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package flixel.input;

import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup.FlxTypedGroup;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.util.FlxStringUtil;

class FlxPointer
    public var x(default, null):Int = 0;
    public var y(default, null):Int = 0;

    public var screenX(default, null):Int = 0;
    public var screenY(default, null):Int = 0;

    var _globalScreenX:Int = 0;
    var _globalScreenY:Int = 0;

    static var _cachedPoint:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint();

    public function new() {}

     * Fetch the world position of the pointer on any given camera.
     * NOTE: x and y also store the world position of the pointer on the main camera.
     * @param     Camera    If unspecified, first/main global camera is used instead.
     * @param     point    An existing point object to store the results (if you don't want a new one created).
     * @return     The touch point's location in world space.
    public function getWorldPosition(?Camera:FlxCamera, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        if (Camera == null)
            Camera = FlxG.camera;
        if (point == null)
            point = FlxPoint.get();
        getScreenPosition(Camera, _cachedPoint);
        point.x = _cachedPoint.x + Camera.scroll.x;
        point.y = _cachedPoint.y + Camera.scroll.y;
        return point;

     * Fetch the screen position of the pointer on any given camera.
     * NOTE: screenX and screenY also store the screen position of the pointer on the main camera.
     * @param     Camera    If unspecified, first/main global camera is used instead.
     * @param     point        An existing point object to store the results (if you don't want a new one created).
     * @return     The touch point's location in screen space.
    public function getScreenPosition(?Camera:FlxCamera, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        if (Camera == null)
            Camera = FlxG.camera;
        if (point == null)
            point = FlxPoint.get();

        point.x = (_globalScreenX - Camera.x + 0.5 * Camera.width * (Camera.zoom - Camera.initialZoom)) / Camera.zoom;
        point.y = (_globalScreenY - Camera.y + 0.5 * Camera.height * (Camera.zoom - Camera.initialZoom)) / Camera.zoom;

        return point;

     * Fetch the screen position of the pointer relative to given camera's viewport.
     * @param     Camera        If unspecified, first/main global camera is used instead.
     * @param     point        An existing point object to store the results (if you don't want a new one created).
     * @return     The touch point's location relative to camera's viewport.
    public function getPositionInCameraView(?Camera:FlxCamera, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        if (Camera == null)
            Camera = FlxG.camera;

        if (point == null)
            point = FlxPoint.get();

        point.x = (_globalScreenX - Camera.x) / Camera.zoom + Camera.viewMarginX;
        point.y = (_globalScreenY - Camera.y) / Camera.zoom + Camera.viewMarginY;

        return point;

     * Returns a FlxPoint with this input's x and y.
    public function getPosition(?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        if (point == null)
            point = FlxPoint.get();
        return point.set(x, y);

     * Checks to see if some FlxObject overlaps this FlxObject or FlxGroup.
     * If the group has a LOT of things in it, it might be faster to use FlxG.overlaps().
     * WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks!
     * @param     ObjectOrGroup The object or group being tested.
     * @param     Camera Specify which game camera you want. If null getScreenPosition() will just grab the first global camera.
     * @return     Whether or not the two objects overlap.
    public function overlaps(ObjectOrGroup:FlxBasic, ?Camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        var result:Bool = false;

        var group = FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(ObjectOrGroup);
        if (group != null)
                if (overlaps(basic, Camera))
                    result = true;
            getWorldPosition(Camera, _cachedPoint);
            var object:FlxObject = cast ObjectOrGroup;
            result = object.overlapsPoint(_cachedPoint, true, Camera);

        return result;

     * Directly set the underyling screen position variable. WARNING! You should never use
     * this unless you are trying to manually dispatch low-level mouse / touch events to the stage.
    public inline function setGlobalScreenPositionUnsafe(newX:Float, newY:Float):Void
        _globalScreenX = Std.int(newX / FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x);
        _globalScreenY = Std.int(newY / FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y);


    public function toString():String
        return FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([LabelValuePair.weak("x", x), LabelValuePair.weak("y", y)]);

     * Helper function to update the cursor used by update() and playback().
     * Updates the x, y, screenX, and screenY variables based on the default camera.
    function updatePositions():Void
        getScreenPosition(FlxG.camera, _cachedPoint);
        screenX = Std.int(_cachedPoint.x);
        screenY = Std.int(_cachedPoint.y);

        getWorldPosition(FlxG.camera, _cachedPoint);
        x = Std.int(_cachedPoint.x);
        y = Std.int(_cachedPoint.y);