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package flixel.graphics.frames;

import flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic;
import flixel.graphics.atlas.AtlasBase;
import flixel.graphics.atlas.TexturePackerAtlas;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFramesCollection;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets;
import haxe.xml.Access;
import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.geom.Rectangle;

 * Atlas frames collection. It makes possible to use texture atlases in Flixel.
 * Plus it contains few packer parser methods for most commonly used atlas formats.
class FlxAtlasFrames extends FlxFramesCollection
    var usedGraphics:Array<FlxGraphic> = [];
    public function new(parent:FlxGraphic, ?border:FlxPoint)
        super(parent, FlxFrameCollectionType.ATLAS, border);
    override function destroy()
        while (usedGraphics.length > 0)

     * Parsing method for atlases generated from Aseprite's JSON export options. Note that Aseprite
     * and Texture Packer use the same JSON format, however this method honors frames' `duration`
     * whereas `fromTexturePackerJson` ignores it by default (for backwrds compatibility reasons).
     * @param   source       The image source (can be `FlxGraphic`, `String`, or `BitmapData`).
     * @param   description  Contents of JSON file with atlas description.
     *                       You can get it with `Assets.getText(path/to/description.json)`.
     *                       Or you can just a pass path to the JSON file in the assets directory.
     *                       You can also directly pass in the parsed object.
     * @return  Newly created `FlxAtlasFrames` collection.
     * @see [Exporting texture atlases with Aseprite](https://www.aseprite.org/docs/sprite-sheet/#texture-atlases)
    public static inline function fromAseprite(source:FlxGraphicAsset, description:FlxAsepriteJsonAsset):FlxAtlasFrames
        return fromTexturePackerJson(source, description, true);

     * Parsing method for TexturePacker atlases in JSON format.
     * @param   source            The image source (can be `FlxGraphic`, `String`, or `BitmapData`).
     * @param   description       Contents of JSON file with atlas description.
     *                            You can get it with `Assets.getText(path/to/description.json)`.
     *                            Or you can just a pass path to the JSON file in the assets directory.
     *                            You can also directly pass in the parsed object.
     * @param   useFrameDuration  If true, any frame durations defined in the JSON will override the
     *                            frameRate set in you `FlxAnimationController`.
     *                            Note: You can also use `fromAseprite` which uses duration.
     * @return  Newly created `FlxAtlasFrames` collection.
    public static function fromTexturePackerJson(source:FlxGraphicAsset, description:FlxTexturePackerJsonAsset, useFrameDuration = false):FlxAtlasFrames
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(source, false);
        if (graphic == null)
            return null;

        // No need to parse data again
        var frames:FlxAtlasFrames = FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic);
        if (frames != null)
            return frames;

        if (graphic == null || description == null)
            return null;

        frames = new FlxAtlasFrames(graphic);

        final data:TexturePackerAtlas = description.getData();
        // JSON-Array
        if (data.frames.isArray())
            for (frame in data.frames.toArray())
                texturePackerHelper(frame.filename, frame, frames, useFrameDuration);
        // JSON-Hash
            for (name=>frame in data.frames.toHash())
                texturePackerHelper(name, frame, frames, useFrameDuration);

        return frames;

     * Internal method for TexturePacker parsing. Parses the actual frame data.
     * @param   frameName   Name of the frame (file name of the original source image).
     * @param   frameData   The TexturePacker data excluding "filename".
     * @param   frames      The `FlxAtlasFrames` to add this frame to.
    static function texturePackerHelper(frameName:String, frameData:TexturePackerAtlasFrame, frames:FlxAtlasFrames, useFrameDuration = false):Void
        final rotated:Bool = frameData.rotated;
        var angle:FlxFrameAngle = FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_0;
        var frameRect:FlxRect = null;

        final frame = frameData.frame;
        if (rotated)
            frameRect = FlxRect.get(frame.x, frame.y, frame.h, frame.w);
            angle = FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_NEG_90;
            frameRect = FlxRect.get(frame.x, frame.y, frame.w, frame.h);

        final sourceSize = FlxPoint.get(frameData.sourceSize.w, frameData.sourceSize.h);
        final offset = FlxPoint.get(frameData.spriteSourceSize.x, frameData.spriteSourceSize.y);
        final duration = (useFrameDuration && frameData.duration != null) ? frameData.duration / 1000 : 0;
        frames.addAtlasFrame(frameRect, sourceSize, offset, frameName, angle, false, false, duration);

