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package flixel.input;

import openfl.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.input.FlxInput.FlxInputState;
import flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKey;

 * Keeps track of what keys are pressed and how with handy Bools or strings.
 * Automatically instatiated by flixel as a `FlxKeyboard` and accessed via `FlxG.keys`
 * or `FlxAndroidKeys` with `FlxG.android`.
 * Example: `FlxG.keys.justPressed.A`
class FlxKeyManager<Key:Int, KeyList:FlxBaseKeyList> implements IFlxInputManager
     * Whether or not keyboard input is currently enabled.
    public var enabled:Bool = true;

     * List of keys on which preventDefault() is called, useful on HTML5 to stop
     * the browser from scrolling when pressing the up or down key for example, or
     * on android to prevent the default back key action.
    public var preventDefaultKeys:Array<Key> = [];

     * Helper class to check if a key is pressed.
    public var pressed(default, null):KeyList;

     * Helper class to check if a key was just pressed.
    public var justPressed(default, null):KeyList;

     * Helper class to check if a key is released.
     * @since 4.8.0
    public var released(default, null):KeyList;

     * Helper class to check if a key was just released.
    public var justReleased(default, null):KeyList;

     * Internal storage of input keys as an array, for efficient iteration.
    var _keyListArray:Array<FlxInput<Key>> = [];

     * Internal storage of input keys as a map, for efficient indexing.
    var _keyListMap:Map<Int, FlxInput<Key>> = new Map<Int, FlxInput<Key>>();

     * Check to see if at least one key from an array of keys is pressed.
     * @param    KeyArray     An array of key names
     * @return    Whether at least one of the keys passed in is pressed.
    public inline function anyPressed(KeyArray:Array<Key>):Bool
        return checkKeyArrayState(KeyArray, PRESSED);

     * Check to see if at least one key from an array of keys was just pressed.
     * @param    KeyArray     An array of key names
     * @return    Whether at least one of the keys passed was just pressed.
    public inline function anyJustPressed(KeyArray:Array<Key>):Bool
        return checkKeyArrayState(KeyArray, JUST_PRESSED);

     * Check to see if at least one key from an array of keys was just released.
     * @param    KeyArray     An array of key names
     * @return    Whether at least one of the keys passed was just released.
    public inline function anyJustReleased(KeyArray:Array<Key>):Bool
        return checkKeyArrayState(KeyArray, JUST_RELEASED);

     * Get the ID of the first key which is currently pressed.
     * @return    The ID of the first pressed key or -1 if none are pressed.
    public function firstPressed():Int
        for (key in _keyListArray)
            if (key != null && key.pressed)
                return key.ID;
        return -1;

     * Get the ID of the first key which has just been pressed.
     * @return    The ID of the key or -1 if none were just pressed.
    public function firstJustPressed():Int
        for (key in _keyListArray)
            if (key != null && key.justPressed)
                return key.ID;
        return -1;

     * Get the ID of the first key which has just been released.
     * @return    The ID of the key or -1 if none were just released.
    public function firstJustReleased():Int
        for (key in _keyListArray)
            if (key != null && key.justReleased)
                return key.ID;
        return -1;

     * Check the status of a single of key
     * @param    KeyCode        KeyCode to be checked.
     * @param    Status        The key state to check for.
     * @return    Whether the provided key has the specified status.
    public function checkStatus(KeyCode:Key, Status:FlxInputState):Bool
        Note: switch(KeyCode) { case ANY: } causes seg faults with
        hashlink on linux. This should use ifs, until it is fixed.
        See: https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel/issues/2318
        if (KeyCode == FlxKey.ANY)
            return switch (Status)
                case PRESSED: pressed.ANY;
                case JUST_PRESSED: justPressed.ANY;
                case RELEASED: released.ANY;
                case JUST_RELEASED: justReleased.ANY;
        if (KeyCode == FlxKey.NONE)
            return switch (Status)
                case PRESSED: pressed.NONE;
                case JUST_PRESSED: justPressed.NONE;
                case RELEASED: released.NONE;
                case JUST_RELEASED: justReleased.NONE;
        if (_keyListMap.exists(KeyCode))
            return checkStatusUnsafe(KeyCode, Status);
        #if debug
        throw 'Invalid key code: $KeyCode.';
        return false;

