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package flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont;

import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import haxe.io.BytesInput;
import openfl.utils.Assets;

using StringTools;

 * Used internally via `FlxBitmapFont.fromAngelCode` to serialize text, xml or binary files
 * exported from [BMFont](https://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/)
 * @since 5.6.0
 * @see [flixel.graphics.frames.FlxBitmapFont.fromAngelCode](https://api.haxeflixel.com/flixel/graphics/frames/FlxBitmapFont.html#fromAngelCode)
class BMFont
    public var info:BMFontInfo;
    public var common:BMFontCommon;
    public var pages:Array<BMFontPage>;
    public var chars:Array<BMFontChar>;
    public var kernings:Null<Array<BMFontKerning>> = null;
    function new(?info, ?common, ?pages, ?chars, ?kernings)
        this.info = info;
        this.common = common;
        this.pages = pages;
        this.chars = chars;
        this.kernings = kernings;
    public static function fromXml(xml:Xml)
        final main = new BMFontXml(xml);
        final info = BMFontInfo.fromXml(main.node.get("info"));
        final common = BMFontCommon.fromXml(main.node.get("common"));
        final pages = BMFontPage.listFromXml(main.node.get("pages"));
        final chars = BMFontChar.listFromXml(main.node.get("chars"));
        var kernings:Array<BMFontKerning> = null;
        if (main.hasNode("kernings"))
            kernings = BMFontKerning.listFromXml(main.node.get("kernings"));
        return new BMFont(info, common, pages, chars, kernings);
    public static function fromText(text:String)
        var info:BMFontInfo = null;
        var common:BMFontCommon = null;
        final pages = new Array<BMFontPage>();
        final chars = new Array<BMFontChar>();
        final kernings = new Array<BMFontKerning>();
        // we dont need these but they exists in the file
        // var charCount = 0;
        // var kerningCount = 0;
        final lines = text.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n').filter((line) -> line.length > 0);
        for (line in lines)
            final blockType = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(' '));
            final blockAttrs = line.substring(line.indexOf(' ') + 1);
            switch blockType
                case 'info': info = BMFontInfo.fromText(blockAttrs);
                case 'common': common = BMFontCommon.fromText(blockAttrs);
                case 'page': pages.push(BMFontPage.fromText(blockAttrs));
                // case 'chars': charCount = Std.parseInt(blockAttrs.split("=").pop());
                case 'char': chars.push(BMFontChar.fromText(blockAttrs));
                // case 'kernings': kerningCount = Std.parseInt(blockAttrs.split("=").pop());
                case 'kerning': kernings.push(BMFontKerning.fromText(blockAttrs));
        return new BMFont(info, common, pages, chars, kernings.length > 0 ? kernings : null);
     * @see https://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/doc/file_format.html#bin
    public static function fromBytes(bytes:Bytes)
        final bytes = new BytesInput(bytes);
        final expectedBytes = [66, 77, 70]; // 'B', 'M', 'F'
        for (b in expectedBytes)
            var testByte = bytes.readByte();
            if (testByte != b)
                throw 'Invalid binary .fnt file. Found $testByte, expected $b';
        var version = bytes.readByte();
        if (version < 3)
            FlxG.log.warn('The BMFont parser is made to work on files with version 3. Using earlier versions can cause issues!');
        var info:BMFontInfo = null;
        var common:BMFontCommon = null;
        var pages:Array<BMFontPage> = null;
        var chars:Array<BMFontChar> = null;
        var kerning:Array<BMFontKerning> = null;
        // parsing blocks
        while (bytes.position < bytes.length)
            final blockId:BMFontBlockId = bytes.readByte();
            switch blockId
                case INFO: info = BMFontInfo.fromBytes(bytes);
                case COMMON: common = BMFontCommon.fromBytes(bytes);
                case PAGES: pages = BMFontPage.listFromBytes(bytes);
                case CHARS: chars = BMFontChar.listFromBytes(bytes);
                case KERNING: kerning = BMFontKerning.listFromBytes(bytes);
        return new BMFont(info, common, pages, chars, kerning);
    public function initBitmapFont(font:FlxBitmapFont):FlxBitmapFont
        // how much to move the cursor when going to the next line.
        font.lineHeight = common.lineHeight;
        font.size = info.size;
        font.fontName = info.face;
        font.bold = info.bold;
        font.italic = info.italic;
        for (char in chars)
            final frame = FlxRect.get();
            frame.x = char.x; // X position within the bitmap image file.
            frame.y = char.y; // Y position within the bitmap image file.
            frame.width = char.width; // Width of the character in the image file.
            frame.height = char.height; // Height of the character in the image file.
            font.minOffsetX = (font.minOffsetX < -char.xoffset) ? -char.xoffset : font.minOffsetX;
            if (char.id == -1)
                throw 'Invalid font data!';
            font.addCharFrame(char.id, frame, FlxPoint.get(char.xoffset, char.yoffset), char.xadvance);
            if (char.id == FlxBitmapFont.SPACE_CODE)
                font.spaceWidth = char.xadvance;
                font.lineHeight = (font.lineHeight > char.height + char.yoffset) ? font.lineHeight : char.height + char.yoffset;
        if (kernings != null)
            for (kerning in kernings)
                font.addKerningPair(kerning.first, kerning.second, kerning.amount);
        return font;
    public static function parse(data:FlxAngelCodeAsset):BMFont
        return switch guessType(data)
            case TEXT(text): fromText(text);
            case XML(xml): fromXml(xml);
            case BINARY(bytes): fromBytes(bytes);
     * A helper function that helps determine the type of BMFont descriptor from either the path or content of the file
     * @param data The file path or the file content
     * @return BMFontFileType
    static function guessType(data:FlxAngelCodeAsset):BMFontFileType
        if (data is Xml)
            return XML(cast(data, Xml).firstElement());
        if (data is Bytes)
            final bytes:Bytes = cast data;
            if (isValidBytes(bytes))
                return BINARY(bytes);
            return detectFromText(bytes.toString());
        if (data is String)
            final dataStr:String = cast data;
            if (Assets.exists(dataStr))
                // dataStr is a file path
                final bytes = Assets.getBytes(dataStr);
                if(bytes == null)
                    return detectFromText(Assets.getText(dataStr));
                if (isValidBytes(bytes))
                    return BINARY(bytes);
                return detectFromText(bytes.toString());
                // dataStr is the content of a file as a string (can be xml or just plain text)
                return detectFromText(dataStr);
        throw 'Invalid FlxAngelCodeAsset: $data';
    static function safeParseXML(str:String)
        // for js, Xml.parse throws if str is not valid XML but on desktop it just returns null
        // This function will always return null if xml is invalid
            var xml = Xml.parse(str);
            return xml;
        catch (e:Dynamic)
            return null;

    static function detectFromText(text:String):BMFontFileType
        final xml = safeParseXML(text);
        if (xml != null && xml.firstElement() != null)
            return XML(xml.firstElement());
        return TEXT(text);
    static function isValidBytes(bytes:Bytes)
        final expected = [66, 77, 70]; // 'B', 'M', 'F'
        for (i in 0...expected.length)
            if (bytes.get(i) != expected[i])
                return false;
        return true;

private enum abstract BMFontBlockId(Int) from Int
    var INFO = 1;
    var COMMON = 2;
    var PAGES = 3;
    var CHARS = 4;
    var KERNING = 5;

private enum BMFontFileType