function set_maxWidth(value:Int):Int
        if (value >= minWidth && (root == null || value >= width))
            maxWidth = value;

        return maxWidth;

    function set_maxHeight(value:Int):Int
        if (value >= minHeight && (root == null || value >= height))
            maxHeight = value;

        return maxHeight;

    function set_powerOfTwo(value:Bool):Bool
        if (value != powerOfTwo && value && root != null)
            var nextWidth:Int = getNextPowerOfTwo(root.width);
            var nextHeight:Int = getNextPowerOfTwo(root.height);

            if (nextWidth != root.width || nextHeight != root.height) // need to resize atlas
                if ((maxWidth > 0 && nextWidth > maxWidth) || (maxHeight > 0 && nextHeight > maxHeight))
                    #if FLX_DEBUG
                    throw "Can't set powerOfTwo property to true," + " since it requires to increase atlas size which is bigger that max size";
                    return false;

                var temp:FlxNode = root;
                root = new FlxNode(FlxRect.get(0, 0, nextWidth, nextHeight), this);

                if (temp.left != null) // this means that atlas isn't empty and we need to resize it's BitmapData
                    divideNode(root, temp.width, temp.height, needToDivideHorizontally(root, temp.width, temp.height));
                    root.left.left = temp;

        return powerOfTwo = value;

private typedef TempAtlasObj =
    public var bmd:BitmapData;
    public var keyStr:String;