     * Parsing method for LibGDX atlases.
     * @param   source        The image source (can be `FlxGraphic`, `String` or `BitmapData`).
     * @param   description   Contents of the file with atlas description.
     *                        You can get it with `Assets.getText(path/to/description/file)`.
     *                        Or you can just pass path to the description file in the assets directory.
     * @return  Newly created `FlxAtlasFrames` collection.
    public static function fromLibGdx(source:FlxGraphicAsset, description:String):FlxAtlasFrames
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(source);
        if (graphic == null)
            return null;

        // No need to parse data again
        var frames:FlxAtlasFrames = FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic);
        if (frames != null)
            return frames;

        if ((graphic == null) || (description == null))
            return null;

        frames = new FlxAtlasFrames(graphic);

        if (Assets.exists(description))
            description = Assets.getText(description);

        var pack:String = StringTools.trim(description);
        var lines:Array<String> = pack.split("\n");

        // find the "repeat" option and skip unused data
        var repeatLine:Int = (lines[3].indexOf("repeat:") > -1) ? 3 : 4;
        lines.splice(0, repeatLine + 1);

        var numElementsPerImage:Int = 7;
        var numImages:Int = Std.int(lines.length / numElementsPerImage);

        for (i in 0...numImages)
            var curIndex = i * numElementsPerImage;

            var name = lines[curIndex++];
            var rotated = (lines[curIndex++].indexOf("true") >= 0);
            var angle = rotated ? FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_90 : FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_0;

            var tempString = lines[curIndex++];
            var size = getDimensions(tempString);

            var imageX = size.x;
            var imageY = size.y;

            tempString = lines[curIndex++];
            size = getDimensions(tempString);

            var imageWidth = size.x;
            var imageHeight = size.y;

            var rect = FlxRect.get(imageX, imageY, imageWidth, imageHeight);

            tempString = lines[curIndex++];
            size = getDimensions(tempString);

            var sourceSize = FlxPoint.get(size.x, size.y);

            tempString = lines[curIndex++];
            size = getDimensions(tempString);

            tempString = lines[curIndex++];
            var index = Std.parseInt(tempString.split(':')[1]);

            if (index != -1)
                name += '_$index';

            // this should be how it is, but libgdx's texture packer tool
            // currently outputs the offset from the bottom left, instead:
            // var offset = FlxPoint.get(size.x, size.y);
            // workaround for https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/issues/4288
            var offset = FlxPoint.get(size.x, sourceSize.y - size.y - imageHeight);
            frames.addAtlasFrame(rect, sourceSize, offset, name, angle);

        return frames;

     * Internal method for LibGDX atlas parsing. It tries to extract dimensions info from the specified string.
    static function getDimensions(line:String):{x:Int, y:Int}
        var colonPosition:Int = line.indexOf(":");
        var comaPosition:Int = line.indexOf(",");

        return {
            x: Std.parseInt(line.substring(colonPosition + 1, comaPosition)),
            y: Std.parseInt(line.substring(comaPosition + 1, line.length))

