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package flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont;

import haxe.io.BytesInput;

 * Info data used internally via `FlxBitmapFont.fromAngelCode` to serialize text, xml or binary
 * files exported from [BMFont](https://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/)
 * @since 5.6.0
 * @see [flixel.graphics.frames.FlxBitmapFont.fromAngelCode](https://api.haxeflixel.com/flixel/graphics/frames/FlxBitmapFont.html#fromAngelCode)
class BMFontInfo
    /** font name */
    public var face:String;
    public var size:Int;
    public var bold:Bool;
    public var italic:Bool;
    public var charset:String;
    public var unicode:Bool;
    public var stretchH:Int;
    public var smooth:Bool;
    public var aa:Int;
    public var padding:BMFontPadding = {};
    public var spacing:BMFontSpacing = {};
    public var outline:Int = 0;
    public var fixedHeight:Bool = false;
    static function fromXml(infoNode:BMFontXml):BMFontInfo
        final info:BMFontInfo =
            face: infoNode.att.string("face"),
            size: infoNode.att.int("size"),
            bold: infoNode.att.boolSafe("bold", false),
            italic: infoNode.att.boolSafe("italic", false),
            smooth: infoNode.att.boolSafe("smooth", false),
            charset: infoNode.att.stringSafe("charset"),
            unicode: infoNode.att.boolSafe("unicode", false),
            stretchH: infoNode.att.intSafe("stretchH", 100),
            aa: infoNode.att.intSafe("aa", 1),
            outline: infoNode.att.intSafe("outline", 0),
            fixedHeight: infoNode.att.boolSafe("fixedHeight", false)
        if (infoNode.has("padding"))
            info.padding = BMFontPadding.fromString(infoNode.att.string("padding"));
        if (infoNode.has("spacing"))
            info.spacing = BMFontSpacing.fromString(infoNode.att.string("spacing"));
        return info;
    static function fromText(infoText:String):BMFontInfo
        var face:String = null;
        var size = -1;
        var bold = false;
        var italic = false;
        var smooth = false;
        var charset:String = null;
        var unicode = false;
        var stretchH = 100;
        var aa = 1;
        var padding = new BMFontPadding();
        var spacing = new BMFontSpacing();
        var outline = 0;
        var fixedHeight = false;
            function(key:String, value:String)
                switch key
                    case 'face': face = value;
                    case 'size': size = Std.parseInt(value);
                    case 'bold': bold = value != '0';
                    case 'italic': italic = value != '0';
                    case 'charset': charset = value;
                    case 'unicode': unicode = value != '0';
                    case 'stretchH': stretchH = Std.parseInt(value);
                    case 'smooth': smooth = value != '0';
                    case 'aa': aa = Std.parseInt(value);
                    case 'padding': padding = BMFontPadding.fromString(value);
                    case 'spacing': spacing = BMFontSpacing.fromString(value);
                    case 'outline': outline = Std.parseInt(value);
                    case 'fixedHeight': fixedHeight = value != '0';
            face: face,
            size: size,
            bold: bold,
            italic: italic,
            charset: charset,
            unicode: unicode,
            stretchH: stretchH,
            smooth: smooth,
            aa: aa,
            padding: padding,
            spacing: spacing,
            outline: outline,
            fixedHeight: fixedHeight
    static function fromBytes(bytes:BytesInput)
        final blockSize = bytes.readInt32();
        final size = bytes.readInt16();
        final bitField = bytes.readByte();
        final charsetByte = bytes.readByte();
        final fontInfo:BMFontInfo =
            size: size,
            smooth: (bitField & 0x80) != 0,
            unicode: (bitField & (0x80 >> 1)) != 0,
            italic: (bitField & (0x80 >> 2)) != 0,
            bold: (bitField & (0x80 >> 3)) != 0,
            fixedHeight: (bitField & (0x80 >> 4)) != 0,
            charset: charsetByte > 0 ? String.fromCharCode(charsetByte) : "",
            stretchH: bytes.readUInt16(),
            aa: bytes.readByte(),
            padding: BMFontPadding.fromBytes(new BytesInput(bytes.read(4))),
            spacing: BMFontSpacing.fromBytes(new BytesInput(bytes.read(2))),
            outline: bytes.readByte(),
            face: bytes.readString(blockSize - 14 - 1)
        bytes.readByte(); // skip the null terminator of the string
        return fontInfo;

class BMFontPadding
    public var up:Int = 0;
    public var right:Int = 0;
    public var down:Int = 0;
    public var left:Int = 0;
    public inline function new(up = 0, right = 0, down = 0, left = 0)
        this.up = up;
        this.right = right;
        this.down = down;
        this.left = left;
    public static inline function fromString(data:String):BMFontPadding
        final values = data.split(',');
            up: Std.parseInt(values[0]),
            right: Std.parseInt(values[1]),
            down: Std.parseInt(values[2]),
            left: Std.parseInt(values[3])
    public static inline function fromBytes(bytes:BytesInput):BMFontPadding
            up: bytes.readByte(),
            right: bytes.readByte(),
            down: bytes.readByte(),
            left: bytes.readByte()

class BMFontSpacing
    public var x:Int = 0;
    public var y:Int = 0;
    public inline function new(x = 0, y = 0)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    public static function fromString(data:String):BMFontSpacing
        final values = data.split(',');
        return { x: Std.parseInt(values[0]), y: Std.parseInt(values[1]) };
    public static inline function fromBytes(bytes:BytesInput):BMFontSpacing
        return { x: bytes.readByte(), y: bytes.readByte() };