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package flixel.graphics.frames;

import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame.FlxFrameAngle;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame.FlxFrameType;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxStringUtil;

 * Base class for all frame collections.
class FlxFramesCollection implements IFlxDestroyable
     * Array with all frames of this collection.
    public var frames:Array<FlxFrame>;

     * Number of frames in this collection.
    public var numFrames(get, never):Int;

     * Hash of frames for this frame collection.
     * Used only in `FlxAtlasFrames` and `FlxBitmapFont` (not implemented yet),
     * but you can try to use it for other types of collections
     * (give names to your frames).
    @:deprecated("`framesHash` is deprecated, use `getByName()` or `exists()`")
    public var framesHash(get, set):Map<String, FlxFrame>;
     * Hash of frames, by name, for this frame collection.
    var framesByName(default, null):Map<String, FlxFrame>;

     * Graphic object this frames belongs to.
    public var parent:FlxGraphic;

     * Type of this frame collection.
     * Used for faster type detection (less casting).
    public var type(default, null):FlxFrameCollectionType;

     * How much space was trimmed around the original frames.
     * Use `addBorder()` to add borders.
    public var border(default, null):FlxPoint;

    public function new(parent:FlxGraphic, ?type:FlxFrameCollectionType, ?border:FlxPoint)
        this.parent = parent;
        this.type = type;
        this.border = (border == null) ? FlxPoint.get() : border;
        frames = [];
        framesByName = new Map<String, FlxFrame>();

        if (parent != null)

     * Finds a frame in the collection by its name.
     * @param   name   The name of the frame to find.
     * @return  Frame with specified name (if there is one).
    public inline function getByName(name:String):FlxFrame
        return framesByName.get(name);
     * Whether the collection has frame with the specified name.
     * @param   name   The name of the frame to find.
     * @return  Whether the collection has frame with the specified name.
    public inline function exists(name:String):Bool
        return framesByName.exists(name);

     * Finds frame in frames array by its index.
     * @param   index   Index of the frame in the frames array.
     * @return  Frame with specified index in this frames collection (if there is one).
    public inline function getByIndex(index:Int):FlxFrame
        return frames[index];

     * Finds frame index by its name.
     * @param   name  Name of the frame.
     * @return  Index of the frame with specified name.
    public function getIndexByName(name:String):Int
        for (i in 0...frames.length)
            if (frames[i].name == name)
                return i;

        return -1;

     * Finds the index of the specified frame in the frames array.
     * @param   frame   Frame to find.
     * @return  Index of the specified frame.
    public inline function getFrameIndex(frame:FlxFrame):Int
        return frames.indexOf(frame);

    public function destroy():Void
        frames = FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(frames);
        border = FlxDestroyUtil.put(border);
        framesByName = null;
        parent = null;
        type = null;

     * Adds empty frame into this frame collection.
     * An empty frame is doing almost nothing for all the time.
     * @param   size   Dimensions of the frame to add.
     * @return  Newly added empty frame.
    public function addEmptyFrame(size:FlxRect):FlxFrame
        var frame = new FlxFrame(parent);
        frame.type = FlxFrameType.EMPTY;
        frame.frame = FlxRect.get();
        frame.sourceSize.set(size.width, size.height);
        return frame;

     * Adds new regular (not rotated) `FlxFrame` to this frame collection.
     * @param   region   Region of image which new frame will display.
     * @return  Newly created `FlxFrame` object for specified region of image.
    public function addSpriteSheetFrame(region:FlxRect):FlxFrame
        // Ensure region not a weak rect
        region = FlxRect.get().copyFrom(region);
        final frame = new FlxFrame(parent);
        frame.frame = checkFrame(region);
        frame.sourceSize.set(region.width, region.height);
        frame.offset.set(0, 0);
        return pushFrame(frame);

     * Adds new frame to this frame collection.
     * This method runs additional check, and can add rotated frames (from texture atlases).
     * @param   frame        Region of image.
     * @param   sourceSize   Original size of packed image
     *                       (if image had been cropped, then original size will be bigger than frame size).
     * @param   offset       How frame region is located on original frame image
     *                       (offset from top left corner of original image).
     * @param   name         Name for this frame (name of packed image file).
     * @param   angle        Rotation of packed image (can be `0`, `90` or `-90`).
     * @param   flipX        If packed image should be horizontally flipped.
     * @param   flipY        If packed image should be vertically flipped.
     * @param    duration     The duration of this frame in seconds. If 0, the anim controller will decide the duration.
     * @return  Newly created and added frame object.
    public function addAtlasFrame(frame:FlxRect, sourceSize:FlxPoint, offset:FlxPoint, ?name:String, angle:FlxFrameAngle = 0, flipX = false, flipY = false,
            duration = 0.0):FlxFrame
        if (name != null && exists(name))
            return getByName(name);

        var texFrame:FlxFrame = new FlxFrame(parent, angle, flipX, flipY, duration);
        texFrame.name = name;
        texFrame.sourceSize.set(sourceSize.x, sourceSize.y);
        texFrame.offset.set(offset.x, offset.y);
        texFrame.frame = checkFrame(frame, name);

        sourceSize = FlxDestroyUtil.put(sourceSize);
        offset = FlxDestroyUtil.put(offset);

        return pushFrame(texFrame);