     * Parsing method for Sparrow texture atlases
     * (they can be generated with Shoebox http://renderhjs.net/shoebox/ for example).
     * @param   source  The image source (can be `FlxGraphic`, `String` or `BitmapData`).
     * @param   xml     Contents of the XML file with atlas description.
     *                  Can be a path to the XML asset, an XML string, or an `Xml` object.
     * @return  Newly created `FlxAtlasFrames` collection.
    public static function fromSparrow(source:FlxGraphicAsset, xml:FlxXmlAsset):FlxAtlasFrames
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(source);
        if (graphic == null)
            return null;
        // No need to parse data again
        var frames:FlxAtlasFrames = FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic);
        if (frames != null)
            return frames;

        if (graphic == null || xml == null)
            return null;

        frames = new FlxAtlasFrames(graphic);

        var data:Access = new Access(xml.getXml().firstElement());

        for (texture in data.nodes.SubTexture)
            if (!texture.has.width && texture.has.w)
                throw "Sparrow v1 is not supported, use Sparrow v2";
            var name = texture.att.name;
            var trimmed = texture.has.frameX;
            var rotated = (texture.has.rotated && texture.att.rotated == "true");
            var flipX = (texture.has.flipX && texture.att.flipX == "true");
            var flipY = (texture.has.flipY && texture.att.flipY == "true");

            var rect = FlxRect.get(Std.parseFloat(texture.att.x), Std.parseFloat(texture.att.y), Std.parseFloat(texture.att.width),
            var size = if (trimmed)
                FlxRect.get(Std.parseInt(texture.att.frameX), Std.parseInt(texture.att.frameY), Std.parseInt(texture.att.frameWidth),
                FlxRect.get(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);

            var angle = rotated ? FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_NEG_90 : FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_0;

            var offset = FlxPoint.get(-size.x, -size.y);
            var sourceSize = FlxPoint.get(size.width, size.height);

            if (rotated && !trimmed)
                sourceSize.set(size.height, size.width);

            // Prevents issues caused by adding frames of size 0
            if (rect.width == 0 || rect.height == 0)
                if (!trimmed)
                var frame = frames.addEmptyFrame(size);

                frame.name = name;

            frames.addAtlasFrame(rect, sourceSize, offset, name, angle, flipX, flipY);

        return frames;

     * Parsing method for TexturePacker atlases in generic XML format.
     * @param   source  The image source (can be `FlxGraphic`, `String` or `BitmapData`).
     * @param   xml     Contents of the XML file with atlas description.
     *                  Can be a path to the XML asset, an XML string, or an `Xml` object.
     * @return  Newly created `FlxAtlasFrames` collection.
    public static function fromTexturePackerXml(source:FlxGraphicAsset, xml:FlxXmlAsset):FlxAtlasFrames
        final graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(source, false);
        if (graphic == null)
            return null;

        // No need to parse data again
        var frames = FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic);
        if (frames != null)
            return frames;

        if (graphic == null || xml == null)
            return null;

        frames = new FlxAtlasFrames(graphic);

        final data = xml.getXml();

        for (sprite in data.firstElement().elements())
            var trimmed = (sprite.exists("oX") || sprite.exists("oY"));
            var rotated = (sprite.exists("r") && sprite.get("r") == "y");
            var angle = (rotated) ? FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_NEG_90 : FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_0;
            var name = sprite.get("n");
            var offset = FlxPoint.get(0, 0);
            var rect = FlxRect.get(Std.parseInt(sprite.get("x")), Std.parseInt(sprite.get("y")), Std.parseInt(sprite.get("w")), Std.parseInt(sprite.get("h")));
            var sourceSize = FlxPoint.get(rect.width, rect.height);

            if (trimmed)
                offset.set(Std.parseInt(sprite.get("oX")), Std.parseInt(sprite.get("oY")));
                sourceSize.set(Std.parseInt(sprite.get("oW")), Std.parseInt(sprite.get("oH")));

            frames.addAtlasFrame(rect, sourceSize, offset, name, angle);

        return frames;

