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package flixel.group;

import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.group.FlxContainer;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup;
import flixel.group.FlxSpriteGroup;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;

 * `FlxSpriteContainer` is a special `FlxSprite` that can be treated like a single sprite even
 * if it's made up of several member sprites. It shares the `FlxGroup` API, but it doesn't inherit
 * from it. Note that `FlxSpriteContainer` is a `FlxSpriteGroup` but the group is a `FlxContainer`.
 * ## When to use a group or container
 * `FlxGroups` are better for organising arbitrary groups for things like iterating or collision.
 * `FlxContainers` are recommended when you are adding them to the current `FlxState`, or a
 * child (or grandchild, and so on) of the state.
 * Since `FlxSpriteGroups` and `FlxSpriteContainers` are usually meant to draw groups of sprites
 * rather than organizing them for collision or iterating, it's recommended to always use
 * `FlxSpriteContainer` instead of `FlxSpriteGroup`.
 * @since 5.7.0
typedef FlxSpriteContainer = FlxTypedSpriteContainer<FlxSprite>;

 * A `FlxSpriteContainer` that only allows specific members to be a specific type of `FlxSprite`.
 * To use any kind of `FlxSprite` use `FlxSpriteContainer`, which is an alias for
 * `FlxTypedSpriteContainer<FlxSprite>`.
 * @since 5.7.0
class FlxTypedSpriteContainer<T:FlxSprite> extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup<T>
    override function initGroup(maxSize):Void
        group = new SpriteContainer<T>(this, maxSize);
    override function draw():Void
        final oldDefaultCameras = FlxCamera._defaultCameras;
        if (_cameras != null)
            FlxCamera._defaultCameras = _cameras;
        FlxCamera._defaultCameras = oldDefaultCameras;
    @:deprecated("FlxSpriteContainer.group can not be set")
    override function set_group(value:FlxTypedGroup<T>):FlxTypedGroup<T>
        throw "FlxSpriteContainer.group cannot be set in FlxSpriteContainers";
    override function set_camera(value:FlxCamera):FlxCamera
        // Do not set children's cameras, this in no longer needed
        _cameras = value == null ? null : [value];
        return value;
    override function set_cameras(value:Array<FlxCamera>):Array<FlxCamera>
        // Do not set children's cameras, this in no longer needed
        return _cameras = value;

 * A special `FlxContainer` that shares mirrors the container information of it's
 * containing sprite.
private class SpriteContainer<T:FlxSprite> extends FlxTypedContainer<T>
    var parentSprite:FlxTypedSpriteContainer<T>;
    public function new (parent:FlxTypedSpriteContainer<T>, maxSize:Int)
        parentSprite = parent;
    override function get_container()
        return parentSprite.container;
    override function getCamerasLegacy()
        return (_cameras != null ? _cameras : parentSprite.getCamerasLegacy());
    override function getCameras()
        return (_cameras != null ? _cameras : parentSprite.getCameras());