     * Retrieves all frames with names starting with the specified prefix in an Array.
     * @param   prefix  The name prefix to look for.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public function getAllByPrefix(prefix:String)
        final list = new Array<FlxFrame>();
        forEachByPrefix(prefix, (frame)->list.push(frame), false);
        return list;
     * Calls the given function on each frame whose name matches the specified prefix.
     * Note: This method is inlined so that optimizations are made when a literal anonymous
     * functions or inlined functions are passed in, or when literal `false` is used for
     * `warnIfEmpty`. Meaning, this is often more performant than `getAllByPrefix`.
     * @param   prefix  The name prefix to look for.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public inline function forEachByPrefix(prefix:String, func:(FlxFrame)->Void, warnIfEmpty = true, ?warningMsg:String)
        var warn = warnIfEmpty;
        for (name => frame in framesByName)
            if (name.indexOf(prefix) == 0)
                warn = false;
        if (warn)
            FlxG.log.warn(warningMsg != null ? warningMsg : 'no frames found with the prefix "$prefix"');
     * Sets the target frame's offset to the specified values. This mainly exists because certain
     * atlas exporters don't give the correct offset. If no frame with the specified name exists,
     * a warning is logged.
     * @param   name     The name of the frame.
     * @param   offsetX  The new horizontal offset of the frame.
     * @param   offsetY  The new vertical offset of the frame.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public function setFrameOffset(name:String, offsetX:Float, offsetY:Float)
        if (exists(name))
            getByName(name).offset.set(offsetX, offsetY);
            FlxG.log.warn('No frame called $name');

     * Adjusts the target frame's offset by the specified values. This mainly exists because certain
     * atlas exporters don't give the correct offset. If no frame with the specified name exists,
     * a warning is logged.
     * @param   name     The name of the frame.
     * @param   offsetX  The horizontal adjustment added to the frame's current offset.
     * @param   offsetY  The vertical adjustment added to the frame's current offset.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public function addFrameOffset(name:String, offsetX:Float, offsetY:Float)
        if (exists(name))
            getByName(name).offset.add(offsetX, offsetY);
            FlxG.log.warn('No frame called $name');

     * Sets all frames with the specified name prefix to the specified offset. This mainly
     * exists because certain atlas exporters don't give the correct offset.
     * @param   prefix       The prefix used to determine which frames are affected.
     * @param   offsetX      The new horizontal offset of the frame.
     * @param   offsetY      The new vertical offset of the frame.
     * @param   warnIfEmpty  Whether to log a warning if no frames with the prefix are found.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public function setFramesOffsetByPrefix(prefix:String, offsetX:Float, offsetY:Float, warnIfEmpty = true)
        forEachByPrefix(prefix, (frame)->{ frame.offset.set(offsetX, offsetY); }, warnIfEmpty);

     * Adjusts all frames with the specified name prefix by the specified offset. This mainly
     * exists because certain atlas exporters don't give the correct offset.
     * @param   prefix       The prefix used to determine which frames are affected.
     * @param   offsetX      The horizontal adjustment added to the frame's current offset.
     * @param   offsetY      The vertical adjustment added to the frame's current offset.
     * @param   warnIfEmpty  Whether to log a warning if no frames with the prefix are found.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public function addFramesOffsetByPrefix(prefix:String, offsetX:Float, offsetY:Float, warnIfEmpty = true)
        forEachByPrefix(prefix, (frame)->{ frame.offset.add(offsetX, offsetY); }, warnIfEmpty);

     * Sets the target frame's offset to the specified values. This mainly exists because certain
     * atlas exporters don't give the correct offset. If no frame with the specified name exists,
     * a warning is logged.
     * @param   name      The name of the frame.
     * @param   duration  The new duration of the frame.
     * @since 5.3.0
    public function setFrameDuration(name:String, duration:Float)
        if (exists(name))
            getByName(name).duration = duration;
            FlxG.log.warn('No frame called $name');
     * Checks if frame's area fits into atlas image, and trims if it's out of atlas image bounds.
     * @param   frame   Frame area to check.
     * @param   name    Optional frame name for debugging info.
     * @return  Checked and trimmed frame rectangle.
    function checkFrame(frame:FlxRect, ?name:String):FlxRect
        var x:Float = FlxMath.bound(frame.x, 0, parent.width);
        var y:Float = FlxMath.bound(frame.y, 0, parent.height);

        var r:Float = FlxMath.bound(frame.right, 0, parent.width);
        var b:Float = FlxMath.bound(frame.bottom, 0, parent.height);

        frame.set(x, y, r - x, b - y);

        if (frame.width <= 0 || frame.height <= 0)
            FlxG.log.warn("The frame " + name + " has incorrect data and results in an image with the size of (0, 0)");

        return frame;

     * Helper method for a adding frame to the collection.
     * @param   frameObj       Frame to add.
     * @param   overwriteHash  If true, any new frames with matching names will replace old ones.
     * @return  Added frame.
    public function pushFrame(frameObj:FlxFrame, overwriteHash = false):FlxFrame
        final name:String = frameObj.name;
        if (name != null && exists(name) && !overwriteHash)
            return getByName(name);


        if (name != null)
            framesByName.set(name, frameObj);

        return frameObj;

     * Generates new frames collection from this collection but trims frames by specified borders.
     * @param   border   How much space trim around the frames.
     * @return  Generated frames collection.
    public function addBorder(border:FlxPoint):FlxFramesCollection
        throw "To be overriden in subclasses";
        return null;

    public function toString():String
        return FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([LabelValuePair.weak("frames", frames), LabelValuePair.weak("type", type)]);

    inline function get_numFrames():Int
        return frames.length;
    inline function get_framesHash()
        return framesByName;
    inline function set_framesHash(value)
        return framesByName = value;

 * An enumeration of all types of frame collections.
 * Added for faster type detection with less usage of casting.
enum FlxFrameCollectionType