     * Check the status of a single of key.
     * Throws errors on ANY, NONE or invalid keys.
     * Use `checkStatus`, for most cases.
     * @param KeyCode KeyCode to be checked.
     * @param Status  The key state to check for.
     * @return Whether the provided key has the specified status.
    function checkStatusUnsafe(KeyCode:Key, Status:FlxInputState)
        return getKey(KeyCode).hasState(Status);

     * Get an Array of Key that are in a pressed state
     * @return    Array of keys that are currently pressed.
    public function getIsDown():Array<FlxInput<Key>>
        var keysDown = new Array<FlxInput<Key>>();

        for (key in _keyListArray)
            if (key != null && key.pressed)
        return keysDown;

     * Clean up memory.
    public function destroy():Void
        _keyListArray = null;
        _keyListMap = null;

     * Resets all the keys.
    public function reset():Void
        for (key in _keyListArray)
            if (key != null)

    function new(createKeyList:FlxInputState->FlxKeyManager<Dynamic, Dynamic>->KeyList)
        FlxG.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
        FlxG.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp);

        pressed = createKeyList(FlxInputState.PRESSED, this);
        released = createKeyList(FlxInputState.RELEASED, this);
        justPressed = createKeyList(FlxInputState.JUST_PRESSED, this);
        justReleased = createKeyList(FlxInputState.JUST_RELEASED, this);

     * Updates the key states (for tracking just pressed, just released, etc).
    function update():Void
        for (key in _keyListArray)
            if (key != null)

     * Helper function to check the status of an array of keys
     * @param    KeyArray    An array of keys as Strings
     * @param    State        The key state to check for
     * @return    Whether at least one of the keys has the specified status
    function checkKeyArrayState(KeyArray:Array<Key>, State:FlxInputState):Bool
        if (KeyArray == null)
            return false;

        for (code in KeyArray)
            if (checkStatus(code, State))
                return true;

        return false;

     * Event handler so FlxGame can toggle keys.
    function onKeyUp(event:KeyboardEvent):Void
        var c:Int = resolveKeyCode(event);
        handlePreventDefaultKeys(c, event);

        if (enabled)
            updateKeyStates(c, false);

     * Internal event handler for input and focus.
    function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):Void
        var c:Int = resolveKeyCode(event);
        handlePreventDefaultKeys(c, event);

        if (enabled)
            updateKeyStates(c, true);

    function handlePreventDefaultKeys(keyCode:Int, event:KeyboardEvent):Void
        var key:FlxInput<Key> = getKey(keyCode);
        if (key != null && preventDefaultKeys != null && preventDefaultKeys.indexOf(key.ID) != -1)
            #if (html5 || android)

     * A Helper function to check whether an array of keycodes contains
     * a certain key safely (returns false if the array is null).
    function inKeyArray(KeyArray:Array<Key>, Event:KeyboardEvent):Bool
        if (KeyArray == null)
            return false;
            var code = resolveKeyCode(Event);
            for (key in KeyArray)
                if (key == code || key == -2)
                    return true;
        return false;

    function resolveKeyCode(e:KeyboardEvent):Int
        return e.keyCode;

     * A helper function to update the key states based on a keycode provided.
    inline function updateKeyStates(KeyCode:Int, Down:Bool):Void
        var key:FlxInput<Key> = getKey(KeyCode);

        if (key != null)
            if (Down)

    inline function onFocus():Void {}

    inline function onFocusLost():Void

     * Return a key from the key list, if found. Will return null if not found.
    inline function getKey(KeyCode:Int):FlxInput<Key>
        return _keyListMap.get(KeyCode);