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package flixel.graphics.atlas;

import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxImageFrame;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxTileFrames;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil.IFlxDestroyable;

 * Atlas node holds information about image on Atlas.
 * Plus it have few methods for easy frame data generation,
 * which can be loaded in sprites and in tilemaps.
class FlxNode implements IFlxDestroyable
     * Left child of this node.
    public var left:FlxNode;

     * Right child of this node.
    public var right:FlxNode;

     * Region of the atlas which this node holds, includes spacings between nodes.
    public var rect:FlxRect;

     * The "name" of this node. You can get access to this node with it:
     * `atlas.getNode(key);`
    public var key:String;

     * Logical flag showing whether this node has an image in it or not.
    public var filled(default, null):Bool;

     * Atlas object which contains this node.
    public var atlas:FlxAtlas;

     * The x coordinate of the top-left corner of this node.
    public var x(get, never):Int;

     * The y coordinate of the top-left corner of this node.
    public var y(get, never):Int;

     * The width of this node.
    public var width(get, set):Int;

     * The height of this node.
    public var height(get, set):Int;

     * Logical flag, showing whether this node have any child nodes or image in it.
    public var isEmpty(get, never):Bool;

    public var rotated(default, null):Bool;

     * Node constructor
     * @param   rect     Region of atlas this node holds.
     * @param   atlas    Atlas this node belongs to.
     * @param   filled   Whether this node contains image or not.
     * @param   key      The name of image in this node, and the name of this node.
    public function new(rect:FlxRect, atlas:FlxAtlas, filled:Bool = false, key:String = "", rotated:Bool = false)
        this.filled = filled;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
        this.rect = rect;
        this.key = key;
        this.atlas = atlas;
        this.rotated = rotated;

    public inline function destroy():Void
        key = null;
        left = null;
        right = null;
        rect = null;
        atlas = null;

     * Whether we place node with specified width and height in this node.
    public inline function canPlace(width:Int, height:Int):Bool
        return rect.width >= width && rect.height >= height;

     * Generates TileFrames object for this node
     * @param   tileSize      The size of tile in spritesheet.
     * @param   tileSpacing   Offsets between tiles in spritesheet.
     * @param   tileBorder    Border to add around tiles (helps to avoid "tearing" problem).
     * @return  Created TileFrames object for this node.
    public function getTileFrames(tileSize:FlxPoint, ?tileSpacing:FlxPoint, ?tileBorder:FlxPoint):FlxTileFrames
        FlxG.bitmap.add(atlas.bitmapData, false, atlas.name);
        var frame:FlxFrame = atlas.getAtlasFrames().getByName(key);

        if (frame != null)
            var tileFrames:FlxTileFrames = FlxTileFrames.fromFrame(frame, tileSize, tileSpacing);
            if (tileBorder != null)
                tileFrames = tileFrames.addBorder(tileBorder);
            return tileFrames;

        return null;

     * Generates a `FlxImageFrame` object for this node.
     * @return  `FlxImageFrame` for the whole node
    public function getImageFrame():FlxImageFrame
        FlxG.bitmap.add(atlas.bitmapData, false, atlas.name);
        var frame = atlas.getAtlasFrames().getByName(key);

        if (frame != null)
            return FlxImageFrame.fromFrame(frame);

        return null;

    inline function get_isEmpty():Bool
        return !filled && left == null && right == null;

    inline function get_x():Int
        return Std.int(rect.x);

    inline function get_y():Int
        return Std.int(rect.y);

    inline function get_width():Int
        return Std.int(rect.width);

    function set_width(value:Int):Int
        rect.width = value;
        return value;

    inline function get_height():Int
        return Std.int(rect.height);

    function set_height(value:Int):Int
        rect.height = value;
        return value;