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package flixel.input.actions;

import flixel.input.FlxInput.FlxInputState;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxAction.FlxActionAnalog;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxAction.FlxActionDigital;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInput.FlxInputDevice;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInput.FlxInputType;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInputAnalog.FlxActionInputAnalogSteam;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInputAnalog.FlxAnalogState;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInputAnalog.FlxAnalogAxis;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInputDigital.FlxActionInputDigitalSteam;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionManager.ActionSetJson;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil.IFlxDestroyable;
import haxe.Json;
import steamwrap.data.ControllerConfig.ControllerActionSet;

using flixel.util.FlxArrayUtil;

 * @since 4.6.0
class FlxActionSet implements IFlxDestroyable
     * Name of the action set
    public var name(default, null):String = "";

     * This action set's numeric handle for the Steam API (ignored if not using Steam)
    public var steamHandle(default, null):Int = -1;

     * Digital actions in this set
    public var digitalActions(default, null):Array<FlxActionDigital>;

     * Analog actions in this set
    public var analogActions(default, null):Array<FlxActionAnalog>;

     * Whether this action set runs when update() is called
    public var active:Bool = true;

     * Create an action set from a steamwrap configuration file.
     * NOTE: no steam inputs will be attached to the created actions; you must call
     * attachSteamController() which will automatically add or remove steam
     * inputs for a particular controller.
     * This is unique to steam inputs, which cannot be constructed directly.
     * Non-steam inputs can be constructed and added to the actions normally.
     * @param    SteamSet    A steamwrap ControllerActionSet file (found in ControllerConfig)
     * @param    CallbackDigital    A function to call when digital actions fire
     * @param    CallbackAnalog    A function to call when analog actions fire
     * @return    An action set
    private static function fromSteam(SteamSet:ControllerActionSet, CallbackDigital:FlxActionDigital->Void, CallbackAnalog:FlxActionAnalog->Void):FlxActionSet
        if (SteamSet == null)
            return null;

        var digitalActions:Array<FlxActionDigital> = [];
        var analogActions:Array<FlxActionAnalog> = [];

        if (SteamSet.button != null)
            for (b in SteamSet.button)
                if (b == null)
                var action = new FlxActionDigital(b.name, CallbackDigital);
                var aHandle = FlxSteamController.getDigitalActionHandle(b.name);
                action.steamHandle = aHandle;
        if (SteamSet.analogTrigger != null)
            for (a in SteamSet.analogTrigger)
                if (a == null)
                var action = new FlxActionAnalog(a.name, CallbackAnalog);
                var aHandle = FlxSteamController.getAnalogActionHandle(a.name);
                action.steamHandle = aHandle;
        for (s in SteamSet.stickPadGyro)
            if (s == null)
            var action = new FlxActionAnalog(s.name, CallbackAnalog);
            var aHandle = FlxSteamController.getAnalogActionHandle(s.name);
            action.steamHandle = aHandle;

        var set = new FlxActionSet(SteamSet.name, digitalActions, analogActions);
        set.steamHandle = FlxSteamController.getActionSetHandle(SteamSet.name);

        return set;

     * Create an action set from a parsed Json object
     * @param    Data    A parsed Json object
     * @param    CallbackDigital    A function to call when digital actions fire
     * @param    CallbackAnalog    A function to call when analog actions fire
     * @return    An action set
    static function fromJson(Data:ActionSetJson, CallbackDigital:FlxActionDigital->Void, CallbackAnalog:FlxActionAnalog->Void):FlxActionSet
        var digitalActions:Array<FlxActionDigital> = [];
        var analogActions:Array<FlxActionAnalog> = [];

        if (Data == null)
            return null;

        if (Data.digitalActions != null)
            var arrD:Array<Dynamic> = Data.digitalActions;
            for (d in arrD)
                var dName:String = cast d;
                var action = new FlxActionDigital(dName, CallbackDigital);

        if (Data.analogActions != null)
            var arrA:Array<Dynamic> = Data.analogActions;
            for (a in arrA)
                var aName:String = cast a;
                var action = new FlxActionAnalog(aName, CallbackAnalog);