     * Parsing method for Sprite Sheet Packer atlases (http://spritesheetpacker.codeplex.com/).
     * @param   Source        The image source (can be `FlxGraphic`, `String` or `BitmapData`).
     * @param   Description   Contents of the file with atlas description.
     *                        You can get it with `Assets.getText(path/to/description/file)`.
     *                        Or you can just pass a path to the description file in the assets directory.
     * @return  Newly created `FlxAtlasFrames` collection.
    public static function fromSpriteSheetPacker(Source:FlxGraphicAsset, Description:String):FlxAtlasFrames
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(Source);
        if (graphic == null)
            return null;

        // No need to parse data again
        var frames = FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic);
        if (frames != null)
            return frames;

        if (graphic == null || Description == null)
            return null;

        frames = new FlxAtlasFrames(graphic);

        if (Assets.exists(Description))
            Description = Assets.getText(Description);

        var pack = StringTools.trim(Description);
        var lines:Array<String> = pack.split("\n");

        for (i in 0...lines.length)
            var currImageData = lines[i].split("=");
            var name = StringTools.trim(currImageData[0]);
            var currImageRegion = StringTools.trim(currImageData[1]).split(" ");

            var rect = FlxRect.get(Std.parseInt(currImageRegion[0]), Std.parseInt(currImageRegion[1]), Std.parseInt(currImageRegion[2]),
            var sourceSize = FlxPoint.get(rect.width, rect.height);
            var offset = FlxPoint.get();

            frames.addAtlasFrame(rect, sourceSize, offset, name, FlxFrameAngle.ANGLE_0);

        return frames;

     * Returns the `FlxAtlasFrame` of the specified `FlxGraphic` object.
     * @param   graphic   `FlxGraphic` object to find the `FlxAtlasFrames` collection for.
     * @return  `FlxAtlasFrames` collection for the specified `FlxGraphic` object
     *          Could be `null` if `FlxGraphic` doesn't have it yet.
    public static function findFrame(graphic:FlxGraphic, ?border:FlxPoint):FlxAtlasFrames
        if (border == null)
            border = FlxPoint.weak();

        var atlasFrames:Array<FlxAtlasFrames> = cast graphic.getFramesCollections(FlxFrameCollectionType.ATLAS);

        for (atlas in atlasFrames)
            if (atlas.border.equals(border))
                return atlas;

        return null;

    override public function addBorder(border:FlxPoint):FlxAtlasFrames
        var resultBorder = FlxPoint.weak().addPoint(this.border).addPoint(border);
        var atlasFrames = FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(parent, resultBorder);
        if (atlasFrames != null)
            return atlasFrames;

        atlasFrames = new FlxAtlasFrames(parent, resultBorder);

        for (frame in frames)

        return atlasFrames;
     * Adds all ofthe frames from the specified collection
     * @param   collection     The frames to add. Note: calling destroy() on this collection
     *                         after it has been added can cause crashes.
     * @param   overwriteHash  If true, any new frames with matching names will replace old ones.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public function addAtlas(collection:FlxAtlasFrames, overwriteHash = false)
        for (frame in collection.frames)
            pushFrame(frame, overwriteHash);
        if (!usedGraphics.contains(collection.parent))
        return this;
     * Creates a new `FlxAtlasFrames` instance with all the frames from this and the desired instance.
     * Note: Calling `destroy` on either of these graphics after concatenating them may cause crashes
     * @param   collection     The other frames to add.
     * @param   overwriteHash  If true, any new frames with matching names will replace old ones.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public function concat(collection:FlxAtlasFrames, overwriteHash = false)
        final newCollection = new FlxAtlasFrames(parent);
        newCollection.addAtlas(this, overwriteHash);
        return this;

@:deprecated("Use TexturePackerAtlas instead")// 5.4.0
typedef TexturePackerObject = TexturePackerAtlas;
@:deprecated("Use TexturePackerAtlasFrame instead")// 5.4.0
typedef TexturePackerFrameData = TexturePackerAtlasFrame;
@:deprecated("Use AtlasRect instead")// 5.4.0
typedef TexturePackerFrameRect = AtlasRect;