        if (Data.name != null)
            var name:String = Data.name;
            var set = new FlxActionSet(name, digitalActions, analogActions);
            return set;

        return null;

    public function toJson():String
        var space:String = "\t";
        return Json.stringify(this, function(key:Dynamic, value:Dynamic):Dynamic
            if ((value is FlxAction))
                var fa:FlxAction = cast value;
                return {
                    "type": fa.type,
                    "name": fa.name,
                    "steamHandle": fa.steamHandle
            return value;
        }, space);

    public function new(Name:String, ?DigitalActions:Array<FlxActionDigital>, ?AnalogActions:Array<FlxActionAnalog>)
        name = Name;
        if (DigitalActions == null)
            DigitalActions = [];
        if (AnalogActions == null)
            AnalogActions = [];
        digitalActions = DigitalActions;
        analogActions = AnalogActions;

     * Automatically adds or removes inputs for a steam controller
     * to any steam-affiliated actions
     * @param    Handle    steam controller handle from FlxSteam.getConnectedControllers(), or FlxInputDeviceID.FIRST_ACTIVE / ALL
     * @param    Attach    true: adds inputs, false: removes inputs
    public function attachSteamController(Handle:Int, Attach:Bool = true):Void
        attachSteamControllerSub(Handle, Attach, FlxInputType.DIGITAL, digitalActions, null);
        attachSteamControllerSub(Handle, Attach, FlxInputType.ANALOG, null, analogActions);

    public function add(Action:FlxAction):Bool
        if (Action.type == DIGITAL)
            var dAction:FlxActionDigital = cast Action;
            if (digitalActions.contains(dAction))
                return false;
            return true;
        else if (Action.type == ANALOG)
            var aAction:FlxActionAnalog = cast Action;
            if (analogActions.contains(aAction))
                return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    public function destroy():Void
        digitalActions = FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(digitalActions);
        analogActions = FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(analogActions);

     * Remove an action from this set
     * @param    Action a FlxAction
     * @param    Destroy whether to destroy it as well
     * @return    whether it was found and removed
    public function remove(Action:FlxAction, Destroy:Bool = true):Bool
        var result = false;
        if (Action.type == DIGITAL)
            result = digitalActions.remove(cast Action);
            if (result && Destroy)
        else if (Action.type == ANALOG)
            result = analogActions.remove(cast Action);
            if (result && Destroy)
        return result;

     * Update all the actions in this set (each will check inputs & potentially trigger)
    public function update():Void
        if (!active)
        for (digitalAction in digitalActions)
        for (analogAction in analogActions)

    function attachSteamControllerSub(Handle:Int, Attach:Bool, InputType:FlxInputType, DigitalActions:Array<FlxActionDigital>,
        var length = InputType == FlxInputType.DIGITAL ? DigitalActions.length : AnalogActions.length;

        for (i in 0...length)
            var action = InputType == FlxInputType.DIGITAL ? DigitalActions[i] : AnalogActions[i];

            if (action.steamHandle != -1) // all steam-affiliated actions will have this numeric ID assigned
                var inputExists = false;
                var theInput:FlxActionInput = null;

                // check if any of the steam controller inputs match this handle
                if (action.inputs != null)
                    for (input in action.inputs)
                        if (input.device == FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER && input.deviceID == Handle)
                            inputExists = true;
                            theInput = input;

                if (Attach)
                    // attaching: add inputs for this controller if they don't exist

                    if (!inputExists)
                        if (InputType == FlxInputType.DIGITAL)
                            DigitalActions[i].add(new FlxActionInputDigitalSteam(action.steamHandle, FlxInputState.JUST_PRESSED, Handle));
                        else if (InputType == FlxInputType.ANALOG)
                            AnalogActions[i].add(new FlxActionInputAnalogSteam(action.steamHandle, FlxAnalogState.MOVED, FlxAnalogAxis.EITHER, Handle));
                else if (inputExists)
                    // detaching: remove inputs for this controller if they exist